Who will be the next person to Main Event Wrestlemania for the first time?


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The last person to main event Wrestlemania was Edge I think at WM24 against Undertaker.

I think the next person to do it will be Sheamus and I can actually see it happening come next years' 'Mania against HHH maybe..?

Who do you think will be the next first timer?

I predict that this thread will be overwhelmed with The Miz :disappointed:
sheamus is a good pick. i love the miz but dont think he is ready to main event wrestlemania. sheamus is the only one i can see main eventing wrestlemania out of the rookies and also im talkin about wm28 or further on
Yeah, I really don't see The Miz... but then again, I'm confounded by the size of the push he's getting.

I'm getting off topic, Sheamus is a great prediction, but I'm gonna throw out CM Punk. It's pretty mind-boggling that he hasn't yet.
The last person to main event Wrestlemania was Edge I think at WM24 against Undertaker.

I think the next person to do it will be Sheamus and I can actually see it happening come next years' 'Mania against HHH maybe..?

Who do you think will be the next first timer?

I predict that this thread will be overwhelmed with The Miz :disappointed:

Well, you're right, the Miz would definitely be my pick. Say whatever you want about the guy but there aren't too many people out there that are as over as the Miz is currently. Right now he has the MITB so they may be waiting to use it at Wrestlemania so the Miz can main event it.

Sheamus may be champ, but he is no where NEAR the level the Miz is right now, Sheamus can't compare to the Miz when it comes to crowd reaction and not only that, people are still accepting Sheamus as a main eventer because he got pushed too quickly, personally I don't think he's established enough to be a true main eventer.

Like it or not the Miz IS THE FUTURE of the WWE, he will be the next top guy, he's already being groomed for that top spot and he's currently proving that he CAN be a main eventer, the guy has done nothing but improve and by Wrestlemania time he'll be ready. That doesn't mean he WILL main event this years Wrestlemania, but he'll be ready. Personally, I think he's ready now.
I'll go with Kane I don't believe he's ever Main Evented and with a feud against The Undertaker who's streak is the main event 2/4 times I believe either him or the Celtic Warrior Sheamus and maybe by just a little inch of a chance.

1. Kane

2. Sheamus already a Two Time World Champion if Triple H is coming later then what they say they can have a WM Feud for the World Title which could be the main event.

3. CM Punk It boggles my mind that he hasn't already atleast in a triple threat.

4. The Miz I don't see things in his future but honestly WWE seems ready to push him to the moon.
I gotta go with Sheamus. I WANT Miz in there, but I'm afraid if they throw him in the Main Event at WM too soon, they could kill his momentum. I'd like to see him AT WM, but not main eventing just yet.

Sheamus/HHH should be a decent feud. I also see a Kane/Taker match coming our way. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see Punk work his way onto the card in singles competition at a higher level. The SES is showing signs of collapse, so it's just a matter of time until he's on his own chasing down his title once more.
Sheamus is a great pick for a 1st time headliner. He's done more in his time there than anyone else ever did. I would really like to see the Miz though. He's come such a long way from tv star to superstar. What WWE needs to do is have Miz and Sheamus main event/Co main event wrestlemania against one another.
I think the first thing we have to establish is "What exactly is the 'Main Event' at WM?"

I mean, is it the last match on the card? Did Taker/HBK 'Main Event' Mania? If so, how can a non-title match be deemed the main event when you have 2 world title matches on the same card?

Now I understand HBK/Taker may be seen as a 'one off', but still... Anyway, assuming the main event is a title match, I would say there are a few contenders:

The Miz - Perhaps not yet ready to main event a mania, yet if he cashes in and becomes a world champ soon there are plenty of ppv's between now and then to take him to that level.

Sheamus - I guess the obvious choice, 2x champ, can work a good match, has genuine heat. He would be a good pick.

Kane - Sorry but I don't see it unless it's another 'one off' with taker in a non-title match.

My pick would have to go to Sheamus, but you never know what could happen between now and then.. Hell, we could end up seeing a guy like Kofi, Danielson, McIntyre, Zigger, Morrison, Barrett, DiBiase end up there (I've probably just listed the money in the bank participants - assuming there with still be one).

"Anything can happen in the WWE"
Miz WILL one day. But, I think Sheamus is a solid pick to do it first.

Orton and Cena will be around for years to come, and will remain HUGE! So, when the biggest show of them all rolls around, it would be hard to imagine them not still being Main Event go to guys. So that takes up 2 spots around The Title Picture, for a long time. And one of the 2 titles is always the final true MAIN EVENT MATCH!

But CM Punk is a Wild Card. He at any time could be thrust back into the Main Event. So it could very well happen around WM time at any year.
I predict that this thread will be overwhelmed with The Miz

Well sorry to dissapoint but I am going to choose...the Miz. He has been labeled the "future" of the business by Vince McMahon himself. Miz main eventing WM 27 is the the most likely scenario at this point considering the enormous amount of attention he has gathered as of late.

Sheamus is another one I think will most likely be in the main event, I believe Sheamus is going to be a future Triple H (always hunting for the gold).

Speaking of Triple H, I think he will be in the main event at WM27. I have a strong hunch on this one and it seems to me like he will definately find a way to be involved because he's Triple H and that's what he does...and if you're not down with that...he's got two words for ya...
I think that Sheamus & The Miz are probably the front runners at this particular time. It's still a long time between now and WrestleMania 27 but both guys are hot right now. While it might seem unlikely that Sheamus will remain WWE Champion that long, there's nothing written in stone to suggest that his run is going to end anytime soon either.

As Mr. MITB, The Miz could most definitely be in the main event at WM if he carries around the briefcase long enough. Of the two, I'd say that The Miz has a better chance at this point due to the MITB briefcase. I doubt that he'll cash in the contract anytime soon, though who knows right? I think that more options could open for The Miz after he ultimately drops the United States Championship.

But as of right now, Sheamus & The Miz would be my two top picks.
Sheamus is the obvious answer, I can see him against Triple H or John Cena for the WWE title at WM. Also Punk is a good choice he deserves to be in the WM main event he's a great wrestler. sSo my picks are Cm Punk and/or Sheamus.
Sheamus is the most likely. He’s already established (as much as can be within a year) and he’s believable in that position. I don’t think the Miz is ready to main event WM. Even Edge dropped his first title before WM because he wasn’t ready to go that high although he ended up having an amazing match with Foley. By the time WM27 rocks up Sheamus will be ready and will probably main event in a world title match of some sort.

CM Punk is another one likely to main event WM at some stage but it’s hard to tell what they’re trying to do with him right now so I’m not real confident he will main event this WM but I can Sheamus there.

Miz may win a world championship before WM but I think they would have him drop the title back before WM so they could put him over against someone established at WM much like they did with Edge.

I’m going with Sheamus.
Unfortunately not many names come to mind. That isn't necessarily a bad thing though as the WWE often pushes mid-carders to the top seemingly out of nowhere. Sheamus is the only name that seems to make sense. He'll make the main event before the Miz. Maybe Jack Swagger if they decide to resume his push. Other than that it looks like another few years of Cena, Orton, HHH, Undertaker and maybe Rey Mysterio.
It's not going to be a popular choice, but I'm leaning toward Drew McIntyre. He is after all Mr. McMahon's chosen one. That has to count for something. If I remember correctly Triple H and HBK were pertty high on this guy so he should get a puch somewhere down the road. He reminds me a bit of a young HHH. Similar body type to when HHH came in and on a similar path. When HHH debuted he spent a few months undefeated and was looking good. Then all of a sudden he was losing hog pen matches to Henry Godwinn and getting squashed at WrestleMania. Drew was on a role at the beginning of the year, but seems to be jobbing all the time now. I think he's paying his dues right now like HHH did in late 1995 early 1996. I think Cena vs. Taker will main event WM27 so in my opinion the next first time main eventer will be at WM28 at the earliest. Maybe Drew will be ready by then.
Well sorry to dissapoint but I am going to choose...the Miz. He has been labeled the "future" of the business by Vince McMahon himself.

That's true, McMahon has labeled him that... so The Miz joins the elite rank of wrestlers to be pegged as such, great men like Drew McIntyre, Lex Luger, Bart Gunn, and Ludvig Borga.

In all seriousness, I will admit Miz has more raw (I can't emphasize raw enough) talent then the rest of those guys, but McMahon is fickle.

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