Who will NXT sign in 2018?

Vintage Punk

Pre-Show Stalwart
Now that AOP, Ember Moon, Sanity (minus Nikki), Drew McIntyre, and Almas w/ Vega all were called up to the main roster; who will NXT sign in 2018 from outside the WWE? Of course they did already replenish with War Raiders taking AOP spot, Ricochet and EC3 coming in also. But as the months move on into later this year, who do you guys think NXT will bring in? I have to admit that I don't know many outside talents other than some guys from ROH (Briscoes, Daniels, Lethal), NJPW (Omega, Bucks, Scurl, Naito, Ibushi, Okada), and Lucha Underground (Matanza,PJ Black, Pentagon, Muertes) so I'm interested in learning about outside talent as many will eventually come through NXT.

All I'm hoping for is that they bring Marty Scurll, such a great talent with a lot of charisma he is just entertaining to watch.

As well as Kenny Omega, no need for an explanation here but I hope IF they bring him in that they would push him to the main roster immediately instead of NXT.

Jay Lethal is also needed.
I hope they bring in Ava Storie since she is not in impact wrestling anymore. If Allie leaves Ditto. Also Veda Scott- I'm actually surprised they haven't brought her in. I'm a big fan of all 3 and would love to see them in the women's division in NXT.
As well as Kenny Omega, no need for an explanation here but I hope IF they bring him in that they would push him to the main roster immediately instead of NXT.

This is the big one. And you're right, he would be way above the NXT level and would go directly to the main roster like Styles. He's as big a star now as AJ Styles was, probably even bigger in Japan, and could easily adapt his style to the WWE in the same way AJ did. As successful as AJ's run has been in the WWE, he's a multi-time world champion and the face of the blue brand, Omega could be even bigger. I would aruge that at this moment in time, Omega is the hottest wrestler in any promotion. His matches with Okada last year raised his stock massively, and his reunion with Kota Ibushi has resulted in Japanese crowds reacting in ways I've literally never seen before. Omega will also be around 5 years younger than Styles when he came in, so there's a lot more longevity. Whether you like it or not, Omega is the epitome of the modern wrestler and if I was WWE I'd be looking to strap the rocket to him on the main roster. Stone Cold Steve Austin has said the same thing as well. He really could do massive business for them if marketed properly. He has all the tools to be a top star in the modern era.

That being said, Omega has a certin feeling of loyalty (and rightly so) to New Japan. NJPW is trying to expand globally, and as a billingual star that's super over with western audiences Kenny Omega is a huge part of that. New Japan is also the company that gave him his big break, and he understandably feels obligated to give back to the company now that he's in a position to do so. Plus, there's the dangling carrot of the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The main differene between Styles and OMega is that Styles has held the IWGP Title (twice), I think before he's done in Japan Omega wants to hold it. The company probably also knows this. Depending on how big a mark Kenny is, that could be possible incentive to stay.

As far as NXT specifically, I remember reading somewhere that WWE was reportedly high on Dalton Castle. That would make sense since he's a pretty unique and interesting character, one of the few indy guys with an over-the-top gimmick that works. I actually think he's a poor choice to be ROH Champion right now, because he's still a bit rough around the edges, but he's perfect for NXT because he has a lot of room to grow and learn. Marty Scurll is another obvious chocie from ROH to step in to NXT. His gimmick is crazy over and would probably translate well to NXT. Hopefully if he wrestles Dalton in NXT it's better than their ROH Title match because holy fuck that was bad.

There's also Will Ospreay. He's the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion right now, and part of me sees him getting a run with that belt because down the line he's a guy that could step up to the heavyweight division. He's not Hiromu and Kushida who are probably too short to ever really step up and will be perennial Jr. Heavyweight wrestlers. Ospreay's a high flier (one of the best), but he has the height. He's over 6 feet and if he fills out more he could be a solid heavyweight in Japan. But if I'm WWE I'd be trying to scoop him for NXT instead. Ricochet came to NXT, Ospreay could easily as well.
This is the big one. And you're right, he would be way above the NXT level and would go directly to the main roster like Styles. He's as big a star now as AJ Styles was, probably even bigger in Japan, and could easily adapt his style to the WWE in the same way AJ did. As successful as AJ's run has been in the WWE, he's a multi-time world champion and the face of the blue brand, Omega could be even bigger. I would aruge that at this moment in time, Omega is the hottest wrestler in any promotion. His matches with Okada last year raised his stock massively, and his reunion with Kota Ibushi has resulted in Japanese crowds reacting in ways I've literally never seen before. Omega will also be around 5 years younger than Styles when he came in, so there's a lot more longevity. Whether you like it or not, Omega is the epitome of the modern wrestler and if I was WWE I'd be looking to strap the rocket to him on the main roster. Stone Cold Steve Austin has said the same thing as well. He really could do massive business for them if marketed properly. He has all the tools to be a top star in the modern era.

That being said, Omega has a certin feeling of loyalty (and rightly so) to New Japan. NJPW is trying to expand globally, and as a billingual star that's super over with western audiences Kenny Omega is a huge part of that. New Japan is also the company that gave him his big break, and he understandably feels obligated to give back to the company now that he's in a position to do so. Plus, there's the dangling carrot of the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The main differene between Styles and OMega is that Styles has held the IWGP Title (twice), I think before he's done in Japan Omega wants to hold it. The company probably also knows this. Depending on how big a mark Kenny is, that could be possible incentive to stay.

That is what I'm afraid of, Kenny being too loyal to NJPW that he misses the opportunity to join the WWE, and I believe that he stated before that he will not go there anyway.

There's also Will Ospreay. He's the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion right now, and part of me sees him getting a run with that belt because down the line he's a guy that could step up to the heavyweight division. He's not Hiromu and Kushida who are probably too short to ever really step up and will be perennial Jr. Heavyweight wrestlers. Ospreay's a high flier (one of the best), but he has the height. He's over 6 feet and if he fills out more he could be a solid heavyweight in Japan. But if I'm WWE I'd be trying to scoop him for NXT instead. Ricochet came to NXT, Ospreay could easily as well.

As far as I can remember, he was given an offer by WWE and he turned it down on the spot, which was a good move for him in my opinion and he became even a bigger star now, but he might regret turning that offer down if WWE is stupid enough to not keep trying to sign him in.

When the time comes and we see Omega and Ospreay in WWE, I just hope they make them even bigger stars than they already are now.
Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks.

Have Kenny Omega be a suprise entrance in the Money In the Bank Ladder match, which he wins. He later cashes in on AJ Styles, and becomes WWE Champion.

Young Bucks debuts RAW Post Summerslam, and first thing they do is attack Newly crowd RAW tag champions McIntyre and Ziggler, they have a long feud involving Hardy/Wyatt. Young Bucks wins the RAW Tag titles at TLC.

This is fantasy booking, not logical at all.
That is what I'm afraid of, Kenny being too loyal to NJPW that he misses the opportunity to join the WWE, and I believe that he stated before that he will not go there anyway.

As far as I can remember, he was given an offer by WWE and he turned it down on the spot, which was a good move for him in my opinion and he became even a bigger star now, but he might regret turning that offer down if WWE is stupid enough to not keep trying to sign him in.

When the time comes and we see Omega and Ospreay in WWE, I just hope they make them even bigger stars than they already are now.

The thing is, with Ospreay especially is that WWE won't know what to do with him. Plus they have to take under consideration that this kid is injury prone because of his style which makes him a high risk investment in the end. So as far as Ospreay is concern, he's better off doing the indy's for what's left of his career because at the pace he's going, he will be lucky if he last until he's 30.

As For Omega, he's no AJ Styles. While i'm going to give him credit, he a really good wrestler and he was able to make himself a megastar outside WWE, the guy isn't even in the same league as AJ Styles as far as marketability is concern for their audience. What A.J. had that Omega doesn't is his exposure he had in WCW and later on in ROH and TNA before leaving for New japan, by the time AJ left for japan he was already a megastar on the indy scene and pretty much everybody that follows wrestling knew who he was. Omega doesn't have that. If you don't follow New Japan or the indy scene on a regular bases, then you pretty much don't no who this guy is, so while i'm sure he would want to get a free pass to the main roster, that won't happen and i really doubt that the guy would want to take a paycut to sign with WWE when he's making a lot of money right now on the indy's and in japan. So i doubt it would happen.

Right now, i know he'S not a spring chicken but i would love to see james Storm resign with WWE and continue what he started in NXt. The guy as done so much for TNA and i think he deserve to get one small run in WWE before calling it quit. Other names that i would love to see in NXT depending on what their contract status are with IMpact are Rosemary, Allie and Brian Cage. All three would fit perfectly in WWE and NXt. A feud between Nikki Cross and Rosemary would be awesome. Finally, how about Jay Lethal, i know he might get typecast as a cruiserweight because of his size but he's such a talented guy and he really deserve a run in WWE before he end his career.
Let's not forget about E... LI... DRAKE. Yeah.

Here's another guy that fits the WWE superstar mold perfetly, and could develop a lot in NXT. We've already seen EC3 and Drew McIntyre come to NXT after revitalising their careers in TNA. Here's a guy that made a name for himself in TNA first (as much of a name as anyone in TNA can make) but could really go to the next level in NXT/WWE. Eli has one thing going for him that few, if any, independent wrestlers have: he can cut an awesome promo.

The art of the wrestling promo is dying, but Eli Drake is a natural talker with natural charisma. Like Dalton Castle, this is a guy that can play a great character and this is a guy that got his promotion's major title too soon. Unlike the Dalton Castle situation, TNA didn't really have any other options.

Eli Drake looks great, he is solid enough in the ring, but his ability to talk and entertain the crowd outside the ring makes him stand out. There's something kind of old school about Eli Drake as a wrestler that I've always enjoyed, so I'd love to see him come in. The dude could get mega over and sell a fuckton of shirts with the right marketing behind him. He could even bring Chris Masters back with him as his bodyguard/heater. Masters has improved a lot and is perfect in that role.
All I'm hoping for is that they bring Marty Scurll, such a great talent with a lot of charisma he is just entertaining to watch.

As well as Kenny Omega, no need for an explanation here but I hope IF they bring him in that they would push him to the main roster immediately instead of NXT.

Jay Lethal is also needed.

I could see Scurll showing up late in 2018, maybe just be someone who's sighted in the crowd during the last TakeOver event of the year. He's young, charismatic and has shown that he can do comedic elements to his heel character, which is something Vince McMahon really likes. Scurll would do well in NXT as Triple H is known for giving talent a lot more freedom and I think it's fair to say that his vision for WWE differs a good deal from Vince's.

I don't see Kenny Omega joining WWE as he's just too loyal to New Japan, as well as his deep love for just about any and all things Japanese. At this time last year, Omega was the most talked about non-WWE wrestler in the world, and probably still is when you think about it. He's having a good year but it doesn't compare, at least so far, with how white hot he was in 2017. Omega wants to be the top guy in New Japan and the only thing he hasn't done is win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship so if he ever seriously thought about leaving, all they'd have to do is guarantee him a long run as champion and he won't be going anywhere for. If he doesn't join WWE within the next 2 or 3 years, then WWE will give up unless Omega just continues to burn as brightly as he has been for the last year and a half. If Omega were to sign with WWE, it's doubtful he'd be in NXT as he's too high profile of a star for that, though he'd probably stop being Dave Meltzer's favorite.

I don't think NXT "needs" Jay Lethal, he'd be a solid addition to the NXT roster though. Unless Lethal is just insanely happy in ROH, I don't see why he's staying as he's just been spinning his wheels for about a year and a half or so since he dropped the ROH World Championship. The only thing he hasn't done is have a run with the tag titles and considering that he's probably been the biggest singles star in the company since before Cody arrived, that seems like a step down.
Dig a little deeper. All the top guys named are EASY choices because they got themselves over and oopular. My point is AJ, Gallows anf Anderson debuted on main roster as they should. NxT should help newer superstars

How about Shane Strickland, Tessa Blanchard, Jeff Cobb, Matt Riddle, Joe Hendry or David Finlay? If you know who they are...
Dig a little deeper. All the top guys named are EASY choices because they got themselves over and oopular. My point is AJ, Gallows anf Anderson debuted on main roster as they should. NxT should help newer superstars

It does but NXT has become its own successful brand and that's something that nobody really expected, at least not nearly to the level it's risen. As a result, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Vince has had Triple H make alterations to NXT's hiring policy. Sure, NXT works on building guys who're "homegrown" and hiring guys from the indie scene who may not be all that well known, but I'd say Trips is also told to hire major indie players if he can. Vince McMahon rarely interferes in NXT, but he does every so often and that means that Trips has to fall in line whenever Vince does decide to step in with something that he thinks should be implemented.

How about Shane Strickland, Tessa Blanchard, Jeff Cobb, Matt Riddle, Joe Hendry or David Finlay? If you know who they are...

I'm not all that familiar with Strickland but I'm surprised Tessa Blanchard wasn't signed after the Mae Young Classic. She's got personality, a great look and she's more than solid in the ring.

Jeff Cobb has some things working against him in that he's something of a "nobody" compared to some of these others. He turns 36 in a few months and there's not a ton of buzz surrounding him unless you're a die hard indie fan. Plus, he's also signed with Lucha Underground and the way their contracts are structured can be a tricky thing. For instance, Ricochet wanted to sign with WWE nearly 2 years ago but LU wouldn't let him out of his contract until the 3rd season of their show aired, which it did but not until about a year or so of delays. Maybe it's the same thing with all the other LU wrestlers, but their 4th season is set to air in June.

Matt Riddle has gotten a lot of positive buzz and he's only been wrestling a total of maybe 3 years. He's someone I could see WWE being interested in bringing to NXT.

As for Joe Hendry, he's someone WWE could recruit for the upcoming UK Title tournament. I'm sure there'll be some new faces added rather than just going with all the same ones who were part of it last year.
I seriously hope we get to see Keith Lee in NXT in the near future. That guy has "it" on so many levels and just shits out charisma.

He already appeared in that NXT event against Kassius Ohno so I an holding my hopes up.
I think the next big stars they will sign are Eli Drake, John Morrison, Matt Riddle and Marty Scurll.
The top NJPW guys like Omega, Bucks, Ospreay etc... won't go to NXT as they are too committed to the NJPW, and they're global expension plans.
In terms of ROH, I just don't see veterans like Daniels, Kaz, Lethal, Briscoes etc... signing with WWE at that age, and I also don't see WWE signing them.
I'd love to see:

Marty Scurll
Kenny Omega
Jeff Cobb
Tessa Blanchard
Pentagon Jr
Shane Strickland
Eli Drake
I'd say right now that there are three strong names that have a solid chance to be signed to NXT by year's end- those being Matt Riddle, Keith Lee, and Walter. All three have the combination of giant buzz, even bigger talent, and perhaps most importantly a lack of any real ties to the NJPW/ROH/CMLL/RevPro alliance(and to a lesser degree, but worth mentioning, also no ties to the new found buddy-buddy trend that is going on with LU and the new Impact team), that it takes to forecast, and qualify, as a sure major NXT signing.

With ROH doing its best business ever, NJPW committed to expanding in the states, and All-In on the near horizon; no one currently strongly tied into the New Japan/ROH/CMLL relationship is going to be jumping that ship any time soon(even if for some strange reason they aren't exclusively contracted through at least the first week of next January), so don't get your hopes up.

Sort of like with Adam Cole before, I feel like Riddle has been destined for WWE and earmarked as a sure future signing for a couple of years. He's past ready and should be signed sooner than later. Lee and Walter also seem like guys the WWE would love to add, and could again do so sooner than later, as Indy guys with their combo of size, buzz, and talent aren't the most common thing on the circuits, and they follow easy to predict signings that occurred for much the same reason- like Dain, Dijak, or War Machine.

Cobb is the other name that is interesting here, he's got more ties to other major promotions than the guys I previously predicted, as a LU performer, a guy on New Japan's radar who was in the tag league last year, and recently a recipient of a big offer from Impact. Also, while he definitely has the ability and some buzz, his age could possibly work against him. For the time being, I feel like Cobb's future may more likely be somewhere like NJPW or Impact than NXT.
I seriously hope we get to see Keith Lee in NXT in the near future. That guy has "it" on so many levels and just shits out charisma.

He already appeared in that NXT event against Kassius Ohno so I an holding my hopes up.

Well it looks like this is the next guy they signed as WWE released a news report yesterday that he was signed. Don't know anything about him but NXT has been looking good and seems to handle these talents well. Wish I could say the same for when they all get to the main roster...
The NXT Roster at the moment doesn't need to have many big stars signed to the company; like others have said, bring in talents who are relatively 'unknown' and give them a chance to grow. People like Omega, Bucks, Lethal among others will probably come in due time; but for now focus on the people that haven't done a lot, yet, in the business.

People like - Tessa Blanchard, Matt Riddle, Chelsea Green, Viper, David Finlay (which I am really surprised about, saying as he is the son of Finlay), Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, among others.
The NXT Roster at the moment doesn't need to have many big stars signed to the company; like others have said, bring in talents who are relatively 'unknown' and give them a chance to grow. People like Omega, Bucks, Lethal among others will probably come in due time; but for now focus on the people that haven't done a lot, yet, in the business.

People like - Tessa Blanchard, Matt Riddle, Chelsea Green, Viper, David Finlay (which I am really surprised about, saying as he is the son of Finlay), Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, among others.

I figured Tessa Blanchard would've already been signed after the Mae Young Classic. She can wrestle, she can talk and she looks a damn sight better in tights than her old man ever did.

Chelsea Green, AKA Laurel Van Ness, is another one I figured would've already been signed to NXT.

Viper, AKA Piper Niven, is someone that I think would have some trouble. Having a svelte physique isn't nearly as important to Triple H as ability and skill, but there are reports of some arguments between Triple H and a few others during the Mae Young Classic last year as some higher ups thought that some of the women weren't hot enough to be involved with a WWE project. While I never read about who the arguments were with, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Kevin Dunn wasn't out front because he cares far more about cosmetic image than anything else in women wrestlers. However, I could easily see Niven signed to NXT UK as the brand is about to be up and running very soon.

Don't be surprised if the Coffey Brothers aren't part of NXT UK as well as it's going to have a main event singles, tag team and women's championships.

If WWE ever signs Kenny Omega and/or the Young Bucks, they'll head to the main roster immediately as they're easily the three most talked about and hottest male wrestlers outside of WWE the past few years. The Bucks have pretty much done everything worth doing as a tag team except be tag stars in WWE and Omega has done everything in New Japan. There's too much money to be made with them by sending them to NXT.

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