Who's The Greatest: Tag Team In History?

Who's The Greatest?

  • America's Most Wanted

  • Team 3D

  • Motor City Machine Guns

  • Staniels

  • LAX

  • James Gang / VKM

  • Beer Money, Inc.

  • The Naturals

  • Other (Please Specify)

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
One constant throughout the course of TNA's history, has been their superb tag team division. Not only has there always been a solid story for the belt, but there's been a separate feud, if not two or three. This installment of Who's The Greatest asks: Who's the greatest tag team in TNA history?

One team that always ranks towards the top of everyone's list is America's Most Wanted. With their brash attitudes, and excellent chemistry, they held the TNA Tag Team titles a record six (6) times. Not to be outdone, the greatest tag team in wrestling history, Team 3D, has remained at the top of the division, ever since their arrival.

Out of the ashes of America's Most Wanted, rose Beer Money, Inc. James Storm, the Tennessee Cowboy, teaming with Robert Roode. They've proven to be among the best in the division today, and have the crowd behind them to a level where it's impossible for them to be heels. Ont he subject of fan support, there's also the Motor City Machine Guns. Although they've never worn gold as a team, they've put on some of the most exciting matches in the history of TNA, and everyone can sense that their day will come.

In the midst of pushes, Hernandez and Homicide were once members of a great tag team, the Latin American Xchange (LAX). They also proved to be worthy champs, and their feuds in the tag division helped to cement TNA's place as a legit wrestling company. They mixed speed, strength, and athleticism, and were never far from the title picture. Two gentlemen that are also in the midst of successful singles careers are AJ Styles and Daniels, or as the fans affectionately call them, Staniels. They joined together as the top stars in the X Division, and their tag matches proved to be just as exciting. They feuded with the top teams in TNA, and had their share of tag title reigns.

Last, and certainly not least, there's the teams that time seems to have forgotten. The Naturals were a competitive tag team, but never quite made it over the hump, until Shane Douglas came to their add. From then on, they sat atop the tag division, proving to be the Achilles heel to AMW. And, who can forget The James Gang/Voodoo Kin Mafia? As the James Gang, they remained one of the top tag teams in the division, working well with anyone they faced. As VKM, they spoke out against the WWE (namely HHH, HBK, and Vince), and then in an odd way, helped to ignite the Knockout Division over a mini-feud with Christy Hemme.

In my opinion, the greatest tag team in TNA history is, and might always be, America's Most Wanted. I'm as huge fan of Beer Money Inc., but there's always something about their matches that just doesn't have the "it" factor that AMW had. Their promos are some of the best you'll ever see in TNA, and they never had a bad feud, which usually meant they never had a bad match.
NSL, my man, you hit the nail right on the head. America's Most Wanted is the greatest tag team in TNA history. Both men work great in tag team wrestling. You had the Wildcat Chris Harris and The Cowboy James Storm together after being rivals on the independent circuit. Both were young, and both were great talents, and together they made a great team. They put the TNA tag division on the map. They feuded with many teams, and all of these feuds were excellent feuds just as you said. Everything about them was great, even up until the moment they split up.
They put the TNA tag division on the map.

This is why I had to pick them. The Guns and Beer Money may entertain me more at the moment, but without America's Most Wanted, there is no TNA tag division, and who knows how the dominoes fall from there. There were times where the title scene and/or the X Division were in shambles, but the one constant was Storm and Harris sitting atop the mountain with their gold.

Everything about them was great, even up until the moment they split up.

This is another great point. It's a minor one, but it's still great. They were so good as a tag team, and worked so well together, that they're split, and the resulting feud, were still great, and remained must-see TV.
This is why I had to pick them. The Guns and Beer Money may entertain me more at the moment, but without America's Most Wanted, there is no TNA tag division, and who knows how the dominoes fall from there. There were times where the title scene and/or the X Division were in shambles, but the one constant was Storm and Harris sitting atop the mountain with their gold.

This is another great point. It's a minor one, but it's still great. They were so good as a tag team, and worked so well together, that they're split, and the resulting feud, were still great, and remained must-see TV.

My favorite feud of AMW was actually their very last feud which led up to their break up. Their feud with LAX was awesome. If only Team Canada was around still at this point in time, the feud would have been even greater, as you would have had to groups of foreigners against AMW. I feel it would have added another dimension to the already great feud. Then again, all of that could have led to things in TNA being very different right now. Although, if Team Canada were still around, we might still have Petey.
In terms of what they accomplished in the company in their time, I'd have to say Team 3D with AMW a very, very close second. I was actually quite the fan of AMW, but they didn't have very much to work with when they were still a factor in the company, unfortunately, and that really minimized their mark in the history books there, IMO.

3D have been instrumental in re-developing the tag-team division in TNA, and have had quite a few memorable feuds in their time, as well as some classic TNA matches. The Hard Justice street fight against Christian Cage and Rhino really stands out in my recent memory still, but that might be simply because I attended the event live. :)
I was actually quite the fan of AMW, but they didn't have very much to work with when they were still a factor in the company, unfortunately, and that really minimized their mark in the history books there, IMO.

I respect that it's your opinion, but I really beg to differ. AMW worked with Staniels, The Naturals, and LAX while they were at the top, and still worked matches with whoever else popped up. As much as I love the tag division now, I don't think it stacks up to anything that was going on when AMW ruled the roost.

Hell...AMW even worked a solid match with The Paparazzis. Shelley was at his worst, and Devine was a nobody, and AMW still made them look like a legit team.
I would have to say Americas Most Wanted is the greatest team in TNA history. They were THE original tag team for the orginization and made the tag team division what it is today. They had so many classic feuds and moments inside the six sided ring from their rivalry with XXX to their shocking turn where they teamed with Jarrett. They always delivered great matches by TNA standards and entertained the hell out of me. They put the TNA tag division on the map, something TNA needed in the early days. There breakup was a little of a disappointement but what can you do?

Also NSL, why are XXX, Team Canada, and 3LK not on this list? All three of those teams did so much for TNA and its tag division. They did more for it then The Naturals did at the very least, especially XXX and 3LK.
Another vote for America's Most Wanted...I'm starting to think this is going to be as one-sided as the first part of this series. This just proves they really were a great tag team, and dominated at a time when the division was at it's best. This is the main reason I had trouble voting for any of the other teams. They're all good, but they're not on that pedestal that AMW were on, and set so high that I'm not sure another team can reach it.

Why are XXX, Team Canada, and 3LK not on this list? All three of those teams did so much for TNA and its tag division. They did more for it then The Naturals did at the very least, especially XXX and 3LK.

3 Live Kru, Triple X, and Team Canada were more of stables. I was a big fan of Triple X and Team Canada, but this isn't the thread for them. Roode and Young were essentially the "tag team" part of the group, but there was a lot outside of that. Stay tuned for future "Who's The Greatest?" threads to see if stables comes up.
This is why I had to pick them. The Guns and Beer Money may entertain me more at the moment, but without America's Most Wanted, there is no TNA tag division.

NSL, you're probably my favorite poster on here, but dammit, I gotta disagree.
My personal favorite team has to be MCMG. I completely understand why everyone is putting AMW, because, like you said, they put the tag devision on the map. BUT, that does NOT mean that teams can't strive to overcome their greatness. I know thats not what you're saying at all, but I've seen some guys argue that an older wrestler or team is better than anything happening today simply because they came first. Which is bullshit. But anyways, gotta put MCMG for a number of reasons.
1) They were incredible by themselves in the X-Division, kudos to whoever made them a team in the first place.
2) They managed to remain badasses throughout the entire time they had the worst entrance music in wrestling.
3) They maintain a constant uniform that is pretty innovating based on the style alone if you ask me.
4) They have some of the best group moves in wrestling today.(Tell me the double boot to the face ISN'T cool, and I'll cut you)
And lastly: They ARE the guys I wanna go out back and burn a fattie with. (5 approval points to who can name the date of the promo I'm referring to. lol)
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I'm a huge fan of the Guns. One of the biggest. They're entertaining as hell, and I loved their old theme music. Their offense is among the best in the company now, regardless of teams or divisions. But, you eluded to it in your post, they do a lot of work still in the X Division. They don't always work as a team, and although it's not their fault, it hurts their chances of being the "greatest ever".

And my vote for AMW isn't a case of "It's older, it's better". I truly feel that if AMW was around right now (either as a return, or never broken up), they'd still be the #1 tag team in the company, and they'd still be racking up title wins. There's no reason to say they wouldn't.
And my vote for AMW isn't a case of "It's older, it's better". I truly feel that if AMW was around right now (either as a return, or never broken up), they'd still be the #1 tag team in the company, and they'd still be racking up title wins. There's no reason to say they wouldn't.

Well, I have to agree. Don't get me wrong, I loved AMW as much as the next guy, and there's no doubt they'd be the head honcho's if they were still together. BUT, they're not, and I'm sure there is a reason. The problem with tag teams is that 9 times out of 10 they're paired together to see which one of them has a better chance of being a big star, and if anyone disagrees, I'd be more than happy to start naming off Jannettys. < See? that's what you call a stigma.
I would really have to say it is styles/daniels because they come up together in tna and been champs as a team and as singles so they together make a good team, beer money is ok if they just kind of lay of there switching back and forth from heel to face to heel to face, 3D has just been like Nature Boy won so many titles only to los them so many times, a good team to me is a team that has won a few titls but have held them for along time
AMW is the greatest TNA tagteam PERIOD. They had sum of the greatest matches with XXX,LAX and Styles/Daniels they had it all great teamwork,mean streak,dirty and they could finish the match by making the other less talented teams look good. ANy doubters watch there cage match with XXX back in '05 i think. The greatest cage match ive ever witnessed. Also im not even gonna comment on what the guy above me saying about that DX garbage.
Well, I'll happily go through each team, like I did in the best to never win the world title thread.

America's Most Wanted: AMW are truly the tag team that made tag team wrestling in TNA. If it weren't for their ground breaking displays and matches,I do not believe that TNA's tag division would be where it is today without them.They both brought something to the table. Harris' strength. Storm's brawling and charisma. Together they made the ultimate tag team, dominating for 3 and a half years. Their chemistry in ring was brilliant,their double teams were superb. The death sentence really spellt the end for any opponent. They knew any way to win. Glass bottles, handcuffs, anything was used to kick ass.

Their in ring psychology was great, really knowing how to get the crowd involved. They were good faces, but I always thought their tenure as heels was by far better. It even produced the greatest heel chant ever, "Brokeback Mountain" aimed at the tennessee cowboy. They really made the crowd hate them. Possibly the best heel tag team ever in TNA.

They have had some classic matches over the years. My history of pre 2006 TNA is a little hazy so I don't know the exact pay-per-views, but their matches with Triple X, especially the cage match, and their matches with Staniels, especially at Slammiversary 2006, are legendary. They also had great matches with the likes of 3D and team canada. And then, after their ruthless break up when Storm broke glass in Harris' eye, they achieved one mean feat. Produced,in succession, one of the worst matches ever and one of the best matches of the year. At lockdown 2007, they stunk up the joint with a blind fold match that was utter shit. But then they lit sacrifice on fire with such an incredible texas death match that would have been match of the year if it weren't for Angle v Joe at Hard Justice, in my opinion.

A great tag team, a staple behind TNA. NSL, you claimed that there would be no TNA tag division without AMW. Though I would agree about that, I'd disagree with them being the best because of it. Why? Well, there's the obvious "They didn't make the division by themselves" ploy, which is quite true. But they were the main part. The reason they weren't the best in my eyes is because, just because they put the division on the map, doesn't make them the best. Things can be improved. Just because Jerry Lynn, Psicosis and Low Ki (along with AJ) put the X division on the map, doesn't make them the best X division wrestlers ever. Daniels, Joe and AJ are better than them all (in the TNA X division) and I'd dare to say Chris Sabin aswell. So while AMW are the original tag team, it doesn't make them the best.

Another fact is that Beer Money are better in my mind. Which makes it almost impossible to vote them as the best. Actually, it is impossible. And AMW may have more titles, but that was over 4 years, while Beer Money have been alive for a year and a half. And then there's the bigger and better division.

Team 3D: They're still a good tag team, but past their prime. They have been a good tag team in TNA, but the best. Far from it. They just haven't done enough stuff of note.

Motor City Machine Guns:
While they're my favourite current tag team, they're is one thing that goes against them. the fact they never held the titles. And, when you're going on about TNA's greatest tag team, you cannot justifiably, no matter how good, pick a team that has never worn the gold.

Staniels: One of the great teams, but they weren't around for long enough. But they would still be in the reckoning for the best tag team, just because of Match quality. AMW slammiversary 2006. LAX at No Surrender and and Bound for Glory 2006. While both excellent performers in their own right, voting them as the best is just wrong.

James Gang / VKM: Once the truth and Konnan left from the 3/4 Live Kru, these formed, reforming a great tag team, but I never gave a damn. 2 over the hill has-beens, one being Kip James, just doesn't appeal to me.

Beer Money, Inc: Probably the second best team on this list, and arguably the best today. The funniest yet maybe the best in ring team in wrestling today. Their chemistry is top notch, only surpassed by the motor city machine guns,and their in ring work is sublime. Every match they wrestle is entertaining,one way or another. Their charisma and promo abilities are great, as is their charisma in ring. A lot like AMW, their psychology is great, they really know how to get the crowd into a match and make them love them or hate them. I think that is mainly due to the catalyst, James Storm, who is really the main contributor.They're hilarious in the ring, from Storm drinking beer,to being *****es,from awkward positions (like Storms head on Roodes crotch) to the boozer cruiser. And you can't forget...


Classic! That's what I mean by the crowd getting involved. Even I join in at home.

James Storm and Robert Roode are two of the best tag team wrestlers ever in TNA. They combined Team Canada and AMW to make this brilliant team, and personally I love them. But the best ever, no.

The Naturals:
A good team, but the best ever. Far from it.

LAX: My favourite team of the lot, and the best tag team in TNA's history. Together, they combine two very different styles. Hernandez was the big man, who comnined awesome strength with surprising agility. And the border toss was enough to put any man down. While Homicide had a high octane, full imapct style, consisting of strikes and jumping around, with a few throws in there. And the sickes finisher ever.

They were equally good as heels and faces. From the heels led by Konnan who were Latin street thugs, to the faces led by Hector Guerrerro who were, err, Latin Street Thugs. But in a good way. They were successful either way.

They have produced some of the gretest feuds ever. their feud with Staniels, consisting of incredible matches at BFG and NO Surrender, they're feuds with AMW and Team 3D, and the epicness of their feud with Beer Money. They even made the Rock and Rave infection seem good. For a while.

If you want to talk about the greatest tag team ever in TNA, you can't look past these. Whether you base it on in ring,charisma, team work, feuds, match quality and ability to get over, you cannot look past The Latin American Xchange, and channel 5150.

Honorable mentions:

Triple X: With AMW, they helped build the division. They more than deserve to be in the reckoning.

Team Canada:
One of the more famous teams, and definitely in the reckoning. Much more than, say, the Naturals.

Shazarian: The only reason I say them, Michael Shane and Frankie Kazarian, is because they held the X division title together. Shit tag team otherwise, but worthy of a mention nonetheless. Didn't do anything in the tag divsion actually.
LAX being in 5th right now worries me...Has everyone that voted been watching TNA for less than a year? They shouldn't be first, but a lot higher than 5th. They had some of the best feuds, and are part of the reason AMW is #1.

The Machine Guns prove that entertainment value is worth more than gold in the tag division...Third? Really? That's a bit high for a team that hasn't actually teamed together for as long as the others, and has achieved essentially nothing...
I'm afraid to say I'm not a huge fan of James Storm and "Braden Walker"
they pulled out the usual old style matches and were a little boring if solid.
The machineguns are more innovative and exciting to watch and can play heel and face just as well. They are all round entertainment.
No Triple X option on there though ?
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