Why do you hate CM Punk?


RKO Orton

CM Punk won this years Money in the Bank match and everyone is hating on him. Why are you hating on CM Punk? Is he too boring? I think the scarcity of opponents is making him boring. He has only 3 or so guys on ECW he could feud with. John Morrison, Elijah Burke, and Shelton Benjamin. You guys said he will be the first Money in the Bank winner to lose his cash-in match. That's a load of bull. CM Punk could be a great thing if he was drafted to Raw. He would have tons of Mid-Carders to feud with. So I ask you, why do you hate CM Punk because personally, I believe he is the future of the WWE.
The problem with Punk winning the MITB is that he's not ready for that spot yet, in fact he's not really cut out for WWE, he desen't fit their mold, Punk was great in ROH where he got total free reign on what he could do in a match, and had other people around him that could wrestle the same style and play off him well and vice versa, in WWE he doesn't have that, and as a result a lot of the time he just looks sloppy in the ring, and really hasn't had too many memorable matches, I like Punk, but as much as I like the guy I gotta admit he really hasn't done anything all that impressive in his time in WWE
The reason why people are "hating" on him is simply because the guy isn't very good. His ring work is average at best, and boring at worst. He's over thanks to the people in the crowd who like to think of themselves as smarks, but he's really never done anything to deserve such recognition.

The problem with Punk winning the MITB is that he's not ready for that spot yet,

in fact he's not really cut out for WWE, he desen't fit their mold, Punk was great in ROH where he got total free reign on what he could do in a match, and had other people around him that could wrestle the same style and play off him well and vice versa, in WWE he doesn't have that, and as a result a lot of the time he just looks sloppy in the ring, and really hasn't had too many memorable matches,
To put it shortly, "Punk isn't very good".

I like Punk, but as much as I like the guy I gotta admit he really hasn't done anything all that impressive in his time in WWE
I am the same way. I like Punk, but the fact of the matter is that he simply isn't a very good wrestler yet.
Taken from my prison post...

Koala said:
OK, I'm sorry, but his suckage? Admittedly, he's a little lacking in the charisma department, but I don't quite see how that equates to him sucking.

Charisma is EVERYTHING in a pro wrestler. See: All the big stars outside of Batista. He lacks it, he sucks. Bland, boring, has no connection with the fans, draws terrible, didn't deliver against a good opponent in Morrison but only once, was carried by Elihaj Burke, a jobber who made him look foolish..

Benoit had the charisma of a brick, but he won the World Heavyweight Title.

Have a look at those ratings too. He was so bad after awhile, HHH had to overshadow his run and still be the main focus.

Orton isn't exactly packed full of charisma, and he retained at WrestleMania.

Orton along with Edge are two of the best heels in the business now, and in years.

Punk's a great technical wrestler, all he needs is a good gimmick and he's ready to challenge for at least the World title.

His gimmick is completely stupid and won't get over with fans who mark out for Steve Austin until this day.

He's not even close to ready, WWE is A) Trying to bring in ratings for ECW and B) Trying to get Punk over more. His fanbase are smarky.

That's it. Won't work neither with is charisma of a tree stump, and lack of connection.
His finisher is always really sloppy and makes his opponents/himself look like crap. It takes far to long to get off........he can't do it to any wrestler over 225 lbs it seems........and he's never really carried a match yet...........I'd go as far as saying he gets carried quite a bit......Mania for example......his ring work was poor at best.......and he's not over.........i think shelton got a bigger pop!!! Poor choice for MITB.......i think it's safe to say that this will be the first time the MITB winner doesn't get it done.....he will not go over.

He's been losing clean to Chavo for a couple of weeks before Mania.....how does he suddenly win MITB?

I do like Punk but he isn't even halfway ready, and hasn't beaten anyone high enough to boost his credibility.
Like everyone else said, he's not ready for the spot, even in a year he won't be ready for the spot. It doesn't help that they keep throwing him in feuds that just result in the same ECW main event for 6 weeks, unless they decide to have him tag with someone.

I happen to like Punk, but he should be built up. He should move to RAW or Smackdown and have feuds with legit guys, and build actual angles. I couldn't really buy him holding the title over a lot of guys right now.
Like everyone else said, he's not ready for the spot, even in a year he won't be ready for the spot. It doesn't help that they keep throwing him in feuds that just result in the same ECW main event for 6 weeks, unless they decide to have him tag with someone.

I happen to like Punk, but he should be built up. He should move to RAW or Smackdown and have feuds with legit guys, and build actual angles. I couldn't really buy him holding the title over a lot of guys right now.

I think he'll be drafted to either Raw or SD! in the next few weeks, from the way things look I'd say Raw is more likely right now, if that were to happen I would like to see him start a feud with Kennedy over the MITB title shot, with Kennedy taking it from him, then keeping it till WM25 or SummerSlam I'm not picky I think that would be a hell of alot better than having Punk getting a title shot right now, I don't see him useing the title shot right away at Backlash, WWE isn't that stupid
while watching mania, i had the exact same though, have kenndy win it from him in a match just like how he lost it last year. this then keeps kennedy from having to have cashed it in at mania and he can keep it. and finally get his push. which. while one was injury and the other his own fault, everyone else has seemed to have a push again since the steroid scandal except kennedy.

and really, i like punk, but as people have said, hes just dosen't seem ready to main event the bigger shows. seems more like us and itercontinental gold line right now. plus a second finisher for bigger people =-/
Punk was better in ROH from what I've seen, but most wrestlers are better outside WWE since they aren't tonned down as much. If WWE allows their guys a little more freedom down the line and/or we see main events dominated by guys with styles like Morrison and Shelton, I could see Punk being a pretty good fit for the long stay in the main event. But until that time which may never happen in WWE, Punk seems like a standad midcard guy who will get a short main event push when there is nobody else to throw to a main eventer for a PPV.
Many of the wrestlers who are given the priviledge of winning MITB have "it". CM Punk does not have "it". Even with Trips backing him, he's not going to have "it". He's a mid-carder at best and would never have even been the ECW champion if not for the fact that John Morrison got busted in the whole internet pharmacy scandal. Punk just isn't ready. He needs some fine tuning and polishing before he can take that banner. Even though he is using the whole "mui tai" wild man gimmick, he's still too sloppy for a main event match on either Smackdown or Raw.
WZ.com said:
Vince and Stephanie McMahon are HUGE fans of CM Punk and his lifestyle and it doesn't really mater anyone else thinks (ego-wise), he's going to be pushed.

Well that seals the deal, while Punk will never get fully over with big crowds, he'll continue to be shoved down our throats. Yet they say their's feeling in the company that he isn't ready, and he isn't. When he's moved to RAW, his flaws will only be worse. The guy is complete shit. Doesn't matter now though, I guess we better enjoy our dinner. Another funny thing is the lifestyle, I guess Vince has forgotten how and who made his business skyrocket. Fans won't buy that shitty gimmick. It's lame. Hell kids don't even seem to buy it, he still gets crickets.
Have a look at those ratings too. He was so bad after awhile, HHH had to overshadow his run and still be the main focus.

I Did that, and this is what I found.

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (1) 3.54
Shawn Michaels (1) 3.43
Triple H (2) 3.92
Goldberg (1) 3.58
Triple H (3) 3.7
Chris Benoit (1) 3.84
Randy Orton (1) 3.55
Triple H (4) 3.6
Vacant 3.46
Triple H (5) 3.89
Batista (1) 3.99

Both WWE and WHC on Raw
Batista (1) and Cena (1) 4.0

WWE Championship/ Raw switches back to USA during Cena's title reign.
John Cena (1) 3.73
Edge (1) 4.37
John Cena (2) 4.07
Rob Van Dam (1) 4.05
Edge (2) 3.87
John Cena (3) 3.77

Chris Benoit not drawing is one of the most ridiculous myths out there, and it's simply not true.

Now, back on topic. CM Punk, very intersting choice for Money in the Bank, and I didn't see this one coming at all to tell you the truth.

I don't have a problem with it personally. The guy is having a hard time adapting to a WWE style of match, but guess what, that doesn't matter when the owner is backing you up. If the WWE marketing machine is going to waste its timei n pushing a junky like Jeff Hardy, someone that is completely unreliable and trustworthy at this point, why not use a guy that has the same image, but a clean lifestyle that you know isn't going to shit on you to get a fix. If the WWE can get Hardy over, Punk won't be a problem.
Like I said, HHH was still the main focus....

I don't have a problem with it personally. The guy is having a hard time adapting to a WWE style of match,

Which will get him nowhere, if he can't cut it in the big leagues, he needs to stay down right where he's at.

but guess what, that doesn't matter when the owner is backing you up.

Same owner backed up Snitsky.

Doesn't matter, Vince will soon realize nobody gives a shit, he should have already when Chavo and Morrison as champion drew better ratings.

If the WWE marketing machine is going to waste its timei n pushing a junky like Jeff Hardy, someone that is completely unreliable and trustworthy at this point,

Talking about ridiculous myths. You seem to have a big one with Jeff Hardy, get over it, he was uber popular with a massive fanbase and got better reactions during his matches, and just being himself than anyone on the show.

Plus then he wasn't getting into trouble, so you saying "If the WWE marketing machine is going to waste its timei n pushing a junky like Jeff Hardy, someone that is completely unreliable and trustworthy at this point" doesn't hold. They did what was right by giving him the push at the right time.

He outpopped main eventers for god's sake. WEEKLY.

why not use a guy that has the same image, but a clean lifestyle that you know isn't going to shit on you to get a fix.

Punk is in the doghouse for being a dick. Plus, he's a dick to the fans. Looks like we have a new Batista.

And no, don't use him. He's not ready and completely lackluster in every aspect of wrestling.

If the WWE can get Hardy over, Punk won't be a problem.

Punk has yet to be fully over, didn't hardly get any reaction last night, according to about 5 live reports, he was the only one the crowd didn't give a shit about. Go figure.
Like I said, HHH was still the main focus....

So how does that equate to Chris Benoit being a badly drawing champion? It doesn't, because he didn't draw poorly at all. Of course HHH was the main focus, he was feuding with HBK in one of the biggest feuds of the last decade. I guess because Stone Cold and Vince McMahon were the main focus of the WWF in the attitude era that The Rock was a poor champion too then?

Doesn't matter, Vince will soon realize nobody gives a shit, he should have already when Chavo and Morrison as champion drew better ratings.

The fans give a shit; CM Punk gets very good pops, if you care to watch him on ECW. The crowd is full of signs for him. People care.

Talking about ridiculous myths. You seem to have a big one with Jeff Hardy, get over it, he was uber popular with a massive fanbase and got better reactions during his matches, and just being himself than anyone on the show.

CM Punk also has a pretty large fanbase and has become quite popular. To say he hasn't is ridiculious and ignorant to how the crowd has reacted to him over the last year. Obviously he doesn't have as big of a fan base as Jeff Hardy, but Punk still deserves this push. His popularity has earned him it.

Punk is in the doghouse for being a dick. Plus, he's a dick to the fans. Looks like we have a new Batista.

I was unaware that Punk was a dick. Could you elaborate as to how he's a dick to fans, etc? This is news to me.

And no, don't use him. He's not ready and completely lackluster in every aspect of wrestling.

He's not ready? Sure he's ready. He's been over for a while now, and he's been built at a pretty steady pace. Once he moves over to RAW, he'll be more then ready.

And completely lackluster in every aspect? Coming from Mr. Kennedy's biggest fan? Psssh. Punk is more then adequate in the ring and can more then hold up his own in a good match, and he's good enough on the mic to carry an audience, though he may not be oozing charisma on the mic.

If he was so lackluster in every aspect of wrestling, then obviously he wouldn't have made it this far now would he?

Punk has yet to be fully over, didn't hardly get any reaction last night, according to about 5 live reports, he was the only one the crowd didn't give a shit about. Go figure.

Yet to be fully over? You mean like his match against John Morrison the other week on Smackdown where the crowd popped for him and then chanted his name throughout the match? Yeah, he's so not over.

CM Punk is over just fine. Maybe you haven't been noticing his popularity.

As for CM Punk winning the MITB...I don't have a problem with it. Who else was going to win it? Mr. Kennedy? That would've been a terrible decision. MVP? Not nearly ready. Shelton Benjamin? Will never be ready. Carlito? Also will never be ready. John Morrison? Still enshrined in the midcard; not ready. Chris Jericho would have been the only other suitable choice, but not that he's the IC champ that would've been pointless. CM Punk was the best choice they had for the situation.

Besides, he's probably going to use it on the ECW title anyways.
So how does that equate to Chris Benoit being a badly drawing champion?

Because he wasn't the main draw in the main feud.

Of course HHH was the main focus, he was feuding with HBK in one of the biggest feuds of the last decade.


You just dug your own hole.

Make a thread if you wish about Beniot, I don't care.

Let's get too the topic...

The fans give a shit; CM Punk gets very good pops,


Like I said, both Morrison and Chavo drew bigger ratings, CM Punk is Mr 1.0.

He never gets any good pops, open your ears. It's crickets weekly.

if you care to watch him on ECW. The crowd is full of signs for him. People care.

Some, but he isn't over enough to hold the MITB.

CM Punk also has a pretty large fanbase and has become quite popular.

Bullshit, he doesn't draw, doesn't get reactions, his matches are always boring and the crowd doesn't get involved, he did well in the summer, but now he's just meh.

To say he hasn't is ridiculious and ignorant to how the crowd has reacted to him over the last year.


Listen to his reactions, they are nothing big. Just little pops.

Obviously he doesn't have as big of a fan base as Jeff Hardy, but Punk still deserves this push. His popularity has earned him it.


1.0's obviously.

I was unaware that Punk was a dick. Could you elaborate as to how he's a dick to fans, etc? This is news to me.

Read newsites including WZ, not Clark but live fan sent in reports, he's a dick just like Batista, even just walked out of an autograph session. Plus, he did something to get him into the doghouse about a month ago, forgot what it was though.

He's not ready? Sure he's ready. He's been over for a while now, and he's been built at a pretty steady pace.

What a crock of shit, look at the previous MITB winners compared to Punk

Kennedy - Uber over when he won it.

Edge - Godly heel and uber over.

Punk - Nobody gives a shit except ROH/Smarks like you.

He's been built but yet it's done nothing for ECW and it's done nothing for his character, he has no connection with the fans, and just isn't good at anything, mic work or wrestling.

Once he moves over to RAW, he'll be more then ready.


We saw what happened with Kennedy. Punk will get lost in the shuffle once Vince realizes.

And completely lackluster in every aspect? Coming from Mr. Kennedy's biggest fan? Psssh.

I've told you Kennedy has flaws. I'm not stupid.

Punk is more then adequate in the ring and can more then hold up his own in a good match,


Punk hasn't had a "good" match since Morrison. Average? Yes but good....ROFL.

and he's good enough on the mic to carry an audience,

Yet he doesn't...

though he may not be oozing charisma on the mic.

He'll need to work on that before making it anywhere.

If he was so lackluster in every aspect of wrestling, then obviously he wouldn't have made it this far now would he?

He's on fucking ECW Xfear. Kane, now a fucking jobber is about to be their top name. They only gave him the MITB due to Hardy and trying to bring over ratings to ECW, and get him more over, that's common sense.

He is lackluster, but he can improve, like I said, in the summer he did well.

Yet to be fully over? You mean like his match against John Morrison the other week on Smackdown where the crowd popped for him and then chanted his name throughout the match? Yeah, he's so not over.

How about those crickets he came out too last night and does every fucking week? How about his boring matches that the crowd snoozes through? Or how about his boring ass feuds? Boring gimmick? Bland character? Poor adapting to the WWE style?

CM Punk is over just fine. Maybe you haven't been noticing his popularity.

Because he isn't popular. He's semi over, but not over enough to carry the MITB.

As for CM Punk winning the MITB...I don't have a problem with it. Who else was going to win it? Mr. Kennedy? That would've been a terrible decision.

Agreed at this point in time, he's filming a movie and won't even be on TV full time for about a month. Nice try

MVP? Not nearly ready.


MVP would have been a good choice to build off of, better than Punk. He has the US title, and him bragging even more about having the MITB too would only add more heat, plus bring interesting angles and matches with Hardy with both things on the line.

He was the good choice.

Shelton Benjamin? Will never be ready. Carlito? Also will never be ready. John Morrison? Still enshrined in the midcard; not ready.

Agreed, Agreed, Agreed.

Chris Jericho would have been the only other suitable choice, but not that he's the IC champ that would've been pointless.

Not really. See: MVP

CM Punk was the best choice they had for the situation.


Besides, he's probably going to use it on the ECW title anyways.

Probably which is a HUGE waste.
I don't hate CM Punk at all, he is very talented... IN THE RING

outside of that then you can say he "does not have it", he is not entertaining, he actually remind me of Lance Storm, outstanding in the ring but boring outside of it though, in the WWE you need both, yeah Orton suck on the mic but he still has that cocky attitude that makes you hate him

CM really don't say much besides "Oh Yeah, And What Is That" LOL

I honestly can't say CM is even the most talent guy on ECW roster, he was just the one that pushed the most and that was only because Morrison got suspended for a while, now Morrison that guy has it in and out of the ring

Shelton is more talented then CM but Shelton again his personality sucks

Elijah Burke has it as well but they just don't use him up to his ability, when they had the "ECW New Breed" agle and he was the leader, Elijah was amazing especially on the mic but then all of a sudden they buried him and turned him basically into almost a Jobber sometimes

but back to CM, it is no question he is talented but I don't think he is ready yet to be a mainevent guy or anything just yet, maybe at IC or US Champ but nothing higher then that unless one of the top guys get injuried or something

Oh and one more thing, some try to use Beniot as a reason why CM should be pushed, that is not even close, Beniot performance in the ring was so great that you did not even care about him lack of mic skills or charisma

when Eddie and Beniot won the Belts at that one Wrestlemania they got Standing O's because fans always considered them greats, they just was not used correctly in WCW, yes CM is good in the ring don't get me wrong but Benoit was special in the ring so it is really no comparison
so did anyone ever think that they are using the money in the bank to build a new superstar. What's the point of giving mitb to someone who doesn't need it to get into the main event. WWE will wait until he is built up enough to cash it in. putting him on raw or smackdown and letting him beat some of the names on those shows he will help him out tremendously. Give him a few months he will be ready for the big time.
Punk may get pops at ECW, but at Mania last night, he got nothing. My section of the croud were booing him when he won. His work is average at best, his gimmick is crap (unless he turns heel RTC style) and he has no charisma. Not a good sign if he's to be challenging for major gold in the next year. That briefcase should be in the hands of someone more deserving, like Kennedy, MVP or Benjamin (MITB MVP again IMHO).

Dare I say it, CM Punk = The New John Cena
CM Punk seems boring because he is really not a great face, the guy is awesome as a heel and could create a new style RTC that goes after guys that aren't clean and, do drugs. But as far as him not being over, the WWE does put a lot of stock into merchandise sales and he has been seeing increases in merch sales lately, something they see as a good attribute, Punk is not ready at this very moment in time to be the WWE/WHC, but give him a solid six months and a couple decent feuds and I see him being more than ready. Well, that or a heel turn.
I like him, but I think he needs to have a few more matches on RAW until eventually moving (which is pretty much inevitable). He will move to RAW and face jobbers and keep beating them convincingly, then start beating Jericho-type-wrestlers. Then he will cash in his oppurtunity, but I see him losing it as he wont be able to hold up a feud with any of the 'top' guys on RAW or SmackDown. But I am sure they (McMahon's) will shove him down our throats; just like Cena, until he gets some more pops.
lets get this straight noone hates cm punk...as someone said hes not ready but the problem is how will we ever know if hes "ready" cause you cant determine if someone is ready if they keep fighting chavo,elijah,shelton etc all i have too say is hopefully he brings his A game and steps it up cause if there sending him to the big leauges (RAW) he better peform or he wont be mr money in the bank anymore but hopefully it works out good luck cm punk p.s (good job too the bookers to have ur money in the bank winner loose his 1st match after wrestlemania..idiots)
First of all, I dont ever watch ECW. So all I knew of Punk was what I heard on this website and chatrooms. I expected an awesome talent, and he is far from that. He's been on Raw for about three weeks now, and the guy is not great by any means. Thats one reason I hate him. The second, as already pointed out, is his finisher. He can't land it cleanly, and he makes it look very sloppy. The third reason I hate him is because he is Mr. MITB. I'd never seen John Morrison before sunday, and he impressed me more than Punk has in the last month. Same with Benjamin. I dont even like MVP, another overrated guy, but I'd rather he won than Punk.

Like I said, both Morrison and Chavo drew bigger ratings, CM Punk is Mr 1.0.

He never gets any good pops, open your ears. It's crickets weekly.

He never gets good pops? Did you watch Raw last night? It sounded like to me the crowd was split between him and CHRIS FUCKING JERICHO. That's not a good pop? Also, what about Survivor Series 2006, you know... where he out popped DX?

And on you're little 1.0 nonsense.... isn't that what Kurt Angle draws as TNA World Champ? Does that mean Angle isn't talented?

Also, why are you acting like Morrison and Chavo draws ten times more than Punk? Ever since Lashley became champion, the ratings have consistently stayed between 1.3-1.6. There's never been a big difference with any of the champions. So you can't say Chavo and Morrison draw more than Punk. If Chris Jericho was champion, the ratings would still suck because the show sucks. You can't draw with an undercard ECW has. Period.

Some, but he isn't over enough to hold the MITB.

MITB was created to help stars get to the next level. So if you think Punk isn't there yet, this will help him.

Bullshit, he doesn't draw, doesn't get reactions, his matches are always boring and the crowd doesn't get involved, he did well in the summer, but now he's just meh.

Again, the Raw match against Jericho?

Also, his matches are boring? Ummm.... did you not watch his ECW Championship win against Morrison? That was one of the best matches on WWE TV in 2007. And personally, I enjoyed his stuff against Chavo, too.

Listen to his reactions, they are nothing big. Just little pops.

Even against Jericho on Raw?


1.0's obviously.

Angle draws the same thing. So he sucks?

Read newsites including WZ, not Clark but live fan sent in reports, he's a dick just like Batista, even just walked out of an autograph session. Plus, he did something to get him into the doghouse about a month ago, forgot what it was though.

Ummmm.... no. First of all, I've never seen reports where he was a dick to a fan. If you have proof, then be my guess and show it. If not, then shut the fuck up.

Secondly, you shouldn't believe everything you read. Because Punk lost the ECW Title in a surprising way, that was enough ammo for the dirt sites to start bullshit rumors. It's obvious now that management didn't want the ECW Champion in the MITB match, and that's why he lost it. Not because "he was in the doghouse".

What a crock of shit, look at the previous MITB winners compared to Punk

Kennedy - Uber over when he won it.

Edge - Godly heel and uber over.

Punk - Nobody gives a shit except ROH/Smarks like you.

How come I always see a bunch little kids in the audience with Punk clothes and signs? Are they 'ROH Smarks'?

The only reason why you people hate Punk is because ROH fans like him. And since you hate ROH fans, you have to hate the guys they like to. What a bunch of horseshit. I fucking hate that. And don't get me wrong; a lot of douchebag ROH fans are the same about WWE and TNA. You guys make it a bullshit competition. You let your hatred for certain fans dictate who you like in pro wrestling. What garbage. Think for yourselves.

He's been built but yet it's done nothing for ECW and it's done nothing for his character, he has no connection with the fans, and just isn't good at anything, mic work or wrestling.

Vince McMahon, probably the most over heel in history, couldn't help ECW ratings. What makes you think a WWE rookie could?

We saw what happened with Kennedy. Punk will get lost in the shuffle once Vince realizes.

Once Vince realizes what? Whether you like Punk or not, you have to admit that he is one guy Vince can trust not to fuck up with drugs. Vince can trust Punk to represent the company with honor, and that's all Vince needs to keep Punk's ass around.

Punk hasn't had a "good" match since Morrison. Average? Yes but good....ROFL.

Like I said, I like the matches with Chavo, but it's cool if you didn't. Personal preference, fine. However, you say Punk hasn't had a good match since Morrison... umm, who exactly has Punk faced since him? In fact, with the exception of Chavo Guerrero, has any of his singles matches gone longer then 8 minutes since his ECW Title win?

Whether you want to admit it or not, Punk still hasn't had a true opportunity to show WWE fans who are ignorant to his past what he's made of. The only singles matches he has had that were given a good length of time were against Chavo, Burke, and Morrison. All of which are talented, and none of the matches were bad in my opinion, but none of those guys are over. They don't get much, if any, heel heat during matches. Put Punk in there with an established heel like say Randy Orton, and watch what fucking happens.

How about those crickets he came out too last night and does every fucking week?

Again, did he get 'crickets' against Jericho?

How about his boring matches that the crowd snoozes through?

The crowd was wide awake when he faced Jericho.

Or how about his boring ass feuds?

Does CM Punk write the show? Does he have an input in what he says on the mic? Hell, how much mic time does CM Punk get in the first place? And it's HIS fault the feuds are boring? Give me a fucking break.

Boring gimmick?

His 'boring' gimmick sells a good amount of merchandise last I checked.

Bland character?

How is straight edge bland? Has their ever been a straight edge character in WWE? It's a good gimmick, if you ask me. Plus, Punk just hasn't had the right feud yet to showcase how creative his straight edge character has the potential to be. It'll come though. Until then, no one should have their mind made up about it.

Poor adapting to the WWE style?

Punk seems to do quite well in that ring if you ask me. He sells well and gives a fiery comeback. That's all you need to adapt to the WWE style. That's all management wants in a babyface.

Because he isn't popular. He's semi over, but not over enough to carry the MITB.

Like I said, the MITB match was created to help someone get more over. Not to give it to an already established individual. What would be the point? WWE wants to make new stars with that match. I mean, just look at the past guys who won it:

Edge - Was having a lot of trouble getting over as a heel at the time.

RVD - Just returned from injury and needed a boast to get his legitimacy back. Also, they knew they were starting the new ECW brand and knew this match could help it out.

Kennedy - Had everything except a huge victory, and this match gave him that.

Now, lets look at the wrestlers in this year's MITB:

Kennedy - Won it last year and doesn't need that thing to get more over. Besides, he buried himself by being a dumb douche.

Carlito - Carlito is nowhere near as talented as Punk and is a whiney little baby. Punk has been in some boring shit and has lost some matches that he shouldn't have, but you never heard any bitching come from his mouth. Carlito is just the opposite.

Shelton - I love Shelton, but his lack of passion and work ethic keeps him from getting to the next level. You can hate Punk all you want, but you cannot deny his passion for the business and the fact that he works his ass off.

Morrison - He's in the same boat as Punk. I wouldn't have minded it one bit had he won this match. He's the one guy you can make an argument for on who deserved to win this match more than the Punker.

MVP - He has the US Title and unfinished business with Matt Hardy. Plus, he's a good heel for 'Taker to feud with once his program with Edge is finished. MVP doesn't need the briefcase.

Jericho - Jericho just doesn't need this win either. Hell, in my opinion, he shouldn't have been in the match in the first place. He desevered a better spot on the card.

So that's it. But in the end, for you guys really bitching about CM Punk winning this thing, get over it. I'm pretty sure Punk is going to end up being the first MITB winner to lose his title shot. They can't have the winner of it win every single year; otherwise it would become repetitive and predictable.
CM punk is an awesome wrestler in my view and from what I read in recent reports Stephanie and Vince really enjoy him alot. Alot of the wrestlers backstage don't like him so its a weird situation I really didn't think that he would win on sunday but he did and i'm really happy for him.Lets see what belt he goes after prolly a match at summerslam?

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