Why Is Rusev Day So Over?

Dan Severn's Moustache

Patent Pending
I like Rusev. The Rusev Day gimmick is fine, serviceable and all other synonyms of the word adequate. But for some reason, this appears to be insanely over, especially amongst the IWC and I just don't understand why. To me, it just seems they found a random gimmick to tag onto and push it to the moon for no real reason except for the sake of doing it. Its like Titus O'Neil's Oora sound thing randomly got over only for the sake of an in-joke or something.

Is there any magic to the Rusev Day gimmick I'm missing, or is it just people taking the piss and supporting it just because? To me, it just seems like any other gimmick on the roster really.
Remember "Fandangoing"? Well this is it. Basically they will chant anything for the sake of it.

Also, there is part of IWC that really likes Rusev no matter how hard WWE books him horribly. Heck, King Ross wears a t-shirt with Rusev tweet on it because Rusev acknowledge him in one of his tweets. So there is also that as a factor why him.
I think it's really a matter of people like Rusev a lot and find the whole Rusev Day thing to be pretty entertaining.i myself have come to like Rusev a lot after seeing his sense of humor on upupdowndown and Twitter, I've been wanting him to get any gimmick besides evil foreigner and this works well because it's funny and entertaining. I'd just like it better if they were faces.

Happy Rusev Day.
Okay, let's get one thing straight right now. Rusev Day is only so over because of one man...Aiden English!! He has a voice of an angel. His voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus.
People chanted "Justin Bieber" at heel champ Seth Rollins because Dean(?) said it in a promo for literal weeks. Same with "Sparkle crotch" and "Tater tot" actually getting chanted. WWE has a much different audience than NJPW, Progress, ROH, PWG, etc. with the fact that it is a lot more PG and family oriented. I don't mind silly stuff like any of those three or "Rusev Day" getting over. If any of us did New Day would have been kicked off TV a long time ago. It's fun, not edgy or try hard, and both the pro-wrestlers get over and the audience can join in with them and interact.

Also, he is underutilized according to a majority of the internet. They saw him on Total Divas, UpUpDownDown, Southpaw Regional Wrestling, Talk is Jericho, etc. and they find him generally really funny and that he has a magnetic personality. I wouldn't disagree because he was one of the acts that got me into WWE almost as much as a Dean Ambrose and for a short stint, even Daniel Bryan. So a simple, but fun and such an interactive thing that was kind of built up for a few weeks in his silly feud with Randy Orton easily pops both internet fans who've longed for him to have TV time and be featured in the Rumble like he was this year and the general non-internet based audience.

I'm not too into it, but I know it's not for me and not everything in the monolith that is WWE is. I just want the talent to get over and the fans to enjoy themselves because it carries energy over to other parts of the show and into further conversations.
Wrestling is, this may shock some of you, grounded heavily in audience reaction. Rusev has been doing tremendous work for years, and despite getting the ass-end of the book in some stretches, the crowd still loves him. Rusev Day is the first thing that fans can really sink their teeth into in an audience-participation level. It could have easily been Aiden prompting an interesting melody in which to chant Rusev, but instead it's something that works on a t-shirt.

It's fun. Wrestling fans want fun.
It’s because Rusev is fucking awesome, and it’s a gimmick that lets his goofball personality shine.
It’s because Rusev is fucking awesome, and it’s a gimmick that lets his goofball personality shine.

This. It's a silly gimmick that everyone can get behind, doesn't hurt anyone and is a lot of fun. Besides it's highlighting Rusev's humour and let's Aiden English shine for a bit.
Because Rusev is one of the most charismatic wrestlers on the roster, plus great in the ring, plus can have some serious bad ass promos.

So, why won't they push him? Who knows. So it's up to us for Rusev to get a major push.

Happy Rusev Day.

In fact, Rusev is more charismatic than Finn Balor, Bobby Roode, Ziggler, Angle, Corbin, Rollins, Reigns, Mahal. But all of these have received far better pushes than Rusev....
Cos we're all idiots.

Exactly. If Rusev came out with a wife beating gimmick we'd still chant "Slap dat hoe" when his entrance music came on. Look at New Day, throwing pancakes around, wearing Unicorn caps and gyrating like clowns to get a reaction, we'd be the first idiots in the front row with our tongues out so Big E can pour too much cereal in our mouths creating a real choking hazard. God we're idiots.
Wrestling is, this may shock some of you, grounded heavily in audience reaction. Rusev has been doing tremendous work for years, and despite getting the ass-end of the book in some stretches, the crowd still loves him. Rusev Day is the first thing that fans can really sink their teeth into in an audience-participation level. It could have easily been Aiden prompting an interesting melody in which to chant Rusev, but instead it's something that works on a t-shirt.

It's fun. Wrestling fans want fun.

Sports Entertainment*
Because Rusev is one of the most charismatic wrestlers on the roster, plus great in the ring, plus can have some serious bad ass promos.

So, why won't they push him? Who knows. So it's up to us for Rusev to get a major push.

Happy Rusev Day.

In fact, Rusev is more charismatic than Finn Balor, Bobby Roode, Ziggler, Angle, Corbin, Rollins, Reigns, Mahal. But all of these have received far better pushes than Rusev....

More charisma than Angle? You might be reaching on that one.
Keep in mind, it all kind of dates back to his feud with Cena (at least I think it was that fued) where the Bulgarian or Russian diplomat (fake person) proclaimed it to be Rusev Day for his quick pin on his opponent. It kind of exploded from there due to Rusev’s amazing personality on social media.
Being wholesome has been an upward trend for the last few years or so. Mental illness awareness, anti-bullying campaigns, supporting gay rights movements and general togetherness for humanity has been increasing with the focus being everybody to get along with one another and be happy. Wishing somebody a Happy Rusev Day and saying that everyday is a "happy day" is quite wholesome and gets everybody in the audience spreading a positive message.

Not to mention that some of the best entertaining wrestling tropes are downright silly, which Rusev Day is, and many silly/happy gimmicks are among the most beloved by the audience. Think of all the silly/happy gimmicks that got over. Same applies here.
It is also an instance where a guy people feel deserves a better push did something to try to get himself noticed. It has happened in the past with multiple guys.

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