Worst song you've ever heard

I think i'm turning Japanese, not sure who sings that song but its the most awful piece of garbage I ever heard from the 80s, also any rap music, top 40 pop garbage and country music.
50 F'N Cent: I can not stress enough how this man has destroyed the music industry with the shit he claims is remotely decent music. I don't understand why people even remotely like him, or the crap that comes out of his mouth.

In Da Club: How I wish I could call him a one hit wonder for this song, with exception that A.) He's put out more than one single.. & B.) None of them were what I'd classify as "wonders." This fucking song made him so famous, & for what reason.. because it was "Shorty's Birthday?!" I know a girl nick-named Shorty.. I've never hit a girl before.. but she started playing this song every fucking time I seen her.. & I really almost laid her out.

P.I.M.P.: Leave it up to a rapper, to try & explain to the world what a Pimp is. You know the greatest thing.. this guy wouldn't know what a female looked like, if one bitch slapped him across the face.

Candy Shop: Personally, I think he's trying to scream to the world he wants to suck a guy off. Maybe its just me thinking thats what he's saying, maybe not.

Magic Stick: Most likely the 2nd "greatest" song he's put out. And once again, reference to his dick.. just unclear on why the world suddenly goes ape shit over this guy.

Final Thought: He was shot in the face repeatedly. The only thing I have to say about this.. is whoever the fuck did it, should be sentenced to life in prison.. .. .. For NOT getting the job done!
like 99% of Rap I hate and it is one of the worst genres IMO, its like What the *bleep* I'm a *bleep*in *bleep**bleep**bleep* It's pointless, and it degrades music in genral, also, I hate the song by Gwen Stefani where it goes, "This Shit is bananas, b a n a n a s... that song pisses me off to no end, also, mmmbop by Hanson
like 99% of Rap I hate and it is one of the worst genres IMO, its like What the *bleep* I'm a *bleep*in *bleep**bleep**bleep* It's pointless, and it degrades music in genral, also, I hate the song by Gwen Stefani where it goes, "This Shit is bananas, b a n a n a s... that song pisses me off to no end, also, mmmbop by Hanson

That song taught me how to spell bananas :lmao:
Nah I know what you mean about rap, I hate it. It's just ******s Attemtping Poetry. Someone saying swear words fast isn't talent! And most of the songs sound the same. No wander people make so much money from it. They hear one song that sells and then copy that 100 times over.
like 99% of Rap I hate and it is one of the worst genres IMO, its like What the *bleep* I'm a *bleep*in *bleep**bleep**bleep* It's pointless,
How is it pointless? Will you please explain? Not every rap song or artist is about drugs or killing. Most artists are big lyricist, and I dont see how rap music is pointless, it is every where, and it has grown since the 90's.
and it degrades music in genral,
How does it degrade music in general? Because you are jealous that you are not able to make music like they can? People say it is easy but why are their some many rappers, but only some make it big? i know people have different tastes in music, but i dont see how it is pointless. Nor does rap music degrade music in general. I am not a big fan of country, or heavy rock, but i dont go around saying it degrades music. The majority of country music is talking about 9-5 jobs getting left by their wife, and bee, plenty of that.

Mostly all rap music drives me mad, I hate it because every single hip-hop artist is an untalented wanna-be I say this because there music is done on the computer and the Voices are edited to try and make them sound better.
Untalented? Then why are some huge stars? Music is art, not everyone can do it. Some are lyrical geniuses, like Little Wayne for instance, listen to some of his music.

Becca said:
Nah I know what you mean about rap, I hate it. It's just ******s Attemtping Poetry. Someone saying swear words fast isn't talent! And most of the songs sound the same. No wander people make so much money from it. They hear one song that sells and then copy that 100 times over.
Yeah people dont swear in rock or country music. :rolleyes:. Rap music appeals to teens across the states, and some across the world. i dont see how they are attempting poetry, when some of it actually is.

Gosh, the music I cant stand is the majority of rock music nowadays, it drives me crazy, IMO i find it too repetitive. I cant stand most music nowadays, and now i dont listen to the radio as much because the majority of it is bad imo, no matter what radio station you are listening too.
Throw some D's by Rich Boy makes me want to pick up a brick and throw it against a car because it pisses me off so much...i don't understand anything he says lol
I would say ''I write sins not tragedies'' by Panic at the disco. Its FUCKING HORRIBLE. I dont get the whole Emo bullshit like avenged sevenfold, Fallout boy, yellowcard. And all this faggy music that people buy into over the past 5 years. I fucking hate it.
That stupid Soulja Boy Tell Em song, i think its called Crank Dat. It has got to be the dumbest song i have ever heard. You can't understand a freakin word he says through the whole song, its like he's mumbling. That song is so boring as hell to listen too as well. And how the hell do you superman a ho? I have no freakin idea how so many people caught onto this song, and if they did i feel so sorry for them to be drawn into such a crappy song. Songs like that is what makes people think that rap sucks, and its depressing.

And on a side note, what kind of name is Soulja Boy Tell Em?? Tell me what? How to write a song? No thanks if i wanted to know how to write a song ill go to a camel and listen to the water in his hump splash around, prolly sounds alot better than what he sings.
I would say ''I write sins not tragedies'' by Panic at the disco. Its FUCKING HORRIBLE. I dont get the whole Emo bullshit like avenged sevenfold, Fallout boy, yellowcard. And all this faggy music that people buy into over the past 5 years. I fucking hate it.

I really dont consider Yellowcard an Emo band. There music has more substance then most Emo bands, go listen to the Ocean Avenue CD if you dont believe me.

On topic, I hate pretty much all rap and absolutely ALL country. But for some reason, I dont hate Fall Out Boy like I know I should. It's decent music if you dont pay too much attention to it. I think Crank Dat Souljah Boy has to be the worst song ever created. It sounds like he recorded it in someone's basement after a couple of beers, its just terrible. The worst thing about it is that all my friends treat it like the second coming, they think its that good.
Dunno if anyone has heard it but here in Australia we have a terrible song called "It's A Song About Ping Pong" by Operator Please and it is so bad its just bad nothing else can be said.
Yeah people dont swear in rock or country music. :rolleyes:. Rap music appeals to teens across the states, and some across the world. i dont see how they are attempting poetry, when some of it actually is.

Gosh, the music I cant stand is the majority of rock music nowadays, it drives me crazy, IMO i find it too repetitive. I cant stand most music nowadays, and now i dont listen to the radio as much because the majority of it is bad imo, no matter what radio station you are listening too.

Just because I don't like rap, doesn't mean I'm a big rock fan, because I aren't. I don't like the commercialised side of rock either, bands like Greenday and My Chemical Romance were better before they all started to sound the same. Loads of songs swear in them, but most of the rap I've heard just consists of it and little else.

I can't say what type of music I listen to, because I listen to so much, and I'd rather name the artists.
Oh man.. just thinking about this song is enough to make me shiver... some of you may remember back in the early 1990's, Alice Cooper wrote a huge hit named "Poison". Not exactly what you'd expect from the same man who gave us "Teenage Frankenstein" and "Roses On White Lace", but it's forgivable. He wanted to reach out to a new audience. It wasn't a bad song.

But in 2008, something happened. Something horrendous.. so disturbing it should never have been considered. Tarja Turunen, the former lead vocalist of the great Finnish band Nightwish, released a solo album- and she decided to cover this song. I wanted to give it a chance. I did. Ten seconds.. I'm starting to sense something could be wrong. Tarja singing... oh God, please don't let it be... and then the rhythm kicked in- and I'm not talking about the driving rhythm that made Alice's version great. I swear she turned the damn song practically techno. That crossed the line. Nightwish did the right thing by firing her....
Have to go with this is why i'm hot by mims. What in the hell is this song about? It makes absolutely no sense, and is the epitome of how a song is made popular on how the beat of it sounds and not about the song itself, which is what is the major problem i have with rap and hip hop.
Have to go with this is why i'm hot by mims. What in the hell is this song about? It makes absolutely no sense, and is the epitome of how a song is made popular on how the beat of it sounds and not about the song itself, which is what is the major problem i have with rap and hip hop.

I 100% agree. I can't understand anything that he is rapping about. Everytime he tries to explain himself, it's inaudible to me. So to me, he basically just spams his way through the song. Are there actually legitimate lyrics to it other than "This is why I'm hot"
[QUOTE="RAVEN";379448]I 100% agree. I can't understand anything that he is rapping about. Everytime he tries to explain himself, it's inaudible to me. So to me, he basically just spams his way through the song. Are there actually legitimate lyrics to it other than "This is why I'm hot"[/QUOTE]

From waht I can tell all he says is i'm hot cuz i'm fly, you ain't cuz you not. Yeah that really explained things better. And people wonder why people today are so stupid. This is what's supposed to make sense to them?
I absolutely cannot stand the song "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat. It make me want to poke my eyes out. Terible. Incredibly annoying.
I also despise the song "Low" by Flo Rida. It's awful. Although I will admit that I thoroughly enjoy singing the line "Boots with the furrrrr". It's fun. But after that, it's all down hill.
Any main stream song and band or artist are horrible

excluding atreyu(love everything dating back to their first ep), Incubus, the red hot chili peppers, sublime, linkin park(they have a few good song), Jimmy Eat World, AFI, Third Eye Blind. and those are the only good or decent mainstream bands I listen to other then that I hate all the other shit.

I listen to underground music(egh with the current trends with the scene trends in the three I can't really call them underground can I?)

I love Punk(and all it's sub genres except pop punk), Hardcore(and all it's sub genres except pop-core), and metal(and all it's sub genres except... ah you know the drill).
Any main stream song and band or artist are horrible

excluding atreyu(love everything dating back to their first ep), Incubus, the red hot chili peppers, sublime, linkin park(they have a few good song), Jimmy Eat World, AFI, Third Eye Blind. and those are the only good or decent mainstream bands I listen to other then that I hate all the other shit.

I listen to underground music(egh with the current trends with the scene trends in the three I can't really call them underground can I?)

I love Punk(and all it's sub genres except pop punk), Hardcore(and all it's sub genres except pop-core), and metal(and all it's sub genres except... ah you know the drill).

I don't like it when people automatically dimiss mainstream music. If you like a song you should like it, don't pretend to hate it just to be different.

The "Hardcore" genre is probably the worst thing ever to happen to live music. I read an article in Rolling Stone about a Marine who went to a local show in New Jersey and got in an argument with someone who worked there. The "hardcore" venue worker said they could step outside and fight. The marine said he would just leave to avoid trouble. When he got outside he turned around to notice that seven of the guys friends were following him. The marine was beaten down by eight "hardcore" followers and died of his injuries.

If gang beating people is hardcore you can call me a pussy anyday. I'm all for having pits at shows, because the ones I go to people don't seriously hurt anyone. These guys have to fight like women and then label themselves hardcore because they are anything but.
I don't like it when people automatically dimiss mainstream music. If you like a song you should like it, don't pretend to hate it just to be different.

The "Hardcore" genre is probably the worst thing ever to happen to live music. I read an article in Rolling Stone about a Marine who went to a local show in New Jersey and got in an argument with someone who worked there. The "hardcore" venue worker said they could step outside and fight. The marine said he would just leave to avoid trouble. When he got outside he turned around to notice that seven of the guys friends were following him. The marine was beaten down by eight "hardcore" followers and died of his injuries.

If gang beating people is hardcore you can call me a pussy anyday. I'm all for having pits at shows, because the ones I go to people don't seriously hurt anyone. These guys have to fight like women and then label themselves hardcore because they are anything but.

I know exactly were you're coming from with that. My town is riddled with hardcore/scene kids. And all of 'em are always saying "If you got a problem with one of us, you got a problem with all of us." Now I understand having your friends back, but that doesn't mean you have to fight all your friends fights too. Not to mention that half of them are bitches and are all talk anyways...

Anywho, I'll get back on topic: I also hate that song by Silver Sun Pickups. I don't know the name of the song, but it bugs the crap outta me. The singer sounds like the guy from Smashing Pumpkins, so I always think thats whats playing, than it ends up being some other band. Plus the song is just drags too much to be enjoyable.
Any main stream song and band or artist are horrible

excluding atreyu(love everything dating back to their first ep), Incubus, the red hot chili peppers, sublime, linkin park(they have a few good song), Jimmy Eat World, AFI, Third Eye Blind. and those are the only good or decent mainstream bands I listen to other then that I hate all the other shit.

I listen to underground music(egh with the current trends with the scene trends in the three I can't really call them underground can I?)

I love Punk(and all it's sub genres except pop punk), Hardcore(and all it's sub genres except pop-core), and metal(and all it's sub genres except... ah you know the drill).

Wow. You're so cool.

I used to be like you. I thought I was really cool because I listened to 'underground' music, and laughed at people who listened to mainstream music.

But then I grew up. And realised it isn't cool. If I hear something on the TV I like, I'm not ashamed to admit it - unlike three years ago.

If you legitimately hate everything mainstream, then fine. It just annoys me when people say that kind of stuff to come off as superior to others or think that something that gets alot of praise/notice, it must automatically suck.
The King Of Rock 'n' Roll by Prefrab Sprout


All my lazy teenage boasts are now high precision ghosts
And they’re coming round the track to haunt me.
When she looks at me and laughs I remind her of the facts
I’m the king of rock’n roll completely
Up from suede shoes to my baby blues

Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque

The dream helps you forget you ain’t never danced a step
You were never fleet of foot, hippy.
All the pathos you can keep for the children in the street
For the vision I have had is sweeping
- new broom, this room, sweep it clean

Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
High kickin’ dandy, fine figure fine cut a fine figure fine oh yeah ;
Long legged candy, fine figure fine cut a fine figure fine oh yeah ;

Now my rhythm ain’t so hot, but it’s the only friend I’ve got
I’m the king of rock’n roll completely
All the pretty birds have flown now I’m dancing on my own
I’m the king of rock’n roll completely
- up from, suede shoes to my baby blues

Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
High kickin’ dandy, fine figure fine cut a fine figure fine oh yeah ;
Long legged candy, fine figure fine cut a fine figure fine oh yeah ;
Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque
Hot dog, jumping frog, albuquerque

I hate this fuckin' song. I despise it with all my might. I used to work in a shop and this was on every hour. So for 8 times a day I had to listen to it. It started to drive me mad so I switched off all the music in the shop, which got me in deep shit. But it was worth it.
I don't like it when people automatically dimiss mainstream music. If you like a song you should like it, don't pretend to hate it just to be different.

The "Hardcore" genre is probably the worst thing ever to happen to live music. I read an article in Rolling Stone about a Marine who went to a local show in New Jersey and got in an argument with someone who worked there. The "hardcore" venue worker said they could step outside and fight. The marine said he would just leave to avoid trouble. When he got outside he turned around to notice that seven of the guys friends were following him. The marine was beaten down by eight "hardcore" followers and died of his injuries.

If gang beating people is hardcore you can call me a pussy anyday. I'm all for having pits at shows, because the ones I go to people don't seriously hurt anyone. These guys have to fight like women and then label themselves hardcore because they are anything but.

They did this because they are part of FSU a.k.a. Friends Stand United, but are known by hardcore kids as Fuck Shit Up. They are useless. All they ever do is ruin shows. Hardcore shows are all about being with friends and having a good time, but FSU just messes that up. Just because they are associated with hardcore, doesn't mean everybody in the scene are like that. They are the 1% that screws it up for the other 99%.

Now back on topic. The worst song ever would be "Urgent." I don't know who sings it, but I was listening to a classic rock station and it came on. The whole song was just a guy repeated "Its urgent, urgent, urgent" over and over again in the most annoying voice ever.
The worst song I've ever heard was "Crank That" by Soulja Boy. A horrible beat, worse lyrics, and the worst vocals I think I've ever heard in a song. There was a point for a long time where that song was on about three stations at once, and on before and even during sporting events. I'm a huge basketball fan, and I haven't watched too many games this year due to the fact that they blare rap music (especially this) while they play. This song had a life of its own for a long time, and thank god the novelty has finally worn off.
Lol, completely agree Pete, that was the first song that came into my head when I saw this thread. It just IMMEDIATELY stands out to me as the most unoriginal, annoying epoch failure of a song. Souljas boys vocals just sound so dull, the lyrics are just ridiculous and just overall completely monotonous. The success of this song really proves that if Wealthy White Men, uh I mean MTV tell you to like something then you will love it.
I agree with mostly everyone here. Soulja Boy has to be one of the most retarted "artist"
I have ever seen in my life. I'm a rap/hip-hop fan, but this shit is a disgrace. Thankfully, we still have some sensable rappers that actually have real shit to put out there.

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