Worst Tag Teams In Wrestling History

Worst Tag Teams In Wrestling History

The Outsiders: None of them were great workers to begin with and they had some of the most boring tag team matches in history

Harlem Heat: Boring Matches, Luckily booker t got his push and became a star.

Yall Name some bad teams

How the hell are the Outsiders and Harlem Heat your two worst teams? That is absolutely ridiculous. Both were great in WCW, and both very important teams. Hall and Nash were not bad workers at all in their primes, and we all know how good Booker T is/was.

For my worst team, I am going to have to look at TNA.

The Johnsons

They also wrestled as "Gemini" in WWE, but this gimmick was they were 2 wrestling Penises. I end my case.

There was also The Flying Elvises in TNA's early days. They were good workers (Sonny Siaki, Jimmy Yang and Jorge Estrada) but they came out to Elvis music, all looked like the King and posed like him throughout their matches. Gimmicks like that just make me embarrased to be watching, absolutely appalling.

Other shit tag teams I can think of include The Dicks, The Heart Throbs and I remember seeing an interview with Vince Russo where he said the WWE were actually considering making a tag team featuring 2 wrestlers called WHO? and WHAT?, with Jim Neidhart playing Who, which was meant to be a shot at Hulk Hogan....usso didnt see how.

This was to happen at the same time as the nWo was happening in WCW, which shows the contrast between the two companies at the time. WCW had Hogan turning heel and forming the nWo, while the WWE was about to launch a tag team called Who? and What?

Shameful, just shameful. Thank goodness it was scrapped before it was ever seen
This may take a while lol........Lets say:

American Males, Scorpio and Bagwell, Tom Zenk And Tommy Rich, State Patrol, The Beverly Brothers, New Rockers, Head Cheese, Men on a Mission, DOA, Los Boricuas, High Energy(RIP Owen), Stars and Stripes, Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck, Chaos and Rage, The Jersey Triad, West Texas Rednecks, Creative Control, Kronik, Boogie Knights, Colossal Connection, Natural Disasters , 123 Kid and Marty Janetty, Smoking Gunns, The Godwinns, Bodydonnas, Headbangers, Bossman and Shamrock, RTC, La Resistance, Should I keep Going lol.......................
For me I think there's a lot that come to mind who were a bad tag paring.

1. The Hart Foundation before everyone says anything The version where they had Flyin Brian Pillman in it I think that killed the Name of The Hart Foundation for one reason only He was never a family member of the Harts Davey and Jim were Bret and Owen's Brother in laws so it worked but not with Pillman.

2. Jim Duggan and Nikoli Volkoff That was a very odd paring to begin with I just didn't and still to this day don't get it.

3. MIA God I felt bad for those guys Booker Lash Le roux Chavo Jr and Hugh Morris I think that gimmick was so poorly thought up and you had Major Gunns What was the point of the team it was like you were watching Gomer Pyle or something it was that bad.

4th and Final one and I would think this is a tag team because of how it panned out, The New Blood and The Millionaires Club in WCW Like honestly what what the friggin point to those teams / group It was a lat ditch effort for WCW because a few months later WCW was bought out by The WWF.
I mean, attitude tag teams are just about allowed:

The Hollys
Head Cheese
T & A
Godfather and D'Lo Brown

These teams are reasonable because they continued as a tag team for a while, whereas when the roster split emerged, creative slap, and continue to put two random mid carders together to fill matches, which has tarnished what was once a relatively efficient tag team division.
3) The Dynamic Dudes - This was a tag team between Shane Douglas and some other guy (can't remember his name).

That's funny. The some other guy in question was Johnny Ace. Yes, the same "Johnny Ace" (John Laurinaitis) that is now "Executive Vice President of Talent Relations" for WWE.

... and I remember seeing an interview with Vince Russo where he said the WWE were actually considering making a tag team featuring 2 wrestlers called WHO? and WHAT?, with Jim Neidhart playing Who

Jim Neidhart actually did play "Who" for a few weeks on the syndicated WWF shows, though as a singles competitor only. The "joke" amongst the commentators was not in reference to Hulk Hogan, but a play on the old Abbot and Costello bit "Who's on first" (ie; "Who" is entering the ring, "Who" just got the pinfall, "Who" is a great competitor, et. al)

Why this wasn't wrestling gold, especially in light of what was happening in WCW and especially ECW at the time will forever remain a mystery ;-)
ECW Sandman the team that Volkoff was in wasn't with Duggan it was Volkoff and Slaughter...

OP- What the hell are you smoking? Harlem Heat was one of the best Tag Teams of all time and my personal favorite probably because I am a Booker T fan, but still them along with the Steiners, Road Warriors and Outsiders made the WCW tag division worth something... And the Outsiders as everyone has already mentioned helped change the landscape of wrestling, so yeah... Now while I don't agree that Harlem Heat is one of the worst I will say that Harlem Heat 2000 with Stevie Ray and the underacheiving Ahmed Johnson is among the worst...

Now I am basing this on gimmick and or wrestling ability, but gotta start with the obvious...

The Ding Dongs
Techno Team 2000
Men at Work- Mark Starr and Chris Kanyon
High Voltage
Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater
Firebreaker Chip & Todd Champion
The Mulkeys
The Moondogs
American Males
The Dicks
The Bolsheviks
And how can you all forget..... The Conquistadors?!? lol

Now I like hardcore wrestling and everything, but I gotta say that the Nasty Boys to me were garbage with absolutely ZERO wrestling ability!

I don't count when two single wrestlers get thrown together like Santino and Koslov, but the thrown together team of Charlie Haas and Rico was absolutely horrible!

Now the only one I will name that I might get some argument on is... The Dudley Boys! Yeah I know multiple tag titles everywhere they went, but just sit down and watch one of their matches and answer this question.... Are they really that good?

Now since some of you named some tag teams I actually liked lol let me ask this... Who in your opinions are the best tag teams of all time? Give me your top ten...
Well Done. Tony Well & Steven Dunn I believe. Utter shite. The Conquistadors are another one who where worthless too. I remeber some of the old WCW teams who had short lived runs & were God awful too! Tex Slanzenger & Shanghai Pierce, & The Skyscrapers (Yes, I know, but they were shit!) to name but a couple.

Good shout on Techno Team 2000, literally just a selection of words that made a semi coherant sentence & somehow it stuck as a team name!

Whoever put the Outsiders & Harlem Heat can literally go & eat a massive bag of shit. Fuck off, & when you get there... Fuck off some more!
3 Minute Warning was sick......

But seeing as I don't remember too many tag teams i'm just going to go with the 2 semi midgets that wore suspenders. Can't remember their name, don't want to.
ECW Sandman the team that Volkoff was in wasn't with Duggan it was Volkoff and Slaughter...

Actually Volkoff and Duggan tagged for a while after I believe it was the 1989 Survivor Series towards the end of the Cold War prior to Volkoff and Slaughter tagged up. Even had a tag match at SS 1990.

Anyway, on topic...
Kronik, Head Cheese, Boogie Knights, Kaientai were the first four that came to mind since they were at least memorable but sucked.
This may take a while lol........Lets say:

American Males, Scorpio and Bagwell, Tom Zenk And Tommy Rich, State Patrol, The Beverly Brothers, New Rockers, Head Cheese, Men on a Mission, DOA, Los Boricuas, High Energy(RIP Owen), Stars and Stripes, Dick Slater and Bunkhouse Buck, Chaos and Rage, The Jersey Triad, West Texas Rednecks, Creative Control, Kronik, Boogie Knights, Colossal Connection, Natural Disasters , 123 Kid and Marty Janetty, Smoking Gunns, The Godwinns, Bodydonnas, Headbangers, Bossman and Shamrock, RTC, La Resistance, Should I keep Going lol.......................

I hope you realise that Creative Control and DOA are basically the same dudes. Other than that, i agree with your post. As for my pick for worst tag-team ever i would have to say it was the Nasty Boys. The Nasty Boys are just 2 big goons who like to fight.
My bad LynchCats you are right they did team up because now that you mention it I remember that match at Summerslam cause they did that God awful rendition of God Bless America before the match!
im gonna have to go with high energy. owen was still young but good. koko b ware just sucked at life period. thet were a tag team with only one talented giy and no mic skills for eithet. watching koko was like watching paint dry.
Harlem Heat and the Outsiders were probably my two favorites. As someone else mentioned I hate random pairings such as...
123 Kid and Marty Janetty, 123 Kid and Bob Holly, 123 Kid and Razor Ramon I kind of liked them together but they could fall into that category. Razor and Savio Vega, Kane and Xpac, LoDown D'lo and Chaz and my least favorite Kozlov and Santino.
Every fuckin match, Kozlov gets beat on, then enter Santino-snap jabs, hip toss, split duck, diving headbutt, Cobra match over.
Other garbage teams, the Highlanders, the Headbangers, La Resistance(fake Quebecers) Men on a Mission, New Age Rockers, Hardcore and Crash Holly, High Voltage, Billy and Chuck, Public Enemy was alright I guess. Other than Harlem Heat the American Males were one of the top teams in WCW for a while but they were still awful, much like Santino and Kozlov, every match Scotty Riggs gets beatdown for 10 mintues than Marcus Bagwell comes in and cleans house.
does anyone remember Tough Tom and Mean Mike together known at Disorderly Conduct. They where a WCW tag team between the hayday and downfall, infact i have a theory that the signing of Tough Tom and Mean Mike might have been dumb enough to get the ball rolling on WCW's plummet to the gutter, which would be a sweet name for a finisher. Show Gunns was probabley the most boring team I've seen, two good vet superstars who put no effort into making it happen cause they probabley knew it would be scrapped soon anyway untill they found better matches for them.

P.S. The Outsiders and Harlem Heat are two of the best ever, definatley in the top ten wcw tag teams and probabley top 20 of wrestling in general
I was just about to mention Disorderly Conduct. I actually watched a match the other day on WCW Worldwide between High Voltage and Disorderly Conduct. Believe it or not, it was a quality match. High Voltage went over, if anyone is curious.

For me, the worst tag team would be any combination of The Oddities, especially if ICP is involved. I liked Golga as a character, and of course, Luna was great, but this was just an excuse to bring in ICP (who also managed to contaminate WCW).
I dont know about everyone else but to me I would give anything for ANY of of those tags teams to come back. It kills me that tag team wrestling has gone down the crapper that past years. I would take Deuce and Domino, The Dicks, Spirit Squad and any team back to have a great division that actually meant something. I mean how many REAL tag teams do we have now? The Corre? Nexus? Usos? Thats its! A

Anyone else agree and miss the REAL tag teams back in the day?
I realize I'm asking for backlash here, but can anyone tell me WHY the Headbangers are considered one of the worst? I know there was an article in WWE magazine naming them as undeserving of the tag titles, but what is the logic behind it? I personally find them to be one of the most memorable gimmicks second only to Legion of Doom.
Whoever said the Ding Dongs hit it on the head. Good God they were awful. Techno Team 2000 was another one, I saw them once on Superstars & never saw them again. In terms of just throwing together random stars, I put a recent pairing of Cody Rhodes & Drew McIntyre up there. Putting them together really made no sense-they had nothing in common, & their styles didn't really work well together. They held the belts for about a month, then quickly broke up. I thing creative was just looking for something McIntyre could do without losing momentum, but that wasn't it. I would also put Morrison/R Truth in the converstaion, mainly because of R Truth. Again, it seems like creative can't figure out what to do with Morrison, so they put him in a random team. I like Morrison when he's on his own, but I find him to be incredibly annoying when paired with R Truth.
There are a lot of good ones that have been mentioned repeatedly so I'm not going to re-hash.

I am going to play devil's advocate, though, and disagree w/all the OP hate mentioning the Outsiders.

First off, Hall was always a decent worker, I'll give them that. Nash, in his prime or not, had a workrate of jack and shit. Never a good worker IMO.

The Outsiders had shock value and mic skills, but they were more for the promos and the talk than the in-ring ability. (Don't get me wrong, I still own my Outsiders t-shirt, but still...) The circumstances of the time were what made the Outsiders, not the other way around. It was the shock of them defecting, and the storyline of the "outsiders" coming in and wreaking havoc that made them so memorable. But anywho...

My other choice is one that I only saw mentioned once in this thread, and for the life of me I don't know why. The Bushwackers. God, they sucked. Sure, they were good for a chuckle here and there, but their matches were downright horrible. They were over, yes, it's true, but good God man.

I remember when they were the Sheepherders. They were the nasty, violent, brutal heel team, and had huge feuds and won tag championships. They were a force to be reckoned with. However, upon moving to WWE and becoming the Bushwackers, they were delegated to the comedic act and became atrocious.
Men on a Mission I always thought they sucked and even though Mabel/Viscera/ big fat guy stuck around forever, they were awful. Moe was kind of funny, but man their matches were pretty shitty and the gimmick was just awful. The over-sized pajamas, the horseshit rapping, and mediocre wrestling were all signs of a terrible tag team. Maybe they're not the worst ever but definitely in the discussion.
Powers of pain - a cheap LOD knockoff
Well Dunn
The Godwinns - gimmick was kinda boring and they only held tag gold for a week
Power and Glory always lost matches
Twin towers
Natural Disasters
The Conquistadors. These guys were jobbers for years on WWE television. They never got any sort of push or won a single match I've seen. All of a sudden,they're the last team eliminated in the elimination tag at Survivor Series 88? Outlasting teams like the Harts,Rockers,Brainbusters and Bulldogs? Wtf? They went back to being jobbers after this event so what was the point? Also, High Voltage. Thses guys were given entrance music and matching ring attire and they lost on Nitro every week. Two wastes of space.
There have been a few terrible tag teams over the years. Where to begin...

In no particular order...

Rhythmn and Blues (Honky Tonk Man & Greg Valentine) No, just no. Horrible. Two former Intercontinental champions, thrown together, with no real purpose. It was never going to work, especially in a tag division dominated by LOD.

The New Foundation (Jim Neidhart & Owen Hart) Coulda shoulda worked. Made sense in the sense that it was Bret's younger brother replacing him in the team. For me it just didn't. And that ring attire...wow, just wow.

High Energy (Koko B. Ware & Owen Hart) Purely for the lack of longevity and the continuing use of that ring attire.

The New Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Leif Cassidy) I really hate it when teams are made with a desperate attempt to reclaim past glories of the original. Leif Cassidy (Al Snow) was no replacement for Shawn Michaels. Period. The fact the team was dropped so quickly sums up my feelings on this team perfectly. At least we eventually got Al Snow and Head out of this one...right?

There are loads more. But they are the worst ones for me that spring to mind at this time.
I'm pretty sure the OP was just saying the Outsiders and Harlem Heat just for shock value to get people to make comments about it. Cuz that's just dumb.

Anyway, worst teams. The posters above mentioned some bad ones. Here are some other terrible ones.

Pretty Wonderful (Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma) - Their gimmick was that they were too pretty and kept looking in a mirror and fixing their hair. At that time Orndorff was done and was no where near #1derful. Roma was coming off that practical joke they had where he was a Horseman. Utterly forgettable.

The Desperadoes (Dead Eye Dick, Dutch Mantell, and one other guy, I forget.) - These guys went no where. Their gimmick was a bunch of clueless cowboys looking for their "leader" Stan Hansen. I don't even think they wrestled in a match together.

1-2-3 Kid and Thurman "Sparky" Plugg (or was it Bob "Sparkplug" Holly?) - These guys had no gimmick. They were just two jobbers thrown together. And unlike the NEw Age Outlaws, nobody gave a damn. Oh, but they (WWF) had no problem giving them the gold.

The WCW Patriots (Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion) - Their gimmick, a gay fireman and a Guile wannabe. They were terrible, had no charisma, nothing.

The New Zealand Militia/The Royal Family (Jacko VIctory and Rip Morgan) - Their gimmick, a New Zealand Militia and members of a Royal Family. Boring as hell. Everytime these guys came on TV, I turned the station. Unless they were facing the ROad Warriors or Steiners, and I knew they were gonna get their asses kicked.
I realize I'm asking for backlash here, but can anyone tell me WHY the Headbangers are considered one of the worst? I know there was an article in WWE magazine naming them as undeserving of the tag titles, but what is the logic behind it? I personally find them to be one of the most memorable gimmicks second only to Legion of Doom.

I think it was just due to the fact that their gimmick was really a fad. Only a small percentage of fans were into that kind of look/music. So nobody really cared. Also they had terrible names. Mosh and Thrasher, you couldn't tell who was who. To this day I don't know who was who. All I remember was MEAT and P.M.S. and Beaver Cleavage.

As for the the team, they had some damn good moves. Actually when they first debuted on Shotgun Saturday night, they came out as the Flying Nuns with Brother Love as their manager. I actually thought that gimmick was pretty bad ass. They looked kinda eerie too with their funnel hats and the religious garb. Too bad that gimmick didn't last.

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