Worst Wrestler of the Year

Who is the Worst Wrestler of the Year in 2011?

  • Matt Hardy

  • Great Khali

  • Ezekiel Jackson

  • Gunner

  • Michael Cole

  • Crimson

  • David Otunga

  • Mason Ryan

  • Sin Cara

  • Matt Morgan

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Why the fuck is Michael Cole in this? He isn't wrestler, so to judge him by those standards is stupid.

Crimson is my pick. Painfully boring in every way. Every way. In the ring, on the mic, in his entrance and the way he looks. He lacks more personality than anyone else on that list.
From what I understand Sin Cara managed to fail on just about every level possible.

He was fun, really over and - from what I understand - a pretty good draw.

He had a better year than pretty much anyone else on that list.
Matt Hardy easily. Sin Cara was god awful, but making a complete culture change it was to be expected. Matt Hardy is simply garbage.
Sin Cara for sure. Not just because he was having issues adapting to the ring work difference of the "WWE style" but because he went and ended up getting suspended within his first few months and gets injured to miss a huge amount of time. So wasn't impressive and quite awful while he was around but he's missed more time than he's probsbly been on television. Send the man to developmental FFS. Also his refusal to learn english didn't help all these other issues either.
Sin Cara had redeeming qualities. Unfortunately, he also had some really glaring lows. Not enough to make me say he's worse than Mason Ryan though.
Tempted to vote for Sin Cara, but I'll go with Matt Hardy. A total disgrace to the human race, that guy. Hopefully we've seen the last of him.
Khali is technically the worst wrestler on the list, but he was hardly even around this year. I went with Mason Ryan, because of how horrible he's been in basically every match I've seen him in. The fact they seem to want to push this guy is appalling.
Matt Hardy. Moaned and moaned about how he was never given the ball, stropped until he was released by the WWe and then went to TNA and the only noticeable variation to his shtick was his (ridiculous) haircut. Having your demons is one thing but not trying is unforgiveable, especially for a guy who fans legitimately supported for a long time.
Tough choice here, but Mason Ryan gets my vote. Matt Hardy's big debut in TNA was awful, and his rebirth run was a huge flop, but Hardy can provide watchable matches every now and then. But Ryan fits the mold of the muscle head, who only got a spot because of his incredible physique. Ryan is horribly boring and dull, and his matches aren't worth watching at all.
Matt Hardy was an epic fail from start to finish and up until present day. There is no way that anyone was worse than him. He gets my vote.
Is Matt Hardy really that bad of a wrestler? Were his matches really that terrible? Sure, he's proving to be the living embodiment of fail in reality, but in the fictional land that exists between the ropes, was he really that terrible?

Michael Cole on the other hand put us through three (possibly three, I may have repressed the memory of a third) terrible... TERRIBLE matches. He almost singlehandedly ruined WrestleMania and he constantly insulted our taste with that ridiculous outfit he wore that appeared red on my TV instead of Syracuse orange.

So who are you going to vote for? The guys who's a piece of shit in real life, or the guy that's a piece of shit on TV?
Matt Hardy - I don't actually remember seeing him wrestle in like all of 2011.
Great Khali - Had an awesome match with Sheamus and Henry and went out like a boss.
Zeke - Seeing him grow hair may have been the best thing to ever happen. Ever.
Gunner - TNA.
Michael Cole - He's not a wrestler.
Crimson. TNA. And ginger. Ginger. I think you can see where I'm going with this.
Otunga - Saved by one hell of a street fight.
Mason Ryan - ''Why does Batista mumble in a Welsh accent?''
Sin Cara - Flippidy-flop. Literally. All flips and then flopped with his suspensions and injuries.
Matt Morgan - TNA.

Verdict: Crimson.

Dye your hair, you cunt.

Matt Hardy was probably my favorite wrestler in 2005. Like, for a few weeks until I realized how awesome Benoit was. Was

Fuck you, Matt. You're fat.
Matt Hardy's personal issues have nothing to do with his ability as a wrestler. It's really frustrating to me that he'll likely win this thing, even though in TNA he tried to at re-invent himself and put on a few good matches. He was barely even in the ring in 2011, so there's no chance he should even be on this list. Worst wrestling personality...maybe. Worst downward spiral...sure. Most disappointing wrestler...definitely! But, just the worst wrestler of the year period? No chance...

Matt Morgan and Crimson don't belong on the list either. I'm all for having variety, but come on...

Great Kahli. Every single year. I can't not vote for him. Hornswoggle was probably worse in reality, and Michael Cole somehow managed to ruin a WrestleMania for me... And his defense he was at least used correctly in his last few month run..ish. But until he's gone from the WWE for good, I vote Kahli.
I'm really tempted to say Matt Morgan, but since I don't watch TNA that much anymore it wouldn't be fair. I think I'm going to go with David Otunga. Mason Ryan at least had someone [Dolph Ziggler] who managed to make him look impressive. Otunga wrestled Orton and still didn't look good.
I'm really tempted to say Matt Morgan, but since I don't watch TNA that much anymore it wouldn't be fair. I think I'm going to go with David Otunga. Mason Ryan at least had someone [Dolph Ziggler] who managed to make him look impressive. Otunga wrestled Orton and still didn't look good.

Did you see the Miracle on 34th street fight? Hands down the best Miracle on 34th street fight I've ever seen.
Crimson. Matt's personal life may have been the definition of fail but he still had some fine matches with the likes of RVD & AJ Styles.
Even if Hardy did have a few "decent" matches he was hardly ever sober at work to begin with. Jeff has had a lot of problems this year as well but somehow he has been the one to straighten himself out and is more stable of the two, which is scary. I can forgive the other guys on this list since most of them are either not wrestlers, green, or haven't adjusted to the "WWE style" yet. Khali has sucked since the beginning, nothing is going to change now. At least he hasn't been on television much.
This was hard for me. Yes, Matt Hardy is a horrible excuse for a human being, and I hope to god, that we never see him in a ring ever again, but in terms of the worst wrestler, I had to go with Sin Cara. The guy is just a gigantic botchfest, AND he managed to fuck himself up at Survivor Series. Not injured by anyone else, but did it to himself. That is just pure suckatude right there.

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