Wrestlemania 31: WWE World Heavyweight vs US Title


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
So here's an idea I've been playing with for a while.

Roman Reigns is being rumoured to return shortly and feud with Rusev (the US champion). I think that if Reigns is in fact being set up to win the Rumble and go on to face Lesnar at Mania, he cannot lose to Rusev.

So let's say that Reigns beats Rusev for the US title, then goes on and wins the Rumble. He enters into a feud with Brock Lesnar and wins the WWE World Heavyweight Title from him at WM31, thus merging the US Title into the WWE WHC.

To me, this is a perfect way to get rid of the US title. It's not that I don't like it, it's more that I just don't see the point in two mid-card titles. By having only 1 title per "division", you can start showcasing the NXT championships more often.

Just an idea but let me know what you think.
Well, I for one think it's too early for Reigns to have his WrestleMania moment. We don't want another John Cena/Randy Orton situation where he peaks far too early, only to struggle maintaining his relevance through the rest of his career.

I don't hate your idea as such, but I think it's too early. A scenario like this, for Reigns, could probably work for WrestleMania 33. When he's fully tested and worthy enough.

Sidenote : I don't hate Reigns, I do like his babyface comeback routine. But this scenario is way too early for him as a singles star.
I thought about this too, especially when you think of options for Reigns. If they want him to beat Brock he needs way more time in the ring. He showed signs of improvement but he needs to be slightly better to be a long-term champ and get such a rub from Brock. The only good PPV opponents are HHH, Rollins, Kane and Rusev. Everyone else won't help elevate him (Miz, Henry) or will overshadow him/split the crowd (Cesaro, Bray, Harper)

We know people will boo Rusev. We know these two can put on a decent match. It would be a good opponent for Reigns and him being the WWE Champ and US champ sounds pretty cool. There are, of course, a couple of issues.

It would be pushing him down our throats. Stop the unbeatable Rusev and then stop the unbeatable Brock. A bit much. Secondly, it's not ideal for Rusev. He has done enough to warrant being more than just fodder for Reigns. I'm split on the idea but it is probably an unnecessary step.
Bad idea. Reigns should not be in the main event at wrestlemania at this point. He isn't ready. He needs to build himself in the midcard first. Then we will see. Its way too early. Probably 2 or 3 years from now.

Reigns is still green.
Getting rid of the belt isn't necessary or even a good idea right now. Both titles are getting plenty of "showcasing" with regular good to awesome title defenses as of late and we only lose matches like those by getting rid of one of them. Last PPV both champions were at the main event of a big 4 PPV, when was the last time we got to say that? On SD they both had good title matches to make them even more worthwhile. On Rusev the US title is getting a ton of attention while for months Ziggler was making the IC look great. So really there's no good reason to get rid of either of them.

As for NXT it's not a great comparison since there's so few major stories/feuds there their title just naturally becomes the main focus of the show just because it'll be the biggest story by far. US/IC has to contend with all the other major stories going on and the fact that it's still getting plenty of air time/focus gives us another reason not to get rid of one.

For Reigns even if we did this plan they don't have to get rid of the US title. Reigns carrying around 2 belts only makes him looks better and if his first WWE title reign turns out to be a short one they'll have a excellent fallback plan wrapped around his waist.
In a perfect scenario, at least perfect from my perspective, I'd rather see a unification match between the IC & US champs, especially if the two champs are hot commodities right now.

One idea, and this is just fantasy booking on my part, would be for Daniel Bryan to return and, depending upon what the plan is for him concerning WrestleMania XXXI if he's able to make it back in time, would be for him to win the IC title from Luke Harper sometime early in the year, WWE plays the David vs. Goliath role in setting up a feud with Rusev afterward seeing as how nobody has been able to pin him or make him tap, and set up a unification match at WrestleMania XXXI. If Rusev went over Bryan, it'd be a huge feather in his cap. And Bryan, while incredibly popular, isn't so huge in terms of star power, due to being out so long with his neck issues so shortly after his big moment at WrestleMania XXX, would also gain a lot by being the first man to definitively stop Rusev via pinfall or submission. No matter which of them lost, the booking could be done in a way that still made the loser come out of the match looking like a million bucks instead of a chump and the match would mean something to both guys all around.

While there's still some time before WrestleMania, I'm not convinced, as of this minute, that Roman Reigns is ready for the top spot. His injury has put him on the shelf and cost valuable time that could have been used to up his game both inside the ring AND on the mic, so MAYBE his big WrestleMania moment should be reconsidered. After all, if the guy's not ready for it, then putting him in the spot won't be doing him any favors in the long run and could be more of a hindrance than anything else.
Bad idea. Reigns should not be in the main event at wrestlemania at this point. He isn't ready. He needs to build himself in the midcard first. Then we will see. Its way too early. Probably 2 or 3 years from now.

Reigns is still green.

Agreed. There's bound to be a serious backlash from the fans if Reigns gets pushed to the WrestleMania main event. The guy was only on his own for three months before taking off for another three months with a hernia. Having fans buy him as the face of the company by WM31 was gonna be a serious rush job even if things had gone smoothly. Reigns just reappearing to win the Rumble and go on to headline WM wouldn't sit well with fans at all. I mean, who is he? We were just getting to know the guy when he disappeared.

As far as ability, I've found that his singles contests lapse into tedium fairly regularly, and his mic skills are really quite poor. Another couple years of mid-card seasoning are needed, as far as I can tell.
I love the idea except the part about merging the titles. I don't think that the U.S. Title has become completely useless just yet. Reigns can have his Wrestlemania moment, Brock can be relieved of duty, but having no United States Championship would just lead to a cluttered mid-card division. Everybody trying to get one championship, and if you're not competing for the one championship, your options become extremely limited. You would either have to be in a major feud, in the midst of a push, or you get thrown into a tag team. Two mid-card titles give more superstars more opportunities at staying relevant.
Another option I have would be to re-introduce the Cruiserweight Title. I know it's been talked about a lot, but I really believe that now would be the perfect time to bring it back since there are so many "little guys" in WWE. You would then have a title for each "division".
I definitely can see Reigns being the guy to beat Rusev at WrestleMania for the U.S. title. WWE has really painted themselves into a corner as far as contenders for the WWE title at WrestleMania. If they don't start now or bring back a part-timer (which isn't a whole lot better than Lesnar) then it looks like we're going to see Cena-Lesnar 4 at WrestleMania. And really, no one wants to see that.
I definitely can see Reigns being the guy to beat Rusev at WrestleMania for the U.S. title. WWE has really painted themselves into a corner as far as contenders for the WWE title at WrestleMania. If they don't start now or bring back a part-timer (which isn't a whole lot better than Lesnar) then it looks like we're going to see Cena-Lesnar 4 at WrestleMania. And really, no one wants to see that.

I could see that happening. Give Reigns the mid card title, and let him work his way up getting some experience along the way, wouldn't kill him.

And as for contenders, they are coming out of the woodwork. We have Bryan if and when he comes back, Orton, Cena, Rolilns with the MITB and the potential Rumble winner. I don't want to see Cena/Lesnar at Mania either. That would suck more than the proposed Orton/Batista match planned for last year. Fans crapped all over that one. They really have to get the belt off Lesnar though, that has been a failure.

One thing is the next few months, which are normally kind of dead might just be a little interesting.
This scenario should not happen because as said it will push this one guy too much down our throats.
So my suggestion is to split that push between two man:
1.Roman Reigns.

Now of course the first option to go will be Reigns only if he's ready - win the rumble and the WWEWHC at WM. In the meanwhile RyBack will be the one to end Rusev's streak and win the US title at Mania. If you see RyBack more fitting into Reigns's spot you can switch between the two.
Then you can build into a triple threat Champions match at summer slam where Reigns & RyBack & Rusev {who manages to quickly win the IC Title after WM} where the the winner will become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
And you have 3 options:
1. Stay - If you think that the guy who won at Mania is your guy stay with him and have the US Champ pinned.
2. Replace - Have the one who won the US Title or Rusev win the title here - CLEAN.
3. Surprise - Have the Money In The Bank winner {preferably Cesaro & Ambrose & Steen etc..} return and cash in succesfully on the winner of the match.

But probably the WWE won't do it so it's just a waste of time thinking about it..
They should just get rid of the U.S. Title. It's too similar to the Intercontinental. They really need to create a true midcard title.

Something that the previous European/Hardcore echelon lower midcarders would fight for.
Everything is pointing to Lesnar vs Reigns. The WWE kids Magazine my son has has a fantasy match up between them both and rumours have circulated the internet for months on end. Reigns has being built the last 2 years as part of the Shield. He has dominated and won countless matches on Raw, Smackdown and PPV. I think the guy has only been pinned like 3 times.

If Reigns is returning soon he has a few months to build himself back up after his injury. I have no problem with this being our Main Event.

If Reigns is not the answer then I think WWE will look towards Randy Orton which I am not entirely sold on but with the right build could work out. I would have said Brock vs Batista is $$$ but having Batista win the Rumble is not a good idea :)

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