Wrestlemania XXXIII: WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Neville (c) VS Austin Aries


As pretty much everyone expected, Austin Aries came out successful in a Fatal Fiveway elimination match against TJ Perkins, Tony Nese, The Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa to earn the right to face Neville at WrestleMania for the Cruiserweight Championship.

If this match is given the time, it could be a helluva lot of fun to watch. Austin Aries could be the babyface/tweener that the Cruiserweight Division needs right now as only a small handful of the Cruiserweight wrestlers are at all over with fans. At the same time, I wouldn't mind seeing Neville hold onto the title for a while longer, have Aries chasing it through the post WrestleMania season and finally win the title at SummerSlam.

This match could also easily be one that takes place on the kickoff show. As of right now, I'm all but sure the SmackDown Women's and Tag Team Championship bouts will happen on the kickoff show, possibly joined by the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
I think this actually makes the main show. Unfortunately it'll be positioned as a bathroom break match, but WWE are also naive and they could well put it on before Goldberg and Lesnar. If so I think you can expect Aries chants during the Universal title match.
Should be a fun match. I was never a fan of Aries but he's put on some killer shows in the past when I've watched him. Him vs Jeff Hardy at Bound for Glory is one of my favorite TNA matches.

In reality, Neville vs Aries going 20 minutes could tear the house down. Which means it will probably be about 8 minutes or like Jack-Hammer referred to, the bathroom break of the show which is pretty much what the cruiserweights have become at least for me anyway. Funny how they replaced the Women in that regard. For a division that everyone online was clamoring for to return it was executed pretty terribly.

The Cruiserweight Classic was awesome, but after that it went down hill. Maybe introducing every single guy in the division at once with no back story or reason to care about them was the issue? They took it like everyone who watches WWE saw the tournament and should know why these guys are awesome. Which wasn't the case and I haven't seen one cruiserweight match on TV or PPV that has come close to some of the tournament matches.
A match I'm very interested in.

Like AJ Styles, I had been waiting for Austin Aries in WWE on main roster and there I get it.

I think that Austin Aries should win this match and thus the title. He was a damn credible name in TNA's X-Division and I think that he can do what others except Neville couldn't do. That is making Cruiserweight Division interesting to watch.

Let Austin Aries win here. And have him reign until Summerslam where any babyface gets over him.
This match has officially been moved to the kickoff show and, as expected, some fans have been vocal in their criticisms about the move.

It's not as high profile a match as many would prefer, but at least it's on the overall card rather than these guys being relegated to the ATGMBR. Vince could've very easily gone in that direction instead and simply had this match itself happen on an episode of 205 Live. With that said, I do think this show would've been on the main card had Triple H been in charge of things. I know I and others say that a lot, but it just seems logical if NXT is a mirror for many of the ways Triple H would run the main roster if he had the control.

It should be a really fun match no matter if it's on the kickoff or main card. As to who wins, I'd kind of rather see Neville retain the title, have Aries chase it for a while longer and eventually capture it. Neville is easily the strongest champ the CW Division has had, he's been really entertaining in his new character and I think the title needs a champ to have the first triple digit run to really cement Neville. Let Neville cheat his ass off, let him grab the tights, use the ropes, go after Aries eye, etc. but I think having him retain would be the right move in the long run. Let his star, along with Aries and a few other of the stronger Cruiserweight guys, grow over the summer and culminate with Aries winning at SummerSlam.
Neville retains here. I don't see Aries winning at the first opportunity.

This should be the hottest main roster cruiserweight match on the main roster so far. Fans won't be exhausted and they should be given plenty of time. Aries is right, the pre show is now must see.
Man wrestling fans bitch too much. This is the perfect match for the pre show. It will be good and should pump the live crowd up. Thats the whole point of having matches on the pre show. They are probably better off on the preshow anyway, with the marathon of matches that is now Wrestlemania I suspect the crowd will end up being dead for most of WM
This is one of the matches I'm looking forward to the most. Both of them can go in the ring, and if you've been watching 205 Live this feud will explode at Mania.

Preshow or not, should be one hell of a match. Just hoping they give them the time they need to put on a clinic and the crowd gets into it. Should be a corker though.
When the Cruiserweights are given time, they've proven they can do some great things. Given the quality of performers and the fact that this is WrestleMania, I hope Aries and Neville can give us something fantastic.

But it's no guarantee they're gonna get the time they need and that worries me. Despite the pre-show being 2 hours, last year the 3 matches were only given a combined total time of 25 minutes. This year you have the ARMBAR which is 30 men instead of the usual 20 and the Six-Pack Challenge match, both of which will need a pretty substantial amount of time. I fear that if WWE wants to get all of their usual talky talky bullshit in where some of the greatest of all-time are made out to look like fools who know nothing about the business, Aries vs. Neville might suffer because of it.

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