WWE NXT: The Revolution


Mr.Money In The Bank
Welcome to my new show (And I promise to stick to this one!) WWE NXT: The Revolution! Here is the story:

16/7/12-Posted on Wrestlezone:

ECW Legend Tommy Dreamer has hinted at a WWE return recently in a video on Youtube. He stated, "Some time in the future, a revolution will come. Something that will shake the WWE to the core and change everything that you believe in!" The camera shuts off after that.

Rumors are circulating that there will be another ECW invasion or that this is another plan for upcoming video game, WWE '13, as a way to include ECW in the game. We will update this story as it happens.

20/7/12-Posted on Wrestlezone:

News is circulating from the recent NXT tapings that NXT GM Dusty Rhodes was making an announcement on the stage when Tommy Dreamer come out of nowhere and hit a DDT to Rhodes in the entrance ramp. He grabbed a microphone and started insulting Vince McMahon and the WWE. He revealed that several wrestlers were in on this plan and that he was taking over NXT.

21/7/12-Posted on Wrestlezone:

Tommy dreamer and the new NXT will host their first show on the 23rd of July at the Full-Sail University and he has revealed the roster for the show. It is made up of mostly FCW and lower-card superstars:

Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Richie Steamboat
Bray Wyatt
Bo Dallas
Leo Kruger
Kassius Ohno
Xavier Woods
Kenneth Cameron
Conor O'Brien
Tyson Kidd
Michael McGillicutty
Antonio Cesaro
Curt Hawkins
Tyler Reks
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Drew McIntyre

Plus independant wrestler Teddy Hart

NXT is every Monday at the Full-Sail University and it's first PPV event is NXT Revolution in 4 weeks. No Matches have been confirmed but William Regal and Joey Styles have joined Dreamer and have been made commentators. Dreamer will stay as the authority fugure until someone can be appointed. We will have exclusive coverage of the first episode in a few days.

22/7/12-Posted on Wrestlezone:

In an interview by British newspaper, The Sun, WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon and I discussed the latest rumors and news in the wrestling world. Eventually I asked about the situation involving Tommy Dreamer and NXT, at which point he stormed out of the room without a word. We then received word that NXT wrestlers Dean Ambrose, Drew McIntyre and Michael McGillicutty were in on the plan for Tommy to invade NXT.

22/7/12-Posted on Wrestlezone:

NXT Chairman Tommy Dreamer has revealed the Championshhip titles for New NXT:

NXT World Championship
NXT Tag-Team Championships

Both Champions will be crowned at NXT Revolution
Stay tuned for the first episode of New NXT soon. Three matches have been scheduled:

The Usos VS. The Ascension

A 7-man battle royal- Richie Steamboat, Bray Wyatt, Bo Dallas, Leo Kruger, Kassius Ohno, Xavier Woods, Tyson Kidd

Fatal-Four Way- Teddy Hart VS. Dean Ambrose VS. Seth Rollins VS. Michael McGillicutty.

The winners of the Battle Royal and the Fatal-Four Way will face each other for the NXT World Championship at NXT Revolution.
Good luck with this one. NXT is my favourite WWE show at the moment. You missed out on Corey Graves and Jake Carter, those two guys are awesome... I hope you add them to your roster also.
WWE NXT: The Revolution episode 1

Welcome to the first ever New NXT! I would just like to add some info:

GM-Tommy Dreamer-who will talk in purple


Joey Styles will talk in red

William Regal will talk in blue

During a promo, at the start someones name will be a certain color
E.G Kassius Ohno and they will talk in that color for the whole promo.

Let's get started!


*Theme Song-Know Your Enemy-Green Day*


"Hello ladies and Gentlemmen to the Full-Sail University for the first ever New NXT!! I'm Joey Styles here with the one and only, William Regal!"
"We've got three great matches lined up for tonight. We will found out who will face each other at NXT Revolution for the NXT World Title."
"Yes, And we have some great tag-team action to start off but first, NXT Chairman Tommy Dreamer has something to say."

*Thunder Kiss '65*​

Tommy Dreamer comes out to a huge pop from the sell-out crowd and gets into the ring with a microphone.

"I would just like to say, Thank You to everyone here and the people at home watching right now because you are the ones that made this happen! What we have done is a revolution in wrestling and sports-entertainment. We will bring wrestling back to a time remembered fondly by fans all around the world, because we are bringing back...The Attitude Eraaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The crowd goes nuts as Dreamer leaves the ring


Match NO.1- The Usos VS. The Ascension


The Usos are out first and perform the Siva Tua

"Y'all say who!"


*Get Up*​

The Usos come out to a good reception

*Let Battle Commence*​

The Ascension are out second

A "You're not scary!" Chant breaks out.

The bell ring and the match begins

"Who do you think will win this one William?"
"You know, I honestly have no idea who will win! Both teams have a great chance."

Jimmy Uso and Kenneth Cameron are in the ring first. They go into a lock-up but Cameron hits numerous knees to the stomach and keeps Jimmy grounded. He gets him in a front face-lock while digging the knee into the back then pulls into the corner and gets a tag. The Ascension keep him in the corner by stomping on the mid-section together.

"A vicious attack by the Ascension here!"

Conor O'Brien lifts Jimmy and goes for a clothesline but he ducks and tags in Jey Uso. Jey jumps in but is met by a big boot followed up by a snap suplex. Conor tags in Kenneth again and they hit a double back-breaker then Cameron hits a sidewalk slam and an elbow drop. He goes for a pin which is broken up by Jimmy Uso so O'Brien runs in the ring and clotheslines him to the outside. Kenneth hits a spinning neckbreaker followed by a flapjack by O'Brien and he goes for the pin.


"And The Ascension pick up the win here!"
"What was that move they did at the end?"
"I believe it is called, The Downcast."

Match Time (5:24) Winners-The Ascension

The Ascension are walking up the ramp when...

"Hello, I am A.W of All World Promotions and I would like to welcome to you, My first clients...Drew McIntyre and Antonio Cesaro...The Foreign Alliance!"

Suddenly, Drew McIntyre and Antonio Cesaro run to the ring and attack the Uso brothers as A.W cheers them on



Leo Kruger is in the ring with a microphone

"If you don't know who I am, my name is Leo Kruger. The African King, the Zulu Warrior. And you better believe that after NXT revolution, I will be walking out NXT World Champion."

Richie Steamboat is seen with a microphone walking to the ring

"Woah, Woah. Hold on a minute Leo, You think that you could just walk down here and say that you will be world champion? You're not just up against me, but against five other guys. so just watch you mouth."


Kassius Ohno comes to the ring

"Look at you two, out here arguing when you forget the real winner in this match, Kassius Ohno. Think about it, I could knock you out with one rolling elbow, I could end your career right there and then! So next time you think of trying to..."

Bray Wyatt is on the entrance ramp and enters the ring

"Come on man, you don't feel the way I do, you don't hurt like I did. good things come to those who believe, and I believe that you can change. You can feel like me, you can feel my pain and think...just as I think."

Bo Dallas follows Bray to the ring

"What the hell has gotten into into you man!"

"Who are you?!"

"I'm you brother Bo, remember? Look Bray, you gotta snap outta this. Because what I see in front of me is not a third-generation superstar, what I see is some stupid Hippie!"

*Thunder Kiss '65*​

Tommy dreamer comes out to start the arguing.

"Look Guys, we got a match to do here so drop the freakin' mics and lets get started."


Match NO.2- 7-man battle royal- Leo Kruger VS. Richie Steamboat VS. Kassius Ohno VS. Tyson Kidd VS. Bray Wyatt VS. Bo Dallas VS. Xavier Woods

"Well I am definitely going for Tyson Kidd in this match."
"I think Richie Steamboat has more of a chance here, he has the skills and the family history to suceed in this business."

The match begins and Wyatt goes for the attack on his own brother. While Leo Kruger and Kassius Ohno decide to team up. The first eliminated is Xavier Woods. Bray Wyatt has Bo in the corner and Tyson Kidd tries to break it up. Wyatt throws him over the top rope but he stays on the apron and hits a springboard crossbody. Ohno has Richie Steamboat on the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Steamboat pulls the ropes down and he falls to the outside and he can't believe it. Kidd and Dallas are trying to eliminate Wyatt but Bo is thrown out and Tyson takes him down with an enzigiri. He climbs to the top rope for a moonsault but Leo Kruger comes out of nowhere and shoves him to the outside and into the barricade. Wyatt, Steamboat and Kruger are still left and have a staredown in the ring. Wyatt charges and hits a Lou Thesz press on Richie but he throws him off. Kruger and Wyatt brawl in the ring until Steamboat goes for a dropkick on Kruger but he moves out of the way and it hits Bray which makes him fall to the outside. We see Kassius Ohno is still at ringside and watching the match. Both men are tired out and Leo is on the ropes, Richie is tring to throw him over when Ohno helps Kruger and pulls Steamboat out of the ring.

Match Time (10:03) Winner-Leo Kruger



Main Event- Seth Rollins VS. Dean Ambrose VS. Teddy Hart VS. Michael McGillicutty

*Battle On*​

Seth Rollins comes out first to a huge pop


Dean Ambrose is out second

"What?! Why is he using my music!?"

*And The Horse He Rode In On*​

Michael McGillicutty comes out and gets a lot of heat from the crowd

*Lose Yourself*​

Teddy Hart comes out last and the crowd goes nuts

The bell rings and the match starts with Rollins going for Ambrose and McGillicutty going for Hart. Hart starts delivering various kicks to the stomach of McGillicutty then hits a tornado DDT. Ambrose gets Rollins in the corner then turns him round and hits a back suplex. Michael rolls to the outside of the ring while Hart and Ambrose brawl in the ring when Teddy hits a deadly cradle DDT then jumps on the top rope and hits a corkscrew moonsault to the outside.

"Fantastic series of moves from Hart there!"

Both men are down until Ambrose climbs out and lifts Teddy Hart but doesn't see Rollins who hits a suicide dive on to both of them. Rollins picks Ambrose back up and goes for a pin.

1...2...Kick Out

Hart and McGillicutty get back in the ring and all four men start a fight in the middle of the ring. Rollins hits a hurricanrana on Michael while Ambrose hits a samoan drop on Teddy. Hart stays on the outside of the ring while Rollins sets McGillicutty up in the corner and hits a body splash while Ambrose comes out of nowhere and deliveres an electric chair to Seth, he then hits a superplex on McGillicutty. Hart jumps back in the ring and hits Dean in the back of the ring with a trash can.

"Painful shot from the Rubbish bin!"
"You mean Trash Can?"
"Whatever, just enjoy the match!"

Rollins gets back to his feet and hits a dropkick to the trash can into the mid-section of Hart. He then goes for a pin

1...2...Kick Out!

Ambrose and McGillicutty get back to their feet and hit a double suplex on Seth then Michael goes for a pin but is stopped by Dean and the two men argue until Teddy hits a Springboard Missile-Dropkick to both men and the crowd goes crazy. All four men are down for a while when Rollins and Ambrose brawl to the outside and throw each other into the announcing table. Dean gets a chair from under the ring and starts attacking Rollins. Michael and Teddy get to their feet and McGillicutty hits a powerslam followed up by a perfectplex.

1...2...Kick Out!!

"OH MY GOD! He kicked out!!"

Michael can't believe it and starts hitting the ground angrily and gets hits with a knee trembler from Ambrose who then climbs to the top rope but is stopped by Rollins who hits a huge Powerbomb off the turnbuckle. Hart and Rollins start to fight until Hart hits a powerbomb dropped into a double-knee backbreaker and Seth rolls to the outside. He lifts Michael and hits a Stu Hart Special which looked like it hurt McGillicutty's neck. Ambrose comes from behind him and locks in a Regal Stretch for about a minute when Hart hits an elbow to the face then a spike piledriver. He climbs to the top rope and taunts the crowd then hits an amazing Shooting Star Leg Drop and crawls for the pin. Rollins and Michael get back up by Seth hits a Buisaku Knee to the chin of McGillicutty and Harts climbs on top of Ambrose.


Match Time (19:46) Winner-Teddy Hart


Fun Fact: "Uso" means Brother in Samoan​
Hey guys I hoped you liked episode 1 so here is a quick preview of Episode 2!

Richie Steamboat confronts Kassius Ohno

The Foreign Alliance VS. Reks & Hawkins

Teddy Hart VS. Leo Kruger in tag team action with mystery partners

make sure to check it out!!:
WWE NXT: The Revolution Episode 2

***Theme Song-Know Your Enemy***​


"Hello and Welcome to NXT, I'm Joey Styles here with wrestling legend William Regal!"
"And we've got an action-packed night ahead and I can't wait!"


Richie Steamboat comes out to a huge pop with a mic in his hand. He gets in the ring​

"I'm here to call out a man named Kassius Ohno, The man who destoyed my dreams last week in the battle royal. Why did he do it? Well, the obvious answer is jealousy. So come out here right now and face me like a man!!"

***Unknown Name***​

Kassius Ohno comes to the ring with a mic​

"Richie, I did what I had to do last week, which was stopping an undeserving one of winning. I'm upset Leo Kruger had to win but at least it wasn't you, so get over it! Move On! In this company, you don't succeed with holding grudges."

"You destroyed my opportunity of becoming NXT Champion! And you will pay for it! If i'm so undeserving then face me at NXT Revolution."

"OK, but not a 1-on-1 match. I know the guys in the back and i'm sure you could find a tag-partner..."

***Thunder Kiss '65***​

Tommy Dreamer is on the ramp​

"Kassius, you just took the words out of my mouth. I saw what you did last week and I wasn't impressed so I've already found Richie a tag-team partner...Me!!"

The crowd goes nuts​

"And Kassius, you've got a match right now against this man..."


Match NO.1-Kassius Ohno VS. ?????? ?????


Xavier Woods comes out to a decent reaction​

Before he can make it to the ring he is attacked by Ohno and thrown into the barricade. He lifts him up and pulls him to the announce table where he slams Wood's head then pulls off the cover and TV Cameras. He throws Xavier into the ring and the match begins. He picks him up and throws him off the ropes then hits a rolling elbow for the pin.


Match Time (0:13) Winner-Kassius Ohno

After the match Ohno gets a table from under the ring and sets it near the entrance ramp but Tommy Dreamer runs to help and starts attacking Ohno. He pulls him out of the ring and throws him on the announce table. Kassius tries to fight back but is gets hit with DDT through the table and the crowd goes mental.​



"Hello and welcome back! As you may have realised we no longer have an announce table."
"Yes, but I would just like to show you an interview I conducted this evening with Tyson Kidd."


"Hello Tyson."
"Now, Tyson, what is you goal here in NXT?"
"My goal here, is I'm not being pushed around by anybody, I'm here to get myself noticed. WWE didn't care about me but here is where I can shine."
"Last week you failed to win the battle royal for a chance at the NXT Title, so what now?"
"Bret Hart always used to tell me to never give up, and that's what i'll do. You never know...I might go for the tag-titles."
"Who would be you ideal partner?"
"Me and Teddy Hart have known each for a long time so maybe him. Or a guy like Seth Rollins or Xavier Woods, those guys have a lot of fire in them just like me."
"Thanks for you time Kidd."
"No problem."


Match NO.2- The Foreign Alliance VS. Reks & Hawkins

We see Reks & Hawkins are already in the ring and waiting for their opponents​

A.W comes out with a headset on​

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am A.W of All World Promotions and I would like to present to you, the team that y'all been tweeting about...Drew McIntyre and Antonia Cesaro, The Foreign Alliance!"

The team come out to some major heat from the crowd​

The bell rings. Cesaro and Hawkins start off by trading punches and Antonio gets Curt in a headlock then hits a bulldog. He lifts him back up and goes for a gutwrench suplex but Hawkins stops him and gets him in a Boston Crab but Cesaro gets to the ropes.

"That was a close one there!"

He releases it and continues to attack the legs. McIntyre distacts him and Antonio comes from behind and hits a German suplex pin which is unsuccessfull. He pulls him into the corner and tags in Drew McIntyre who hits a suplex. He taunts the crowd an gets a lot of boos.

"Let's see what McIntyre can do in this match."

He goes for a running powerslam but Hawkins reverses it into a reverse DDT and tags in Reks. He jumps in and hits two clothesline followed by a belly-to-back suplex. He goes for a powerbomb by Drew reverses it into a facebuster and a knee drop. he goes for a pin.

1...2...Kick Out

He tags in Cesaro who delivers a dropkick and neckbreaker. With the help of Drew he hits a pop-up European Uppercut. He taunts Hawkins before hitting a DDT on Reks. Tyler manages to get to his feet and tag in Hawkins who climbs to the top-rope and hits a diving crossbody.

"Amazing move from Hawkins there!"

He tries to go for his finisher but Cesaro stops him and reverses it into a nothern lights suplex and picks Curt back up again. Hawkins pushes him onto the ropes then slides out of the ring and pulls his leg and Cesaro lands face first on the mat. He slides back in and goes for a pin.

1...2...Kick Out

Cesaro crawls to the corner and tags in McIntyre who delivers a spinebuster to Hawkins then dropkicks Reks off the apron. Hawkins hits a enzigiri to Drew and both men are down for a while but both men get up and McIntyre hits a future shock out of nowhere and goes for a pin.


Match Time (12:30) Winners-The Foreign Alliance



Main Event-Teddy Hart & ?????????? VS. Leo Kruger & ??????????

***Exploding Helmets***​

Hart is out first and his tag team partner is Seth Rollins​

***Grand March From Aida***​

Leo Kruger is out second and his tag partner is Dean Ambrose​

The bell rings.Rollins and Kruger start things off with a lock-up which Rollins turns into an Arm lock and starts renching the arm. He hits a back suplex and an elbow drop. He goes for a standing moonsault but Kruger moves out of the way and tags in Ambrose.

"we all know about the history between Rollins and Ambrose, and this is sure to be a vicious match here."

Ambrose targets the head with knees and kicks and goes for a DDT but Rollins pushes him away and hits a big boot. He goes for a pin but Dean kicks out at two and the match continues. He sets him in the corner for a body splash but He moves out of the way. Ambrose gets to his feet as Rollins hits a moonsault off the top-rope.

"Wow! Did you just see that!"

Seth tags in Hart who gets Ambrose in a painful looking Fujiwara armbar but he gets out and hits a clothesline then locks in an abdominal stretch. Hart gets out and hits a cyclorama and crawls for a pin.

1...2...Kick Out

"Kick Out from Ambrose."

Teddy lifts Dean and hits a powerbomb-double knee backbreaker but he landed awkwardly and both men are down for a while. when they get up Ambrose irish whips Hart into the corner and hits a superplex. He crawls to the corner and tags in Kruger.

"And the two men competing for the title in 3 weeks are in the ring!"

Kruger keeps Teddy grounded with a mat-based attack but Hart gets to his feet and hits a huge springboard crossbody followed up by a corkscrew moonsault and goes for a pin. Ambrose breaks it up and Rollins clotheslines him out of the ring. The two men continue to fight to the entrance ramp.

"And it looks like Hart and Kruger will have to finish this one by themselves."

Kruger looks round for Ambrose for the tag but instead goes for the sleeper hold on Teddy. He loses grip and Hart breaks out. He runs for a clothesline but he ducks and hits a cradle DDT and climbs to the top rope then hits a diving headbutt . He is down for a while but manages to get the pin


Match Time (15:29) Winners-Teddy Hart & Seth Rollins

Rollins and Ambrose are still brawling on the ramp when Seth notices the Table just off the stage. He lifts Ambrose up and hits a powerbomb through the table and both men look unconscious.


Fun Fact: Kurt Angle VS. Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania XIX was the first Wrestlemania Main Event were all the wrestlers used their real names!
Hey guys I won't be posting anything for 2 weeks cause I'm on holiday right now but when I get back I have big things planned so keep reading. For NXT Revolution I will be posting a pre-show with a quick match a some interviews so be sure to check it out.

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