WWE Region, Cairo Subregion, Second Round: (5) Randy Orton vs. (12) Kenta Kobashi

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Randy Orton

  • Kenta Kobashi

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the WWE Region, Cairo Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under WWE Rules. It will be held at Cairo International Stadium in Cairo, Egypt.



#5. Randy Orton



#12. Kenta Kobashi

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
I can't speak Japanese, but I'm about as interested in listening to a Kobashi promo as I am an Orton one. Orton is incredibly bland and I just have never been able to relate to him. I'm not going to pretend to be Kobashi's biggest fan, because I'm really not, but if I watch one of his matches, it is entertaining, I can't generally say the same about Orton so Kobashi gets my vote.
I can't speak Japanese, but I'm about as interested in listening to a Kobashi promo as I am an Orton one. Orton is incredibly bland and I just have never been able to relate to him. I'm not going to pretend to be Kobashi's biggest fan, because I'm really not, but if I watch one of his matches, it is entertaining, I can't generally say the same about Orton so Kobashi gets my vote.

No offense bud but have you watched any form of WWE Television since 2010? It's been a long time since I've heard anyone say that Orton's promos are bland, most people acknowledge that he's actually gotten to be borderline great at it as of late.

I have no dog in this race here. I know Orton well but I know dick about Kobashi. Someone try to sway me so I can then decide that you're being pretentious and vote against you anyway.
No offense bud but have you watched any form of WWE Television since 2010? It's been a long time since I've heard anyone say that Orton's promos are bland, most people acknowledge that he's actually gotten to be borderline great at it as of late.

Orton is shit. I can't be bothered to dissect it all now, as he will win this match and I'll save it for a fight he might lose, but speaking slowly as if you're reading the football results ≠ great. With the booking he's had the last year, the fans should love him, but they don't because he's not charismatic enough.
He's over as hell right now going into Mania.

Orton is one of the most successful stars in WWE history for good reason. He's arguably the best athlete to ever be a mainstay in the main event. He's got tons of great matches. He can work with anyone and make it believable. He's main evented Wrestlemanias.

I love Kobashi. He and Orton are kind of the same. The clear number 2 guy over a long period of time. I prefer Orton's work slightly to Kobashi's, so I'm voting Randall Keith Orton.
Kobashi is not Misawa. IMO he was the weakest of the 4 Pillars of All Japan. Or 2nd weakest. He certainly did not reach the heights that Misawa and Toshiaki Kawada reached. I think one of the biggest reasons Kobashi was chosen to carry NOAH in the mid 00's was that Misawa had already been a major champion and a star for over a decade. Hell, even the Japanese fans get tired of seeing the same guys on top over and over again. Kobashi was perfect for his role. And he saw huge success. For several years he was Pro Wrestling NOAH.

Orton on the other hand has been consistently the biggest modern star the WWE has produced other than Cena. He's bigger than Jericho, bigger than Edge, bigger than Punk, bigger than Lesnar, and bigger than Bryan. And he has numerous victories over Cena, and has proven himself to be the most solid choice to carry the title when Cena is not around.

This is a difficult choice for me. I had Orton and Kobashi #49 and #50 on my list respectively. I think I'd ultimately give Orton the nod due to the recognizably factor, tying into consistency. And even then I think Kobashi should be given props because he had the distinction of carrying a major promotion for a time. I cannot give Orton that clear distinction. Not without discrediting John Cena.

I'm split here. Either man is a great choice.
This would be good. Nay, this would be great. Orton and Kobashi are two immensely talented guys who have defeated all who have stood before him. Everyone else has already talked about how difficult a decision this is, but to me there is a criteria to separate the two and it is this: Burning Hammer, Moonsault, Lariat etc… All of Kobashi’s finishers can and could easily be switched into an RKO. I know I used a similar justification for Orton’s win over Ultimo Dragon, but I truly believe this is how Orton would beat Kobashi. Only a select few have kicked out of the RKO, and while I feel Kobashi might do that, I don’t think he’d survive two or three. I think this is incredibly hard to pick, but I have laid down my criteria and I think it’s fairly solid. Now, can we get this for real please?
Really great match here, but I do agree with Ech in his weakest of the 4 point. As great as he was, IMO he was a few steps behind the others.

Orton has been the #1 go to heel for a long time in the largest promotion & a consistent foil to Super Cena. Orton has grown leaps since his debut & not only been very crisp in the ring,but recently his mic work has been very good compared to the past. I have to give this one to Randy.

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