WWE Royal Rumble - Men's Royal Rumble Match


I just decided to go ahead and create this thread since we already know this match is happening.

As we all know, unless some miracle among miracles happens, Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns will be the main event for WrestleMania next year. Whether or not Reigns is Intercontinental Champion going into the match is up in the air at this point. The last thing I read concerning it stated that a SmackDown star was slated to win the Rumble, and since the Elimination Chamber returns next year as a Raw brand show, I expect that's where Reigns will "win" his spot to challenger Lesnar after emerging victorious in a Chamber match which, by my guess, will also be a bit of a special attraction in which the winner will not only face Lesnar but the IC title will be on the line.

As for the Rumble match itself, whether or not a SD star is currently set to win, the early favorites have to include Cena, Wyatt, Balor, Orton, Nakamura, Owens & Zayn.

Anyhow, the road to the Rumble will officially be on after tonight once Brock Lesnar's challenger for the event is named, which will be either Kane or Braun Strowman.
I find it so disappointing these days that I’m actually not really looking forward to this match. The past three Rumbles have been pretty poor and seeing how things are going, with the feuds you mentioned in mind, I can’t see this one being any better. Let’s hope they don’t waste this years. If I was in charge of booking but had to listen to Vince tell me Roman has to face Lesnar, I would probably have Finn Balor win the Rumble and pick Styles to challenge and move him permanently to the Blue brand. My dark horse is Samoa Joe but I doubt Vince would want two former TNA guys going at it for his precious WWE title.
i feel like the royal rumble match will be won by either John cena or somebody from smackdown, it all depends on who wins the title match between Jinder and AJ on sunday.

If Jinder wins, the logical next Step would be to have Cena wins the rumble and go for his 17th title reigns at mania. It's a easy story to tell that pretty much everybody outside the IWC would love.

If Aj Styles wins then go with a Nakamura since from what i've heard , they plan on doing this match at mania anyway. I do feel that this match is big enough without having to be a title match especially since it will be buried in the undercard but that's the only guy i can see win this outside of cena.

In The end, i don't see a Raw guy winning this match this year mostly because of the fact that it feel like they will be using the Elimination chamber match to crown Lesnar's opponent at mania since Lesnar seem like he'S not going to be booked for that PPV in february. So that leaves you with not a lot of options with the smackdown roster and the only 2 logical winner that i could see from that show are Cena and Nakamura.
People are forgetting that The Elimination Chamber could easily be used for Roman Reigns to defend his Intercontinental Championship. As of right now I am voting for him to win the Royal Rumble.

I do however see the points of view in having either John Cena, Shinsuke Nakamura or even Randy Orton winning the Royal Rumble. If Jinder Mahal gets the title back at Clash of Champions, then John Cena winning the Rumble and the 17th championship at WrestleMania is pretty much a given – even if it's such a cliché and awfully predictable. If AJ Styles somehow wins I could easily see Shinsuke Nakamura or Randy Orton challenging for the title in one on one competition.

As of right now I am already discarding Owens and Zayn's victory. I've already seen too much AJ vs. Owens for one year and there's no way in HELL Zayn gets the win. He's like the Christian of the group. It will eventually happen, but not in a WrestleMania main event match up.
If you asked me 6 months ago I would have been totally for Nakamura winning the Rumble. Problem is, through no fault of his own, the booking has made him less credible as the months went along.

Sure he beat Randy Orton and John Cena but this was on TV and not on PPV. And we know what you do in PPV is amplified 10 folds than what you do on TV. And on PPV Nakamura has not won a PPV match since Backlash last May.

And recently he lost to Jinder Mahal (twice) and was the first one eliminated in the Survivor Series match. If that doesn't drop your stock I don't know what will.

Of course the Rumble is 2 months away and maybe WWE has something to build Nakamura up again. And if they do and we get Nakamura vs. Styles at Mania that would be amazing.

Logic dictates that Reigns will win so he can finally dethrone Brock Lesnar. Problem here is that Reigns is still not liked by most fans especially if the other possible winners include Balor, Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens, Nakamura, Seth Rollins, or other more popular guys from the Hardcore fans. WWE can't afford to have another underwhelming Royal Rumble 4 years straight.

The best choice for me is Cena winning the Rumble setting up Cena vs. AJ Styles at Wrestlemania. Yes this match has been done 3 times already but you are guaranteed a near 5 star match as what we have gotten from these two. That said if this occurs I hope Styles retains the title. Cena is now part time and you need to start establishing your full time guys.
If Reigns vs Brock ends up being the match for the Universal Championship, then a SD star will win the Rumble. I don't think they're going to have Reigns play a headlining role at the Rumble for a 4th year straight, are they? (2014 last eliminated, 2015 winner, 2016 was all about his title, 2017 eliminated Undertaker and was last eliminated)

With that being said, I have no idea who's going to win. It could be Cena (also keeping WWE's tradiition of having past stars win the Rumble ever since 2013, except if your name is Roman Reigns of course), it could be Styles (if he loses to Jinder) and it could be Owens, too. I don't think Nakamura is in line for such a big victory, yet.

Rumors lean to Cena or Reigns though, and both options suck. Although Vince will feel pretty proud about that after Wrestlemania. Cena, having become the 17 time world champion and Reigns, having become the one true king, both things happening at WM 34. They will surely shove that night down our throats for the next decade at least.
If Reigns vs Brock ends up being the match for the Universal Championship, then a SD star will win the Rumble. I don't think they're going to have Reigns play a headlining role at the Rumble for a 4th year straight, are they? (2014 last eliminated, 2015 winner, 2016 was all about his title, 2017 eliminated Undertaker and was last eliminated)

I was thinking about this but if we look at the stats if Roman Reigns closes Wrestlemania again he would have closed Wrestlemania 4 years in a row.

Just to put things in perspective: This means the years he closed Wrestlemania consecutively would have outlasted the entire Attitude Era (thus outlasting Austin's main event run).

If you take that into account then I don't see why the WWE won't let Reigns win the Rumble.
Reigns/Lesnar doesn't need the Rumble. Everybody knows the plan is Lesnar/Reigns and I mean quite literally... everybody. It doesn't take some extreme wrestling knowledge or insight to see that's where they're going. A telegraphed result will only get you ANOTHER negative response for the Rumble this year.

Things are much more interesting on the Smackdown side, at least pertaining to their World Championship. With Jinder out of the picture (presumably), a lot of things open up. Shinsuke? KO? Sami? A combination of Sami and KO? Cena? Any of those vs. AJ would be absolutely fantastic.
Hopefully this Rumble will be better than the last 4 or 5. I say that every year though. Since 2013 everyone who has won either did already (Cena, Batista, Triple H, Orton) or was someone that pissed the crowd off (Reigns). I want a feel good rumble again like back in the day when someone popular as hell went the distance. I also wonder when they are ever going to have someone win from number 1 again. That hasn't been done since 2004.

I can't even really pick someone for a favorite because there isn't a clear cut one. I'd like to believe they wouldn't have Cena or Reigns win again but that's probably the route they will go. I will go with Seth Rollins winning and challenging AJ on the Smackdown side. Makes no sense but i'm not that good at fantasy booking and am always nowhere near close to being right.
Definitely an interesting Royal Rumble match in which I think we'll be disappointed with again.

1.) I would've said AJ Styles two months ago before he became champion as he would've been a great pic to go on to try and win title and would send Rumble fans home happy.

2.) I don't see Orton winning 2 years in a row. Just not gonna happen.

3.) If they would've built Shinsuke up right, then I'd say him. He actually should've won title a couple of months ago from Jinder and then AJ should've won Rumble setting up the match at WM. Creative team right...?

4.) The fact that we know Lesnar vs. Reigns is headlining WM for title throws a monkey wrench for anyone who wins it on Raw. They could go Reigns again but be prepared for the showering of "boos."

5.) They could have someone on Raw (not named Reigns) win and have an angle where Daniel Bryan signed them away to SD. Someone like a Samoa Joe or Finn Balor. Only difference with them is that Joe is still going strong while Balor has been booked like crap and is feuding currently with Miztourage if that tells you anything about his current (lack of)push.

6.) Strowman...maybe but I don't see him leaving Raw and WWE is so set on Lesnar v Reigns so where would that leave him?

7.) Rest of the pack: Rollins, Ambrose, etc on Raw...again...Lesnar vs. Reigns. On SD...Roode (too early), Owens (maybe but AJ vs. Owens been done. Cena...ugh..won it twice already but could again..who knows.

WWE has really put themselves in a bind for an uncreative or lackluster Rumble. I'm sure they'll be some decent pops and smiles for the surprise entrants they have each year (legends/NXT callups, etc) but for the actual winner...meh...not sure we'll actually be pleased unless you're a big Reigns or Cena fan.
Reigns loses IC title and goes to Rumble match where Cena eliminates him last. Then at Chamber he wins spot for Universal title.

Cena wins Rumble and goes against Jinder for 17th.

Joe wins IC title and defends against Balor at Wrestlemania.

Strowman goes against Lesnar and Kane and HHH interferes to set up Strowman/HHH at Wrestlemania. Kane is there to eat the pinfall from Lesnar.

Shield continues to feud against The Bar which culminates at Wrestlemania in "Cesaros real teeth on a pole" match.

AJ loses to Jinder and have no idea what he does at Wrestlemania.

Owens and Zayn make a pact with Bryan and battle with Shane at Wrestlemania. Dunno in a heel or face manner though.

Something with Woken Matt and New Day can run the program again.

Think that is about it.
Reigns/Lesnar doesn't need the Rumble. Everybody knows the plan is Lesnar/Reigns and I mean quite literally... everybody. It doesn't take some extreme wrestling knowledge or insight to see that's where they're going. A telegraphed result will only get you ANOTHER negative response for the Rumble this year.

Things are much more interesting on the Smackdown side, at least pertaining to their World Championship. With Jinder out of the picture (presumably), a lot of things open up. Shinsuke? KO? Sami? A combination of Sami and KO? Cena? Any of those vs. AJ would be absolutely fantastic.

Maybe Styles vs Shinsuke isn't my prefered match for the Championship, but replacing that with Styles vs KO vs Zayn is perfect. It's also something different from Reigns vs Brock and it also sets up a good undercard, with Shinsuke vs heel Orton and maybe Roode vs Chris Jericho.

Throw in the RAW side and you have a really solid card, plus John Cena.
Reigns/Lesnar doesn't need the Rumble. Everybody knows the plan is Lesnar/Reigns and I mean quite literally... everybody. It doesn't take some extreme wrestling knowledge or insight to see that's where they're going. A telegraphed result will only get you ANOTHER negative response for the Rumble this year.

I agree Reigns doesn't need to win the Rumble this year just so he could go on to face Lesnar. The rumble match should be used in a way that makes it exciting and thrilling and novel in that someone like Chris Benoit or Daniel Bryan should be the winner and not someone who's already been champion dozens of times, like Cena or Orton, nor someone totally new like Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio in 2011.

So for instance, Chris Jericho even though a former world champion, winning the Rumble for the first time in his career in 2012 would've made far more sense than someone like Sheamus, since Jericho was going to go on and feud with Punk for the title anyhow.

As for everyone knowing that Reigns-Lesnar is a lock, it's true.

But I'd like to ask you, is there really anybody on the roster who'd make for a Blockbuster match that sounds like a big deal or Wrestlemania mainevent-worthy match, and could also potentially deliver, other than Lesnar vs Reigns?

I totally can't see it being Sheamus, Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, Matt Hardy, or Dean Ambrose.

Even though Lesnar has squashed Rollins, with the right kind of build and story (a la Sid Vicious or Vader vs Shawn Michaels) I can see Lesnar vs Rollins, and also Lesnar vs Cesaro as being that match.

Lesnar vs Strowman has already happened and in all fairness, it's sort of like the same as Lesnar vs Big Show from back in 2003, which would NEVER be a wrestlemania main event.

So aren't we left with the best and only logical choice in Lesnar vs Reigns?
Reigns loses IC title and goes to Rumble match where Cena eliminates him last. Then at Chamber he wins spot for Universal title.

Cena wins Rumble and goes against Jinder for 17th.

Joe wins IC title and defends against Balor at Wrestlemania.

Strowman goes against Lesnar and Kane and HHH interferes to set up Strowman/HHH at Wrestlemania. Kane is there to eat the pinfall from Lesnar.

Shield continues to feud against The Bar which culminates at Wrestlemania in "Cesaros real teeth on a pole" match.

AJ loses to Jinder and have no idea what he does at Wrestlemania.

Owens and Zayn make a pact with Bryan and battle with Shane at Wrestlemania. Dunno in a heel or face manner though.

Something with Woken Matt and New Day can run the program again.

Think that is about it.

And Kurt Angle!?

Please don't tell me it's going to be Kurt Angle vs Stephanie Mcmahon in a match to determine "who's really got the BALLS bitch" (in which I totally see Stephanie McMahon winning, 'cause, obviously, she's a McMahon) or worse, Kurt Angle vs Jason Jordan(which I admit could be an excellent match):banghead:
And Kurt Angle!?

Please don't tell me it's going to be Kurt Angle vs Stephanie Mcmahon in a match to determine "who's really got the BALLS bitch" (in which I totally see Stephanie McMahon winning, 'cause, obviously, she's a McMahon) or worse, Kurt Angle vs Jason Jordan(which I admit could be an excellent match):banghead:
Yeah, forgot about Kurt, Jason Jordan is safe bet there.

Anyway, yes, for a Rumble match itself I think Cena is a good bet. Simply because dont think they would want backlash for Reigns again.
I am all for Reigns/Lesnar only for 1 reason. I am tired of not seeing the Universal title/Champion on Raw. I think this also has hurt ratings for Raw because of this reason. Having a part timer as Champion basically lessens the credibiltiy of the title.

As for the Rumble, this years has to be good. If AJ was to be in the Rumble because he losses the title to Jinder, then this makes the most sense. I think that Cena will win the title before WM. Cena v AJ has buy power. And having AJ go over on Cena makes sense in the long term, rather than having Cena win the title and be just part time. If Cena was part time and has the title then Smackdown will have the same issue that Raw has with Lesnar being Champ.

Another scenario that makes sense is KO. This would be a great opportunity to legitimize KO and really give him more momentum. Right now KO/Zayn are red hot. I love what both are doing, it makes me watch Smackdown more frequently.

My dark horse for Royal Rumble would be Rusev. He has gotten a ton of momentum and fans are really getting on board with him. I can see Mania being RUSEV DAY! It would also be a nice surprise that the Rumble hasnt had in a long time. And yes I have ordered my RUSEV DAY t-shirt from WWE.com (Shameless plug)
I agree Reigns doesn't need to win the Rumble this year just so he could go on to face Lesnar. The rumble match should be used in a way that makes it exciting and thrilling and novel in that someone like Chris Benoit or Daniel Bryan should be the winner and not someone who's already been champion dozens of times, like Cena or Orton, nor someone totally new like Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio in 2011.

So for instance, Chris Jericho even though a former world champion, winning the Rumble for the first time in his career in 2012 would've made far more sense than someone like Sheamus, since Jericho was going to go on and feud with Punk for the title anyhow.

As for everyone knowing that Reigns-Lesnar is a lock, it's true.

But I'd like to ask you, is there really anybody on the roster who'd make for a Blockbuster match that sounds like a big deal or Wrestlemania mainevent-worthy match, and could also potentially deliver, other than Lesnar vs Reigns?

I totally can't see it being Sheamus, Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt, Matt Hardy, or Dean Ambrose.

Even though Lesnar has squashed Rollins, with the right kind of build and story (a la Sid Vicious or Vader vs Shawn Michaels) I can see Lesnar vs Rollins, and also Lesnar vs Cesaro as being that match.

Lesnar vs Strowman has already happened and in all fairness, it's sort of like the same as Lesnar vs Big Show from back in 2003, which would NEVER be a wrestlemania main event.

So aren't we left with the best and only logical choice in Lesnar vs Reigns?
I'm not arguing Reigns/Lesnar shouldn't happen. It most definitely should and I'm actually looking forward to it. Their first Mania match exceeded all expectations and Reigns has only gotten better since then. My argument is, since so many people already know it's happening, a Rumble win on Reigns would feel like a waste. Plus, with the Shield reunion they've done a great job of getting Reigns positive reactions for really the first time in his singles career, there's a chance that could all be wiped away with a telegraphed Rumble win.

I disagree with you on one thing though, Sheamus definitely needed to win that 2012 Royal Rumble. The World Heavyweight Championship was in a dire state in 2012, and it needed something, ANYTHING to draw intrigue for it. Jericho was fresh off a really big return with the "It Begins" vignettes while Punk was arguably the hottest guy in the company at the time. While on the other hand, Bryan was still a ways off from being THE Daniel Bryan and Sheamus for most of 2011 was made to look close to irrelevant, it was only around the late summer-fall of 2011 where they started to put stock back into him. That Rumble win re-legitimized him and added a layer to that feud/match that was desperately needed in order for people to care about it.
Best thing they could do is have Zayn and Owens lose in controversial manner on Sunday, then have Owens sneak into the Rumble match by stealing a spot and having Zayn help him win.

They leverage the guaranteed main event slot into getting back their jobs and set up AJ vs Owens for the Title.
The rumble match should be used like it was used for a reason. To push someone to main even. So I hope this year a person who wins it will deserve it. But then again it's wwe im not gonna have any hopes for this ppv because I know how wwe let me down for the last 5 or 6 rumbles. The winner should not be veteran like cena. Therefore I'm going with KO. They need to push him or Seth Rollins. Rollins is way more interesting when heel (similar to HHH). So my guess KO wins and we get KO vs Styles At WM. Since the raw still got the chamber, they can make Brock look even more dominant if he goes to chamber and wins it. After that they have a triple threat match where winner face Brock at Mania. I hope its not Brock vs Reigns its boring I hope its something like Brock vs Seth, that way it would kick Rollins face run to new hights if he wins clean at wrestlemania.
With Dean Ambrose out of action and Roman seemingly destined to conquer the Beast at WrestleMania my fantasy booking came into play and my previous prediction of Zayn and Owens co-winning took a back seat. It could still happen but with one member of the Shield out for the foreseeable future and the other basically locked into a world title match, I would love to see Seth Rollins with the Rumble and challenge AJ Styles at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship. It's a match we haven't seen minus a minute interaction at Survivor Series last year and it could possibly tear the house down.

This is all assuming they don't go with Shinsuke Nakamura facing AJ at Mania which I don't think they will because he's basically damaged goods at this point after losing twice to Jinder and being the first one eliminated at Survivor Series. He needs to be built up quite a bit more before getting this kind of win. John Cena is of course a dark horse and if Jinder had kept the title he basically would have been a lock. It's possible and although him vs Lesnar or Styles would rock, both those matches have been done already multiple times. Unless it somehow ends up John Cena vs Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns at Mania? That's quite a main event.

The point I am getting at is it is quite an open field this time compared to every Rumble since 2012 in that I am not sure who is going to win. I don't want Cena just because since 2012, 4 out of the 5 Rumbles have been repeat winners and the other one was a winner flat out no one wanted to see. I'm just hoping they do something interesting this time.
With Dean Ambrose out of action and Roman seemingly destined to conquer the Beast at WrestleMania my fantasy booking came into play and my previous prediction of Zayn and Owens co-winning took a back seat. It could still happen but with one member of the Shield out for the foreseeable future and the other basically locked into a world title match, I would love to see Seth Rollins with the Rumble and challenge AJ Styles at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship. It's a match we haven't seen minus a minute interaction at Survivor Series last year and it could possibly tear the house down.

This is all assuming they don't go with Shinsuke Nakamura facing AJ at Mania which I don't think they will because he's basically damaged goods at this point after losing twice to Jinder and being the first one eliminated at Survivor Series. He needs to be built up quite a bit more before getting this kind of win. John Cena is of course a dark horse and if Jinder had kept the title he basically would have been a lock. It's possible and although him vs Lesnar or Styles would rock, both those matches have been done already multiple times. Unless it somehow ends up John Cena vs Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns at Mania? That's quite a main event.

The point I am getting at is it is quite an open field this time compared to every Rumble since 2012 in that I am not sure who is going to win. I don't want Cena just because since 2012, 4 out of the 5 Rumbles have been repeat winners and the other one was a winner flat out no one wanted to see. I'm just hoping they do something interesting this time.

Rollins winning and facing Styles is amazing and something I also want. However you need a good reason as to why Rollins is going for the WWE Championship and not the Universal Championship.
I know we all have some big dream scenario that somebody from Raw will win the rumble and face AJ Styles for the title or vice versa. But the thing is, it's just that, it's a dream scenario because in reality we all know that WWE will stay loyal to the brand split no matter what and if a raw guy wins the rumble then he will go an face Lesnar and if a smackdown guy win, then it will go an face AJ Styles or whoever is the WWE champion at mania. The only guy that could make it interesting this year is John Cena because of his free agent status which makes any other outcome predictable and boring.

Personally, if it'S not Cena that wins the rumble this year, i fell like it will be a smackdown guy winning this, so that means that it's either going to be between, orton, nakamura, Zayn and Owens. I already eliminate Zayn because let's face it, he's just Owens Lackey anyway. I don'T want to see owens vs Styles on another ppv since we saw this so many time before and it just didn't click. So it's between Orton and Nakamura. Personally i think the money match is with Nakamura. While it won't be THE main event match on the card, it's still a pretty big match and with the limited time they have left with AJ Styles, i feel like they need to capitalize on this match as quickly as possible before Styles decided to retired.

So my guess would be, if you don'T give it to Cena, then go with nakamura.
Rollins winning and facing Styles is amazing and something I also want. However you need a good reason as to why Rollins is going for the WWE Championship and not the Universal Championship.

Not necessarily as Chris Benoit randomly showed up on Raw after he won and said he was coming for Triple H. After Undertaker won, Lashley, Cena and Batista were literally just standing in a ring waiting for him to choose who he wanted at WrestleMania. I get that it should make sense and have a motive behind it, but at the same time it can easily be accomplished by announcing whoever wins gets to pick the world champion of their choosing.

I believe that's how it went down since Benoit won anyway. Nonetheless would love to see the match on a big stage no matter how it would happen.
Not necessarily as Chris Benoit randomly showed up on Raw after he won and said he was coming for Triple H. After Undertaker won, Lashley, Cena and Batista were literally just standing in a ring waiting for him to choose who he wanted at WrestleMania. I get that it should make sense and have a motive behind it, but at the same time it can easily be accomplished by announcing whoever wins gets to pick the world champion of their choosing.

I believe that's how it went down since Benoit won anyway. Nonetheless would love to see the match on a big stage no matter how it would happen.

Benoit wanted the belt he once had, the World Heavyweight Championship. That was his storyline dream.
Batista chose HHH for personal reasons.
Undertaker and Rey chose the champions of their brand, as did Cena, Edge, Del Rio, Sheamus and Cena again.
Orton also chose HHH for personal reasons, or you could say, Triple H chose Orton.

So Rollins needs to have a specific reason to challenge AJ and not Lesnar.
The most obvious one is taking advantage of the rumors surrounding RR2017. Both Rollins and Styles were candidates to face HBK. Styles calls himself phenomenal and the best in the ring. So Rollins has to prove something, so he chooses to fight AJ Styles in a dream match.

Angle vs HBK from 2005 which was an interpromotional match also happened for the same reasons.
Those that want Nakamura to win but didn't want Roman to win at 2015 are hypocrites. Nakamura can't cut a promo, his reactions are ok but not even near the reactions Reigns had in late 2014. And he's been with the main roster for a year. Nobody knows Nakamura. And he's clearly not fit to be the champion, yet.

Also, has anyone thought the notion of Goldberg winning ot? Not that I want him to win, but, he never really had an official send off..

With all that being said though, I'd applaud them if they gave it to Nakamura. It's the riskiest move. But hey, Del Rio and Sheamus have one and their wins came at a time when the world titles were still treated equally.

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