WWE Universal Championship

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Most seem to dislike it, some quite intensely. I'm not overly fussed personally - it sounds very lucha libre, like something in AAA or CMLL and it does sound like something Stephanie as 'brand manager' or whatever her title behind the scenes is, would come up with.

Sets it apart from the WWE Championship and doesn't drag us back to the big gold belt which, while beautiful and classic, need not come back yet again. It does pose two questions though: what does it look like and who's the first man to wear it?
I am excited about it would look and who would be first champion.

Unlike others, I do like this name.
I like the name. It feels more WWE than a Cruiserweight Championship, if that makes sense. It sounds more suitable than a World Heavyweight title does as their top belt.
It's ok. I still feel when they eventually start making one title obviously more important than the other, it'll be the lesser of the two.
As long as it has unique side-plates and a name-plate, I'm happy. The name sounds kind of sophomoric to me, like what you'd name a world title if you were having a drunk contest of one-upmanship during a game of beer pong. "DISH ONE IS FOR UNIVERSHAL SHAMPYUN!"

Meh, it's fine. What's in a name anyway?

I still don't think that the WWE is ready to give Finn a top tier belt, so I'm thinking that Seth will be our first Universal Champion.
Not overly bothered by it. It's most probably not the best name they could have chosen, but it's certainly not the worst name they could have chosen either.

Though it's hard to get this out of my mind:
You will all care when our universal overlord travels to earth with Stardust by his side to punish us for our hubris.

Stupid name. I don't care that much but enough to call It a stupid name. It will feel extra stupid when/if it is playing second fiddle at Mania to the WWE Championship.
truth be told I'm glad they didn't bring the World Heavyweight Championship back. Not only was it already ended multiple times and brought back, but in 2016, when a bunch of the top superstars would fail to qualify as Heavyweight.

Plus new title means we get a new belt. After liking the 2 most recent new belts (WWE Championship and WWE Womens Championship) hopefully they have gotten past the blunders of the past.
It is not a terrible name but it is something to have with. There is a misconception going around the IWC that it represents the actual universe when Foley clearly stated it was for the WWE Universe. It is for the fans thus making it more of a People's Championship.
Yeah come on, the name's lame. I would have much preferred they just called it the World Heavyweight title and introduced a new design instead of the Big Gold belt. It'll probably eventually grow on me, but right now, thinking of Seth Rollins bragging about being the "new Universal Champion" makes me cringe a bit.

Summerslam should be a good match, but I'll be SHOCKED if Seth doesn't come out of it as the winner.
Finally…the King…has come back to…buying Championship Title Belts!! I can’t wait to see it, and hold it, and own it, and display it!!
How can a "universal" championship be defended on one brand only? Did nobody involved in that name have access to a dictionary?

If they wanted something derived from universe, then it should have been the WWE Universe Championship, because words mean things.
Call it Global Championship like TNA did. Except this would've made sense.

Still if history is anything to go by it'll be the design that makes or breaks it
truth be told I'm glad they didn't bring the World Heavyweight Championship back. Not only was it already ended multiple times and brought back, but in 2016, when a bunch of the top superstars would fail to qualify as Heavyweight.
You can weigh 130 lbs and qualify as a heavyweight, weight classes limit the maximum weight you can be for a division. In combat sports typically the largest division (the one without weight limits) is called 'super-heavyweight', but most promotions don't carry a super-heavyweight division because watching two guys fight who can't make a cut down to 265 lbs. is boring as shit.
I more hate the idea of 2 world titles more than I hate the name, the name is cheesy as fuck but it's nothing I wouldn't expect.
You can weigh 130 lbs and qualify as a heavyweight, weight classes limit the maximum weight you can be for a division. In combat sports typically the largest division (the one without weight limits) is called 'super-heavyweight', but most promotions don't carry a super-heavyweight division because watching two guys fight who can't make a cut down to 265 lbs. is boring as shit.

I was at a local mma fight in Ohio one time that had a super-heavyweight fight on the card. It was fantastic for about the first two minutes, then both dudes gassed. The one guy ended up not coming out for the second round because his pinky hurt.
I could see arguments for both Seth and Finn to win, so I don't know who I feel will win at this point.

The name is kind of meh for me, but it is just a name. As long as it looks good, I'm down.
I still think in storyline they could've negotiated with Shane that whoever is the World champ could've appeared on both shows in exchange for the same happening with the Women's and tag team titles.

Because in reality within the next couple of months the other titles will start to look much less important.
If they are gonna name the one belt the WWE Universal Championship they should keep the other as WWE World Championship, or at least make them both WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship and WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

At least to make them sound equal and give Steph some smark-ness, like Universal > World so RAW > Smackdown.
If they are gonna name the one belt the WWE Universal Championship they should keep the other as WWE World Championship, or at least make them both WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship and WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

At least to make them sound equal and give Steph some smark-ness, like Universal > World so RAW > Smackdown.

It refers to the WWE Universe. Not the entire universe.

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