
Championship Contender
So yeah I'm sure most people on here have been interested in the war between WWE and TNA. It's a recent phenomenom really and people havee been hoping that it will reach the standards of WWF vs WCW. And in honor of the Monday Night Wars I decided to put in a treat. On TNas side is the third strongest promotion in North America, ROH. Just like WCW had ECW, TNA has ROH. past superstars that have departed companies i may allow

This is going to be fantasy booking and basically just gonna be a "make your own matches card" topic. Let's get it going

Event: Wrestlemania (though they'res really no limit on amount of matches. you can post as many as you want really. this just for fun)

Sting vs The Undertaker: Sting, TNA: 1

Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini vs "The Champ John Cena: John Cena, WWE:1

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs CM Punk: CM Punk, WWE: 2

Kurt Angle vs Jack Swagger: Kurt Angle, TNA: 2

Robert Roode vs Triple H vs James Storm: Triple H, WWE: 3

Samoa Joe vs Sheamus: Sheamus, WWE: 4

Jeff Hardy (WWE) vs A.J Styles vs Raven vs Chris Jericho: AJ Styles, TNA: 3

"Big Sexy/BigDaddy Cool" Diesel/Kevin Nash (TNA) vs The Great Khali:Kevin Nash, TNA: 4

Jay Lethal vs Kofi Kingston: Jay Lethal, TNA: 5

Frankie Kazarian vs Evan Bourne vs John Morrison: John Morrison, WWE: 5

Booker T (WWE) vs Ron Killings (TNA): Ron Killings, TNA: 5

Petey Williams and Teddy Hart vs The Hart Dynasty: PW/TH, TNA: 6

Davey Richards vs Daniel Bryan (WWE): Davey Richards, TNA: 7

Mr. Anderson vs the Miz: The Miz, WWE: 6

Homicide vs Alberto Del Rio: Homicide, TNA: 8

The Briscoe Brothers vs The Usos: TBB, TNA: 9

Motor City MachineGuns vs Trent Barretta/CurtHawkins: MCMG, TNA: 10

Robbie E vs Zack Ryder: Zack Ryder, WWE: 7

Randy Orton vs Desmond Wolfe: Orton, WWE: 8

Rob Terry vs Chris Masters: Chris Masters, WWE: 9

Rob Van Dam (WWE) vs Yoshi Tatsu (TNA) vs El Generico vs Brian Kendrick(WWE): Van Dam, WWE: 10

Abyss vs Kane: Abyss (Kane would've won if he were masked), TNA: 11

Scott Steiner vs Batista: Batista, WWE:11

Matt Morgan vs The Big Show: Matt Morgan, TNA: 12

Michelle Mccool/Layla vs The Beautiful People: TBP, TNA: 13

Crimson vs Tomko (WWE): Crimson,TNA: 14

Rey Mysterio vs Suicide: Suicide, TNA: 15

Christopher Daniels vs Shawn Michaels: Shawn Michaels, WWE: 12

Austin Aries vs Seth Rollins: Austin, TNA: 16

Steve Corino vs Mick Foley (WWE): Foley, WWE: 13

Kevin Steen vs Husky Harris: Steen, TNA: 17

Madison Rayne vs Melina: Melina, WWE: 14

Gregory Helms (TNA) vs Matt Hardy: Hardy, WWE: 15

Wade Barrett vs Douglas Williams: Williams, TNA: 18

Edge vs Rhino (TNA): Edge, WWE: 16

Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Lashley (TNA): Bobby Lashley, TNA: 19

Beth Phoenix vs Natayla vs Awesome Kong: Natayla, WWE: 17

Colt Cabana vs Chavo Guererro: Colt, TNA: 20

WWE: 17

Company Battle:Jeff Jarrett vs Vince McMahon (Hogan betrays Jeff for the man that made him great in the first place)

Note: Given this is the company battle WWE would've truly won the war but TNA had more wins and with their franchise man Sting beating Undertaker gave TNA the win. TNA is now the supreme wrestling promotion making WWE number 2 and its obvious the WWE fans love their wrestling style since its more fun and dangerous. (this isnt opinionated. doing it on logical thinking)
An interesting idea although, just a question, but you've got people like Booker T listed for WWE yet have Kevin Nash/Diesel listed for TNA. I don't disagree with many of the results, just the logic as to sticking certain guys to certain rosters, when they either made their name in the other company, or work for the other company (both ways)

And, Lashley over Lesnar? In wrestling or UFC there is no way that'd happen on any level!
I stick guys to certain companies simply because when they're facing a certain person it cant be same company vs same company. for example Nash was facing Khali. I couldn't have them both WWE.

In wrestling
That's a fair enough reason, although the only match I'd have done differently is AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels, simply because, that would be such a great match.

I knew you meant in wrestling for Lesnar Vs Lashley but I was stating that, be it in MMA or in a staged wrestling ring, Lesnar would beat Lashley because he was more over, a better wrestler, a better promo. The only way Lashley would win if the match rules were "only wrestler who can win is black"
I dont know Lashley could win. Lashley got over but because of his developmental beginnings and the time he came into the business he couldnt get over. he was just seen as a black lesnar. better wrestler? they're about equal.

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