WWF vs WCW: 'Ravishing' Rick Rude

Rick Rude in...

  • WWF

  • WCW

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Rick Rude

Years in Promotions
WWF: 1987-1990, 1997...
WCW: 1991-1994, 1997-1998...

Looking at matches, feuds, impact created and accomplishments..What would you say...Rick Rude in WWF or WCW??

Lets break it down!
Paul Orndorff, The Big Bossman, Jake Roberts, Ultimate Warrior...

Sting, Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes...
Championships & Accomplishments
1-time WWF Intercontinental Championship
Jesse "The Body" Award (1987)

3-time WCW International World Heavyweight Championship
1-time WCW United States Heavyweight Championship
My Opinion
I think he did good in both promotions and its a shame he never got his hands on the world title. Sure he won the WCW International World Heavyweight Championship, but it was all a contrevarsy, with the Ric Flair thing going on and WCW leaving NWA...
Strictly because of feuds, I am picking WWF...Ultimate Warrior and Jake Roberts...those 2 fueds stand out to me the most..I remember watching Vintage Collection and it was one where he was feuding with one of them and the instant heat that he got...heck he didn't have to talk, all he had to do was have the face of warrior, or that women he had on his tights and he got heat from that...his in-ring work was always good aswell and I marked when I watched on Youtube where he won the Intercontintal Championhip belt...
In WCW, I liked the fact that he had a year long United States Heavyweight Championship reign, and that fact that he never actually lost it as well..Still to this day has the 2nd longest single title run...
But my pick is WWF..
Rude died at the age of 40 on April 20, 1999 after suffering heart failure. R.I.P.
What would you say??
Please keep thread on topic..thank-you!
WCW. This one is easy.

In WWF, Rude was a midcard guy for the majority of his career and had one main event against a guy that he had a long rivalry with. Other than that he never really accomplished anything. His IC Title win was considered a huge upset and he lost it back to Warrior a few months later. He never accomplished much here.

He goes to WCW and is their top heel for awhile. He's billed as a killer and holds the US Title for over a year. He even won a world title kind of with the Big Gold Belt. His career was completely different there and had he not gotten hurt there's no telling where he could have gotten, but it likely would have been a world title reign.
Yea with above... this should be incrediably easy... rude was by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the bigger star and had the better career in wcw. in wwf he was a midcard guy and never got the chance to go to the top. in wcw rude was the the 2nd biggest heel the progressed to the biggest. wcw took rude to that next level of top level talent, its just ashame his career got ended so early. rude himself said he preferred wcw to the wwe as they took better care of him(which should of been made really obvious when rude did his infamous double monday night showing when he snubbed wwe and showed up on nitro live)...
As a wrestler, WWF. Yes, he was only the IC champ and never won the World belt. But he was a main event guy (SummerSlam 1990) and didn't need the strap to get over. Those years/feuds were more memorable than this WCW years. He had some great matches in WCW, won their world strap, and I liked his cheesy WCW theme song better. But when I think of rick rude, I remember his WWF years more.

Once he retired and became a manager, I'd say WCW. Managing Curt Hennig in the nWo was better than being the original DX's "insurances policy" or whatever they called him.

I don't know if it's true, but I read somewhere that their long terms plans had originally called for Rick Rude doing what Ric Flair did when he came into the WWF. Feuding with Savage, claiming Elizabeth slept with him, winning the Royal Rumble for the World belt, losing it to Savage at WrestleMania, then feuding with both Savage and Warrior. It does make sense, since they had Flair aligned with Heenan and Perfect, who were both on screen friends of Rude's. And Rude already had a history with the Warrior, and the Savage/Elizabeth thing would have made sense too, since Rude's character was a womanizer. Again, I don't know if it's true, but there is a chance he could have been given the strap had he stayed in WWF.
It is quite a difficult question. Rude was maybe only ever an upper-midcard guy in WWF, but at the time he was there, the WWF roster was absolutely stacked with megastars (Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Andre). The fact that he was booked to be a threat to the Warrior even if he mostly lost to him shows that he was successful there.

In WCW, he held a high position, but this was during a period when WCW was really struggling and star power was in short supply.

That said, I am going to pick WCW, purely because he really did seem like a star and had so many very good to awesome matches with Steamboat, Sting, Masa Chono (I'll count the G1 Climax match as part of his WCW run) and Flair as well as some very tidy tag matches with Steve Austin during the NWA tag team tournament of 1992. Perhaps this is biased somewhat by me becoming a fan of American wresling watching early 90s WCW and I didn't see much of him in the WWF until later.

I thought it was a real shame that he got hurt in 1994 because he had only just, it seemed, regained his form after his first neck injury and was heading in an interesting direction with a feud with Vader. It seems entirely possible if he'd kept going, he'd have ended up having a proper main event run with Hogan and the real big gold belt.
This isn't even close for me. It's WWF. He may have had better matches in WCW but he's known for his WWF work. He helped build up Warrior to be that ME level guy. He unfortunately did not have a very long career or he probably would have gotten that title run.

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