WZCW Gold Rush Pre-Show

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Leon Kensworth: What's up, everybody! And welcome to the first annual Gold Rush Tournament!

The smiling face of Leon Kensworth welcomes us to the Allstate Arena in Chicago before it flicks to an external shot of the glorious and iconic building in the heart of Chicago. After a moment, it flicks back inside to reveal the rapidly filling up arena as fans holler and yell as the camera pans around.

Leon: We are expecting a sell out crowd here tonight in Chicago, as you might expect with a card as stacked as we have got for you all a little later on.

The camera flicks back to a stunning panel set, lined with some of the most noticeable faces in the history of WZCW.

Leon: But, for now, the pre-show should be enough to get you all fired up for one of the most anticipated cards in the recent history of this great company. And joining me here tonight for the pre-show is two absolute legends of the squared circle. Two former World Champions and two men who pack more of a punch than 12 rounds with Floyd Mayweather.

Both men laugh light-heartedly as Leon continues to introduce them generously.

Leon: I am, of course, talking about Everest and Steven Holmes! What's up, guys?

Everest: It's good to be back, Leon. I thought I might find myself without a job if WZCW didn't call me before too much longer.

Leon laughs softly.

Leon: It has been a long time since we last saw you on WZCW TV, man. Hopefully you can shake off that rust tonight because we've got a Hell of a show for you to call for us tonight. And speaking of rust, how long has it been since we seen Steven Holmes on WZCW TV?!

Holmes: A long time, I suggest, Leon. Nonetheless, it is a pleasure to be with you once again, even it is on this side of the panel table.

Leon leans forward, playfully probing Steven Holmes with questions before they get started properly.

Leon: It's been an even long time since we seen you compete in a WZCW ring, Steven. I have to ask you, as one of the biggest Steven Holmes fans out there; do you ever miss it? Do you ever just want to get right back in there?

Holmes considers the question before smiling widely.

Holmes: On nights like this, I just want to see a great card, my friend. And that is precisely what is promised to us..,

Leon: Well, in addition to the very poised and balanced remarks of Mr. Steven Holmes, we have a great show lined up for you here tonight. The real deal gets going in about 25 minutes, emanating live from right behind us. You can see some of the more-eager fans get to their seats already and you can feel the anticipation.

Everest: Yes, sir!

Leon: We're excited already. But if you need something to whet your appetite, then we've got just the starter for you. Momentarily, we will see the first ever pre-show match from a Gold Rush event. A traditional WZCW Triple Threat match, no less. And if that's not enough, we'll be catching up with my illustrious panel and discussing everything WZCW right after. And if that isn't enough to fill you up in anticipation for the real deal, we'll be catching up with the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, John Constantine! You'd be mad to be anywhere else than with us!

We cut again to a shot of the panel as a whole, all of whom seem very happy with their work so far and the show ahead.

Leon: But, without further ado, let's hand you over to the official commentators of the WZCW Gold Rush Pre-Show... The amazing Cat Connor and the WZCW Legend Jack Cohen! Good evening!
Connor: Good evening, gentlemen! And what a match we have in store for you right here and right now.

Cohen: I hate waiting for anything, Cat. So a little slice of pie before the main meal is right up my street.

Connors: Later on, we will be joined by Sebastian Copeland but he's just heading round to meet with WZCW Heavyweight Champion John Constantine. So I guess we will let him off with that one. But enough talking, let's get this show on the road!


Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Triple Threat Match! Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, Derek Jacobs!!!

Derek pushes passed the entrance with a hungry look in his eyes. He gives the fans a smile and steps into the ring. He jumps at referee Akiyama, who leaps out of the ring in fright. The crowd gives a small laugh while the referee warns him he'll disqualify him if he does that again.

Cohen: Somebody is walking out with a prize at the end of this bout. Who wants to bet it won't be Derek Jacobs if he continues to harass WZCW personnel?

Connor: It's not in his best interest to psyche out the referee, true, but he's entertaining the fans. Isn't that what this whole thing is about?

Cohen: Jesters don't sit on thrones, Cat.


Harrys: Making his way to the ring, hailing from Erinsborough, Australia, "Crocodile" Bruce Irwin!!!

Bruce marches through the curtain to the cheers of the audience. He stops to give several high fives, and tosses his own shirt into the sea of the WZCW Universe. Bruce climbs in and focuses on Derek Jacobs.

Cohen: Speaking of jesters. This guy has been down and out all month. Can the Aussie score the win and walk away with the mystery prize?

Connor: Of course he can! If he wins, he could be the #1 Contender to the Heavyweight Championship! Or or maybe bring the Mayhem title out of retirement. Hell, we could be looking at the new GM of Meltdown for all we know.

Cohen: If Vance Bateman is tuning in or is in the building, I apologize on behalf of my partner. He can get too excited at times.


Harrys: And their opponent, from Los Angeles, California, "The Masked Warrior" Prince!!!

Prince lumbers is way out and hesitates at the ramp. He pulls the mask over his head and is suddenly a different person; shaking hands with those in attendance and even stopping to pose to take a selfie with a boy from the front row. He steps into the ring, climbs the second rope, and lets out a howl. The fans howl right along with him.

Connor: Gonna call this guy a jester, too?

Cohen: Prince is getting noticed in the locker room for sure. But it might be because he has a tail.

Connor: The guy idolizes a Tekken character. What's so wrong with that?

Cohen: He's wearing a tail, Cat. You tell me.


The three circle each other around the ring, looking for an opening. Derek grabbed at Prince, but Prince slipped through and slid out of the ring. DJ started to pursue him, but with his back turned he is unceremoniously lifted over the top rope by Bruce Irwin and he crashed down to the floor! Bruce Irwin stood alone in the ring while Prince quickly went on the offense by hammering Derek Jacobs on the floor's mat.

Cohen: I heard a rumor that this was supposed to be an Over The Top Rope Match. If so, DJ would have already been done with.

Connor: Speaking of rumors, there is a chance that the prize could be a date with Becky Serra, IF the internet is to be believed.

Cohen: Are...are you online while you're supposed to be commentating?

Prince gave Derek a rolling Savate Kick to keep him down while Irwin climbed out of the ring. The two exchange a brief nod of respect before grappling with each other. Prince attempted a takedown but Irwin scooped him in his arms, lifted him up, and rammed him into a corner post! Prince fell in a crumpled heap. DJ is back up and gave Irwin a lariat across the neck. Derek Jacob picked Bruce Irwin back up and rolled him into the ring. For good measure he waited for Prince to stand. He delivered a Big Boot to keep the Tekken fan down.

Cohen: With how Jacobs is acting you'd think the mystery prize is money.

Connor: Hey, it could be. Or what if it's a load of gold bars? It is Gold Rush after all.

Cohen: Or...or it could be a golden statue of everybody's favorite superstar, Rush.

Connor: That actually sounds awesome.

Cohen: I was being sarcastic, Cat. How the hell will any of these men carry around a statue?

Derek Jacobs stepped into the ring with "Crocodile" Irwin. He clubbed him across his back and it gave a resounding thud. Irwin screamed in pain. Jacobs Irish Whipped him across the ring, Irwin rebounds, Jacobs connects with another lariat...no! Irwin ducked, ran to the other side of the ring, and spin kicked DJ! Jacobs goes down to the floor on one knee. Prince slid back into the ring and assisted Irwin. Together they hoisted DJ back up. Irwin Sidewalk Slammed him right back down and Prince Springboard Elbow'd him in his rib cage. Prince jumped right back up and Pounced Irwin! The alliance was cut short as Prince led the assault on the Australian.

Bruce tumbled back out of the ring after Prince's signature move and Prince followed. Prince struck him with one palm strike after the other until Irwin caught one, pulled him into his arms, and hit The Digereedon't!!! The fans erupt with the finishing move coming out of nowhere. Irwin reels from the onslaught of Prince's offense, however, and slumped down to catch his breath. Back in the ring, Derek is up after being checked by Akiyama. DJ paced the ring- waiting on either combatant to get back inside.

Connor: He should be capitalizing on this moment. Bruce Irwin and Prince are down!

Cohen: Jacobs can pick apart whomever rolls back in. It's not the dumbest strategy we've ever seen.

Seeing DJ stalk the ring, Irwin gathered his strength and got back up. He lifted Prince into a Military Press and shoved him into the ring. With Prince incapacitated and Irwin dazed, DJ quickly pinned the masked superstar.




Irwin pulled Prince's other leg over the rope! As if he knew what DJ's plan was, Irwin was one step ahead. Infuriated, Jacobs raked Prince in his eyes- sending a message to Bruce. Irwin hopped back in and shoot kicked the kneeling DJ across the chest! In intense pain, DJ rolled out of the ring and collapsed against the bannister that separated the crowd from the wrestlers. Bruce Irwin Crucifix Pinned Prince!



As the referee counted 3! Prince powered out!

Connor: Incredible! Even after a Digereedon't and a dirty move by Derek Jacobs, Prince stays resilient.

Cohen: Hey now. Time passed between Bruce's powerslam and that pin. Don't make it out like the kid is some kind of hero.

Acting on instinct, Prince rose up and grappled with Irwin. He let out a roar and pulled Irwin close- setting up The Royal Flush! But he couldn't lift Irwin completely up after all of the abuse sustained in the match. Irwin reversed the Muscle Busting move into a second Digereedon't! He executes it! DJ limps back to the ring. Bruce Irwin hooks the leg for the pin...


Jacobs is on the apron...


He shot passed the ropes and towards Irwin...


Derek breaks the c-no! Referee Akiyama calls for the bell as DJ was a hair trigger away from keeping Bruce Irwin from the win! DJ looked pissed and heaved himself over to a corner of the ring, shaking his head. Irwin's hand is raised and the fans cheer.

Harrys: Here is your winner, "Crocodile" Bruce Irwin!!!

Cohen: Foul move, ref. DJ was right there! I bet you this was because Jacobs jumped at him before the match.

Connor: You're joking, Seabass. Irwin won it cleanly. Brave effort by Prince at the end, and DJ was close, but Bruce Irwin took home the victory tonight and whatever the award is.

Cohen: Eh, may not even be a good award. Methinks somebody is walking away with El Swago's mask...or Mr. Baller's head.

Connor: Don't go anywhere, folks. So much more to come with the panel tonight before we go live with WZCW Gold Rush...
Leon: Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen! Bruce Irwin gets the job done against Derek Jacobs and Prince. Great match to get us started. What did you think of that, gents?

Holmes: An impressive win for young Bruce Irwin, no doubt. Perhaps big things lie ahead in the future for him if he can sustain it.

Everest: But you have to say that it was a good showing from all three men, truth be told. Either of the three competitors could have won the match. At the end of the day though, it was the Aussie that picked up the win and Steven is right; perhaps a sign of things to come after a faltering start to his WZCW career.

The camera flicks back towards Leon.

Leon: I did tell you, tonight is going to be full of surprises and top quality matches, there is no doubt about it. In about 10 minutes, we will have the Gold Rush pay-per-view in all of it's glory. But before all of that, gents, I'd love to get your thoughts about the rest of the card. So lets get right down to it, shall we? Daddy Mack versus Acutus? How do you see it?

The camera switches to a thoughtful duo on the other side of the table.

Everest: You know, I have to go with the seasoned veteran in Daddy Mack. He's had a long and fabled career in wrestling and this is about more than just winning for him. It represents his final match in WZCW and wrestling in general. He's been disrespected by the youngster and he's still got one left in him, I'm sure.

Holmes: I have to disagree with my co-host. I have seen a few bits and pieces of Acutus and he looks like a Hell of a talent. He had the courage to call out Daddy Mack all of those weeks ago and that speaks volume of his confidence. I'm going with the upstart.

The camera cuts back to all three men.

Leon: Split right down the middle; just the way we like it. So let's move on to the next match I have on my card. The Tag Team Championship match between Cerberus and Hard Metal Penetration. Who takes home the Championships?

Holmes: I have been split on this match for a while. Both have had their chance as Champions and this match will surely mark the end of the feud. I think that Cerberus have been the better team and so I will be backing them.

Everest: It's hard to disagree here. But let me tell you this, S.H.I.T and Alhazred are a gloriously talented Tag Team, the likes of which we haven't seen in WZCW before. They have pulled it out of the bag before and they are more than capable of doing the same thing here. My head is saying Cerberus but my heart is screaming for some Penetration...

Leon gives Everest's remark a laugh before ploughing on.

Leon: Whilst we are talking about Cerberus, we might as well address the Third Head in all of her glory. Eve Taylor was the one to take the Championship from Daddy Mack at Kingdom Come and has showed no signs of letting it go since. But she goes up against Theron Daggershield tonight. Can she hold on to her Championship against someone who is on such a roll?

Everest: It's going to be tough, no doubt about it. Theron Daggershield has sat atop the Power Rankings for a few cycles now and he looks to be in the form of his life. I have to think that his time has come tonight.

Holmes: And this is where I disagree. I honestly feel as though Eve Taylor is amongst the finest wrestlers in the company; a true Champion in every sense. She has all of the qualities to stop the roll of Theron. And what's more, Theron has never won a major Championship here in WZCW. He has choked on so many occasions and he chokes here again tonight.

Leon takes a sharp intake of breath before smiling again and interjecting.

Leon: You heard it here first, folks. Steven Holmes predicts that Theron chokes at Gold Rush. But speaking of someone who could walk away with some Championship gold here tonight, we would be fools not to talk about Kagura Ozhora and elegANT; both of whom will contest the Elite X Championship match in a little while. Who leaves with the hold, Everest?

Everest: This is a tough one to call for me. Honestly, I think it will come down to who can make the most of their opportunities tonight. Both are great wrestlers and fantastic entertainers. It will be very interesting to see who can control the fans tonight. Whoever does that will win the gold in my opinion.

Holmes gives a soft laugh before cutting in.

Holmes: The fans? Absolutely not. I have held that glorious Championship before. The Championship alone should be enough to get a rise from either competitor. This match will be settled by who wants it more. And I feel as though that person will be the current Champion. Having that gold is very addictive, she will be in no mood to relinquish it. I am sticking with Ozhora.

Leon: A few more matches to go before we catch up with John Constantine, so let's get through these. James Howard versus Chris KO. Who does the business here tonight?

Holmes: James Howard, no doubt about it.

Everest smiles curiously at Holmes before turning to the camera himself.

Everest: I don't think it will be that easy, especially given the stipulation at play. This is a chairs match and is known to be one of the most dangerous matches we have to offer. This match comes down to who can control the match and employ the chairs as a weapon the most effectively. For me, it is going to be Chris KO; he's been in so many wars that it is hard to look past him.

Holmes: Pfft!

Leon interjects before Holmes has the chance to cut in before him.

Leon: It's all kicking off here now. But I have to get your final prediction before we catch up with the Champ. The Gold Rush Tournament has been ongoing for so many weeks now and we have found two absolute stars in the process. Veejay and Dorian Slaughter have been so good throughout. It is really hard to root for anyone with so much on the line but who goes onto Unscripted to face the Champion?

Everest: I have to give it to Veejay. The guy has been so sublime since the start of this thing. If you told me months ago that he would be in this position, I would never have believed you. But he has found something deep within himself lately that is so hard to beat. He sees the finish line in sight now and he wants this. I think Slaughter has the tendency to overlook some wrestlers and it will be his downfall here tonight. Veejay takes it.

Holmes: And, of course, I have to go with the opposite. Dorian Slaughter has been riding along with two of the most dominant people in the history of WZCW; John Constantine and Ty Burna of course. If you don't believe that he has learned enough to put away such a peasant in Veejay then you are fooling yourself. Slaughter is one third of The Elite and that still means something to me. It means that he has what it takes to get the job done. And he will show that to everyone tonight, mark my words.

The camera cuts back to Leon alone.

Leon: Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time. With only one more match to predict, who better to talk to than the WZCW Heavyweight Champion John Constantine? He's backstage with Sebastian Copeland right now, so let's get there!

The camera cuts backstage to see a scene of complete mayhem. In the foreground, the absolutely stunned features of Sebastian Copeland can be seen resting against a wall; his mouth ajar as he looks down the corridor as a massive fight. What looks like three or four men are scrapping some way down the corridor but their faces cannot be made out just yet. The cameraman cautiously moves towards the scene as we finally see the face of the WZCW Heavyweight Champion John Constantine fight valiantly against two others. He nails them with some stiff shots before picking up one of the men and looking to take him out with the AXIS OF EVIL! But the other man blasts him with a shot to the back that staggers the Champion as the two men round on him. Both men begin to stomp, punch and kick at the Champion before the numbers game finally begins to take over. With the Champion on the stone floor, one of the men picks him up and thrusts him towards the other. With no hesitation, the masked man performs a move that we have all become too familiar with lately... DESICRATION ANNIHILATION! The thus of Constantine hitting the stone floor sends a chilling echo around the empty halls. The man pulls his mask off to reveal none other than Ty Burna; a sick smile on his features. As some referee's make their way up the corridor, the other man removes his mask to reveal Dorian Slaughter. He locks in the Angel of Death, Dorian Slaughter! Slaughter wastes no time in locking in the TOMB OF THE MUTILATED as referee struggle to undo his grip from the World Champion! Suddenly the feed cuts out to the yells of the referees and officials.

Leon: Oh my god, what a heinous attack from what's left of The Elite!

Everest: Shocking. You have to wonder what shape Constantine will be in tonight and how on Earth he plans on defending that Championship tonight. Can he?

The camera pans back to Leon Kensworth who has a sickened look on his features as he shakes his head vigorously.

Leon: I'm afraid that is all we have time for on the pre-show, ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully John Constantine and Sebastian Copeland will be fit enough to fulfill their duties tonight at Gold Rush. There is only one way to find out... Hold onto your hats, everyone. The first annual Gold Rush PPV kicks off right now...
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