You be the Judge V1.0


Master of the Aussie kiss
You be the judge version one.(stolen from becca)
You be the judge. In this Thread i will post a made up story. You get to decide what happens to them. either get off scot free or go to jail for ** many years. this will be the first in what i hope is many of these threads to get some discussion going in the Chit Chat Threads.

Fiction news letter said:
*known pedofile was found dead last week. after a week of searching for the murderer, he came forward. it turned out that the murderer was the father of the latest girl the pedo had raped.
the pedofile had raped at least 30 girls and had no sign of stopping. the police couldnt get enough evidence to catch him. the father having enough of it and being distrought after finding out he did it to his daughter, decided he wanted to take it into his own hands.*

What do you think should happen to father? post your reasons in here and lets see if we can get everybody agreeing on one side.

I will post my view on what happens soon when i get back home.
The law says the father goes down on a murder charge. Yes, it may seem wrong, but thats what the law states.

This isnt Dexter. It might have seemed a good idea at the time, but since the daddy is now in jail, the daughter has lost her father, as well as being raped.
Manslaughter charge - Yes, he did kill someone but he'l get a reduced sentence if they match DNA for the Peado and any of the children he raped. Probably get 10 years and being released within 3. In the UK anyways.
No matter what you never kill a man for revenge.No matter how much you want to it just ruins you.Besides what does it do?It's not going to help your Daughter.It's never going to stop what happened.Hell your helping the peado-he's dead and not coming back.He's also not going to prison.You just made it worse.

Father gets 12 years at the very least.No parole.Dosn't deserve it.Rape is bad.Killing is not human.
Rape could be argued to be worse than murder. But anyway. He'll have to be punished regardless. No matter what you can't get away with killing someone. That being said, he's done society a favour, and should be out within a few years. People kill with no motive and are out in 3. I have no sympathy at all for the man he killed. Only for his daughter who has now lost her father. He shouldn't have done it, but can you honestly say you wouldn't do something similar in that position given the chance?
Personally I think the guy should get three years max. I know he killed somebody but people drink driving get fuck all if they kill somebody....

Really that guy was doing people a favour. taking all of those young girls youth and innocent away from them destroying their lifes forever the guy got what was coming to him. The police couldnt find enough reason to make it stick. the guy was just going to keep on doing it to young girls and there was nothing nobody could do.

I know he should get punished but i think three years is valid enough, he was in the wrong but I can see where he was coming from, and really was doing the world a favour. I know Revenge killing are not on but this wasnt really a revenge killing seeing he did it to end his reign. plus he handed himself in.

if the guy got sent to jail you know what would happen to him dont you? he would be dead within the first week any way. this guy was just speeding up the process.
I think he should get at least 5 years due to the fact that he turned himself which shows he is remourseful. If he hadn't of turned himself in, then I give him a life sentence as at the end of the day it was murder
On the face of it this is a straight up murder case(UK) due to the clear presence of actus reas and mens rea (Guilty act and guilty mind).

It would be possible to make a defense of diminished responsibility due to trauma induced stress (which no competent judge would uphold). It would also be possible to claim provocation and seek a reduction in sentencing to manslaughter (which a Judge properly would accept, even though he shouldn't).

If we were going by the letter of the law, a UK resident committing this crime should get charged with full murder, and get the corresponding sentence which for some reason I can't remember off the top of my head.

If we're going by what would 'actually' happen, even ignoring all the ridicules, ignorant media hoohar that would undoubtable follow a case such as this; the man would be charged with manslaughter, be given 5 years in minimum security and be out on the streets in 2.

Not a perfect system, but that's how it goes.
You can't take the law into your own hands. No matter what, the law is their to keep the world in order. If this guy goes free, then people could kill someone if they beat them up or stole from them ect. I;m not saying thoes things are as bad as rape but people could still use the same argument. That being said he should get charged but only with manslaughter and spend 5-10 years in jail. Again people cannot take the law into their own hands, if they could it would make laws pointless and it would be a big free for all.
Well, in a more personal opinion, the Pedo should be treated the same way. Throw the fucker in jail with the most dangerous inmates, they should "take care" of the scum. Also, Chemical castration is a good option PLUS jail, of course. these kind of persons shouldnt be allowed to get back to society.
But back to topic....

The father should get a 5 to 8 years sentence. Though revenge is a plate best served cold, we should never be above the law.
When a murder is deemed to be in retaliation, it is considered capital murder in Texas. Capital murder starts at 45 years, and can even result in execution.

I think he did the right thing, however society does not tolerate vigilantes because it makes the state look weak. Furthermore, any prosecutor worth his salt would note that if the state did not have enough evidence, then what compelled the father to think he had enough evidence?

I think rape is the sickest thing humans do, and it's even worse if it happens to a child. The only problem is that two wrongs never make a right, and in this case, that holds true. The girl is neglected a father, and even though there is no way for her to not feel love, and it would be impossible for her to feel resentment towards him, it will negatively effect her.

The father should be tried for capital murder, and be given the minimum 45 years with parole. He would serve 15 to 20 years and be out in time to enjoy his grandchildren. I know that sucks, but the law is there for a reason, and exceptions to it lead to chaos. The reciprocal obligation of the state is to restrict liberty in proportion to how you restricted another's rights.

Because he turned himself in, a manslaughter plea deal is a reasonable outcome, but how much more vigilante justice would that lead to? OJ Simpson tried to steal back what was his, but he is being tried for armed robbery, and in my opinion, rightfully so.
Furthermore, any prosecutor worth his salt would note that if the state did not have enough evidence, then what compelled the father to think he had enough evidence?

Exactly. Despite the fact that the paedophile committed the crime, the judge cannot assume that in his sentencing. This would be treated as a premeditated killing and he would get the full 30 year sentence, but would probably be out in 10-12.

If the paedophile was definitely the man killed, then I sympathise with his killer, and would consider it a case of extreme provocation. However, I don't think vigilantism is ever a good thing really, and the father has to go to gaol.
*known pedofile was found dead last week. after a week of searching for the murderer, he came forward. it turned out that the murderer was the father of the latest girl the pedo had raped.
the pedofile had raped at least 30 girls and had no sign of stopping. the police couldnt get enough evidence to catch him. the father having enough of it and being distrought after finding out he did it to his daughter, decided he wanted to take it into his own hands.*

Being the judge I would give the Father 30 years with the possibility of parole at 10, and every 5 years afterwards. The one thing that confuses me about this case, though, is a few things. Why is it that this man wasn't in jail? Why was he so easily found by the father of the victim? I think when you do posts like this you have to be more descriptive. There are people that aren't pedophiles and are in jail for being one with no evidence against them, at least from what I read there was a little bit of it on this guy.
As a father myself, I would hunt down the son of a bitch and do the same exact thing. Things become different once your a parent, and the protection of your blood trumps all at all cost. Recently a coworker of mine was saying how her daughters best friend was raped. Raped by a man that was her fathers best friend, the father had let him move into the house to help him get back on his feet, all the while his "friend" was raping his 14 year old daughter.

The Daughter finally came forward and told the parents, and the mans first instinct was to find the guy and kill him, and I honestly couldn't blame him at all.

In the case stated as the example, it might be manslaughter or murder, but I truly think you're going to have a hard time finding a public prosecutor or judge willing to throw the book at a father that has been threw that, especially considering the amount of victims that the rapist has. The public outcry over a man that many would consider doing the right thing going to jail would be too much. It's all about politics.

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