Your “Must See” List


Staff member
So, I have been thinking about creating a new thread like this for a while when I saw the “New To MMA” thread in the MMA forum and I think now is probably the best time to make it happen. SO, the idea of this thread is to introduce people to new movies that you think they simply must see. Now, I don't really mind if you just want to list the movies that you would recommend people see at any and all costs, as long as you add some description as to why. I guess there is also scope for different genres in this thread too. For example, if I was creating a “Must See” list for Horror, I would do something like this:

The Exorcist

Many people call this the most disturbing movie of all time and it hard to argue with them. *********ion with a crucifix is not often taken lightly and that is one of the most tame things in this movie. A definite must see movie that is recommended to any and all horror starters.


Many feel that Scream broke the rules of the horror genre that it was trying to parody and that is why it should be on your list of must see movies. Neve Campbell stars in a movie that ought to get the mix of comedic entertainment and frightening horror just right.


So, please feel free to take this thread in any direction you want to, in regards to genres and lists. Just make sure that you follow the spam rules when doing so.

Anyway, for this entry, I will just be listing the 10 movies that I think everyone should see at some point. Feel free to pick apart my selections and tell me what you think of my list and the list of others, if they choose to enter a list.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Amongst the nerds of this world, there is still a huge debate raging about which movie of the Star Wars saga is the best. For me, it is definite The Empire Strikes Back. To me, I think it just measures the height of the franchise and although the franchise was still going to churn out one more movie in the original saga and then three more in the prequel trilogy, this is the movie that always gets me invested in the Star Wars saga. Of course, you might need to see A New Hope to really take advantage of this one.

Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

Kal Penn and John Cho are simply magnificent in this stoner flick that ought to get anyone laughing. Everyone has likely already seen this movie but it is still one of my favourites to bust out when I have people round or just want to lighten up a little. The adventures in this movie is just incredible and although it only 90 minutes long, it feels as though you have been on just as epic an adventure with the male leads. Fantastically funny movie that should make a lot of lists.


Yes, I know that I may catch a lot of stick for this one but I absolutely adore Juno. Not only did it launch the career of one of the funniest actresses in Hollywood (Ellen Page), it actually addressed serious concerns in a topical and brilliant way. The attitude of Juno in this movie is what draws me in time and time again. Her performance in this movie has received a lot of critical acclaim and it is part due to the overall quality of this movie. Michael Cera is at his awkward best in this movie and balances out Ellen Page brilliantly well. What an awesome film.

Reservoir Dogs

Yes, it may be a Tarantino movie and it may be hyped up to the high Heavens but it is still one of the best and most engrossing movies ever made in my eyes. The characters and the story just make this movie one of the most enthralling movies I have ever seen and not one scene of this movie is a waste. I expect this to make a lot of lists and rightly so. Steve Buscemi as Mr. Pink is an iconic role that really brought this movie into a whole new stratosphere.


Many feel that Scream broke the rules of the horror genre that it was trying to parody and that is why it should be on your list of must see movies. Neve Campbell stars in a movie that ought to get the mix of comedic entertainment and frightening horror just right. It is also one of the only horror movies that I would recommend people watch if they were new to film altogether since it manages to tread the line between Horror and comedy that well. Scream is my favourite horror franchise and is very deserving of it's place on this list.


Although it has only been out for a few years now, this movie will always make my most-viewed and most recommended lists for good reason. Jonah Hill and Michael Cera are fabulous in this movie and it will forever be the greatest movie they have ever starred in, no doubt about it. Both of these guys have gone on to other things after this movie but nothing will reach the lofty heights that Superbad did. Perhaps the funniest and most grounded movie I have ever seen.

The Notebook

This is the soppy one to satisfy the criteria of being a movie that you can sit with your current squeeze and watch whilst enjoying an actual film. This movie is not one that would normally come to mind when people make these lists but this one holds a special place in my heart and perhaps it adds to the sentiment. However, this heartfelt romantic period piece will have the tears flowing when you reach the end and if she's not cuddled into your shoulder by the time the end credits roll, I'll do it myself. That's how sure a bet this one is. Awesome movie.

The Shawshank Redemption

Everyone knows of this movie, such is it's appeal and iconic status amongst the film community. Tim Robbins in this movie is ultimately superior to everything you have ever heard or seen and his performance is hurt by the fact that story is gripping and engrossing from the very first scene. Morgan Freeman is also brilliant in this movie that makes you tingle all over at the end. People will always talk about this movie being one of the best and it is completely warranted. Watching this movie is like the epitome of what film should be.

V For Vendetta

Possibly Natalie Portman's greatest role before Black Swan came in this movie. That alone should be enough to get you to watch this movie but if you are not convinced, the social implications of this movie should get you the rest of the way. You know those members of Anonymous that wear masks? This movie actually means something to them and it should mean something to you too. The plot is fucking amazing and a tear came over me when I finished watching the movie. It tells us that we don't need to settle for corruption and greed. It is a brilliant movie that still manages to inspire people all over the world.

The Lion King

Arguably the best Disney film that there has ever been. This one has the original recipe of humour/drama and a gripping storyline that leaves you satisfied come the end of the movie. I would say that it is the best Disney movie ever and definitely worth a watch if you have lived under a rock for the past 20 years and want to watch an animated flick that will hit all the right spots.
Juno has a great story, but so boring!!

Well I am a huge fan of the modern cinema!
I respect the legacy of the oldest actors, but I don't like the classics like Lawrence of Arabia and stuff!!

I have a great list, so i will only put here my favorite movies!

Accepted (2006) - It's a refreshing movie, great comedy cast, great story and very funny! If you are between 13 and 26 years, you will really love this movie, something like 10/10!! If you are above that, this movie isnt for you 'cause its not from your generation!

American Pie Franchise (1999-2012) - I think that we can call this franchise a "classic" of the modern comedies! Teen movie, but very funny and everybody knows them! Who doesn't like Stifler?
They have 7 movies, and in 2012 it is expected to release the American Reunion, with the cast of the original American Pie, don't miss it!

Butterfly Effect - Great story, great cast!
A young man blocks out harmful memories of significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life. - IMDb 7.8/10

Inception - Probably the most underrated movie of 2010 and should have won the Oscar for Best Movie!
Movie from Christopher Nolan, so everybody knows that thing has everything to a be one of the best movies ever! - IMDb - 8.9/10

Hitch - The best romantic comedy ever made! Will Smith, Eva Mendes and Kevin James did a memorable movie!! You really should watch it!!

National Treasure 1 and 2 - Awesome movies, starring Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger and Jason Bartha! Movie about History and myths of the World!!
My personal rate - 9/10

The Hangover - Best comedy ever made in the 2000's!! Or at least in TOP3!! You cant die, before you see this movie!!

Knocked Up - Seth Rogan genius and Katherine Heighl hotness!! Imagine the story, only for the tittle!! Awesome Movie, also in the TOp 3 of the best comedies of the 2000's!!

Fast Furious - Every, every, every movie of the franchise!! The best mix of comedy, action, cars and women ;)
Dont miss Fast Five this year!!

I could say a lot more, but this ones are great too!!
The Lion King: As Dave said, arguably the best Disney film of all time. I personally have always loved this film. It was my favourite film as a child and still ranks in my top 3. I truly do love it. The Shakespearean plot works wonderfully with the excellent characters that are introduced here. The voice acting cast is rich with talent as James Earl Jones's voice makes for the perfect fatherly figure and Jeremy Irons works equally as well as the sinister Scar.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: There are many great westerns, but none have stood the test of time or been as epic as this spaghetti classic. It's the best film in the trilogy with the best cast and the best direction from Leone. The intensity of the acting in this one is amazing as Eastwood, Van Cleef and Wallach all act their socks off. The closing duel is one of the greatest scenes ever and it's my personal favourite film.

Jaws: There hasn't quite been a movie like Jaws before. Never before had one been so afraid of something as ordinary as water. People were terrified of something you drank because of this one film. For years people were scared of the water because they feared the worse. There hasn't quite been a film to create that sort of panic since Jaws. Oh and it has the single most recognisable theme ever.

Jurassic Park: Mind blowing is the only word to describe what you see in Jurassic Park as you witness the ressurection of the greatest beasts to ever walk the planet. Spielberg creates a believable story as a chosen few get a sneak peak of something that they never thought they'd ever see. Wayne Knight also plays one of the greatest on-screen lackeys ever.

Dirty Harry: The second Eastwood film on this list. Clint's most iconic character ever is Dirty Harry. A defining character of his generation, Harry is essentially the epitome of every bad-ass there ever was and ever will be. No Dirty Harry, no Popeye Doyle. No Harry, no Punisher. Harry's mission is to bring justice and he doesn't care if it's cleanly done or not, he just wants to get it done.

Back to the Future: The single best fusion of comedy and science-fiction ever. Back to the Future is a great film series that is sometimes overshadowed by the success of Star Wars, but it's a unique and wonderful ride all on it's own. The throwbacks are great and it's got such a basic, yet brilliant plot. Simply the best of it's kind.

Airplane!: The forefather of all spoof films, Airplane! also happens to be the best. It's got a smart cast which sees Leslie Nielsen shine through as the doctor who ate lasagne. There are some great gags here with original ideas and clever one-liners ('Don't Call Me Shirley' being the most famous of all). It's a film that remains widely popular.

The Night of the Hunter: Probably the least well known film on my list, but it features one of the most evil film villains of all time; Reverend Harry Powell. Robert Mitchum plays Powell with such sinister glee that you have to worry about him slightly. The filming is outstanding with great clashes between black & white as Powell reeks havoc in his quest for two small children.

Se7en: Dark, gritty and down-right nasty are just some of a few words to describe Se7en. Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman work excellently as an old cop, young cop unit attempting to trakc down a killer using the seven sins as his Modus Operandi. There are twists turns and some of the most unpleasant ideas of man in this one.

Alien: Whether it's the feeling of claustrophobia, the unease within the ranks of the crew or the freaking scary beast running rampant, Alien is the movie that his scared me like no other. Sci-Fi went back to it's roots after the Star Wars craze here as everyone left the cinema with a sense of unease and terror lurked within their very beings. The acting is strong all around (Holm & Weaver do wonderfully), but it's the direction that really makes this a classic as Ridley Scott crafts a true picture of fear.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Really a must see for any fan of adventure/fantasy movies. It takes something that J.R.R. Tolkien spent his life perfecting, and makes it into a visual masterpiece. The acting is phenomenal, and the movies are really multi-dimensional where there is constantly more than one thing going on. It has it's love scenes and love-based conflicts, emotional and physical struggle, and action that you will love. Easily my favorite movies of all time.

Step Brothers: This movie will not be for everybody, but it will certainly provide some serious laughs. I would list Superbad as it is my favorite comedy movie, but Dave already listed that. Step Brothers is really more for men seeing as it uses vulgar and sexual humor throughout the movie, but the acting is good as are the jokes. Just an all around funny movie that will entertain you.

The Hills Have Eyes: Probably my favorite horror movie. The acting isn't great, but if you watch this at night with the lights off, you will be frightened. It's just an all around creepy movie with a fairly good premise. I like how they incorporated the nuclear explosions into being the main cause for the deformities. A very good movie all in all, and I would recommend it to anybody.

Obviously there are many movies that I would like to list. I just threw down three that came to mind from different genres that I feel everybody should see. I'd also add The Star Wars Series, and The Harry Potter Series on there, I just don't have time to write a summary for them.
Top 10 Action Movies

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King- the fight scenes presented in this movie are absolutely stunning. Also it is quite a thriller and really is well made. As well, it really exhibits wonderous animations as well as great live performances.

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith- apart from having one of the longest one on one fight scenes in movie history it also tells the story of Anakin going to the darkside while capturing some great fight scenes.

James Bond: Quantum of Solace- it is James Bond for crying aloud. This movie has plenty of action and as well tells the story of British Agent James Bond. A very great thriller with some great action sequences.

Jurassic Park This movie is full of intense action while mixing the historical beasts of the past "Dinosaurs." This movie is very very good as well as a compelling watch. Very high recommendation.

Indiana Jones- pick any movie from this series. Honestly they are all very action filled and suspensful. Harrison Ford does a great job in it as well as all the other actors. I prefer the Temple of Doom the best but all are very good.

Harry Potter: Goblet of Fire
-This movie is the best Harry Potter movie made yet. (From an action standpoint.) If you want a thrill and a riveting experience than look no further than Goblet of Fire.

Daredevil-actually a very good movie. It's not as much about the superhero as it is the human. This movie has some great action parts especially when Daredevil faces the likes of Bullseye, Elektra, and The Kingpin.

Spiderman 3
- I love this movie. The final battle scene between Spiderman and Venom+ Sandman is epic. Truly a very good movie with a lot of scenes that will have you at the edge of your seat. Also, the storylines with Spidey and Green Goblin are quite good.

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises-The greatest movie of all time. If you don't mind a very dark story then this is a great movie to enjoy. Christian Bale mgives a performance of a lifetime, and this story is full of suspense.

Pokemon: The Movie-I remember this movie still today. This movie suprisngly has a lot of action and also has Ash Ketchum actually die. If you ever were a fan of Pokemon I suggest watching this movie because of the intense action between Mewtwo and the world.
I'll try to limit this to just my favourites as I could go on for quite a while:

  • Pulp Fiction - Anyone who hasn't seen this should stop whatever they are doing and go to watch it now. For me, this defines everything a film should be, it keeps your attention throughout, delivers on the big scenes and has a lot of memorable quotes. Probably the best film I have ever seen.
  • Carlito's Way - For me, it is usually a toss up between this and Pulp Fiction as my favourite film. I loved Scarface but this is my favourite Pacino film. I'm not going to talk about the plot as I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but this is just fantastic.
  • Shaun of the Dead - I'm very big on comedies and this is on top of my list. The cast of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Dylan Moran et al is just fantastic as well as cameos of a fair few others that are on British television. This is just one of those films I could watch again and again, probably never getting bored of it.
  • The Warriors - Just one of those films that is truly gripping, there is tension throughout, the mashup of the different gangs is inspired and the acting is fantastic. A true classic.
  • Die Hard - I love all of the Die Hard films, but this has to be top of my list. Bruce Willis is fantastic in all of them, but Alan Rickman steals the show here. A great showing from everyone involved in this.

So yeah, they're probably the five films I would recommend everyone sees. There are a many more I could say the same for, but that's the five I'd go for first.
I'll go for 10 films I enjoy that many of y'all might not have seen...

For everyone that loves American Pie or Police Academy. An immensely quotable comedy, with some awe inspiring visuals and the reason I bought the greatest hits of Mike Peters and the Alarm.

Quite simply, the best horror/ comedy crossover ever. Yet it never slips into parody area, which is why I rate it slightly ahead of the Scream movies.

This is Bruce Willis's best ever acting performance, in my opinion (and this is from a massive Willis fan). The only things that surprise me about this film is it's lack of box office & award recognition and that Emily Lloyd did not become a massive actress. Note: Should you watch this, you will hear Bruce Springsteen - I'm on fire EVERY TIME you see someone jogging.

Could be regarded as American Pie lite but it makes me laugh and if I'm completely honest, I actually prefer it. Martin Short has never been funnier.

I love the Shawshank Redemption, the Green Mile, the Shining and many many other Stephen King adaptions but this is my favourite because, unlike his most famous movie versions of novels, this covers what I always felt was his greatest topic - coming of age. It, like Shawshank, also proves that King is not just a scare monger, he is a beautiful storyteller when he is on song.

For all you useless facts aficionados - the first film under Disney's new more grown up Touchstone studio. Along with the Karate Kid and Cocktail, the reason I spent most of my teenage years in love with Elisabeth Shue. Along with being a great fun Goonies in the city type of affair, it had an absolutely fantastic soundtrack.

How can you not love Burt Reynold's comedies? I'm fully aware they're not overly high brow but then again, neither am I. I also really enjoy musicals, particularly when they have a comic edge (I really dislike Chicago). A certain Whitney anthem is blown out of the water by it's original singer.

Imagine Die Hard's John McClane getting trained by the Karate Kid's Mr Miyagi and you have the basic premise of this. Always cheers me up.

Fantastic rom-com were an English guy falls for a girl on the radio who, despite falling for him too, fobs off her model neighbour because of her insecurities. Plus it reveals the secret behind how you get a tortoise to reveal it's head when it won't do it.

My favourite wrestling movie ever and it has kayfabe in full effect, for any members who were not alive before it's demise - ah, memories!
I decided to do just one from each genre.

Action: Sin City (2005)- Sin City is an amazing story that comes to you in four parts. The first part focuses on Hartigan (Bruce Willis), one of the few straight cops in the city rescuing a little girl from a sadistic pervert. The second part focuses on Marv (Mickey Rourke), a super hero type character that decides to avenge the death of a prostitute who he felt was kind to him. Part three concentrates on Dwight (Clive Owen) and the prostitutes of Old Town who try to take out the police and mafia that constantly harass them. Finally, the fourth part revisits Hartigan and release from prison. This film takes the grittiness of black and white film and mixes it with modern film techniques which makes it very visually appealing and it tells three awesome stories as well. This is a film well worth watching.

Adventure: The Warriors (1979)- The Warriors is a classic 70s film that focuses on The Warriors, a gang from Coney Island that is blamed for the murder of a citywide gang figurehead and their attempt to escape back to Coney Island and clear their name. It's an epically dark film that's full of all sorts of interesting imagery, symbolism, and allusions to ancient Greek myths.

Comedy: Dogma (1999)- It's not the funniest film in the world or anything, but it is certainly a comedy well worth watching. It focuses on the story of Bethany (Linda Fiorentino) who must prevent two renegade angles (Matt Damon and Ben Affleck) from entering a church in Jersey. It's a great parody on the religious thriller genre that is both funny and insightful.

Sports: Remember the Titans (2000)- Tells the story of a high school football team that must find a way to bond together despite high racial tensions following the integration of their school. The story is beautiful and gets me all choked up every time I watch it.

Crime Drama- L.A. Confidential (1997)- Absolutely amazing film that follows an extremely mysterious case in 1950s Los Angeles. It has one hell of a cast and the story is immaculately told. Probably the best Russell Crowe film you'll ever see, and that includes Gladiator.

Drama- American History X (1998)- My favorite movie. Another story of overcoming racism, this film stars Edward Norton as Derek Vinyard, an ex-Neo Nazi who tries to prevent his younger brother from going down the same path as he. Absolutely stunning film in every way imaginable. A touch story that pulls at your heart and shows you how ugly racism in America really is.

Romantic Comedy- Annie Hall (1977)- Woody Allen's best film, and one of the best films of all time in general. This is a hilarious tale of the relationship between stand up comic Alvy Singer (Allen) and Annie Hall (Diane Keaton). It shows the neurotic nature of relationships, how everyone is susceptible to the normal pitfalls of a relationship.

Fantasy- The Princess Bride (1987)- A heartwarming tale with everything you could possibly want! Sword fights, chases, miracles, Andre the Giant, and romance. The whole thing is a riot, but you forget that its a parody of the fairytale/fantasy genre and just fall in love with the movie as a fantasy itself.
Scream 4: This one recently came out so I still have time to catch it at the movie theater. I liked the other Scream movies and so far I've heard nothing but positive things from this one such as it is the best since the first one so I'm really looking forward to watching it.

The whole Saw franchise: I'm a little embarrass to admit but I haven't seen any of the movies in this franchise. They've come out with what, like 7 movies? Yet for some reason, I haven’t gone out of my way to see any of them. Anyways, most of the people I know tell me that most of them are good and I'm a junkie for getting scared shitless from horror movies. So hopefully one day I do take the time to watch them all (even if some aren't good) just to see how scared I get. People call it one of the best horror movie franchise and I want to see why that is.

The Hangover: Everyone I know and their mother has seen this movie and say it's laugh out loud funny, yet like the Saw franchise I've never went out of my way to see this movie. At some point I'm bound to watch it but the main reason I want to see it is to see what's so funny about it.

The Notebook: To be honest, I just want to see what the hell is it about this movie that makes women cry. I don't know what it's about, but it better be a story that really is worth crying about.

Star Wars I & II: I actually saw Star Wars III when it first came out but I fell asleep watching it in theaters. Then at my old school the teacher popped in and I actually didn't fall asleep this time and payed attention to it. I was surprised that I liked it so now I want to watch the other 2 because maybe I'll like 'em too.

Avatar: Highest grossing movie of all time blah blah blah. I just want to see what's so great about it. I know many people, even users on this forums, have said it really isn't as good as people say but it grossed nearly $3 billion dollars for a reason and I want to see what that damn reason is. I don't think thousands of people would have continued going to see it if they heard it was bad, so there has to be something about it that made so many people watch it.

So a lot of those movies are apparently "must see" for various reasons. I haven't seen any of them and people have given multiple reasons to see 'em. So some of them apparently you have to see because it's some sort of romantic flick, another because it's action packed or maybe you have to see Avatar just because it's the highest grossing movie of all time. For whatever reason though, they have been labeled "must see" and probably for good reason.
Scream 4: This one recently came out so I still have time to catch it at the movie theater. I liked the other Scream movies and so far I've heard nothing but positive things from this one such as it is the best since the first one so I'm really looking forward to watching it.

The whole Saw franchise: I'm a little embarrass to admit but I haven't seen any of the movies in this franchise. They've come out with what, like 7 movies? Yet for some reason, I haven’t gone out of my way to see any of them. Anyways, most of the people I know tell me that most of them are good and I'm a junkie for getting scared shitless from horror movies. So hopefully one day I do take the time to watch them all (even if some aren't good) just to see how scared I get. People call it one of the best horror movie franchise and I want to see why that is.

The Hangover: Everyone I know and their mother has seen this movie and say it's laugh out loud funny, yet like the Saw franchise I've never went out of my way to see this movie. At some point I'm bound to watch it but the main reason I want to see it is to see what's so funny about it.

The Notebook: To be honest, I just want to see what the hell is it about this movie that makes women cry. I don't know what it's about, but it better be a story that really is worth crying about.

Star Wars I & II: I actually saw Star Wars III when it first came out but I fell asleep watching it in theaters. Then at my old school the teacher popped in and I actually didn't fall asleep this time and payed attention to it. I was surprised that I liked it so now I want to watch the other 2 because maybe I'll like 'em too.

Avatar: Highest grossing movie of all time blah blah blah. I just want to see what's so great about it. I know many people, even users on this forums, have said it really isn't as good as people say but it grossed nearly $3 billion dollars for a reason and I want to see what that damn reason is. I don't think thousands of people would have continued going to see it if they heard it was bad, so there has to be something about it that made so many people watch it.

So a lot of those movies are apparently "must see" for various reasons. I haven't seen any of them and people have given multiple reasons to see 'em. So some of them apparently you have to see because it's some sort of romantic flick, another because it's action packed or maybe you have to see Avatar just because it's the highest grossing movie of all time. For whatever reason though, they have been labeled "must see" and probably for good reason.

Yeah, most of the films you have mentioned are definitely worth a watch. I have seen all of them and although I wouldn't class them as being “Must See”, they are definitely worth your time if you have a couple of hours to kill. Scream 4 and the Saw Franchise are the ones that I am hesitant to put this label on because of how new they are. Scream 4 only came out a couple of weeks ago and The Saw franchise has been declining in quality ever since the first one. That being said, if you haven't seen the original (which I am guessing is pretty likely) then you are in for a treat with that one. It is the only movie from the franchise that I would say you must see.

The rest of the movies are pretty damn monumental though. Star Wars and Avatar are two that any film fan will break their necks to see. Avatar, whilst being a glamorous special effects movie, still delivers a great story and a wonderful look into the social ethics of our world, as well as Pandora. It's a long one but if you have a few hours to kill, this is the sort of movie that you should be looking to watch. The same goes for Star Wars but it has become movie legend. The original Star Wars was and is so iconic that it is still making mountains of money way after it was released. Star Wars is a staple of world cinema and you likely know how important it is to watch these movies.

The Notebook is an awesome story and made my list. Honestly, I thought it was one of the best and most heartfelt movies I have ever watched. I am sure you will adore it like I did. The Hangover is brilliantly funny and if comedy is your thing, then you will need to look no further than this one. Zack Galafiniakis got his big break on this movie and not before time. You will love his character and this movie will crack you up, no doubt about it.
Here are a few:

The Usual Suspects - I can't believe no one has mentioned this one yet. An absolute classic that has lost its luster because by now, EVERYONE even if haven't seen the movie, knows who Keyser Soze is.

Jurassic Park - At the time, one of the greatest special effects movies of all-time. To me, this is one of the all time greats in terms of sci-fi films.

Forrest Gump - Everyone has to see this epic once in their life.

AVATAR - A modern masterpiece. While the story is actually pretty basic and has been done before, the effects are mind blowing.

BLOW - If you've ever done any drugs, even weed, you should definitely see this movie. It is a great story and you will be hooked immediately.

American Pie - A gen-X classic that everyone should see at least once.
Pulp Fiction - The greatest movie ever made, period. If you have not had the pleasure of experiencing this film, then you must do yourself a favor and do so as soon as possible. How anyone could ever be a fan of film and not see this or not like it, I just don't know what to say for you. You just have no clue what you're missing.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day - The greatest, most exhilarating American action movie ever made. You don't need to see the first one (although that's a great movie as well) or the sequels; however, T2: Judgment Day is absolutely required viewing for anyone who hasn't seen many movies.

Dazed and Confused - If you ever need a film to put on just to mellow you out and give you a couple of hours just of pure fun, then this is the film you're looking for. It's the greatest movie ever made placed in an American high school setting, and everybody 12 and up should see it, and see it multiple times.

Battle Royale - Most Americans and most people who speak English aren't willing to give an international movie a chance since they don't like to read sub-titles; however, if you give just one international film a chance, Battle Royale is what you should choose. It will fucking blow you away, and then from that point on I think you would be willing to check out other great, must-see international flicks, such as City of God, Hard Boil, Police Story, Old Boy, etc.

They Live - I'm trying to include every genre of film, and They Live is my science fiction selection. I'm not a huge fan of science fiction films, but this movie is definitely a favorite of mine that I think anyone would enjoy the shit out of, ESPECIALLY pro wrestling fans since it stars none other than Roddy "Rowdy" Piper.

The Lion King - Like I said, I'm trying to fit in every genre, and for kids animation there's nothing better than The Lion King. I saw it multiple times in the theater when I was a kid, and it's the one animation movie I saw as a kid that still holds up to this day. Everything else like Aladdin and Toy Story seems outdated to me, but The Lion King never gets old.

The Karate Kid (1985) - This is my sports/underdog selection. It was between this and Rocky, and even though I love Rocky, the original Karate Kid trumps it for me. I can't really explain why, but I have always loved this movie and always will. It has everything you could ever want to see in a great underdog story.

Platoon - If you ever see one war film in your life, this should be it. This film takes the ugliest war in American history, and truthfully depicts just how horrible it was for the soldiers who fought over in Vietnam. Not to mention it's just a flat-out kick ass, highly entertaining film, with great performances all around.

American History X - My favorite movie ever made based around racism. This movie is brutal in its portrayal of how ugly racism can be, and it should be watched by everyone. Not to mention, just looking past its message, it's a wonderfully entertaining film on top of that.

Halloween (1979) - So John Carpenter ends up being the only director to make my list twice, but deservedly so, because not only is They Live my favorite science fiction movie ever made, but the original Halloween is and most likely always will be my favorite horror movie, and if there's one horror movie you MUST experience before you die, it's undoubtedly the original Halloween.

Goodfellas - My gangster flick selection. Hell, I should say my Scorsese section since I had to choose from one of his films, but whatever. Goodfellas is incredible no matter what category you want to place it under. It's full of laughs, drama, heart, and non-stop intensity.

South Park: Bigger, Larger, and Uncut - Finally, my comedy selection. You don't have to be a South Park fan to love this movie, trust me. It's fucking hysterical from start to finish, and the laughs never stop no matter how many times you watch it.

Honorable Mentions:
Back to the Future
The Matrix
The Godfather Parts 1 & 2
Taxi Driver
The Dark Knight
The Breakfast Club
Good Will Hunting
Mulholland Dr.
Stand by Me
The Sandlot
Honorable Mentions:
Back to the Future
The Matrix
The Godfather Parts 1 & 2
Taxi Driver
The Dark Knight
The Breakfast Club
Good Will Hunting
Mulholland Dr.
Stand by Me
The Sandlot

I didn't really want to pick anything out of your post but these really caught my eyes. If you don't mind, I would very much like to talk about them in brief detail.

Back To the Future is a movie that I have seen and never cared for. I love Michael J. Fox but this movie has never managed to rub me the right way. Perhaps it is that everyone else seems to love it so much that I have decided not to~? Either way, it is not a movie that I like. That being said, I can definitely see the artistic design in this movie and appreciate it for that purpose. Perhaps if I went back and watched it now, I would enjoy it more.

The Matrix is a great movie. To be honest, it would have made my list if it had not been for the utterly atrocious sequels that it spawned. Let's face it, we would all have been much happier if they had just left it with the original one. Given it's success at the Box Office though, there is no way that they were going to let it go. Nevertheless, the original is one of the most thought-provoking movies in our modern culture and allusions to it are everywhere.

The Godfather is my favourite movie of all time, I have no idea why I didn't put it in my list. The second movie is no sluch either and is one of the only movies that I think manages to match the movie that comes before it in the series. Two very special movies that have rightly taken their place at the top table of film.

Taxi Drive is not a movie I have seen and when I did try to watch it, I was put off by how dated it looked. Perhaps it is time to give it another shot...

Good Will Hunting is a movie that I think everyone owes to themselves. This is the movie that really took Matt Damon into a new league for me and rightfully so. His performance in this movie is astounding and Robin Williams will blow you away with the other side to his range. This is a special movie that doesn't seem like a chore in any way. A thoroughly entertaining watch that everyone will love.
I didn't really want to pick anything out of your post but these really caught my eyes. If you don't mind, I would very much like to talk about them in brief detail.

Back To the Future is a movie that I have seen and never cared for. I love Michael J. Fox but this movie has never managed to rub me the right way. Perhaps it is that everyone else seems to love it so much that I have decided not to~? Either way, it is not a movie that I like. That being said, I can definitely see the artistic design in this movie and appreciate it for that purpose. Perhaps if I went back and watched it now, I would enjoy it more.

Something we have to remember about Back to the Future is that it's a movie made in the 80's and one of them in 1990. So by today's standards, it definitely wouldn't be considered a "must see" movie. We've seen way better, more iconic movies that really are "must see". The only real reason why I might put it in a list like that is just to compare how technology in cinema has changed in the past 25 years or so since the original back to the future was made. Other than that, I consider it a decent movie with an average plot that was probably great to people who saw it when it first came out but when compared to today's movies it's really not as great as it may have seemed back then.
American Beauty (1999) - Bad-ass movie about the budding obsession of the contemporary middle-aged would-be pedophile. Humorous and grating at times, the raw power that emanates from the screen as Kevin Spacey throws a side dish against a wall is absolutely visceral. It will leave you breathless on account of pedophile induced nausea.

The Comancheros (1961) - Although the characters portrayed by John Wayne and Stuart Whitman, respectively, get off to a rough start in their lawman/outlaw relationship, it quickly becomes apparent to both Wayne and the audience that Whitman is too good a man to hang for the innocuous duel he was involved in, a mistake any man at the time could have made. The measures taken to keep him from hanging have defined the policy of the United States government for years to come. To borrow a line from the great political farce that was The Dark Knight, "Sometimes people deserve better than the truth."

National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets (2007) - Great comedy all around anchored dramatically in Helen Mirren's best performance this side of The Queen. Lots of big laughs here as we get some interesting insight about the shooting of one Abe Lincoln, satire that made Dan Brown drool with envy. Better than the third Godfather.

Honorable Mention: Back To The Future
The Godfather I may want to see if ti comes on TV.

Fast Five-Nice flick that I've known for a while
Jumping the Broom-Nice black comedy, might be interesting
POTC 4: Seems cool just to see a new pirate movie.
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Pt 2: Saw Part 1, got to see Part 2 to conclude the film series.
V For Vendetta

Possibly Natalie Portman's greatest role before Black Swan came in this movie. That alone should be enough to get you to watch this movie but if you are not convinced, the social implications of this movie should get you the rest of the way. You know those members of Anonymous that wear masks? This movie actually means something to them and it should mean something to you too. The plot is fucking amazing and a tear came over me when I finished watching the movie. It tells us that we don't need to settle for corruption and greed. It is a brilliant movie that still manages to inspire people all over the world.

Not completely disagreeing, but surely Leon is her most iconic movie?

Seven Samurai - The godfather of action films packed full of symbolism, comedy, drama, action and lots more. Don't let the subtitles factor put you off, it's a powerhouse of a film.

13 (Tzatemi) - A French/Georgian film about rich gangsters who choose a junkie to bet on as they go through rounds of a form of russian roulette. The tension builds and builds and builds throughout the film in a well-paced manner. Again, don't be put off by subtitles and see it before the Hollywood remake which I don't see being anywhere as good as the original.

Infernal Affairs - The film The Departed was based on, and a lot leaner and concise than Departed. Again, subtitles etc.

True Romance - Patricia Arquette's best film, and Brad Pitt's cameo as the stoner Floyd is one of the best.

The Princess Bride - Reminds me of my mum as it's her favourite film and full of some of the funniest one-liners and back and forths in the history of comedy. Also, "Hello, my name is Inigo Montaya... You killed my father, prepare to die."

The Wicker Man (original obviously) - Well paced, well filmed, well made all round. The climax of the film always sends a chill down my spine.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room - Such a fantastic documentary with a good soundtrack that just leaves you feeling stunned at how much they got away with their scheming. (Taxi to the Dark Side is by the same director and also worth a look.)

Requiem for a Dream - One of the most devastating films I've ever seen and still Arynofsky's best; this is full fat Arynofsky compared to the 'diet' Black Swan version.

Brokeback Mountain - Yep I said it. The cinematography is amazing, the soundtrack is perfect, the performances are brave and the symbolism throughout it add extra emphasis to the narrative. Heath Ledger's performance in this rather than The Dark Knight I feel showed his true acting capabilities.

Heat - De Niro and Pacino? Oh go on then! Wait, they are being directed by Michael Mann? No that's fine... what, Val Kilmer, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman and Jon Voight are all supporting too!? I guess it's asking too much to have one of the loudest and most intense shootouts thrown in too? It's not? Fantastic :D

Honourable Mentions:

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Shining
28 Days Later
Dawn of the Dead (both)
The Machinist
Once Upon A Time in the West
12 Angry Men
Dead Man's Shoes
Dog Day Afternoon

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