Your Favourite Comedy Promo And Quote


Occasional Pre-Show
Hey guys.

Since the dawn of mainstream wrestling, comedy has been a consistant aspect shown throughout the ages. Whether it was Piper being a funny heel, Macho Man cutting his crazy promos, DX doing their comedy stuff, The Rock mocking other wrestler, Booker T and Goldust in their skits or even Santino...

I want to know what your guys favourite comedy promo of all time is? (The humour doesn't have to be intentional)

The promo i am chosing is a famous promo from the legend that is Dr. David Schultz. He was famous for getting caught up in the moment, and taking things too far, for example his infamous attack on the news reporter. But in this promo, he slates San Francisco and labels Hogan as a gay. Mean Gene's reaction is priceless, and makes it that much more funny.

Secondly, i want to ask you guys what your favourite comedy quote of all time is?
For me, i think i'm going to go with when DX came out and mocked the nation, with Jason Sensation impersonating Owen Hart, saying:

"And if anybody can smell what the rock is cooking its me, look how big my damn nose is!!"

So with that said, what are your favourites? The more original the better!
My favorite comedy promo ever is one that like you said is not intentional. its a certain famous promo involving booker t and that he is coming for hulk hogan ... >.>

My favorite comedy quotes are from the miz..... "my first wrestle mania match, I won. 17 wins from tying the undertaker". and triple h talking to cm punk. "hey i dont drink or smoke either but then again i dont look like ive been on a week long crack binge with amy winehouse"
My favorite comedy promo ever is one that like you said is not intentional. its a certain famous promo involving booker t and that he is coming for hulk hogan ... >.>

This. The instant regret right after the word came out had me in stitches.
My favorite was probably the nWo's mocking of the Four Horsemen in WCW. The original skit, DX ripped their skits from that one. The whole thing was awesome. Loved it when Nash as Arn Anderson was giving up his spot.. "Not my dog Spot, not a liver spot, but my spot" or something like that.. i can't remember the exact quote.. but it was hilarious.

and to see Syxx Pac playing Ric Flair yelling "woo" over and over and crying his eyes out, with the pouring water during Nash's speech.. that whole promo was gold. :)
Mine was the rock completing owning HHH back in 02.

'The most electrifying man in sports entertainment the rock, brama bull, the great one, peoples champion and to say the least the rock is something your not undisputed champion so shut up bitch!'

shortly followed by:

HHH - I would love to go
Rock - Well go get the rock a baloney snadwhich cause this does'nt concern you.

Hahaha epic!!!
John Cena vs Kurt Angle had many great promos.

THIS ONE was my favorite.

Kurt Angle dressed as John Cena trying to rap, then challenging Mini Angle, and saying "What? You ain't HALF the man I am!" "You can't see me!" Angle/Cena covers mini-angles eyes "Now you really can't see me." Then finally seeing Mini Angle slapping the ankle lock on the real Kurt Angle and he starts tapping out and sucking his thumb.

I'd have to think about the other question though. What is my favorite comedy quote.

I think I'll go with a recent quote I liked.
R-Truth "Man you crazy! You're talking to people that don't exist!"
HHH "I know it's like I'm insane right?"

I swear if R-Truth gets buried he should join the cast of the new In Living Color remake. He'd be so great there.
This one of my favourites because Booker T just got carried away and was talking the way he normally did and seemed to forget he was on television

When booker T first came and met the rock. Who in the blue hell are you?? "I'm the WCW champion sucka" You're the wcw champion sucka? what is it do you suck? LOL.
Other one was booker t got his hair done by woopie whilst shane mcmahon still a pu**y. Don't know if it was that or "booker t got his hair done by woopie whilst he had his hand up shane mcmahon p*ssy.

Also "Admit it lillian, You get wet....With perspiration". CLASSIC
My favorite most hysterical segment came in 2001 when the Rock and Chris Jericho were taking turns ripping on Shane and Stephanie McMahon. This was the one where Jericho showed the before and after pictures of Stephanie's boob job.

But for a single line, once again Stephanie was the victim. In 2002, Stephanie told everyone that HHH "didn't measure up" in the sack. Hunter came out and said the problem wasn't his manhood being too small, but that Stephanie's hole was too big and "Even a 747 looks small if you fly it into the Grand Canyon!"
oh come on no scott steiner?
I know that all above are funny no doubt,but when you speak of unintentional scott owns!
There are so many including
I've wrestled a lot of countries.
I am your next heavyweight championship.
a promo where he says germany bombed hirojima...something like that.
Also Sid vicious replying to outsiders
I have half the brains as you do.
For the intentional,Dx nation parody owns.
My most favorite comedy segment is about a year old. Santino's tea party with Sheamus and Vladimir Kozlov.

My favorite comedy thing relating to wrestling is Z! True Long Island Story.

My favorite comedy line is also recent, it's from Daniel Bryan's promo on Raw a few weeks back. Before his steel cage match with Mark Henry.

"I CAN'T BEAT YOU? I CAN'T BEAT YOU!?" *kicks Henry's leg* "SEE YOU TOMORROW NIGHT." - Daniel Bryan.

It made me laugh so much, because the segment seemed like it was just trying so hard to be real, but when they ended it that way, I couldn't help but laugh.
Favourite comedy promo would be the promo between Austin & Rock on the Raw before Survivor Series 2001 where they sing together, absolutely hilarious. I also like the NWO's parody of the 4 Horsemen and Shawn Michaels' parody of Hulk Hogan.

Favourite quotes would be "What about you, what about Raisin?" from Jericho to Raven on SD in 2001 and "I'm out here, screaming at the top of my lungs and I don't even know why" & "not a liver spot, not my dog spot not your spot but my spot" both from the NWO's parody of the Horsemen.

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