your top 10 IC title and US title matches ever?


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok i know thers a DVD with the history of the IC title but I want to know what are the fans favourite matches of both mid card titles the US title and IC title? you can go as far back as you want even to the WCW days if you want but you must give reasons to why you liked the match so much and why its on your list ok here I go

10: Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko WCW Uncensored 1997 US title
it felt like the cruiserweights were slowly moving up the picking ordor and every time these 2 met it was magic

9: Rick Rude vs Sting Clash of Champions 1991 US title
the start of Rick Rude's finest year in WCW and it was another great match by both men very entertaining

8: Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho The Bash 2009
I really love when you have an Lucha Libra style wrestler and a guy like Jericho who can wrestle anyones style its just pure magic great match with great story telling Mask vs title match

7: Chris Benoit vs Jeff Jarrett Starrcade 1999 US title
Jeff put on a right show all night by having a match earlyer in the evening then competing in a ladder towards the end of the night wow! a must see WCW PPV match

6: HHH vs The Rock Summerslam 1998
proberly the second best IC title ladder match ever in history this match was when both men were starting to get bigger within the company and these 2 would go on to and have some future great ,matches for the WWE title

5: Edge vs Christan No Mercy 2001
why cant WWE remake this feud another great match from 2 future HOF good build up and some great spots in the match

4: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3
this is a really great match and will go down as the greatest IC title match ever but its not my personnel favourite IC title match Its the match that the bar for Wrestlemania matches

3: Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania 16
I know this was for the Europen and IC title it was proberly the second best match of the night and a great technical match for every fan

2: Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon Wrestlemania 10
the match that made Shawn Michaels the first time i watched this i was bouncing up and down i couldnt believe the stuff that both men were puting themselfs through

1: Randy Orton vs Mick Foley Backlash 2004
one of my favourite Hardcore matches of all time it was nice to see Orton take so meny bumps in this match and I believe this is the match that sky rocketed Orton to the Main Event

I know ive missed some off which should be on this list but these are my favourite IC and US title matches
I would definitely include Bret Hart Vs British Bulldog - Summerslam 1992 for the IC Championship. The match was great on both a wrestling and story telling level.
3 of the top IC matches should include bret hart with his matches against Piper, Bulldog, and Mr Perfect... all were amazing wrestling matches... also ladder match from WM10 and WM3 with steamboat and savage... that's all i can think of right now... but that's half of them at least in my opinion
Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard - Starrcade 85 - the "I Quit" steel cage match.

Even though it wasn't just one match, I'd put the best of 7 series between Magnum and Nikita Koloff from the Great American Bash tour in 1986. That series made Nikita and could have been the springboard to send Magnum to the NWA title if he hadn't had the car accident.

Many of the great I-C title matches have already been mentioned:

Savage - Steamboat (WrestleMania 3)
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper (WrestleMania 8)
Bret vs. Davey Boy Smith (SummerSlam 92)
Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 10 ladder match)
I liked Mankind Vs Ken Shamrock Judgment Day 1998 for the IC Title.

Not the best match as far as wrestling goes but I liked the finish..mankind giving himself the mandible claw to save himself from tapping out to the ankle lock.
Most of my choices are feuds over the Intercontinental Title. I know there have been many great matches involving the Unites States Championship, but none make my Top 10.

In no particular order...

Randy Savage v Ricky Steamboat (Wrestlemania III) Hailed by many as the match that made the blue print for all future matches. Two great performers at the very top of their game on the biggest stage of them all. Throw the Intercontinental Title into the equation and it's difficult to justify not having this match on any such list as this.

Roddy Piper v The Mountie (Royal Rumble 1992) Now this isn't the greatest match of all time, but I was and still remain a big Roddy Piper fan. I marked out big when he won the belt, earning his first major WWF/E title. Piper's pre-match promo was vintage Hot Rod; energetic, intelligent, sick. The use of the 'shock proof' vest was different, but fitting into the nature of the match, the opponent and the story.

Bret Hart v Roddy Piper (Wrestlemania X) Another Piper match. This one had a personal touch to it, as was displayed in the pre-match promo between the two. With Bret displaying his usual focussed, calm and calculated persona, the perfect foil to the vintage fiery character of Piper. Arguably this was the best match on the card, in terms of storytelling and even technical performance.

Chris Benoit v Chris Jericho (Royal Rumble 2001) A great match between two naturally gifted and technically sound performers. This ladder match over the Intercontinental Title was one of a many classic matches between the two over the gold. The history between them is well documented, and everytime they stepped into the ring together you never knew who was going to come out on top, such was the see-saw nature of their matches. Great spots, such as the Walls of Jericho atop the ladder and a suicide dive to the outside straight into a sick chair shot.

Bret Hart v British Bulldog (Summerslam 1992) Another of the all time classics in my opinion. With Wembley Stadium, London, England, providing the venue, the capacity crowd were firmly behind the home boy in Davey Boy Smith, despite Bret Hart being a face at the time. I loved the ending in that no finisher decided the match. I loved the crowd reaction when Bulldog emerged victorious. I loved Bret Hart's magnanimous display after the match. Fair to say I loved this match. I am British after all.

Shawn Michaels v Marty Jannetty (Monday Night Raw 1993) The implosion of The Rockers was brilliantly done. Marty Jannetty was always my preferred wrestler of the two (shows I've got an eye for talent). After the Barbershop incident I had a genuine feeling of empathy for Jannetty and genuine dislike for the new persona of Shawn Michaels. Wrestling writing at its thought and feeling provoking best. When Jannetty emerged from the crowd and defeated his former partner for the title was a massive moment in my then young eyes.

Shawn Michaels v Razor Ramon (Wrestlemania X) Another ladder match, the second ever in the WWF/E. Regarded as the best match on this particular card and set the bar for all future ladder matches. Although the bar has been re-set over and over again, at the time, and for a good while after, this was the ladder match to aspire to.

Santino Marella v Umaga (Raw 2007) Up there with Marty Jannetty emerging from the crowd, albeit a little less of a shock. You knew Santino was a plant the moment he was chosen, but you didn't expect him to win the Intercontinental Title on his main roster debut against the rampaging Samoan Bulldozer. I certainly didn't and expected a squash match, with a view to Umaga earning more heat after destroying a 'local'.

Chris Benoit v Chris Jericho v Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 2000) Another match involving Benoit and Y2J. This time with the wrestling machine that is Kurt Angle thrown into the mix. Three of the best technical performers in the ring at one time. With two titles on the line in the Intercontinental and European Titles. Angle entered the event holding both titles and left with none, despite not conceding a fall throughout the match. It maintained Jericho and Benoit's status as two of the best on the upper mid-card and allowed Angle to drop the titles without hurting his character and push into the main event.

Rikishi v Val Venis (Fully Loaded 2000) Perhaps not the choice of the masses. But a match I enjoyed if not only for the 'Superfly' splash off the top of the cage by Rikishi.
I am unable to remember 10 off the top of my head, but a few that really stand out for me are:

Bret Hart vs British Bulldog @ Summerslam 1992

A magnificent match, probably the best of Bulldog's career and showed both men at their very best. Seeing Davey win the belt in front of his adoring UK fans is still a great moment to this day.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramonn @ WM10

Set the bar for ladder matches, and helped to make Shawn into the star he became. Razor may have won, but the match belonged to HBK

Mick Foley vs Randy Orton @ Backlash 2004

The match that shot Orton up the card. He had potential before this one, and left it looking like a star. Foley helped to make yet another talent.

Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat @ WM3

One of the all time classics. Two amazing performers at their very best. It may have been rehearsed, but who cares? Awesome match

The Rock vs Triple H @ Summerslam 1998

Two of the WWE's future icons engaged in a gruelling ladder match, which has always rivalled HBK/Ramon as one of my favourite ladder matches without the high spots of later matches. You could tell that these 2 guys were going to the very top of the business.
Because of all the meshing of shows and storylines in the last decade, I can't really remember one outsanding match for either of these belts. Yes, there have been some GREAT and MEMORABLE matches in the last decade, but I just can't really remember them. So most of my picks will be before the Attitude Era.

US Title Matches

1. Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard @ Starrcade 85. I never did see this one live, but just watching the old VHS tapes and more recently it's transfer to DVD, just shows you how brutal things got back in the Crockett Era.

2. Rick Rude vs Sting @ Clash of the Champions 17 (1991.) I perosnally feel that this was the best Clash of all time. It had the Steamboat/Rhodes vs The Enforcers tag title match and the US Title classic. It was an angle through out the show involving all of the top guys, including Lex Luger, Paul E, Bischoff, Bobby Eaton, etc. Then Sting was beaten to a pulp and made a comeback that only he could.

3. Stan Hansen vs Lex Luger @ Halloween Havoc 90. This match in retrospect was a little strange. If you watched WCW in 1990, then you remember that Hansen came out of no where and automatically was put into US Title contention. Before this match, there was really not much of a storyline going, just that Hansen returned from Japan and was causing havoc (pun intended) all over the palce. They guy to stop the madness was Luger.

4. Dusty Rhodes vs Lex Luger @ Starrcade 87. I don't know why, but any match where Dusty goes over for a title was a great match to me. It helped that this one was in a cage.

IC Title Matches

5. Steamboat vs Savage @WMIII. Really no explanation needed.

6. Rock vs Austin. Take you pick with this one, any match they had was great.

7. Warrior vs Rude @ WMV. The first time that the Warrior ever got owned in a WWF ring. It was truly a memorable moment.

8. Bret vs Davey Boy @ Summerslam 92. The crowd had a lot to do with it. But the two performers just killed.

9. Razor Ramon vs Rick Martel on WWF TV in 1994. I forget what show this was on. Probably on RAW. THis was a week after they had a battle royale to determine the two top contenders. I was a fan of RAzor from day one in the WWF. I marked out for this win.

10. HBK vs Razor @WMX. Again, no explanation needed.

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