You're the WWE Boss Today...


Getting Noticed By Management
Let's say as of today under some sort of miraculous circumstance you have 100% control over WWE. Let me first say, I'm really enjoying the product more these days and the list of things I would change is a lot shorter than it used to be however there are still some things I would like to change. What are are the top 5 things you would change.
Some themes you could keep in mind if you like are pushes, de-pushes (if that's a word), different champions... The possibilities are endless really, it really comes down to your own personal tastes.

As far as I go.......

1.Push Zack Ryder to the moon- Superstars don't come easy, the wrestling world was spoiled in Attitude Era when we got Rock and Austin. The WWE has had it's stars since they Attitude Era but anyone comparing that era to this era knows there is something missing, and a lack of star power and excitement. When a superstar like Zack Ryder comes around and captivates an audience the way he does, don't hold him down, you shouldn't squash him. Push him make him as great as he thinks he can be and then even more. Who knows what stories, matches and excitement can come from it.

2.Reestablish Drew McIntyre as top tier guy- I really do enjoy 3MB, and I think what's great is that those 3 young men have a spot on the WWE. Some people see them as jobbers but they are definitely entertaining and have something unique and fun going. I do see star potential in Drew McIntyre and even back in 2010 I wondered how he'd do in main events against the likes of Cena and Orton. I wouldn't destruct 3MB oh Day 1. I'd find a spot when the time is right. Maybe at pay per view after 3MB gets squashed once again and Drew just gets frustrated and plants Slater and Mahal with the Future Shock DDT and gets himself back on the right path.

3.Rehire Abraham Washington and put him back with the Prime Time Players-I enjoyed Abraham Washington's work with PTP. When he came out and announced them and with his sayings and rhymes it was different and exciting. He had that little ear piece and would do his own commentating during the matches it was something new. Titus O'Neil and Darren Young have grown and become better entertainers of the mike but I think if Washington came back today it would add another exciting element to WWE TV.

4.Have a live wrestling show on Wednesday Night- I used to love WCW Thunder because it was a live wrestling show in the middle of the week. School and work can be hard so it's nice to have a little pick me up on a Wednesday evening. Raw and Smackdown hug the weekends but I think a wrestling show smack-dab in the middle of the weak would be nice.

5.Reopen WCW and ECW You got the licenses to the video libraries, the pay per view names, and all the properties. Why not use them. What would WCW be like if it was around today? What would ECW be like if it was open today? And I'm not talking about the WWE ECW I'm talking about the old classic ECW. I'm not talking about a watered down version of either company but a serious continuation of the original themes of the companies picked up in the current day. The right people behind the scenes to make all that happen. I'd mark out of my trousers if that happened tomorrow.

Those are of the thing that came to but what I want to know is what 5 things would you do?
1) Move Smackdown to Wednesday or Thursday - seriously who watches wrestling on a Friday night? If it was on another day I would be all over Smackdown.

2) Bury ECW in the bottom of the ocean - WWE still suffers today because of ECW. Bury it and hope that the new fans never hear about it, hopefully in turn you can get back some of your old tools that were used to generate interest (chances are this won't work but still).

3) Massive Roster Cuts and/or demotions - seriously they got WAAAY too many talents around. Cut the roster, decide who you want to keep, decide where you want to put the guys you want to keep, decide who you want to build and cut everyone else. You can always bring in indy guys for a match here or there to help put over guys you want to build but there's no reason to have over 100 wrestlers signed, most don't do nothing.

4) Fire every writer in the building - Hire bookers instead, writers just aren't getting the job done. It's wrestling not a cheesy sitcom.

5) Give talent some breathing room - don't write scripts word for word, don't put guys in positions where they will probably fail, let the talent get over on their own merits. If a guy does a shitty promo or has a shitty match then reflect that in future weeks, if the guy does excellent keep him relevant. Let the talent get themselves over, get their feuds over, ect. Take 2 guys, give them a reason to fight and book accordingly.

6) Present wrestling in a more realistic manner - not as in shoot promos but as a legit sporting competition. They're not actors, they are athletes, showcase them as such. I know wrestling isn't a legit competition but I enjoy it much better when its treated that way.

7) Scale back comedy - I like some comedy but WWE takes it WAY too far these days. Half the time I turn on RAW its like watching the Osbourne Family Variety hour. Comedy is fine but its not why I watch wrestling. If I wanted to laugh I would watch South Park.

8) Back Office changes - head booker I would give it to someone who both has a good understanding of wrestling, a good understanding of episodic television, a good understanding of booking and a good understanding of pop culture to help make it seem more relevant. Instead of hiring yes men hire people who are good at their job and can be honest, yes men solve nothing and make things worse over time.

It all comes down to 1 theory for my changes: UFC does amazing by being wrestling without pre-determined outcomes, wrestling would be much better if it was more UFC and less <insert shitty show here>.
Cena heel turn
Fire JTG, DiBiase (if he's still there), Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Santino, Hornswoggle
Steroid testing for Ryback
No more pot tests
Hire Kevin Steen
Push Orton, Kofi
Bury Miz, but keep him around as a jobber
Deny the existence of twitter like the 'E does with Benoit today
Cash in my shares and retire to Europe
TO deanerandterry. So you want wrestling to be real like ufc? What a stupid thing to say! We already found out how fans would respond to REAL fights. It's called brawl 4 all. The fans booed every one of those fights because they do not belong in pro wrestling PERIOD. The fights were as out of place as p diddy was at WM 29
Literally nothing you said in the OP.

I wouldn't do much. Definitely wouldn't push Zack Ryder or Drew McIntyre. I'd like to keep the company profitable and people watching. Probably re-establish the tag team division properly. WWE did a good job last year of getting it to a standard level but nothing was special.
-Turn Cena heel and turn the majority of the roster heel too
-Bring back the Attitude Era
-Bring back the Four Horsemen, the nWo & Evolution
-Create a new "Heyman Guys" stable
-Have Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Prime Time Players and any other black wrestlers form a new Nation Of Domination
-Push Zack Ryder and other jobbers
-Make CM Punk the #1 guy of the company
-Stop booking rematches
-Stop putting titles on part-timers because they won't be there every week
-Induct Macho Man, Owen Hart, British Bulldog into the Hall Of Fame
-Bring back the King Of The Ring as a PPV
Really I'd just do three things:

-Stop wussing out on pushes for guys not named Cena
-Stop trying to force everyone their lines
-Actually use the mid card belts and treat their champs as champs

That's literally ALL you need to do to drastically improve the product.
Hold back a bit on the scripting and put a bit more faith in the actual talent than the writing team.

Hire a range of people to write or book, variation and bouncing ideas off with friendly criticism gets the best out of people.

Stick with pushes for a bit longer instead of taking the chair from under people when they are trying to get established.

Go a bit more on crowd reaction. If half the audience is booing John Cena, maybe modify his character a bit. If the fans are getting behind Zach Ryder, no matter the reason, we get behind Zach Ryder.Crowd reaction is still the best indicator of how successful someone is and how good a job they are doing.

Unify the mid-card belts and make them mean something by having actual feuds with actual personal stories leading into their matches for the guys tipped for the main event.

Have it seem like there is more than just one potential team prepared to compete for the tag titles at any one time. Have a few teams and make it feel like they may actually win before they have a match.

Try to be making the stars of the future now. Cena is about 35, Punk 34 or so, HHH is 44ish, Lesnar is 35, Rock is above 40, Taker is nearly 50, Kane is 46ish, Jericho over 40, Mysterio nearly 40, Show 40, Orton 33, Sheamus 35, Bryan 32, Del Rio 36. So many of the top stars are on the cusp of leaving for good and that's going to leave a big vacuum. Right now if you had to ask me of the younger breed who I would trust to lead the company I wouldn't know what to tell you. Not Ziggler (yet), no Swagger, not Rhodes, Sandow, Barrett, Sin Cara, Big E, even The Shield. Nobody on the other side of 30 is near the top of the pile. Sometimes in wrestling you get a guy like a Randy orton or a Lesnar or a Rock who is ready from a younger age. I think WWE has missed a trip by waiting too long until there was too big a deficit left to be filled by the disappearance of guys like Edge or HBK or Batista.

Probably push the guys who want it the most, are the most dedicated but also the most able and reactive with the fans. Personality > ring work as long as you have a basic level of the latter. The last superstar who was low on personality... Chris Benoit. Before that Bret Hart. Crowd reaction first, ring work second. It's what pays the bills.
To the two or three of you buffoons, wwe Main Event is aired on Wednesday.

Otherwise, ill be providing a usefull post on this here in a bit.
The only solutions that would work - fire Kevin Dunn, use 'bookers' instead of writers, bullet point promos instead of scripting, and stop making the product so cartoonish in nature.
-Turn Cena heel and turn the majority of the roster heel too
-Bring back the Attitude Era
-Bring back the Four Horsemen, the nWo & Evolution
-Create a new "Heyman Guys" stable
-Have Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Prime Time Players and any other black wrestlers form a new Nation Of Domination
-Push Zack Ryder and other jobbers
-Make CM Punk the #1 guy of the company
-Stop booking rematches
-Stop putting titles on part-timers because they won't be there every week
-Induct Macho Man, Owen Hart, British Bulldog into the Hall Of Fame
-Bring back the King Of The Ring as a PPV

Not sure if you were joking but you sound like the most stereotypical iwc member you can be. All I heard from you was turn cena heel, bring back the AE, HEEL factions, cm punk #1 guy. Also explain to me how the 4 horsemen idea would work. Every guy that was a member of it is either dead or retired (or at least should be retired)
TO deanerandterry. So you want wrestling to be real like ufc? What a stupid thing to say! We already found out how fans would respond to REAL fights. It's called brawl 4 all. The fans booed every one of those fights because they do not belong in pro wrestling PERIOD. The fights were as out of place as p diddy was at WM 29

I didn't say make it real you dumbass I said treat it as if it were real, make the characters and storylines more real. Take Rude vs. Roberts storyline for example. Rude after every match would pick a girl from the audience to kiss. One day he happened to pick Roberts wife, she refused, Rude go agressive, Jake makes the save they feud. Now how often does that happen at a bar or in real life? Quite a bit. With the characters involved this was something that could really happen, people bought it and it worked. Don't make things legitimate but treat them as such, the more a person buys into the characters and storylines the more invested they are in the product. Easiest way for people to buy things is keep it realistic. Don't do storylines and characters doing things that make no sense, do stuff that could really happen and makes sense.
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Not sure if you were joking but you sound like the most stereotypical iwc member you can be. All I heard from you was turn cena heel, bring back the AE, HEEL factions, cm punk #1 guy. Also explain to me how the 4 horsemen idea would work. Every guy that was a member of it is either dead or retired (or at least should be retired)

I was mocking the IWC. And I meant bring back The Horsemen, nWo & Evolution with new members.
1.Push Zack Ryder to the moon- Superstars don't come easy, the wrestling world was spoiled in Attitude Era when we got Rock and Austin. The WWE has had it's stars since they Attitude Era but anyone comparing that era to this era knows there is something missing, and a lack of star power and excitement. When a superstar like Zack Ryder comes around and captivates an audience the way he does, don't hold him down, you shouldn't squash him. Push him make him as great as he thinks he can be and then even more. Who knows what stories, matches and excitement can come from it.

I can see the argument because he is a TMZ-character. In that regard he is perfect in the PG-era.

Do you think that at his peak, Zack Ryder was more over than Ryback was before HIAC?

Wasn't there a couple of months in late 2010 - early 11 where you would see more "I'm awesome"-shirts than anything else on Raw?
To the two or three of you buffoons, wwe Main Event is aired on Wednesday.

Otherwise, ill be providing a usefull post on this here in a bit.

I'm from Canada we unfortunately don't get Main Event here.

I can see the argument because he is a TMZ-character. In that regard he is perfect in the PG-era.

Do you think that at his peak, Zack Ryder was more over than Ryback was before HIAC?

Wasn't there a couple of months in late 2010 - early 11 where you would see more "I'm awesome"-shirts than anything else on Raw?

From the shirts, and merchandise, to the crowd reaction of the loud crowd of woo, woo, woo, from CM Punk asking Triple H at comic con in 2011 why aren't you pushing him, c'mon anyone could see he's so over. The fact that he doesn't get pushed and gets put in squash matches each week clearly shows someone backstage doesn't like him and yet he still gets one of the strongest crowd reactions. I heard Vince didn't like him his "WWE dropping the ball" vignettes on Z! True Long Island Story. He's over way more than Ryback ever has been and I'm a Ryback fan. Ryback does he very loud "Feed Me More" chants but his also gets though unflattering "Gooooldddberrrg" chants.

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