Zack Ryder is more deserving than The Undertaker


Dark Match Jobber
Yet everyone worships the ground The Undertaker walks on and claims he deserves his current schedule. The guy hasn't been a full-timer in nearly 15 years.

I'm not even a Ryder fan, but I see Ryder as more deserving of Undertaker's sweetheart schedule and pay than the deadman himself. His streak has been the only thing that had made him relevant this century.

Are wrestling fans so nostalgic that they forget Undertaker has been a part-timer for the majority of his career at this point?

...grumble grumble part-time Lesner...

...omg yes Taker!

Give me a break.
This is the dumbest attempt at trolling I've ever seen.

Undertaker put in full-time work during his younger years. When his body started not being able to handle it (being 6'10 and old will do that to you), he shifted towards part-time. People love Taker. Taker is interesting. People like Ryder. He isn't that interesting. Huge difference.

Why am I feeding the troll?
No disrespect to Zack Ryder because i'm actually a fan of the guy, but how many events did he sold out in his career? None. How many PPV did he headlines because he was a actual draw? Again None. Now How many Show did Taker either headlines or sold out during his career? Multiple.

The fact is, you're comparing apple to orange here. Ryder has a long career but while he got over for a cup of coffee, he was NEVER a draw. Taker has been a draw for WWE since 1990, So at this point, he more then deserve his schedule the money he'S making because he made WWE ten times the money that they are giving him right now. That's call being a draw my friend.

Next before writing dumb shit like that, please do some research on the history of wrestling and what it mean to be a draw (Taker) vs what it mean to be a utility guy (Ryder).
I'm sorry you feel that way Mrs. Ryder.

It's simple to see how you are wrong though.
1) Past. Undertakers has history, nostalgia, and loyalty on his side.
2) Present. Fans are still interested in Taker, despite god awful matches. They are not interested in Ryder, which brings us to 3.
3) Getting over. Taker is and has been over. Ryder partially got over...a little...for a short period of time. Nationally. Internationally, Ryder is not over.
Yet everyone worships the ground The Undertaker walks on and claims he deserves his current schedule. The guy hasn't been a full-timer in nearly 15 years.

I'm not even a Ryder fan, but I see Ryder as more deserving of Undertaker's sweetheart schedule and pay than the deadman himself. His streak has been the only thing that had made him relevant this century.

Are wrestling fans so nostalgic that they forget Undertaker has been a part-timer for the majority of his career at this point?

...grumble grumble part-time Lesner...

...omg yes Taker!

Give me a break.

Ryder does work a part-time schedule, though, but for a different reason.

Taker works one because he was loyal to Vince for over 25 years, remained relevant throughout, has two dodgy knees and needs a hip replacement, and sells seats.

Ryder has one, because he is an irrelevance, who has not had a storyline anyone cares about for years. The one time he was made to look important (winning the IC belt at WM32), he lost the belt the next night, then wasn't even part of a Fatal-4-Way for it the next month on PPV. Someone who makes cameo appearances on RAW and SD Live. If Ryder was let go tomorrow, only his internet fans would be upset, and he would be forgotten about within six months, and only be remembered as a trivia question, or a "Where Are They Now" article.

Ryder seems to have a part-time schedule because Vince or the writers can't be bothered to give him anything to do, such is his irrelevance, and Vince only keeps him because he forgot that he has future-endeavoured him yet (something I call the JTG principle).

Hell, I bag Brock Lesnar's schedule here all the time, and hate that he is part-time. But even he is more deserving of one than a guy whose catchphrase is "WO!" "WO! "WO!"

I assume that either you are a troll or one of the most idiotic people to have ever graced God's green earth. This is one time where being a troll and an annoyance is actually something you would rather embrace.
Zack Ryder got his push, he was the one (or Vince), to fail to cash on it. He was superhot when he became US champ, and he failed (Cena’s shovel maybe, but it was his time to shine)
Taker had a beginning similiar to Rusev (undefeated), but he was a bigger, more corporate, more leader, as we see today in Roman’s push. Vince pushes leadership and loyalty. Watch Taker 2008, how he worked every feud. Ryder is not close to him
Zack Ryder got his push, he was the one (or Vince), to fail to cash on it. He was superhot when he became US champ, and he failed (Cena’s shovel maybe, but it was his time to shine)
Taker had a beginning similiar to Rusev (undefeated), but he was a bigger, more corporate, more leader, as we see today in Roman’s push. Vince pushes leadership and loyalty. Watch Taker 2008, how he worked every feud. Ryder is not close to him

They pushed him long enough to take ownership of his Youtube channel then once they had it WWE decided to bury Zack Ryder. People will dispute that but wrestling booking 101 tells you that you don't take someone who was getting hot and over and restrain them in a wheel chair and bandages so he get beaten up week after week.
I think I get the point. It's silly to begrudge Lesnar for his part time schedule when Taker has a far lighter schedule. I agree. I would go a step further and say the more important point in this argument:

Lesnar has been a much more entertaining wrestler than Taker for the past four years.
This is either an attempt at trolling, the OP is 10 years old, mentally handicapped or some combination of the three.

Zack Ryder is a mid-card guy for life. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but there's no real money to be made with him any higher up than he is. Fans wanted to see him pushed for a long time, but they quickly lost interest when he got pushed to the United States Championship spot; I don't know if they were trying to be ironic or were just sorta supporting Ryder because they didn't expect WWE to get behind him or what but, whatever the case, Ryder lost momentum and fan interest about a week after he won the title.

Taker's been unrelentingly loyal to WWE and he's made a shitload of money for the company. Before Taker's body started to go downhill, nobody put in as much time as he did and part of the reason his body started to go downhill was because he put so much time in. What I mean by that is Taker would push himself to work through injuries when what he needed to do was to take time off to let his body heal up or, in a good many cases, kept putting off surgery required to fix injuries or to repair injuries that'd been worsened because he didn't take time off. In a lot of those instances, Taker waited too long to undergo the procedures and that when he finally did have them done, their effect was greatly reduced; for instance, Taker needed surgery on his shoulder, I forget if it was the left or right, but he put it off for so long that the surgery didn't really help and, as a result, he's never regained the full strength he once had in that arm. Reasons why he'd delay taking time off were because said time off would require him to miss time in which the company needed him the most and because the money was to good to not push through.

Factoring that in along with the money Taker has brought into WWE over the years....then no, Zack Ryder doesn't deserve anything more than the Undertaker. In fact, if Taker ever asks Ryder to help him with his bags, Ryder should probably consider himself lucky as it's the biggest thing he'd have ever really done in his career.
Jack-Hammer said:
This is either an attempt at trolling, the OP is 10 years old, mentally handicapped or some combination of the three.

Zack Ryder is a mid-card guy for life. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but there's no real money to be made with him any higher up than he is. Fans wanted to see him pushed for a long time, but they quickly lost interest when he got pushed to the United States Championship spot; I don't know if they were trying to be ironic or were just sorta supporting Ryder because they didn't expect WWE to get behind him or what but, whatever the case, Ryder lost momentum and fan interest about a week after he won the title.

Taker's been unrelentingly loyal to WWE and he's made a shitload of money for the company. Before Taker's body started to go downhill, nobody put in as much time as he did and part of the reason his body started to go downhill was because he put so much time in. What I mean by that is Taker would push himself to work through injuries when what he needed to do was to take time off to let his body heal up or, in a good many cases, kept putting off surgery required to fix injuries or to repair injuries that'd been worsened because he didn't take time off. In a lot of those instances, Taker waited too long to undergo the procedures and that when he finally did have them done, their effect was greatly reduced; for instance, Taker needed surgery on his shoulder, I forget if it was the left or right, but he put it off for so long that the surgery didn't really help and, as a result, he's never regained the full strength he once had in that arm. Reasons why he'd delay taking time off were because said time off would require him to miss time in which the company needed him the most and because the money was to good to not push through.

Factoring that in along with the money Taker has brought into WWE over the years....then no, Zack Ryder doesn't deserve anything more than the Undertaker. In fact, if Taker ever asks Ryder to help him with his bags, Ryder should probably consider himself lucky as it's the biggest thing he'd have ever really done in his career.

Damn! Not even his IC Title win.
Zack Ryder deserves to get released..

Undertaker deserves everything he gets for the work he's put in for 25 years. Just deal with it, don't cry about it.
This has got to be the most stupid post ever, in the history of the Internet. Undertaker got his special schedule because he's EARNED it!
Well your facts are all invalid. Undertaker didnt begin part timing til sometime in the late 2000s. Not to mention while a full time or part time performer he is still one of the biggest draws in the company itself which is why they manage to keep him coming back year after year even after his two Mania loses to Lesnar and Reigns

His career itself minus the streak he had at Mania was legendary itself.

And a portion if his streak is more accomplished then Zack Ryders entire career.

Undertaker is just about done. He knows it. WWE knows it. And real fans such as myself know it. But now they seem to have him on board to appear more than usual because once he's gone there wont be another mania or anything that'll convince him to return. So WWE wants to milk it dry as much as possible this time around and have him appear more to have matches against a few people that WWE and Taker both seem suitable to square off against him in his final run with the company

Undertaker will most likely have a rematch at Mania against Cena. Or he will have a match against someone like Daniel Bryan possibly or another big name. But regardless who he faces off against, he will win all his building up to his final mania to make him look strong as ever. And then he will lose at Mania for his 3rd time and retire

But dont ever open your mouth and say a jobber like Zack Ryder is more deserving then Undertaker to have a part time schedule. Ryder never even won a mid card title nor a world title. When he manages to do either of those on multiple occasions, and can main event in WWE for a few years, then talk.
Gotta love it when people think their opinions are facts.

Objectively, The Undertaker has been a part-timer longer than he's been a full-timer.

Just because you bust your ass working at McDonalds for the first two years of your working career doesn't entitle you to 30+ years of special treatment because you paid your dues once upon a time.

You can argue that it's Vince's company and he can do what he wants, but you're wrong. It's a publicly traded company and thus he has a responsibility to his shareholders. Shareholders invest in a company based off its long-term earnings potential.

By the way, this isn't the indies... no single superstar "Draws". People ordered/attended WrestleMania long before the card is ever finalized. Nobody says "I'll wait to see what the main event of WrestleMania looks like next week before I decide to order a ticket and go," so that logic is totally flawed. The company is the draw. Individual superstars don't really move the needle like you might think.
Gotta love it when people think their opinions are facts.

Objectively, The Undertaker has been a part-timer longer than he's been a full-timer.

Just because you bust your ass working at McDonalds for the first two years of your working career doesn't entitle you to 30+ years of special treatment because you paid your dues once upon a time.

You can argue that it's Vince's company and he can do what he wants, but you're wrong. It's a publicly traded company and thus he has a responsibility to his shareholders. Shareholders invest in a company based off its long-term earnings potential.

By the way, this isn't the indies... no single superstar "Draws". People ordered/attended WrestleMania long before the card is ever finalized. Nobody says "I'll wait to see what the main event of WrestleMania looks like next week before I decide to order a ticket and go," so that logic is totally flawed. The company is the draw. Individual superstars don't really move the needle like you might think.

Sorry to disagree with you but go back and learn your history before posting something. Yes you right, in today version of wwe, not on guy is a draw especially for wrestlemania, people will buy tickets for the show itself and not for whoever is on the card. Having said that, this wasn't always the case, back in the 90's when taker started, it was all about who was on the card and taker was a big part of their success over the year. The guy only took break when he was seriously injured and was a draw for the company since they first started the character. He was a full time guy for over 20 years and the only reason He's a part timer now or like I call him a special attraction is because he busted his ass for the company and his body broke down.

Yes today's fans will show up to mania no matter what, but if you give them a choice between seeing taker or Ryder, they will be more excited to see taker because of what he meant to the business. Ryder is a good hand for wwe but He's not in the same league as taker as far as being a attraction for casual fans.

In the end, It's like comparing Apple to Orange or in wrestling term comparing hulk Hogan to koko b ware. Yes both we're popular but one made money for the company and the other was a good hand.
wrestlingmasters55 said:
Sorry to disagree with you but go back and learn your history before posting something. Yes you right, in today version of wwe, not on guy is a draw especially for wrestlemania, people will buy tickets for the show itself and not for whoever is on the card. Having said that, this wasn't always the case, back in the 90's when taker started, it was all about who was on the card and taker was a big part of their success over the year. The guy only took break when he was seriously injured and was a draw for the company since they first started the character. He was a full time guy for over 20 years and the only reason He's a part timer now or like I call him a special attraction is because he busted his ass for the company and his body broke down.

Yes today's fans will show up to mania no matter what, but if you give them a choice between seeing taker or Ryder, they will be more excited to see taker because of what he meant to the business. Ryder is a good hand for wwe but He's not in the same league as taker as far as being a attraction for casual fans.

In the end, It's like comparing Apple to Orange or in wrestling term comparing hulk Hogan to koko b ware. Yes both were popular but one made money for the company and the other was a good hand.

To your point Taker spiked ticket sales for Mania a few years ago w/ the match against Shane McMahon. WWE wouldn't spend time promoting certain talent, matches or segments if star power didn't matter. The brand-first focus probably has more to do w/ their investors more than anything.
To your point Taker spiked ticket sales for Mania a few years ago w/ the match against Shane McMahon. WWE wouldn't spend time promoting certain talent, matches or segments if star power didn't matter. The brand-first focus probably has more to do w/ their investors more than anything.

First of all, you did understand the point i was making since i never said the Taker would Spiked ticket sales in today's environment but i guarantee you that that match help them get more subscription and buys for the network, Anyway, all i'm saying is, For most fans, Taker means more to the business then Zack Ryder does and it's not about who the company push and promote, it's all about the drawing power of the character and Taker had drawing power for most of his career when Fans where drawn by the characters and not the company.
wrestlingmasters55 said:
First of all, you did understand the point i was making since i never said the Taker would Spiked ticket sales in today's environment but i guarantee you that that match help them get more subscription and buys for the network, Anyway, all i'm saying is, For most fans, Taker means more to the business then Zack Ryder does and it's not about who the company push and promote, it's all about the drawing power of the character and Taker had drawing power for most of his career when Fans where drawn by the characters and not the company.

Yes, I was agreeing. Just pointing how more of an attraction Undertaker is than Ryder.
You can argue that it's Vince's company and he can do what he wants, but you're wrong. It's a publicly traded company and thus he has a responsibility to his shareholders. Shareholders invest in a company based off its long-term earnings potential.
Long term earning potential? Yet Zack Ryder has drawn nothing of note during his time in WWE. I guarantee you WWE shareholders don't give a flippity floppity fuck what kind of content the WWE produces as long as sponsors are happy and they're making money. Undertaker has brought in more money in his days as a part timer than Zack Ryder has his entire career.

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