Zack Ryder & using social media to get over?

JM Punk

Occasional Pre-Show
For those unaware, Zack Ryder released this video on his YouTube channel

Zack is someone I have always felt has enough talent and charisma on the mic to put entertaining promos on the air, but for whatever reason, he hasn't gotten over (probably because of his gimmick). I'm glad he (or someone from WWE convincing him) decided to put something out there, because there is only so much time on WWE programming for people in his position to put themselves out there like that....and let's face it. He is a Superstars regular. Usually the only times he makes RAW is when he is either jobbing, or stuck in a bad comedy skit.

A video like this reminds me a little bit about The Dirt Sheet videos that Miz and Morrison used to put up on Those videos basically showcased Miz in a way where we saw what kind of talent he was capable of being on the mic, and was the start of him beginning to get over with the crowd. Now, I'm not saying that Ryder is WWE Champion material, but who thought the Miz would be either when he and Morrison put those videos out there.

So my question is this.....we live in an age now where there is so much access to pretty much anything. Most of the wrestlers have Facebook and Twitter pages and interact directly with their fans. WWE has the WWE Universe and seemingly encourages their fans to post on their Facebooks or to tweet. Someone like Ryder should be smart enough to see that, as things currently stand, his career is going nowhere fast. Is it important for wrestlers in the year 2011 to put themselves out there as much as they can on YouTube and social media to build a connection to the fans? For this specific it just something Ryder is throwing out there for a reaction for a potential show? Maybe just a random stupid video with him screwing around?

I believe this is a smart move by Ryder. I don't hide that I'm a big fan of his but it's not even about that. He sees that he isn't getting an opportunity on TV so he goes to next best thing. You pointed out the dirt sheet but I believe that it was a bit different since it was a WWE show presented on only and had all the WWE backing behind it. Ryder's thing seems to be his own idea, although I'm shore he got clearance from the boss to do it. I really hope this creates more or of a buzz around Ryder and that it will be reflected in a decent push.
I actually like Zack Ryder. I'm not a mark. I'm not sure if he is WWE title material; but you know what, you mentioned Miz. When I first saw Miz on Tough Enough and when I saw him debut in 2006, I never thought this guy could be a future champ. Not once in all of the years I watched the Attitude Era and Ruthless Agression Era, not once did I even think about Edge's name as a World Champion. I knew Cena and Orton would be huge but I didn't think about that when they first burst onto the scene.

You could say that about a lot of guys. Ryder is pretty good in the ring and he just cut a good promo with that vid. Granted, I'd rather see Del Rio, Kingston, Christian, Rhodes, Ziggler, Morrison and Danielson become world champions; but I'm not openly against it if he would start putting on really good matches and got mic time and showed us what he showed in that video. Definitely U.S. title worthy. I would rather see him with the World Title belt than McIntyre. As far as Barrett goes, I guess I like him but I can't find myself wanting him to become champ like the other guys I mentioned.

Very entertaining video and I hope I can see more out of him.
It's genius. Like I stated in a earlier post this week, swap Miz push with Ryder and it would be more entertaining since he is better on the mic than Miz. He is over due for a mid card title.
i agree with celticcorey i do like ryder and i hope he and primo(dzp) win the tag titles by wrestlemania and maybe by the draft curt hawkins could be drafted to raw and maybe reunite? or maybe a feud between the two cuz i really like both and i hope they dont get released

and i hope they get a push
Ryder deserves at least a mid card title. I remember his match vs Christian for the ECW title. I as long islander, i was pissed that he lost lol. I hope he gets over but he needs a new gimmick. No long islanders are like that.
Zack Ryder blows... if he's getting over, I didn't notice... I was probably taking a leak, like I usually get up and do when he comes on TV... woo woo whatever... I wasn't paying attention... you know who else is on YouTube? Kids trying to sing, old people falling down and cats jumping into closed windows... I care more about the cats than dumbass Zack Ryder... Ryder sucks... that's all for me... sorry for yelling...
Zack Ryder is better on the mic than most of the card atm. On superstars the other week, he and Primo put on a real good promo before there tag match, and i think he at least deserves to be in a feud for a mid card title. He is no slacker in the ring, and his personality and ability on the mic would make for an interesting feud.

Here's hoping for a Ryder push, lets remember, he is still only young, so still has a bright future.
Well I already liked Ryder but that was quite entertaining to watch. I liked it, and looking at Ryder's twitter followers he seems decently "over" for what it is. I mean he's only like 25 or something most of the people WWE are pushing (Miz, Ziggler, Morrison) are right around 30ish I belive. While it doesn't seem like a big difference WWE isn't even giving him the chance to get over he has like 100% Superstars matches and really who watches Superstars??

He will be have his day...i'll give it a year or 2 though.
Finally some more love for Ryder. I seriously think its a good move as well. I mean he retweets most of his followers looking at his twitter and the guy sends you an autograph if you buy his shirt.

I think they need to make Ryder a face ASAP, he can be the corny face running around hitting on divas and getting rejected. Have Mayrse flirt with him angering Ted and you have a month long program which can be exclusive for all the Raw viewers no PPV matches. I say this because it looks like they are teasing a Mayrse face turn soon.
I guess you have to do, what you have to do.

I had watched the video and liked it. I must admit, I haven't been much of a Zack Ryder fan. His releasing videos or streams online is smart. He isn't getting a whole bunch of exposure in WWE at this point, so anything he can do to get, or keep his name out there is a positive step forward for him.

It obviously makes sense for him to do it, I mean, I wasn't much of a fan of him, but after watching the video, it changed my outlook on him some.

For the first time I saw promise in the guy. I can see talent there. Before I just thought he was lame. Now, after seeing his first video, I am looking forward to the next.
Ryder's a smart guy. Instead of bitching and complaining about his lack of TV time and position in the company, he's going out on his own and trying to make something happen. I hope it pans out for him, because it's that type of initiative that really shows something.
Woo Woo Woo

Zack Ryder is awesome, I've been a fan ever since he got repackaged. He just isn't ready yet, but its encouraging to see that he's stuck around this long and that WWE still gives him a little bit of TV time. This video had some good parts, especially the "match" he had with the Rock. I think it'll get a lot better when he actually starts responding to fan's questions or doing various things the fans ask of him. His twitter is hilarious and I highly recommend following it, this youtube thing can only do good for him. I like how he's thinking outside the box to get over. Go Zack Ryder.
This is a great thing for Ryder, and it may save his career. This is exactly how Miz & Morrison got over. The only problem is that his isn't WWE sponsered.

It is still a mystery to me how Ryder doesn't have a solid mid-card spot. He's so fucking goofy that it's entertaining. I always enjoy seeing him on air, but it almost like he's replaced Santino as Comedy Jobber for Life. It bugs me that he hasn't even had a small push. But with some luck, that'll change......WOO WOO WOO!!
He has released 3 videos now and all have been entertaining. This guy really needs a spot on RAW.

'WWE superstar Zack Ryder posted the third video in his new YouTube show, Z! True Long Island Story. The videos consist of random, comedic segments, and at one point in this episode, Ryder makes a joke about how he hasn't been on Raw in a long time and pretends to cry.'

CM Punk put Ryder over on his Twitter, by tweeting: "It's embarrassing that WWE writers don't have @ZackRyder on raw more. They're dropping the ball. Go watch his YouTube videos. ENTERTAINMENT"

Please Vince, give this guy a shot, he has a massive following and wouldn't be out of place on the RAW roster...
Wow.. awesome thread, no pan intended.

I actually watched his video, and find myself so entertained that I had to go watch the rest o_O

It's really disappointing that they stopped that mid-card push he had once, and for some reason (probably those god damn politics in WWE) got buried over the next few RAWs, and turned into a jobber.
Hope a few weeks from now, maby after WM, they finally give him some exposure and a well deserved push.

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