Mexico Regional Final - British Bulldogs vs. LAX vs. Impact Players

Three-way climax!

  • The British Bulldogs

  • Latin American Xchange

  • The Impact Players

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

You have 48 hours to discuss afore I set myself up a little poll round these here parts.


Mexico Regional Final
The British Bulldogs - Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid
The Latin American Xchange - Homicide & Hernandez
The Impact Players - Lance Storm & Justin Credible
I'm obviously voting for The Impact Players...

Storm is one of the best technicians ever, and would match up well with Dynamite. They'd probably be a hell of a main event on their own. Bulldog has power, but he's negated by Hernandez. That leaves Homicide and Credible, and we covered in the last round that Homicide isn't Mexican, and that Credible has the same wrestling training as Storm, having trained at the Dungeon.

So since Storm = Dynamite, Hernandez = Bulldog, and Credible > Homidice: VOTE IMPACT PLAYERS!
So since Storm = Dynamite

Get out of here with that. Both may be black holes of charisma - well, Lance Storm may well be a black hole of charisma - but that doesn't put them on equal footing. The Dynamite Kid is a legend. What the hell has Lance Storm ever done? Form a tag team with Justin Credible?

Hernandez = Bulldog

This equation has to many variables for this conclusion to be accurate. Besides, nobody - besides maybe The Ultimate Warrior - can stop Supermex when he's on a roll.

Credible > Homidice

People might not know about Credible's level of training but that doesn't stop him being unadulterated garbage. OK, that's a little harsh. Let's just call him, um, almost completely unremarkable. To fall back on an earlier simile, a black hole of remarkability.

The obvious choice here is The British Bulldogs. Oddly enough, the correct choice is also The British Bulldogs. They're The British Bulldogs.

However, I'd much rather you vote for LAX.
This is like a deadly game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

I am going to go all Mike & Mike in the Morning on this shit and do "confidence picks" based on several criteria. From there, I will tell you my winner.

Criteria - Strength

The British Bulldogs have, well, The British Bulldog. He was one of the original tag team powerhouses, and became a prototype for future tag team enforcers, such as Jim Neidhardt and...Hernandez. He was similar to Arn Anderson in that respect.

Hernandez is an absolute powerhouse. He sweats pure creatine. He's a monster. On the Impact Players, you have two more slender guys, neither of whom has a rep as a real power guy.

3 points for LAX, 2 points for the Bulldogs, 1 point for Impact Playaz.

Criteria - Speed / Agility

Dynamite Kid is known for his speed and high flying, and was one of the original speed guys on a tag team. It was his speed that allowed the Bulldogs to keep up with the likes of Strikeforce.

Homicide is also a very fast and agile individual, and has shown that in Ultimate X. Hernandez isn't slow for a big guy.

Both Impact Playaz have a level of speed.

3 points for the Bulldogs, 2 points for Impact Playaz, 1 point for LAX.

Criteria - Experience / Relevance

Bulldogs were a top flight championship team for years in the biggest US promotion.

LAX was a top flight championship team for years in the #2 US promotion.

Impact Playaz were a top flight championship team for years in the #3 US promotion.

3 points for the Bulldogs, 2 points for LAX, 1 point for Impact Playaz

Criteria - Technique / Wrestling

Lance Storm is regarded by many, including Chris Jericho, as being one of the most singularly and naturally talented wrestlers alive.

Bulldog and Dynamite were classic mat technicians, though Dynamite was the true tech of the team during the time they were together, whereas Bulldog relied mainly on his power.

LAX is a team of amazing athletes who are PRO wrestlers, without a myriad of amateur technique. They may have it, they're just not known for it.

3 points for Impact Playaz, 2 points for the Bulldogs, 1 point for LAX

Criteria - Intangibles

LAX has the home field.

Impact Playaz have a hot manager and a hunger to prove themselves.

Bulldogs are wondering where the next roid window is.

3 points for LAX, 2 points for Impact Playaz, 1 point for Bulldogs

Adding it all up...

Bulldogs - 11 points
LAX - 10 points
Impact - 9 points

That worked out well. I am voting for the Bulldogs.
Criteria - Intangibles

LAX has the home field.

Impact Playaz have a hot manager and a hunger to prove themselves.

Bulldogs are wondering where the next roid window is.

3 points for LAX, 2 points for Impact Playaz, 1 point for Bulldogs

You forgot they also had the outside presence of Jason, and while on his own he was pure shit, he was a big reason the Players were able to win some of their matches. LAX and the British Bulldogs don't have anyone on the outside helping them win. LAX might have Hector, and he'd be negated by Dawn Marie. She'd take the old man to the showers, and he'd be done for. In a Triple Threat match, there's also no DQs, so you need to remember that the Impact Players have hardcore experience, and there's nothing stopping Jason from interfering.
I'm sorry, but the Impact Players just do not match up as a tag-team compared to The British Bulldogs or LAX.

The British Bulldogs - The Bulldogs had a solid eight year run as a tag-team, and were undoubtedly the best team in the business at one point, having defeated teams in Stampede, WWF and several Japanese promotions. Had a brilliant ten month title reign as WWF Champions, most notably having a series of great matches with the Hart Foundation.

LAX - The team of Hernandez and Homicide were together for roughly four years, having defeating every top team in TNA and undoubtedly being the best for several years. Defeated every single credible team in TNA, who rightfully won the tag-team of the year and match of the year awards.

Impact Players - AS A TAG TEAM, they were together for what, a year? Yeah, blah blah they trained together, but what should that have to do with this competition? Did they compete as a tag-team while training? They never teamed up outside of ECW with the exception of a few episodes on WWF Heat. They beat a slew of randomly thrown together tag-teams. Held the ECW tag-team titles on two occaions, which were pretty much poor title reigns facing non-credible tag-teams.

You forgot they also had the outside presence of Jason, and while on his own he was pure shit, he was a big reason the Players were able to win some of their matches. LAX and the British Bulldogs don't have anyone on the outside helping them win.
Have we to just forget that one of the greatest managers of all-time in Lou Albano was managing the Bulldogs at the height of their tag-team success?
the British Bulldogs don't have anyone on the outside helping them win.

I disagree. They have Matilda. That little bulldog will bite the living fuck out of Dawn Marie's and Hector's asses. I don't care how tough of a human you are... when a bulldog is out for blood, you run for cover.

Bulldogs all the way because of IC25's breakdown. That pretty much sums it all up.
Well look... the Impact Players were a pretty solid team and have chance to go over the team of LAX if this were a two on two tag team match. However, you add the unpredictability of a third team to feature a Triple Threat Match... you have to give the team with the most experience together. That would have to be the British Bulldogs, as they have gone through many teams and paired together for quite a while, winning championships and dominating a scene where other great tag teams were around.

I respect the Impact Players and LAX as great tag teams, but they are going against the team of the British Bulldogs in a Triple Threat match. There is no way they can lose.
No way they can lose? Have you even seen the Bulldogs in the 80s? They lost, and they lost alot, and to much lesser teams than LAX or the Impact Players.

My vote? Impact Players. I stick to my guns like that. LAX are overrated, and though it's difficult for me to ever vote against Dynamite Kid in any kind of contest ever, I can't back out on my boys now. Impact Players get my vote here as well.
No way they can lose? Have you even seen the Bulldogs in the 80s? They lost, and they lost alot, and to much lesser teams than LAX or the Impact Players.

I have had glimpses of their success and knew of this, but this is a triple threat match. LAX may have the homefield advantage and the youth on their side, but these types of matches require the experience both in tag wrestling and in the ring... this is where the decision lies with the Impact Players and British Bulldogs.

Now, according to the record books, it seems that the British Bulldogs have held more tag team titles than the Impact Players where it has been varied across different promotions. Impact Players have held the only gold in one promotion. So, the Dogs have the ability to adapt to different environments, which what the Mexican arena offers. Fair enough the Dub rules may be similar to Mexico, but I am sticking to my guns too.

The Impact Players were together only a year or so right? The Bulldogs were around for about the eight year mark. So, the experience has to by default go to the Bulldogs. They know each other more than Impact Players know each other and are able to match up well with both the Players. The Bulldogs were also apart of a huge kettle of fish whereas the Impact Players didn't have as much competition in the Dub compared to Bulldogs eight year reign in more than one wrestling company.

In the kayfabe perspective, which I believe this tournament has been running for the entire time, the most experienced team the Bulldogs would be able to find a way to get a victory in this Triple Threat match.
I have had glimpses of their success and knew of this, but this is a triple threat match. LAX may have the homefield advantage and the youth on their side, but these types of matches require the experience both in tag wrestling and in the ring... this is where the decision lies with the Impact Players and British Bulldogs.

LAX do not have the homefield advantage. Just because they're Spanish, doesn't mean they're Mexican, and it doesn't mean that they have the advantage because the match is in Mexico. Both members of LAX are American, and Homicide has never even wrestled in Mexico as far as I know. This is like saying I'd have the advantage if I were wrestling in a match in Ireland because my family is Irish. Doesn't make much sense.

Now, according to the record books, it seems that the British Bulldogs have held more tag team titles than the Impact Players where it has been varied across different promotions. Impact Players have held the only gold in one promotion. So, the Dogs have the ability to adapt to different environments, which what the Mexican arena offers. Fair enough the Dub rules may be similar to Mexico, but I am sticking to my guns too.

Again, what are you talking about? Bulldogs won the WWF Tag Titles once, and they won the belts twice in Stampede, a promotion owned and run by Davey Boy's father in law. Not exactly a big accomplishment. You know Brian Lawler is a 25 time World Champion? Oh wait, that promotion was run by his father. Not exactly impressive either.

The Impact Players were together only a year or so right? The Bulldogs were around for about the eight year mark. So, the experience has to by default go to the Bulldogs.

Credible and Storm trained together and have been wrestling with each other and on the road for over a decade. They've got a whole lot more experience together than a year.

They know each other more than Impact Players know each other and are able to match up well with both the Players.

Absolute bullshit. Towards the end of their teaming together both Davey and Dynamite Kid did not like each other at all. Bulldog used to threaten any promotion that would advertise Dynamite as a "British Bulldog" because Davey had trademarked that name for himself. Towards the end they were not close at all.

Whereas Lance and Justin have been real-life friends for over fifteen years now and counting, trained together, and still remain friends.

Vote for whoever you like, but use reasons that actually make sense, and know what you're talking about instead of just trying to appear that you do.
In the kayfabe perspective.

I believe I pointed this out, saying that this tournament is held under these type of rules. So, taking everything under this banner has me led to believe that the British Bulldogs have the advantage in this match due to their experience, title reigns, ability to adapt to different environments promotion-wise and the fact that they defeated teams within the best American promotion where the tag team division was more flourishable than the Dub.

I can see Impact Players picking up the victory X if this was not the kayfabe tournament... but its the Bulldogs. One of the best teams to enter the business in the kayfabe sense. So technically, my reasons are valid and worthy of being listed. I may have not the intelligence of you X when it comes to wrestling, but I am entitled to an opinion.
I believe I pointed this out, saying that this tournament is held under these type of rules.

No, it's not. People bring this argument up in every single tournament and I continuously have to shake my head at them. Where do you get this notion? The only criteria for judgment in this tournament is what you set for yourself, if you want to vote based on who has the better haircut, you can. This is NOT a kayfabe tournament, at all.

I can see Impact Players picking up the victory X if this was not the kayfabe tournament... but its the Bulldogs.

Good thing it's not a kayfabe tournament then. I simply don't get where you guys keep getting this idea.

One of the best teams to enter the business in the kayfabe sense.

They really weren't. Dynamite and Davey were both incredibly talented wrestlers, but they were nowhere near the best team even in their own division.

So technically, my reasons are valid and worthy of being listed. I may have not the intelligence of you X when it comes to wrestling, but I am entitled to an opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion, just don't list off reasons to back up your vote when those reasons are full of holes.
Dynamite and Davey were both incredibly talented wrestlers.

I think we can both agree on this argument then and giving them credit where credit is due. I think we can also both agree that Lance Storm in his own right is also an incredibly talented wrestler, correct? Some might say that he is one of the best the previous generation of wrestlers had to offer and quite possibly very underrated for his time... especially during his WWE tenture, correct?

Where does this leave Justin Credible? I can honestly say that he was not an incredibly talented wrestler, though good... but not incredibly talented despite his ring name may suggest, especially faced up against those like Dynamite and Davey. Credible is the weak link to the match up here if we exclude LAX as they have no chance of winning this one. Having Storm in the ring against either one of the Bulldogs will be an even match-up more or less. When Credible enters the ring, he would be able to compete with Dynamite but not Davey's power. This can prove to be the way that the Bulldogs can defeat the Impact Players by using their experience to take down one man of the team and focus on Lance Storm. As said before, Storm cannot take on two Bulldogs.
IC25 broke it down for me. I came in this rooting for the Impact Players but after reading his point process it makes sense.

Even looking at their backgrounds, one is in ECW, which had a lot of quality tag teams, but on the other hand you have the Bulldogs who dominated during the tag team high day of the WWE. You can't compare those two backgrounds.

I didn't even throw LAX into this. I don't know why but I can't see them going over either of these teams.
GADZOOKS! I had no idea coming in here who I was going to vote for and I'm still a little up in the there. But after reading all the posts so far, I gotta give the edge to the Bulldogs. IC25's post really summed it up for me and right now, they have my vote. But I could easily be persuaded.
It seems everyone is forgetting that in a Triple Threat match, there are no rules. The Impact Players have Dawn Marie and Jason at ringside, and have more experience in their big toe than all of their opponents in that environment. Justin Credible will be coming to the ring carrying his Singapore Cane, and Jason always finds a way to get involved. Lance Storm can out-wrestle anyone in the ring, and would go move-for-move with Dynamite for the duration of the match.

I'd also like to point out to the people who keep dismissing Justin Credible, that he couldn't beat "legends" like Davey Boy and Dynamite, that Justin Credible not only thoroughly defeated, but thoroughly EMBARRASSED two of the biggest Japanese legends of all time in the Great Sasuke and Gran Hamada. He squashed them, he stole Sasuke's mask, and he soundly beat them with ease. This man was trained in Stu Hart's dungeon and if you've actually seen his work outside of the WWE, you'd know just how good he is. The man's finisher is a fucking corkscrew tombstone piledriver. What's Davey's again? A powerslam?

Plus, there are no rules. Clear and distinct advantage for the Impact Players.
In ANY other environment, Bulldogs easily. Not here. The Impact Players are athletic and can hang with any tag team in any promotion. The power advantage goes to the Bulldogs, but the Impact Players can out think most. And notice I'm not even factoring LAX, despite their ability to get hardcore, too. But Lance Storm and Justin Credible are more than hardcore. They're smart and a great tag team. Teamwork and chemistry is key. Isolating the opponents is also key and a great advantage for the Impact Players. They were good at the isolation game and singling out the weak link on a team and beating them.

Impact Players should win this.
I voted for The Impact Players simply because I like them more.

Could The Impact Players beat the British Bulldogs and LAX in a Triple Threat match? My money would be on no. Are The Impact Players a better tag team than the British Bulldogs and LAX? Probably, but you know what? That doesn't mean shit to me. Out of the 3 teams, The Impact Players were by far and away the most fun to watch. The Bulldogs were only entertaining against The Hart Foundation, and when they had their dog attack Bobby 'The Brian' Heenan. And once Konnan left LAX, they didn't do shit worth noting. Whereas The Impact Players entire run in ECW was fun to watch. Their matches, promos, and even the people they had accompanying them were all fantastic. They just flat out entertained me way more so than the other two teams involved, and that's why I'm voting for them.
A few guys brought up the Bulldogs' win/loss record and quantity of their world title reigns and I believe none of that should matter. The competition was MUCH more fierce back then in the WWE. Just having one tag team title reign back then meant absolutely EVERYTHING for a tag team. Besides, the majority of their competition in the 80's lied in the other top seeded team in this tournament, the Hart Foundation... arguably the greatest tag team of all time.

Just my opinion, but I believe that having a 50/50 win/loss record against opponents such as the Hart Foundation, The Dream Team, and Volkoff and Iron Sheik was better than being undefeated against teams the likes of Lethal Consequences and Public Enemy.
I have been convinced, and I have voted for The Impact Players.

For me, in this environment, it comes down to resourcefulness. That's where I think the match will be won - which team is capable to doing the most amount of damage in the most efficient way possible.

Bulldog and Dynamite were a tag team together for a long time, and that is well documated. But one thing I've noticed about the Impact Playaz was their ability to create offense individually as well as in tandem. That tandem offense carried teams like The Brian Busters, Power & Glory, and The Rockers to new heights, but the Impact Players took it even further. The Bulldogs, on the other hand, come from an era of holding on to tag ropes and MAYBE 5 seconds of double team kicks before the ref kicked the illegal man out of the ring.

I may have backed the bulldogs using my breakdown, but those 3 teams are just point point apart each. Something like resourcefulness as well as cardiovascular conditioning comes into play with a tournament this long in this sort of setting.

I'll vote for Credible and Storm this year.
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I have been convinced, and I have voted for The Impact Players.

For me, in this environment, it comes down to resourcefulness. That's where I think the match will be won - which team is capable to doing the most amount of damage in the most efficient way possible. I'll vote for Credible and Storm this year.

You are a good man, Mr. Admin. Resourcefulness is key, and you just can't beat the Players here. Bulldog and Dynamite, like you said, wrestled in an era where tag teams only had a few seconds of actual double teaming, so they'll be out of place. The Impact Players lived off of diversions and double teams, and here it's put on display because of the lack of rules.
Both LAX and the Bulldogs have the perfect storm of Power/Speed. The Impact Playaz do not. LAX had Selinas and Hector on the outside. Impact Playaz have Jason and Dawn Marie. Bulldogs have Lou Albano. Cancel out all the managers and consider the fact that this is in TNA LAX's backyard and they have the youth and the same type of team the Bulldogs have and LAX gets the win here.

EDIT: LAX also had Konnan at the height of their success with his fucking slapjack.
Cancel out all the managers and consider the fact that this is in TNA LAX's backyard and they have the youth and the same type of team the Bulldogs have and LAX gets the win here.

This is in Mexico, this is not LAX's backyard, nor is this in TNA. The TNA regional is between the Hart Foundation and the Hardys, this match here has absolutely nothing to do with TNA.
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