Quarter Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin - Austin Wins

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Chris Jericho

  • Steve Austin

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So Jericho being beaten by Rock and needing Vince interference and a low blow and then Vince AGAIN interfering in the other match makes Jericho better? Jericho has three finishers: Lionsault which has beaten how many big names? The Walls, which hasn't won a match in what, a year now? Also pay no attention to Austin being in a FAR better submission and not tapping. That leaves the Codebreaker, which is ok at best. Codebreaker vs. Stunner. Hmm, I think Austin wins.

This brings me to your final point: Jericho has no fear of losing. So, in other words, Jericho is braver than Austin? Do I even need to make fun of this? I don't think so.

Austin's low points > Jericho's entire time on top.

I hoped you noticed the sarcasm in my post because I will vote Austin.

While I will admit that Jericho has had some great matches, I don't believe he has had more great ones than Austin and basically all of them happened when he was a midcarder. I don't know if Jericho in his prime submitted to anybody but Austin hasn't and the only time he did was in 2001 when he was nearing the end of his prime or it had already passed him. Jericho is simply not a main-eventer. He gets a push and then a couple of months later he's right back to where he was. His greatest match quite possibly was against HBK at WM 19. Where was he months after that? Right back in the midcard where he belongs.
To all of the posters that have said that Jericho's prime was during his Undisputed title run in 2002, you couldn't be more wrong. Sorry, but Jericho's prime is happening right now. Or more specifically, between 08-09 when he won 3 world championships and reigned stronger then his entire Undisputed Title run. It was during this time that Jericho was the biggest heel in the company, and was so important to the current state of wrestling that they found a way to have him appear on all three shows for quite a while.

With all this said, Jericho's true prime doesn't hold a candle to Austin's dominance in 97, 98, and 99. Bottom line is Austin meant more to this business then Jericho ever did. In the kayfabe sense, all of Jericho's wins over Austin were tainted wins due to interference. This is not a gimmick match. This is a straight up match, and straight up 1998 Steve Austin would wipe the floor with 2009 Chris Jericho.

The fact that Jericho is ahead two points is a joke. Vote Austin.
OMG... this is disgusting. Jericho is winning?!? WHAT?!?!

Austin wins here, hands fucking down. How does he win? Oh, let me count the ways...

#1 - Austin is the "greatest WWE star in HISTORY."
Hmmm... who said that... let me think... oh, that's right; VINCENT FUCKING MCMAHON. While Jericho couldn't draw a dime for the company on his multiple world title runs (including his most recent, where people say he's actually wrestling in his prime), Austin single-handedly SAVED the WWE, brought it to mainstream status in the media, on television, and in the pop-mainstream world, and drew the largest amount of money that the company had ever made up until that point. When the fuck did Jericho do that when he was "beating the Rock and Steve Austin in the same night? Oh, speaking of...

#2 - Austin is a MUCH MORE dominant wrestler than Jericho.
Jericho beat Austin once upon a time. Good for him. But does anyone recall that this happened during the later parts of Austin's career, and when he was ridden with injuries and wear & tear?? Jericho could never have beaten the Austin that faced Bret Hart in the submission match at WM13, or that faced the Rock at WM 17, or the Austin that whooped McMahon in a steel cage at Valentines Day Massacre, or the Austin that defeated the fucking Undertaker and his brother Kane on MULTIPLE occasions when they were still primed.

Jericho defeated a SHADOW of Austin during that championship match. And if I recall correctly, Jericho did nothing more than clean up damage control after the Rock and Austin beat each other to a pulp during that match. Good for Jericho... he STOLE the title that night.

#3 - Jericho was never a dominant babyface in the world title scene, while Austin was a dominant champion both as a babyface AND a heel.
Austin has been a dominant force in the top company in the world no matter how many times he reinvented himself and which side he was on. Jericho could only pull off wins if he was spitting in the audience's faces. Austin won championships as the top babyface in the company and the top HEEL in the company on multiple occasions for each persona. That's a big deal.

#4 - Austin did something three times that Jericho never did once... win the Royal Rumble.
Go ahead... tell me how easy that was for Austin. Tell me how it doesn't matter that the man did something that not even Hulk Hogan was able to do in his prime. Jericho has never reached this pinnacle ONCE, let alone three fucking time. And Austin wasn't just good in the Rumble... he DOMINATED. He hold multiple records:

- 1st in the ratio of total number of rumbles participated in and how many total members he was able to eliminate (6 Rumbles, 36 eliminations)
- 1st in most Rumble victories (3)
- 2nd in total eliminations during a single Rumble (10)

He was the epitome of dominance in a ring full of wrestlers. Narrowing it down to one wrestler shouldn't be a problem for him.

#5 - Jericho's prime is now, right? Then why is he losing matches to guys like Heath fucking Slater?!?
Sorry, but this speaks for itself. I can't remember one time that Austin had a horrific loss like this during what was considered to be his prime. Too bad Jericho had a few of these... R-Truth... Slater... should I go on??

The thought that Jericho could beat Stone Cold is so insulting that I will waste my valuable time getting ready for work to throw in my two cents.

Fuck, no.

Jericho has provided us with a lot of great matches and a lot of great memories, but none as great as Austin 3:16 or Austin vs. Bret at Wrestlemania, or Stone Cold giving Mr. McMahon countless stunners.

Furthermore, I don't think Jericho has EVER beaten Stone Cold cleanly, and I can guarantee you he's never beaten him cleanly on the big stage, and I think the Elite 8 of WrestleZone's 4th annual WrestleZone Tournament is a pretty big stage, like maybe Summerslam big.

Style wise, one might favor Jericho because he's a better "technical wrestler" or some shit like that.

News flash, he's not. If you really watch his matches, he can't even hold a candle to the Angles and Benoit's of the business. Even HBK is much a better technical wrestler than him. What Jericho is is flashy, and he knows how to make his moves look good, mostly because he's a terrific showman.

Speaking of great showmen, how about Stone Cold Steve Austin? The dude WAS WWF in the mid to late 90's, carrying a dying company on his shoulders. This could be a huge exaggeration, but is it wrong of me to ponder whether WWF would have won the Monday night wars without Stone Cold? I think it's a question worth thinking about.

This is coming from a Jericho mark, vote Stone Cold, he is the right choice.
This is an abomination of epic proportions. An in his prime Stone Cold...who took on the entire Corporation and won...is this close to Jericho? Jericho is a good wrestler, for sure...but he is NO STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN.

Phoenix, I give you credit for actually posting your reasoning. But Lee...Lariat?
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Let me just say that I am not trying to swing anyone's vote. Because, in my mind, it is a no brainer. Stone Cold. STONE COLD.

You all know the facts, so I don't have to restate for you what happened on what day, when, etc etc. But what are the overwhelming facts? There is some shady business, whether valid or not, associated with Jericho. Argue with me. Please. With Austin, you are met with a wall of a fighter. Yes, fighter. There is no "but" when talking about Austin's triumphs in the ring. It is a win. There is no "gray" area when dealing with Austin. You get what you came to see. What you expect. A real fight, with a solid outcome. So, why waste your breath making a case for "the other guy" when you can have the real deal?

Now vote.

STONE COLD!!!!!!!!!
If Jericho wins then this would seem like a jump the shark moment for the tournament. I guess people like Jericho's mic work and are blinded by it presently. The problem is Stone Cold even beats Jericho on the irrelevant to this match topic of mic work. Jericho is good at what he does on the mic but is his style really unique there? Haven't others done what Jericho does on the mic better? I would say yes. While Austin's mic work arguably created an era with one of the most unique and successful characters in wrestling history. Jericho's prime is tough to define because of the obvious fact that he never was really all that dominant while Austin clearly was. Jericho's prime might have lasted all of one night and he still needed help to win while Austin's prime highlighted the entire attitude era and he did not have to trust anyone. Vote Austin.
y2j is far more better in ring than austin.
austin refused to to brocklesnar.
y2j loses even to nxt rookies .
this shows who works 4 d betterment of a compony.
my vote to y2j just coz he can do more moves than scsa can imagine.

Wow. I don't know what is more impressive. The fact that this was actually posted, or that I could actually decipher it?
Reading this, made me want to channel that non-existent inner gamer. Shout things like, "PWN tha n00bzzzz!!" Except that no one, except for this user, might have any inkling what I was saying. Ah, the beauty of an entire sentence, with the correct spellings. It takes work to butcher the English language, and in this, you have exceeded masterfully. Now, sadly. I have forgotten the actual point of what you were saying...

Oh yes, "y2j just coz". Just because. My mom used to say that. So, thanks Mom. I follow your argument just as well now, as i did then.
How in God's name is Stone Cold only up by 3 votes? Like this is a legitimate question that has me scratching my head. Wah wah, Chris Jericho is a great performer!!! So what? He does not hold a candle to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Stone Cold took the WWE through the biggest boom period in wrestling, faced off against the boss and all of his associates, and fucking won.

Chris Jericho is great on the mic and the ring!!! Austin was and probably still is great on the mic. He was also very good in the ring up until Owen accidentally broke his neck. Even after that happened, he could still put on a damn good match. Don't even get me started on Jericho needing help to beat Austin to become the Undisputed Champion. Steve Austin is superior to Jericho in just about every category.

You know, I JUST found out that my browser screwed up on me again and voted for Jericho instead of Austin (HAX maybe?) So maybe if my vote could be changed from Jericho to Austin, that would be splendid.
Oh yes, the Lionsault, what a feared finisher! He mostly beat cruiserweights with that move, not Steve Austin. You actually think a Lionsault could keep Austin down for a three count? If so, you need to find your meds, and begin taking them again..quick.

"....all he has to do is out smart the rattlesnake and avoid the stunner." Right, because that was so easy for so many wrestlers to do between 1997 and..now. How can you outsmart getting a stunner for an entire match? Who has done that with great success. Sure, you might be able to avoid it a few times in one match, but even that's a stretch. People have kicked out of the Stunner before, but I guarantee you would be hard pressed to find any match between 1998 and 2001 where a person avoided a stunner for an entire match, and beat Austin clean without getting dropped on their neck at least once.

The move has been kicked out of, several times. But so has every other finisher, known to man, over the last 10-15 years. I hate it, I think it's stupid. It should be saved for rare occassions. But it happens..to everyone..including Jericho.

Jericho is more clever than Austin, I'll give you that. But we're talking about Steve Austin, one of the (kayfabe) toughest bastards in the history of pro wrestling. I don't think any one of Jericho's finishers could put Austin down for a three count, maybe the code breaker, but probably not even that. So while I believe Austin could kick out of any one of Jericho's finishers, I find it highly unlikely that Jericho could hit the code breaker, then the lionsault, and then slap on the walls. If that happened, maybe I could buy into Austin passing out. But how often has Jericho stringed those moves together?..Never. And, I really don't think Jericho is kicking out of the stunner. If he kicks out of one, he sure isn't kicking out of a second. And I could easily see Austin kicking out of two or three codebreakers.

I can't believe Jericho is winning, are you F****** kidding me?

EDIT: Also, Jericho just lost clean to R-Truth....yeah.

when jericho first came in he used the lionsault to win alot of matchs not just cruiserweight ones. Jericho would easily outsmart somebody like austin with austin being all about the brawl jericho could just jump out of the ring austin would follow and then jericho slides back into the ring just before 10 austin doesnt make it (win for jericho). Jericho may even just hit austin once or twice outside the ring to garuntee the win.
And jericho doesnt have to pin austin to win he can win by submission and you can talk all you want about how austin in his prime wouldn't have tapped out but that is irrelevant he might not tap out but he could pass out that would give jericho the win. Austin in his prime passed out in the sharpshooter, Austin in his prime would pass out to the liontamer.
Jericho's in ring ability=top class
Austins in ring ability= mediocre(at best)
when jericho first came in he used the lionsault to win alot of matchs not just cruiserweight ones. Jericho would easily outsmart somebody like austin with austin being all about the brawl jericho could just jump out of the ring austin would follow and then jericho slides back into the ring just before 10 austin doesnt make it (win for jericho). Jericho may even just hit austin once or twice outside the ring to garuntee the win.
And jericho doesnt have to pin austin to win he can win by submission and you can talk all you want about how austin in his prime wouldn't have tapped out but that is irrelevant he might not tap out but he could pass out that would give jericho the win. Austin in his prime passed out in the sharpshooter, Austin in his prime would pass out to the liontamer.
Jericho's in ring ability=top class
Austins in ring ability= mediocre(at best)

If Jericho's in ring ability is top class, then why does he lose to everybody. His main event matches are barely memorable and his most of his midcard matches are overrated. You cannot say the same with Austin. The Sharpshooter is a whole different move than the Liontamer and Jericho basically used a shit version of a boston crab his whole time in the WWE and if we're saying right now is his prime, how many times has he used it to win. We just saw R-Truth counter a Walls of Jericho to a win. If he can do it, I'm positive Austin can.
If Jericho's in ring ability is top class, then why does he lose to everybody. His main event matches are barely memorable and his most of his midcard matches are overrated. You cannot say the same with Austin. The Sharpshooter is a whole different move than the Liontamer and Jericho basically used a shit version of a boston crab his whole time in the WWE and if we're saying right now is his prime, how many times has he used it to win. We just saw R-Truth counter a Walls of Jericho to a win. If he can do it, I'm positive Austin can.

Just like Taker Y2J actually wants to build up other superstars and not be selfish (eg Cena and SCSA). I love both of them but SCSA is the same man who refused to lose to scott hall, HHH (so they gave mankind a 1 day reign), and mid carders
like a y2j at the time. Jericho is the best heel in the company by far. ( No one actually cheers him anymore thats pretty good)
If Jericho's in ring ability is top class, then why does he lose to everybody. His main event matches are barely memorable and his most of his midcard matches are overrated. You cannot say the same with Austin. The Sharpshooter is a whole different move than the Liontamer and Jericho basically used a shit version of a boston crab his whole time in the WWE and if we're saying right now is his prime, how many times has he used it to win. We just saw R-Truth counter a Walls of Jericho to a win. If he can do it, I'm positive Austin can.

Lose to everybody? His last wrestlemania match he won. His match with michaels at mania is very memorable, his matchs with mysterio were great aswell as were his ones with christian, the rock, hhh the list goes on. Austins most memorable match is one he lost to bret hart because he passed out. The original liontamer jericho used is not like the one he uses now go look it up if the sharpshooter can make you pass out so can the liontamer.
Austin was all about his gimmick his actual ability in the ring doesn't compare to jerichos. Jericho does his gimmick's well as a heel people really hate him and as a face people really like him.
Its a wrestling match and jerichos in ring ability far surpasses austins so he would win
Just like Taker Y2J actually wants to build up other superstars and not be selfish (eg Cena and SCSA). I love both of them but SCSA is the same man who refused to lose to scott hall, HHH (so they gave mankind a 1 day reign), and mid carders
like a y2j at the time. Jericho is the best heel in the company by far. ( No one actually cheers him anymore thats pretty good)

First of all Taker hardly ever puts people over, not even close to how many people Jericho puts over.

Secondly Cena and Austin don't need to put people over since they were/are both the face of the respective era.

So who are you voting for again? I had the same problem with somebody else too, you make a case that supports SCSA but you say vote Jericho??????

Austin should be winning this match hands down, he is probably the biggest superstar in wrestling history, and Jericho is a great wrestler, entertaining as hell, but really just an upper mid carder and a transitional champion.
If Jericho's in ring ability is top class, then why does he lose to everybody. His main event matches are barely memorable and his most of his midcard matches are overrated. You cannot say the same with Austin. The Sharpshooter is a whole different move than the Liontamer and Jericho basically used a shit version of a boston crab his whole time in the WWE and if we're saying right now is his prime, how many times has he used it to win. We just saw R-Truth counter a Walls of Jericho to a win. If he can do it, I'm positive Austin can.

LJL, firstly you're comparing Austin to John Cena and now R-Truth? You are really trying to dig deep in getting someone who is backing Jericho to change their ways. Your tactic of saying "Jericho lost to guy A, Austin is better than guy A so he can do it too" is seriously laughable. Fact is that Jericho managed to win the Undisputed Championship against Austin when he wasn't even in his his prime, but using the case of the midcard/lower division beating Jericho nowadays, what does that say about the current crop of competition? They're getting better.

When Austin was the champion, he was literally fed people who Vince felt would be the opponent of the week and yet the only people who had a good record against Austin was Undertaker and Kane. Yet even in his long going reign in 2001, Austin was overcoming the likes of Taker, Kane, The Rock, Kurt Angle (granted he lost to him but then won it a few weeks later) to name a few. Yet, Chris Jericho was a guy who Austin had a very troubled year against him, especially on pay per views, title matches and special events. In championship matches, how many times has Austin beat Jericho? Once! And Jericho wasn't involved in the decision, yet he had Austin tapping earlier with Benoit at the same time.

Regardless of all the people stating that Jericho only won title because of interference, I restate my original statement, Austin was the guy who was made on being interferenced against and STILL winning, it was the main element of his rivalry with Vince and the Corporation and Austin had a good set of outcomes in the match, he barely lost which made the feud more sweeter. However, in the situation with Jericho, he was one of the rare cases to have interference against Austin and actually SUCCEEDED and it's marked down as one of the big events in wrestling history, Jericho beat Austin because he used a tactic that Austin was so use to overcoming and actually won. So what does make Jericho? A guy who is able to scout opponents and have a trick or two up his sleeve in order to win. I'm not going to into the issues of his losses to R-Truth and Cena because a. They're completely different to Austin in terms of ring work and style b. Competition has become tougher for Jericho since beating Austin.

As for the guys who mention legacies, influence, backstage and impact on wrestling, while I respect that cause and reason for vote, it simply should not be affecting a bout. This is legacies and influences being excluded. If we were going by legacies, we be seeing a completely different set of guys in the final lot. The main issue I have seen so far from the majority of Austin marks here is that while I'm a fan of Austin, people have been blinded by his legacy in certain matches (hell even some of them branded Undertaker as overrated for their reason in voting Cena), like in the last round with André, that was a match Austin should have lost, but that's been done with and I'm dealing with this match against Jericho.

In the end, when it's scrapped down to the bare essentials, Austin has one tactic, go down and open up a can of whoop-ass. Jericho's method is to find a way to win, granted it hasn't always been successful against say John Cena or R-Truth, but the fact is that Jericho was successful with his tactics against Austin and was the first Undisputed Champion in history because of it, again ahead of his prime. So none of this bullshit about Jericho's experience with current members of the roster, fact of the matter is nine years ago, Jericho was still young and fresh to the main event feel beat the man who had been on top for four years, a dominating champion who wouldn't back down and Jericho managed to beat him more than once when it mattered. As it's a tournament where the stakes are high, Jericho will not be holding back, this is why I still believe Jericho will be the deserving victor in the end and this is why I stand by this case. Shoot me down as much as you want, but the fact is I'm presenting my truth feelings on the matter, that cannot be changed.
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Just like Taker Y2J actually wants to build up other superstars and not be selfish (eg Cena and SCSA). I love both of them but SCSA is the same man who refused to lose to scott hall, HHH (so they gave mankind a 1 day reign), and mid carders
like a y2j at the time. Jericho is the best heel in the company by far. ( No one actually cheers him anymore thats pretty good)

How does that change the fact that Austin is a better wrestler, been on top longer, and is one of the two greatest wrestlers in history? Every wrestler is selfish at one time or another. Mysterio refused to drop the IC Title to Ziggler. Doesn't make me think any less of him as a wrestler and the same applies for Austin.

Lose to everybody? His last wrestlemania match he won. His match with michaels at mania is very memorable, his matchs with mysterio were great aswell as were his ones with christian, the rock, hhh the list goes on. Austins most memorable match is one he lost to bret hart because he passed out. The original liontamer jericho used is not like the one he uses now go look it up if the sharpshooter can make you pass out so can the liontamer.
Austin was all about his gimmick his actual ability in the ring doesn't compare to jerichos. Jericho does his gimmick's well as a heel people really hate him and as a face people really like him.
Its a wrestling match and jerichos in ring ability far surpasses austins so he would win

How about Austin's matches with Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Benoit, Hart, Steamboat, etc.? If Jericho's in-ring ability far surpasses Austin's, then why can't he sustain it in the main event. How many great matches has Jericho had while being the champion? Maybe one or two at the most. Austin can have that in a couple of weeks and has shown that he can. Jericho hasn't shown that he can carry a company and is merely a placeholder whenever someone gets injured.
Lose to everybody? His last wrestlemania match he won. His match with michaels at mania is very memorable, his matchs with mysterio were great aswell as were his ones with christian, the rock, hhh the list goes on. Austins most memorable match is one he lost to bret hart because he passed out. The original liontamer jericho used is not like the one he uses now go look it up if the sharpshooter can make you pass out so can the liontamer.
Austin was all about his gimmick his actual ability in the ring doesn't compare to jerichos. Jericho does his gimmick's well as a heel people really hate him and as a face people really like him.
Its a wrestling match and jerichos in ring ability far surpasses austins so he would win

Try just about every WrestleMania in the Attitude Era, Austin was in the Main Event and won.

Well by your logic this is a wrestling match, a tourney style wrestling match. So in pro wrestling Austin would be booked to win this match, if not the whole tourney, since he is by far the bigger name.
How about Austin's matches with Undertaker, Kane, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Benoit, Hart, Steamboat, etc.? If Jericho's in-ring ability far surpasses Austin's, then why can't he sustain it in the main event. How many great matches has Jericho had while being the champion? Maybe one or two at the most. Austin can have that in a couple of weeks and has shown that he can. Jericho hasn't shown that he can carry a company and is merely a placeholder whenever someone gets injured.

Austin matchs arent memorable they are all the same there is little varience in how his matchs go where with jericho you cant be sure what is going to happen in the match.
The reason he can't sustain it at the main event is because thats not where vince puts him but at the same time vince knows just how big an asset jericho is to him. Jericho wont sell as much merchandise as austin did but that would be down to the fact that jericho spent more time as a heel than as a face.
As far as carrying a company goes jericho made big show relevant again by choosing him as a tag team partner before that show was going nowhere. Jericho is building up younger talents so the company can continue when he is gone. Jericho gets a huge amount of heat from the crowd (he is arguably the top heel) vince even felt the need to have jericho on all 3 shows for a huge amount of time because jericho is hated so much that he puts asses in the seats because people want to see him get beaten all the time
Austin matchs arent memorable they are all the same there is little varience in how his matchs go where with jericho you cant be sure what is going to happen in the match.
The reason he can't sustain it at the main event is because thats not where vince puts him but at the same time vince knows just how big an asset jericho is to him. Jericho wont sell as much merchandise as austin did but that would be down to the fact that jericho spent more time as a heel than as a face.
As far as carrying a company goes jericho made big show relevant again by choosing him as a tag team partner before that show was going nowhere. Jericho is building up younger talents so the company can continue when he is gone. Jericho gets a huge amount of heat from the crowd (he is arguably the top heel) vince even felt the need to have jericho on all 3 shows for a huge amount of time because jericho is hated so much that he puts asses in the seats because people want to see him get beaten all the time

An excellent job of not responding to anythign he said. Austin was the face of the company, and a top star even while a heel. Jericho is a high mid card/lower top card guy, and that's all he's EVER been. He's a jobber to the true stars. And Austin's matches are far more memorable then Jericho's, that's laughable to state otherwise.
when jericho first came in he used the lionsault to win alot of matchs not just cruiserweight ones. Jericho would easily outsmart somebody like austin with austin being all about the brawl jericho could just jump out of the ring austin would follow and then jericho slides back into the ring just before 10 austin doesnt make it (win for jericho). Jericho may even just hit austin once or twice outside the ring to garuntee the win.
And jericho doesnt have to pin austin to win he can win by submission and you can talk all you want about how austin in his prime wouldn't have tapped out but that is irrelevant he might not tap out but he could pass out that would give jericho the win. Austin in his prime passed out in the sharpshooter, Austin in his prime would pass out to the liontamer.
Jericho's in ring ability=top class
Austins in ring ability= mediocre(at best)

I never said he only beat cruiserweights with the Lionsault. I said that is mostly who he beat with that move. That move would NOT finish off Steve Austin, hate to break it to you.

Jericho is going to run around the ring, Austin follows, and Jericho gets in for the count out win? Wow, you must realllllly think Austin is an absolute moron. It's a good thing NO ONE else thinks he is that stupid. That could be the lamest possible scenario for Jericho to take the match. Wow.

No one is passing out to the Walls of Jericho. In Jericho's prime, he didn't use the Liontamer, he used a Boston Crab. No one will EVER pass out from a Boston Crab, especially not Steve Austin. Jericho has used that move in recent years, but very seldom, and it's always on smaller guys. Nice try, but that argument isn't plausible.

Yes, Jericho's in-ring ability is top notch, I agree, I never said it wasn't. But he IS NOT Steve Austin, not even in the same league. I am sick of hearing about how "bad" Austin was in the ring. Watch anything pre-broken neck, or maybe his matches with Bret Hart. How about most of his matches with The Undertaker. How about his matches with Owen Hart, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle. The man put on a lot of really, really good matches (IMO), while not being at 100% basically during any period of time after his first broken neck. Bagging on Austin's in-ring ability is an opinion, not a fact, so don't present it as one.
An excellent job of not responding to anythign he said. Austin was the face of the company, and a top star even while a heel. Jericho is a high mid card/lower top card guy, and that's all he's EVER been. He's a jobber to the true stars. And Austin's matches are far more memorable then Jericho's, that's laughable to state otherwise.

read his post then read mine i responded to everything he siad that was relevant to who is a better wrestler jericho or austin. Austin may have been the face of wwf but the fact is jericho is still the better wrestler austin got to where he was because of his character/gimmick jericho got into wwf because vince realised what a talented in ring preformer he was/is.
I have already given my views on why Austins matchs are not memorable.
read his post then read mine i responded to everything he siad that was relevant to who is a better wrestler jericho or austin. Austin may have been the face of wwf but the fact is jericho is still the better wrestler austin got to where he was because of his character/gimmick jericho got into wwf because vince realised what a talented in ring preformer he was/is.
I have already given my views on why Austins matchs are not memorable.

Yeah, Jericho certainly got popular due to his in-ring work rate, not his non-wrestling stuff...wait a second, newsflash, he got popular because he started playing a comedic heel character, up to and including his Y2J character. In the ring, Steve Austin is just as good or better then Jericho.

these are the reasons I hate the fucking internet. because a guy is smaller and more agile, most of you act like he's so much better then anyone who's bigger and works a different style. Such bullshit. Steve Austin worked a brawling, tenacious, physical style, and he worked it better then Jericho worked his pseudo technical/high flying style.
I never said he only beat cruiserweights with the Lionsault. I said that is mostly who he beat with that move. That move would NOT finish off Steve Austin, hate to break it to you.

Jericho is going to run around the ring, Austin follows, and Jericho gets in for the count out win? Wow, you must realllllly think Austin is an absolute moron. It's a good thing NO ONE else thinks he is that stupid. That could be the lamest possible scenario for Jericho to take the match. Wow.

No one is passing out to the Walls of Jericho. In Jericho's prime, he didn't use the Liontamer, he used a Boston Crab. No one will EVER pass out from a Boston Crab, especially not Steve Austin. Jericho has used that move in recent years, but very seldom, and it's always on smaller guys. Nice try, but that argument isn't plausible.

Yes, Jericho's in-ring ability is top notch, I agree, I never said it wasn't. But he IS NOT Steve Austin, not even in the same league. I am sick of hearing about how "bad" Austin was in the ring. Watch anything pre-broken neck, or maybe his matches with Bret Hart. How about most of his matches with The Undertaker. How about his matches with Owen Hart, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle. The man put on a lot of really, really good matches (IMO), while not being at 100% basically during any period of time after his first broken neck. Bagging on Austin's in-ring ability is an opinion, not a fact, so don't present it as one.

Austin is a brawler he wouldnt wait in the ring for a countout win which is something jericho would do because its smart and he would know he doesnt need to win by pinfall.
Why wouldnt anyone pass out in the boston crab exactly? its the same as a sharpshooter excpet the leds arent crossed if you can pass out from one you can pass out from the other.
I have watched Austin pre broken neck and he wasnt bad but he just wasnt at the same level as jericho has been/is. Jericho is more intellegent, more willing to win by any means necessary and has a better in ring ability than austin ever had.
Austin was entertaining, got great reactions, could cut great promos but jericho could do all these things aswell. Jericho however had the edge in in-ring ability and would therefore pick up the win
Yeah, Jericho certainly got popular due to his in-ring work rate, not his non-wrestling stuff...wait a second, newsflash, he got popular because he started playing a comedic heel character, up to and including his Y2J character. In the ring, Steve Austin is just as good or better then Jericho..

Jericho was well known for the matchs he put on thats what got him noticed he increased his popularity with the comdeic heel. In ring Austin was decent but he was never better than jericho when it comes to in-ring ability.

these are the reasons I hate the fucking internet. because a guy is smaller and more agile, most of you act like he's so much better then anyone who's bigger and works a different style. Such bullshit. Steve Austin worked a brawling, tenacious, physical style, and he worked it better then Jericho worked his pseudo technical/high flying style.

Its nothing to do with jericho's size that i feel he is a better in ring competitor. Austin worked a style that suited him and was good at it Jericho works a combination of styles and is really good at it.
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