Your Opinion On: The Lack of Quality Wrestling Discussion


Excellence of Execution
Every time I "log-in" to the board, I always check the "New Posts" to see what has happened since I left. It seems like every time I check, most of the discussion is in forums not related to wrestling, and many times, in forums with no post count.

Why? Is this not a wrestling forum? Why is there such a serious lack of wrestling discussion in the main wrestling forum? Too few posters? Too many posters that have been here to long? Slyfox not causing enough stir in threads?

We need more active wrestling discussion.

So, why do you think we have a lack of it, do you mind the lack of it, and if you do, what can we do to fix it?
The only posts in wrestling forums are crappy noobs saying "Cena roolz he's best restler ever l33t rofl pwnd" and are shortly banned. If we had quality wrestling section posters, I'd go in and post now and again. But as it is, we don't, so I stick to here.
The only posts in wrestling forums are crappy noobs saying "Cena roolz he's best restler ever l33t rofl pwnd" and are shortly banned. If we had quality wrestling section posters, I'd go in and post now and again. But as it is, we don't, so I stick to here.

Why not go in there and counter the noobs with some good posting? This site needs it.
I've been spending a lot of time in the TNA forums and, aside from the rare few, I just get spammers whose posts are swiftly deleted so an example isn't set. Not that it ends up mattering.
To tell you the truth, there's actually a good discussion firing up between me and BRIANBECKERISATOOL in this very Bar Room.
Just go to the "I'm the happiest man on Earth" thread. Me and Brian arguing on that age-old subject of John Cena. I've never really weighed in on Cena though, so it's somewhat fresh.
The only posts in wrestling forums are crappy noobs saying "Cena roolz he's best restler ever l33t rofl pwnd" and are shortly banned. If we had quality wrestling section posters, I'd go in and post now and again. But as it is, we don't, so I stick to here.

:blink: You must've forgotten the endless amount of "noobish" (strange word) posts proclaiming that "Cena sucks"- selective vision maybe? :p

As for me, I am unfit to discuss anything but women's wrestling at the moment. And we all know how well my Beth Phoenix thread went. :laugh:

Flames Out
Ya' know Sly, If WWE actually put out quality wrestling/shows then maybe it would lead to quality wrestling discussion.

As for TNA and ROH, I really don't have to explain do I?
Well, maybe the lack of quality wrestling discussion is due to the lack of quility wrestling on TV right now, it doesn't really bother me, cause I don't come here just for wrestling discussion anymore, I come here more for everything the board offers, and to talk to the friends I've met through here, and for the record I have tried to fire up some good wrestling discussion, I've created two wrestling related threads with in the past couple weeks, another ROH one, which has proven to be as successful as about every other ROH thread I've ever created:icon_rolleyes:, and I made another Pick Your Poison thread with Orton & Batista being the choices, which has gotten some good posts in it
I think a lot has to do with the quality of the product. A). It's just a slow time of year anyway. It's the holidays, and many posters probably aren't around. B). It's pre-taped, slow storyline, time as well. The WWE usually at the end of December early January is pretty bad. It's just the nature of the beast. All of the Storylines kind of end, and restart with the Rumble. Once the Rumble is here, and the layout for Mania begins, these forums will catch a ton of fire. C). I spend most of my time now on the tourney and in Old School anyway. Nothing in the current WWE catches my attention. There are really zero new stars on the horizon that have "it" to be the next superstar. It's a bad time to be a wrestling fan.

Ya, I really wouldn't mind seeing more people out of the Bar Room and out in the wrestling forums. It's a discussion forum, so that means if you disagree with noobs, then put them in their place.
Every time I "log-in" to the board, I always check the "New Posts" to see what has happened since I left. It seems like every time I check, most of the discussion is in forums not related to wrestling, and many times, in forums with no post count.

I never knew post count meant so much to you, Sly?

Why? Is this not a wrestling forum?

Just because it says "Wrestlezone Forums" doesn't mean it has to be one-sided to only discussing wrestling. Thats the beauty of a forum, to me at least. The fact that it can hold major discussion in multiple sections over what its made for. (Wrestling) And then, if you get burnt out on talking non-stop wrestling, you can swing on down to the "other" section & discuss everything else. Be it politics, movies, music, games, relationships, personal life, or just random stuff.

Why is there such a serious lack of wrestling discussion in the main wrestling forum?

You can only debate & discuss the topic of the current major feuds (Hardy/Orton, Jericho/JBL, Taker/Edge, Michaels/Kennedy) so much. Hell, T.N.A. didn't even get a mention in major current feuds if you noticed, & that isn't because I dislike it.. its just because T.N.A. changes angles & feuds every 3rd week, so whats the point in storyline?

Too few posters?

Half the new members we get ask the same ******ed questions, a quarter of the others strictly repeat themselves in the "exclusives" section, & the final quarter of those that don't fall into the first two groups.. just talk out of their ass about stuff they couldn't possibly begin to know.

Too many posters that have been here to long?

That falls under the "burnt out on wrestling" conversation. That tied in with the fact a lot of us have become good friends (so to speak) to the point of being more interested in talking to each other about every-day things than discussing how Edge will elude Taker, or how JBL will screw Jericho.

Slyfox not causing enough stir in threads?

I really think you're on to something here. When I first signed up, your name was everywhere a major discussion was. Now, I rarely see you stirring up major discussion. In fact, the last major "debate" I seen you apart of was the issue with DIAR.. (which no offense to anyone involved in that, but its likely gotten as sick to everyone else, as the issues with Becca & I have gotten to you & everyone else as well)

You ask why a lot of us aren't posting in the wrestling sections anymore.. & I'm not saying you aren't, but what was the last major debate you had against something? I completely enjoyed watching you pick apart someone, hell I even enjoyed you picking me apart, because I respect your opinions.. but I rarely see you give any, anymore.

We need more active wrestling discussion.

We have tons of threads.. couldn't it simply be that the majority of us have already given our major point on the matter & have nothing else to contribute? I agree we need more discussion, but not if it includes spamming.

So, why do you think we have a lack of it, do you mind the lack of it, and if you do, what can we do to fix it?

I think W.W.E. & T.N.A. need to create a major shake-up within their companies. Whats the "biggest" thing to happen in W.W.E. lately.. Jeff Hardy becoming a Main Eventer? Edge screwing people to gain a World Championship? Kurt Angle/Christian Cage, Booker T/Robert Roode?

Outside of Edge winning a World Championship.. the rest of that crap will be faded within a month's time.
Will have you ever thought about writing a book? Maybe about wrestling or something over the IWC.

Conspicious said:
There are really zero new stars on the horizon that have "it" to be the next superstar.

I stand corrected. Downside, he's already 34.

Damn. I thought it was like 30..Well then your right there's nobody because Kennedy took a tumble.

Will said:
What exactly do you mean? lol I didn't get if that was a good thing, or a bad thing.

Good. You write the longest posts I've ever seen. And all of it is worth the read usually. Unless it's about Coco LOL!
Well Wiki has him being born on Oct. 28th 1973, so take that for what it's worth. I know he went to prison at 16 i believe for 9 1/2 years, so that would put him at 27 by the time he got out. I didn't follow him on the indy's so I'm not sure how long he's been around. But who knows, Hart, Hogan and Austin were well into their 30's before they got their first title. MVP deserves it I think.
That's true but WWE loves feeding Shitista to us constantly...If Triple H vs Tista is the main event of Mania, I'm not ordering that shit.
I said that too after last years Wrestlemania, and the shitfest no selling main event that it produced. Seriously, that card was terrible, and the booking of it. If they flipped the card, had the last four matches first, and the first four matches last, it probably would have been better, but that ppv was absolutely terrible. I promised myself I wouldnt buy WM 24 if Cena was in the main event. Edge vs. Taker is enough to buy it myself, but If there is a Tista/Triple H match on the card, I won't buy it because it will be the main event.
The only posts in wrestling forums are crappy noobs saying "Cena roolz he's best restler ever l33t rofl pwnd" and are shortly banned. If we had quality wrestling section posters, I'd go in and post now and again. But as it is, we don't, so I stick to here.
Umm, that's silly. If you feel there is a lack of quality posters, then that should be more incentive for you to post there.

I've been spending a lot of time in the TNA forums and, aside from the rare few, I just get spammers whose posts are swiftly deleted so an example isn't set. Not that it ends up mattering.
Make a thread praising TNA booking, and talk about how TNA is doing a wonderful job.

That'll get several people in there for me to argue with.

Just go to the "I'm the happiest man on Earth" thread. Me and Brian arguing on that age-old subject of John Cena. I've never really weighed in on Cena though, so it's somewhat fresh.
The happiest man on Earth in the Bar Room.

Which is exactly what I'm talking about. Why not take it to the Cena thread?

Ya' know Sly, If WWE actually put out quality wrestling/shows then maybe it would lead to quality wrestling discussion.
I think the WWE in 2007 was one of the best years for quality in a long long time.

If you feel differently, make a thread. That's prime discussion material. Aren't you a WWE mod anyways?

As for TNA and ROH, I really don't have to explain do I?
Considering you don't watch them, I doubt you could.

Well, maybe the lack of quality wrestling discussion is due to the lack of quility wrestling on TV right now,
Maybe it's the lack of quality posters on this forum, and the ones who are quality would rather be involved in some stupid e-marriage/death thing?
Ya, I really wouldn't mind seeing more people out of the Bar Room and out in the wrestling forums.
You hit the nail on the head. Exactly what I wanted to say, only I hemmed and hawed around it.

But, this is precisely what I'm talking about.
I never knew post count meant so much to you, Sly?
Point being, I don't check threads where post count is off very often, because many times they degenerate into some stupid off-topic spammy content. Kind of like how the "Poster You Hate" thread has done...not to mention the number of threads that stupid e-marriage thing has overrun.

So, when I say forums with a post count, I mean that because I don't check the others too often.

Just because it says "Wrestlezone Forums" doesn't mean it has to be one-sided to only discussing wrestling. Thats the beauty of a forum, to me at least. The fact that it can hold major discussion in multiple sections over what its made for. (Wrestling) And then, if you get burnt out on talking non-stop wrestling, you can swing on down to the "other" section & discuss everything else. Be it politics, movies, music, games, relationships, personal life, or just random stuff.
Will, this is a wrestling forum. You don't seek out this forum to do random chit chat. Almost everyone who comes here, does so originally to discuss wrestling.

So, why not get out of the Bar Room every once in a while and chat wrestling?

You can only debate & discuss the topic of the current major feuds (Hardy/Orton, Jericho/JBL, Taker/Edge, Michaels/Kennedy) so much.
I belong to a forum with 3 times the number of threads created each day. It's not hard to do, it just takes people working at it. I'm not real good at starting threads, but I know how to get them going.

Hell, T.N.A. didn't even get a mention in major current feuds if you noticed, & that isn't because I dislike it.. its just because T.N.A. changes angles & feuds every 3rd week, so whats the point in storyline?
If they change every 3rd week, seems to me that there should be plenty to discuss then.

Half the new members we get ask the same ******ed questions, a quarter of the others strictly repeat themselves in the "exclusives" section, & the final quarter of those that don't fall into the first two groups.. just talk out of their ass about stuff they couldn't possibly begin to know.

That falls under the "burnt out on wrestling" conversation. That tied in with the fact a lot of us have become good friends (so to speak) to the point of being more interested in talking to each other about every-day things than discussing how Edge will elude Taker, or how JBL will screw Jericho.
That's fine. Not a big deal if you want to talk to your friends. But, why not post some in the wrestling forums as well?

Don't take this the wrong way, but I have yet to meet anyone on any forum ever that actually meant anything to me, more than to pass my time with good discussion. So, I find it hard to see how one couldn't take time out of their busy social e-schedule on a forum to post some in the wrestling forums.

I really think you're on to something here. When I first signed up, your name was everywhere a major discussion was. Now, I rarely see you stirring up major discussion. In fact, the last major "debate" I seen you apart of was the issue with DIAR.. (which no offense to anyone involved in that, but its likely gotten as sick to everyone else, as the issues with Becca & I have gotten to you & everyone else as well)

You ask why a lot of us aren't posting in the wrestling sections anymore.. & I'm not saying you aren't, but what was the last major debate you had against something? I completely enjoyed watching you pick apart someone, hell I even enjoyed you picking me apart, because I respect your opinions.. but I rarely see you give any, anymore.
The reason I don't do it as much is because I'm working all the damn time. I get to school at 7 in the morning, and on my easy days, get home at 7 at night. I have my teaching, my coaching, and now my girlfriend. So, I don't get on much these days, and when I do, it's only for a few minutes before I go do something else.

Also, I think people are starting to ignore me. Either they don't want to get involved with an argument with me, or they are too dumb to do so.

We have tons of threads.. couldn't it simply be that the majority of us have already given our major point on the matter & have nothing else to contribute? I agree we need more discussion, but not if it includes spamming.
Without really getting into the whole spamming discussion, I really do think the strict spamming rules hurts discussions as well. Because, a one sentence answer, no matter how meaningful or how much it may contribute to a thread, still seems to be instant warned. I think that hurts as well.
I watched the TNA show today (12/ 27) I swear out of the whole show, the best match was the womens match (and thats me being non biased, IT REALLY WAS the womens match, it was the only match the crowd was into, all the rest were dead, even the main event) Now if the womens matches in TNA are consistently the best matches put on every week what does that tell you?

....That maybe TNA needs to improve just a little more because I know that most posters here probably watch TNA and consider it garbage, and at the same time, the veteran posters that have been here for a while know that If they start discussions about the show, it'll just reopen all the petty arguments we were having on this site a couple of months ago when TNA was sucking.

Thats one reason why I stay out of the wrestling discussion threads (or at least the TNA one's) because I really don't want to read ANOTHER thread as to why TNA sucks and needs to be improved and here's how it should be improved.
Thats one reason why I stay out of the wrestling discussion threads (or at least the TNA one's) because I really don't want to read ANOTHER thread as to why TNA sucks and needs to be improved and here's how it should be improved.

The thing is that's the same crap you get with the WWE threads too, a lot of people saying that WWE sucks, and needs to improve, and it can be improved by...., I get sick of reading those posts, You can only post on Wrestling so much, I wouldn't come here nearly as much if all it was was wrestling discussion, that would be boring, I come here cause I can talk to people about all the things that interest me, I don't see where the problem lies, It's been explained by so many people now, why is this a big deal, if Sly wants more wrestling discussion then make some threads on new topics, I havn't seen him post in either one of the recent wrestling related threads I've just put up, and I've created a new tonight in the TNA section, regarding Matt Morgan in TNA, I haven't seen him post in there yet either, for some one who's so worried about wrestling discussion he sure doesn't seem to be posting much in the wrestling related threads that are being created
Point being, I don't check threads where post count is off very often, because many times they degenerate into some stupid off-topic spammy content. Kind of like how the "Poster You Hate" thread has done...not to mention the number of threads that stupid e-marriage thing has overrun.

So what you've basically just said is, in order to talk wrestling it absolutely HAS to be in the wrestling section. It can't be somewhere, where post counts are off, because people can always change the subject. (as if that doesn't happen enough in the wrestling threads anyways - the difference being you won't get an infraction for it)

And so what if threads like the "Opinion of:" or "E-Wedding Guest List:" gain attention. It just goes to show that while you may of been attracted to this site because of wrestling, you have the ability to step outside of that box & talk about anything, no matter how serious or silly it may be.

Sly, I don't mean it offendingly because I get the whole "a wrestling forum should only be for wrestling" stick you're giving.. but you seem stuck up in the fact that you hate how other things outside of the wrestling world are taking more attention away from the actual "name" of the forum. When the actual point of a forum in general, is overall discussion. (Its not like I'm boosting the E-Wedding, or Opinion Of threads in the wrestling section - people make the choice to come here, I don't force them)

Will, this is a wrestling forum. You don't seek out this forum to do random chit chat. Almost everyone who comes here, does so originally to discuss wrestling.

Exactly, & when I first came here. I discussed wrestling & wrestling only. It wasn't until I actually became mod that I truly started posting outside of the wrestling section more. Then when Becca came along, I've posted in here a lot. That doesn't mean I don't contribute to the wrestling section, & you should know that if you're as dedicated to that side of things as you say.

I didn't sign up to this forum for "idle chit chat" but I don't ignore it now that I've found it, either.

So, why not get out of the Bar Room every once in a while and chat wrestling?

I have.. you'd notice that if you were as dedicated to the wrestling sections as you say you are. I've started threads, I've contributed to threads, hell if you paid attention to what anyone has said of me.. apparently I write books everytime I write. And from what I've gathered, every bit of it is worth reading??

I love reading your debates. (except the Brian/DIAR one) You have such a vast opinion of things. Maybe you should step outside of the wrestling only world & come join us just to randomly talk crap?

I belong to a forum with 3 times the number of threads created each day. It's not hard to do, it just takes people working at it. I'm not real good at starting threads, but I know how to get them going.

Well, we aren't other forums. I don't mean it harshly, but if you don't like it here.. quit coming here. I'd expect to hear the same thing told to me, if I had any issues about this place, that some other place was better than.

When you compare, you judge. No two things are ever going to be alike, I'd have expected you of all people to realize that.

If they change every 3rd week, seems to me that there should be plenty to discuss then.

A discussion of A.J. in a turkey, then a reindeer suit can only go so far. But I agree that if storylines change, even if the threads never make it passed a single page of discussion, its at least up for the possibility.

I will try to add more discussion.

That's fine. Not a big deal if you want to talk to your friends. But, why not post some in the wrestling forums as well?

Again, I have & continue to do so. I'm sorry that the majority of the regulars post in the bar room. I can't force them to stop, & I'm not going to stop either. Just because I may not post AS MUCH in the wrestling section, as I do in the bar room, doesn't mean I don't pay attention.

In my opinion, if I have nothing to contribute.. I don't say anything. Or, if I can't find the words to say, or don't understand how to say something.. then I'll hold back from speaking.

Don't take this the wrong way, but I have yet to meet anyone on any forum ever that actually meant anything to me, more than to pass my time with good discussion. So, I find it hard to see how one couldn't take time out of their busy social e-schedule on a forum to post some in the wrestling forums.

Sly, I understand that a lot of people in this world get online & from the time they're on.. they interaction they get is it. Whomever you speak with on the computer is only to pass time, & possibly have a great discussion or debate with.

But again, no two people are alike in every single detail. I happen to enjoy talking to people I've met off here, on MSN. Hell, my life has changed over people I've met off the internet from my past, & my present. I think its just all in how open minded you are.

Sly, you seem like the type of person that doesn't look at anyone or anything on the internet as even being "in" your life. Whereas I look at the people I talk with as real, just like me. And when I relate to them, its a connection. From what you've said, you apparently don't connect with anyone, because in a sense, the computer world is beneath your real world. Whereas to me, everything is the same. The only difference is a screen & distance.

The reason I don't do it as much is because I'm working all the damn time. I get to school at 7 in the morning, and on my easy days, get home at 7 at night. I have my teaching, my coaching, and now my girlfriend. So, I don't get on much these days, and when I do, it's only for a few minutes before I go do something else.

I get that. Hell, "I'M" not even online AS much as I used to be. And I have a daughter that I love being around & playing with. Some people just find more time to get online. Again, I don't blame you for not being online more.

Also, I think people are starting to ignore me. Either they don't want to get involved with an argument with me, or they are too dumb to do so.

In my personal opinion, the only reason people (regulars) may have stopped debating with you.. is because you misshape everything they say, to make you look right. Even when you may infact not be.

I love talking to you for what its worth. I've completely enjoyed our debates, & I could care less if you make me look bad or wrong.. because if its true, it needs to be done. However, I've seen a couple times where you will definately misshape what someone says to make them seem wrong in saying it, when in fact you likely knew they weren't wrong.. but thats where you're smart enough to change it to make it look wrong. (don't ask me what, because I really don't know off the top of my head, & I'm not gonna bother looking -- I'll find something if I think of it later)

Without really getting into the whole spamming discussion, I really do think the strict spamming rules hurts discussions as well. Because, a one sentence answer, no matter how meaningful or how much it may contribute to a thread, still seems to be instant warned. I think that hurts as well.

If someone says a one sentence answer, that can spark enough in it to pull up huge discussion, then its not spamming. But crap like "Jeff Hardy sucks" or "I can't stand how Cena wins all the time." Shit like that isn't discussion, they aren't explaining WHY they feel that way.. & thats the point. Every one of us explain WHY we feel the way we do.. & if you can't do that, then you likely aren't a member.

Besides all that, why do you want to talk with someone who's so small minded to say "Cena is shit cause he never loses." They obviously aren't taking in the fact that it isn't exactly HIM commanding those wins all the time, its a creative collective storyline. So why talk to people like that?
I dont post in the Wrestling forums for one very simple reason. I barely watch wrestling anymore. I can safely say I have not say through an entire RAW/Smackdown/ECW/TNA or PPV show without at least fast forwarding some (if not most) of it. I just dont buy the product(s) anymore and it just isn't enjoyable to me. Why would I post on something that I dont watch and therefore cannot make an informed post about?

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