The Final Poll

Who Should Be The Next Mod?

  • The Crock

  • Dagger Dias

  • Coco The Monkey

Results are only viewable after voting.
Discussing the issues is what you do in the very first part of a campaign. You announce what your platform is, and what you'll do. In America, we drag elections out way the fuck longer than they should go, so after the initial ideas are discussed, all that's left is explaining to people why your opponent is a boogerhead.

Eh... I tend to think electing some of the more powerful men in the world is a process that should take some time. All the corporate sponsorship, back-alley bullshit, and booger-headed-ness aside, the longevity of any US campaign isn't really a worry for me. Although I will say, if I had to guess, most Americans either vote along party lines, or they know who they're going to vote for within the first two months of the election process. So you MIGHT be one to something...
I didn't mean this one is fixed, but I meant for example in a presidential election, they're never gonna let DD of politics get elected, so they whether fix it or try their hardest to not let it happen.
I have nothing against DD, or for that matter any other candidate, besides the fact that they actually want to be a moderator, so I will divorce myself from the "DD of politics" comment for the purposes of this response.

Yes. Exactly. Every election has rules- or circumstances which are as effective as rules- which filter out prospective candidates. In America, we use money. There are no poor Senators. If you don't have or can't get enough, you can run of course- but the first thing people ask you is "how big is your campaign chest?" In Iran it's theological orthodoxy, and in Russia it's lack of will to be sent to a Siberian prison for an indefinite sentence. I skirt the exact issues here to make jokes, but I'm hard pressed to find an election system which doesn't ween candidates through some kind of qualification process.

In a truly free (pardon the entirely intentional pun) election, we get what happened here.

Here's the real kicker. Dagger has absolutely no chance of being a successful mod. I don't say that to deride his character, or as a comment on his ability to be a moderator. I say that because of the means that he is using to win, he is generating animosity which will be thrown against him every time he attempts to make a decision. This would have been the case with any winner; anyone who thought that this would be an honorable process until the end is a fool, although an idealistic fool at least, which is something I can sympathize with.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3669358 said:
trashboy and Dan can be added to the list too. Who else doesn't love trusty ol' trashboy and Dan. Five star posters! What a recruitment.

I doubt they have voted yet. Dagger's count was 62 when they showed up, and still is as I type this.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3669358 said:
trashboy and Dan can be added to the list too. Who else doesn't love trusty ol' trashboy and Dan. Five star posters! What a recruitment.

Hell if anyone should be getting modded it should be ol' Trashboy and Dan!
[Heel] Green Ranger;3669370 said:
Eh... I tend to think electing some of the more powerful men in the world is a process that should take some time. All the corporate sponsorship, back-alley bullshit, and booger-headed-ness aside, the longevity of any US campaign isn't really a worry for me. Although I will say, if I had to guess, most Americans either vote along party lines, or they know who they're going to vote for within the first two months of the election process. So you MIGHT be one to something...
If people used that time to deliberate the issues and come to a reasonable decision, sure. Polling proves that most people decide their candidate near the beginning of an election, including the majority of people who answer "undecided"; they tend not to be COMMITTED, but they have already, in most cases, decided on the person that they will vote for.

So it comes down to stretching a six-week news cycle into a fourteen-month cycle, when we all know that Black Obama will beat White Obama in November by about a 4% margin.
Afraid not. It takes a little bit more than one guy I've never talked to, who I have fuck all reason to care about expressing his disapproval to get me to change my behaviors, seeing as they've been working pretty well for me up to this point in my life.

Alternately, come up with better attack and comeback lines, your material isn't exactly the kind of stuff that makes people fumble around awkwardly for words they can't find.

Chill winston, I mean, you may have been constantly repeating yourself in an effort to gloat about predicting what near everyone else had already predicted but I'd already admitted your not bad and just felt like tickling you.
Wait, you people are actually waiting here refreshing to see who's coming in and out?

Brohan, I know you're desperate to suck off Coco for any little bit of attention you may get from him, but that's just sad.
Hell if anyone should be getting modded it should be ol' Trashboy and Dan!

Considering trashboy has almost twice the number of posts you do, who are you to be mocking him? If we can assume that Trashboy actually cast a vote (unknowable unless you ask), AND that it was for Dagger (unknowable unless you ask), AND that his vote should be derided because of his lack of total posts overall, making him an undesirable, what does that say about you then, or the candidate you support? If Dagger is relying on the dregs of the board because Trashboy doesn't have the post count, then what about your candidate getting the full support of your 157 total posts? Seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

Hmm...This can also apply to Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage too, considering Trashboy has more posts than he does too...
DirtyJosé;3669404 said:
Wait, you people are actually waiting here refreshing to see who's coming in and out?

Brohan, I know you're desperate to suck off Coco for any little bit of attention you may get from him, but that's just sad.

It's not exactly refreshing. It's seeing before that there were 60 votes for Dagger, make a post and all of a sudden, see 62. Being the curious cat I am, a quick meander at the ''Who's viewing this thread'' bit at the bottom is enough to draw conclusions. I'm good like that.
Except you keep doing it. This is just more of the same bullshit that's probably driving people to vote Dagger anyway. If you really are Coco's "chief of staff", you are doing a piss poor job of getting the vote out.

I suspect there's only one real job you are good at when handling Coco's "staff".
Considering trashboy has almost twice the number of posts you do, who are you to be mocking him?

It was just a joke, hardly mocking as you seem to put it. You need to take things a little less seriously sometimes.

EDIT:That bit you put at the end just reinforces my point about you taking things too seriously. Ill let you go back to fapping over post counts now.
OK these red reps are getting as annoying as hell, seems the honor and ethics are more relevant than I expected.

I formerly apologize for PMing and I will watch the rest of the election much like Rayne as a neutral observer.
OK these red reps are getting as annoying as hell, seems the honor and ethics are more relevant than I expected.

I formerly apologize for PMing and I will watch the rest of the election much like Rayne as a neutral observer.

Don't apologize for supporting who you want to support. You're making LSN look bad.

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