What if the Mr. Kennedy-McMahon storyline would have played out?

CM Steel

A REAL American
After the Chris Benoit incident happened in 2007. The WWE went in a swirl of a direction after the "Mr. McMahon death angle". With a storyline where WWE chairman Vince McMahon had a illegitimate child with another woman while married to Linda McMahon. And it just so happen that the illegitimate McMahon bastard was a WWE superstar. And all sign's pointed to Ken Anderson (Kennedy) aka Mr. Kennedy.

But right before when Kennedy was to be revealed as the illegitimate child of Vince McMahon...Mr. Kennedy was suspended by the WWE for 30 days for breaking the WWE wellness policy. But the "illegitimate McMahon child" storyline still went on without Kennedy. And Hornswoggle aka the little bastard of all people took Mr. Kennedy's spot in the storyline of being Vince McMahon's illegitimate child.

Upon Mr. Kennedy's return to the ring after his suspension, the rest was WWE history. Or was WWE history when Ken Anderson was released from the WWE for various reason's. But what if Mr. Kennedy didn't get suspended from the WWE that time? What if the illegitimate McMahon-Kennedy storyline would have played out as plan? Where could have Mr. Kennedy's WWE career have gone? WWE champion??
Had this storyline actually come to pass, I find no reason to doubt that Mr. Kennedy would have been a World Champion. I can say I have never considered myself a fan of the man, be it in WWE or TNA. He has certainly had moments and has been a solid part of the roster though. I feel he was a solid enough worker (I am aware of the injury concerns) and had ample charisma to excel in the role of Vince McMahon's son.

I feel the most important factor in saying he would have been champion is the association with Vince. Let's be honest, virtually every single person to be aligned or against Vince has been heavily featured. That exposure has helped those individuals, even if it was short lived. The fact is Vince is one of those characters that generates interesting must see television. Granted, some times it was in a so bad I have to watch way. Still, Vince was always a focal point of the show when he was featured in a storyline. I can't imagine Kennedy not being pushed as Vince's personal choice as champion. With his executive power, the money to buy/bribe other wrestlers, influence referees, or by just interferring in matches, Vince would be the source of numerous potential storylines. Kennedy would be the receipent of the McMahon rub. After all, Vince would not approve such a storyline for Kennedy if he didn't have the highest of aspirations for him.
I have no doubt in my mind that Ken Kennedy would have been a world heavyweight/WWE champion had he been announced as Vince's illegitimate son. Ken had, and still has, all the qualities of a WWE main event wrestler in that he's able to connect and communicate with fans in the audience to make them react.

I believe Ken Kennedy would have faced a Wrestlemania payday in the main event against John Cena had he stayed out of trouble. Unless Vince went back to his Triple H must win days Ken would have done the job, but he'd have headlined the biggest wrestling PPV in the USA.

I still believe Ken Anderson could be a main event wrestler in the WWE. Although his wrestling ability is only adequate that has never been important to the WWE. He'd be able to tone down his TNA persona to work the TV PG WWE (if it's really still TV PG) and would work some excellently promoted bouts with a fresh bunch of wrestlers as well as some of the old guard from when he was last in the promotion. But I suspect his chances of headlining Wrestlemania now have dramatically shrunk, and by headline I mean close the show in a match, not wrestle for the WWE/world heavyweight title.

Of course the biggest problem for Anderson is how he left the WWE and his heat with Randy Orton. If the Orton feud can be sorted out one way or another and past mistakes forgiven or overlooked then I will bet that the WWE tries to sign him once his TNA contract expires.

On a personal note I don't got why Ken Kennedy/Anderson was/is so over. Although he's improved in the ring recently he's still bog standard wrestling-wise and I still find his character quite one dimensional, therefore uninteresting. Perhaps it's because he subscribes to the adage of 'keep it simple' when it comes to character and a lot of wrestling fans like that. Or maybe he's just over with younger fans because he says 'asshole' a lot.
If that storyline had played out then Kennedy would have kept counting down the days until Wrestlemania when he would have cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase like he promised to win his first WWE Championship. Or might it have been his second? This would have changed things up a bit. Orton was the top heel on Raw after ending Cena's year long reign. Kennedy as Vince's kayfabe son would have made him an instant heel, at least at first. It is possible that they would have made him a face and stand up to Vince, Stone Cold style. Either way, Kennedy would have cashed in a full year later and become a permanent top guy.

Smackdown would have had some changes too. Edge was on his way to the blue brand to feud with Taker and become the top guy over there. They would have had to wait until the draft if he did not have a Money in the Bank briefcase to cash in. We would have missed out on the first month or so of an epic feud over on Smackdown, and Raw for 2007-2008 would have been drastically different had things played out after Vince's limo exploded. Instead we got Finlay and JBL feuding over Hornswoggle. Ugh. Things worked out for the better, Edge inherited the briefcase and it got him sent over to Smackdown faster for an awesome run as the top guy there.
if the storyline would've played out, McMahon would've backed him and called him his most successful son and likely Shane and Steph and Linda would've backed Triple H and a WM match between Triple H and Kennedy would've happened.
It just wouldn't have worked. As it was nobody was taking the storyline seriously and Kennedy would have had being associated with that steaming turd of a storyline dogging him his whole time in WWE. It would have resutled in another boring McMahon power struggle storyline. As if the whole Invasion Angle and Vince trying to stuff Linda in a nursing home while he has affairs with divas wasn't crappy enough. The McMahons would have used it to get themselves over some more with Kennedy being an afterthought and getting buried by Shane or Vince.

At least with Hornswoggle it doesn't really matter if the fans take him seriously. Being a comedy character like him it's best if they don't. If anything they should have turned Hornswoggle into Vince's own Mini Me like in Austin Powers.
It just wouldn't have worked. As it was nobody was taking the storyline seriously and Kennedy would have had being associated with that steaming turd of a storyline dogging him his whole time in WWE. It would have resutled in another boring McMahon power struggle storyline. As if the whole Invasion Angle and Vince trying to stuff Linda in a nursing home while he has affairs with divas wasn't crappy enough. The McMahons would have used it to get themselves over some more with Kennedy being an afterthought and getting buried by Shane or Vince.

At least with Hornswoggle it doesn't really matter if the fans take him seriously. Being a comedy character like him it's best if they don't. If anything they should have turned Hornswoggle into Vince's own Mini Me like in Austin Powers.

I have to respectfully disagree with ya on this topic. I get what you are sayin', but, I think this storyline would've gotten over huge. And even though it would've been yet another McMahon power struggle, it trumps anything currently on WWE television. The McMahons are always entertaining as the dysfunctional family of the WWE. I also believe that at the time, Mr. Kennedy was over hugely with the biggest portion of the WWE universe waiting for that next breakout top star.

People were already doing the sing-along with the "MRRRR............ KENNEDY.....KENNEDY" schitick, which is what they did with previous huge names like The Rock. Mr. Kennedy was decent in-ring and had a widely entertaining character. This would've been the next huge thing for Vince McMahon on WWE television and had it happened, we would've gotten alot of memorable moments. Sadly, I just didn't work out. Maybe we'll get a second chance to see what Mr. Kennedy can do once his TNA contract expires.......

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