Worst Angle of the Year

Worst Angle of the Year

  • Rusev/Lana/Dolph Ziggler Love Triangle

  • Wyatt Family Kidnaps Undertaker and Kane

  • Dalton Castle vs. Silas Young for the Boys

  • Paige brings up Charlotte's brother

  • Roman Reigns' push to Wrestlemania

  • Jon Steward Screws John Cena

  • James Storm Pushes Mickie James in Front of a Train

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Not that it matters but whoever nominated Castle/Silas should be ashamed, matches were nothing special but the segments, vignettes, and how it played out was gold.

That was me. Sorry, but I found two presumably straight guys (I assume Castle's straight) fighting over two pieces of human furniture dressed up as 15th century Native American drag queens to be pretty fucking ridiculous. I knew it wouldn't get any votes but it deserves the nom. Put that ANYWHERE other than ROH and it's going to bomb. I mean seriously compared to that garbage, Rusev/Lana/Ziggler/Rae wasn't even that bad...

I knew there were fans who liked that but... come on.
That was me. Sorry, but I found two presumably straight guys (I assume Castle's straight) fighting over two pieces of human furniture dressed up as 15th century Native American drag queens to be pretty fucking ridiculous. I knew it wouldn't get any votes but it deserves the nom. Put that ANYWHERE other than ROH and it's going to bomb. I mean seriously compared to that garbage, Rusev/Lana/Ziggler/Rae wasn't even that bad...

I knew there were fans who liked that but... come on.

Wait, I don't watch ROH. Please explain this angle to me.
Wait, I don't watch ROH. Please explain this angle to me.

Dalton Castle is a very flamboyant character, who comes to the ring dressed in lapels, flashy onesies, peacock feathers... he basically dresses like a drag queen. His "boys" dress much the same way. I tried to post an image but it seems my brain's not working. Just look them up to see what they look like. Basically, the "boys" role was to come to the ring, fan Castle and than he would sit on them and pose. They would also help him in matches sometimes by really just being inept and running away from Castles' opponents. Silas Young's gimmick was that he was a "real man".

Castle and Young would enter into a feud over these "boys". They would have a match with the stipulation being that if Young won the match, he gets the "boys"... he says he'll make them into men (as if this weren't cringe-worthy enough). If Castle wins, than Young becomes one of his "boys". They would go on to feud for months over this crap. Also, even though Young ended up winning the feud, the boys went back with Castle anyway making this whole debacle pointless.

EDIT: I'm dumb, here's the picture.

I liked Rusev, I still do, horrid feud but this:


I mean, I just saw this.

TNA jobbed Storm out hard?
That was me. Sorry, but I found two presumably straight guys (I assume Castle's straight) fighting over two pieces of human furniture dressed up as 15th century Native American drag queens to be pretty fucking ridiculous.

I knew there were fans who liked that but... come on.
Why wouldn't I like that?
That was me. Sorry, but I found two presumably straight guys (I assume Castle's straight) fighting over two pieces of human furniture dressed up as 15th century Native American drag queens to be pretty fucking ridiculous. I knew it wouldn't get any votes but it deserves the nom. Put that ANYWHERE other than ROH and it's going to bomb. I mean seriously compared to that garbage, Rusev/Lana/Ziggler/Rae wasn't even that bad...

I knew there were fans who liked that but... come on.

It fit the gimmick of Castle perfectly and was rightly played up for laughs as Castle is over huge in the company and was even able to get over a heel that was dead in the water because of it. While the Rusev/Lana/Ziggler/Summer angle killed all four to the point where anyone in their vicinity dies a slow death as well (poor Breeze).
Rusev went from a monster on a tank to a crybaby pussy bitch so that gets my vote

I haven't seen the Young/Castle or Storm/James angles so i can't really vote or those
That love-rectangle angle was really something, wasn't it? Looking back, I think the only person that benefited from it was Summer Rae. She found a reason to be on TV, did her thing, delivered a few promos, got into catfights, and moved straight on to ravish another star after dumping Ziggler. But for the main three characters, it was a disaster. I guess the couple's kayfabe blunder of getting engaged while the angle was still going on, helped immensely in preventing it from carrying on any further. This angle earned my disapproval.

In Roman's case, the blunder was from WWE's end, and i'm just so glad that the fans made it clear that they're not buying this shit. I love Roman, but the fans booing him out was the highlight of this angle.
Mickie James and choo choo muhfuka was also pretty bad, but I have a soft spot for Mickie. I can't vote for her.
Thankfully, Taker and Kane didn't stay kidnapped for too long, or it could get quite boring with just Wyatt's promos carrying the feud.
Cena-Stewart and Paige-David didn't bother me much. Jon Stewart forgetting the script and throwing away the chair after hitting Cena, was pretty funny though. I have no clue about the seventh option.
I was trying to imply that you would have liked it more had there been a gay participant in that feud. Hence the *sizzle*. Maybe I should have said BAZINGA?

No, you should have said:

Why wouldn't I like that?

Because they were fighting over the two pieces of human furniture dressed up as 15th century Native American drag queens, Coco, not on them.

And no to "BAZINGA!" Not that it's a bad stinger, it's just that in this case, the use a gay man's catchphrase to drive home a gay joke makes it all miss the mark that much more.
The love thing had its moments but in the end was pretty bad but the UT kidnapping went no where. I'm still not sure if he was kidnapped or just taken to the back to his rental car and sent home.
How in the fuck is the whole Diva's revolution angle not on this list?

Rusev and Lana was just dumb mid card filler; the diva's revolution was a tone deaf push for PR, ruining much of the good will for three potential women's stars, and minimizing everything that made them successful in NXT.
This. Do people even remember the real start of this was the damn #GiveDivasAChance deal? This stupid deal lasted about 9 months and completely undermined NXT and the success of the women.

Also, how is Silas Young vs Dalton Castle here? It was actually interesting for the most part.
Also, how is Silas Young vs Dalton Castle here? It was actually interesting for the most part.

Again, knew a lot of people liked it. Knew it wouldn't get any votes. Still, personally thought it should be nominated due to the fact that if it took place anywhere other than ROH, it would have seriously bombed. Imagine if they did that angle in the WWE? Just my opinion though.
I'm gonna defend OYDK a bit, mostly because he is one of the few posters I don't hate when I have to read through my section while doing mod stuff.

I don't watch ROH regularly enough to know most of their current roster, but I am aware of their fans and the reputation they have. He makes a good point. From what he explained to me about the angle, if you ran it in any promotion outside of ROH it would likely flop. It probably produced a decent match, but replace Young and Castle with Ziggler and Breeze fighting over two effeminate valets, and we would be shitting all over it.
Put it in any other indie fed and it's still a hit.

Put Dalton Castle in the WWE feud and it stands a thin chance of working. Such is the Peacock's appeal. *Edit* Scratch this: Just remembered most fans are scum.

Put it in TNA and we have a dumpster-fire thread on our hands.

Still, what was on TV generally worked. Why play what if? Why nominate based on the burr in your saddle over double standards?

Then again, I used to love doing things just to make a point. Carry on.
I don't think I watched a total of 2 minutes of TNA this past year, but guys, James Storm pushed Mickie James into an oncoming train. Like, even if I didn't see it after the fact, I would still vote for it over these other nominations.

I understand people are upset that Rusev's character got ruined, but guys, listen...

James Storm pushed Mickie James in front of a train.

How could anyone read that and not vote for it? :lmao:
Again, knew a lot of people liked it. Knew it wouldn't get any votes. Still, personally thought it should be nominated due to the fact that if it took place anywhere other than ROH, it would have seriously bombed. Imagine if they did that angle in the WWE? Just my opinion though.
Well yeah. It would bomb in WWE. Because they have an incompetent creative team. Same with TNA. Had it been NXT or LU though, it probably would've had a better ending.
Don't follow TNA or ROH so love triangle for me. Terrible angle to begin with that was plagued by further injuries on every side.
If for nothing else, I really do love the way Summer and Rusev performed in this angle. Like, Lana and Dolph were atrocious. But Summer Rae was actually very good in her role, and RuRu got a chance to show he was more than just the foreigner heel attached to a white girl.

Like, don't get me wrong, this was a bad angle. But there were some fairly decent elements that came out of this angle.

Also, can someone explain why Summer Rae is doing absolutely nothing, most of the time? Why, during this NXT insurgence, are they doing nothing with this woman? She's really athletic, she's a really good heel. I just don't get it. What is wrong with Summer, that they can not use her as anything other than a manager?
Idk guys getting hit by a fucking train sounds worse than some generic love triangle. Sure it weakened Rusev's credibility, but guys. A train. It hit Mickie. She came back a few weeks later. How is that not leading in the poll?
Also, can someone explain why Summer Rae is doing absolutely nothing, most of the time? Why, during this NXT insurgence, are they doing nothing with this woman? She's really athletic, she's a really good heel. I just don't get it. What is wrong with Summer, that they can not use her as anything other than a manager?

They REALLY should send her back down to NXT to reprise her "Queen of NXT" gimmick. Her and Bailey could do good things. (I only suggest this because 1. they clearly dont have faith in her in-ring ability on the MR, and 2. Its too similar to what Charolette should be)

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