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  1. R

    The WWE Universe: Getting the story past the barricade

    Alright, so I was toying with the idea of posting regular reviews in the sticky thread where I evaluated the Raws/Smackdowns for what they were story wise. I felt it would be a different take on the usual match-centric reviews. But I quickly got depressed looking at the storylines and realizing...
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    Ziggler, AJ, and Langston (Face, Heel, Heel?)

    It's easy, really. They're going to use Stephanie for AJ to turn face against. Either Stephanie will overreach in this weird McMahon RAW powerstruggle and AJ will combat against her, or Stephanie will keep yelling about how AJ is a farce of a stereotypical bitch champion and AJ will turn out of...
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    Have to read Absalom, Absalom for class. It's so very very dense. But I'm putting that on the back burner until I'm done studying for this Poetry midterm I have on Thursday. I've been on a kick about real, great American authors lately. I feel like we as a country have been want for them, and...
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    For those of you that are my age...

    High school--->Undergrad--->Grad--->Doctorate--->Tenure I guess I'm in a career then. Just going to take me another 6 years of school to get that doctorate. Can't wait 'til I'm 27.
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    The reason i haven't been here...

    ^^^ In other words, don't be a bitch. Which are really simple, universally applicable, words to live by. Oh, and next time you go from happy off in the morning to yelling at your roommate for leaving his clothes in the washer by the end of the day don't say "Sorry, I've been a little...
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    Stephen King

    Wow, yeah, I'm with Xfear. He should just not even bother. He's been shit since 2000 or so. It's like he stopped trying. Just get the Dark Tower project up and running, and get back to me.
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    Pretty awesome graphic displaying the connection between various cartoon vioces

    1) Jim Henson died on my birthday. Like, I was born on May 16th, 1990 and he died that very day. Talk about a sad day to be born on. 2) Charlotte Pickles also did the voice for Mom and Ndnd on Futurama? Holy hell.
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    WWE Money in the Back 2011: The Aftermath

    Overall amazing. Every match was entertaining at the very least. Money in the Banks were incredible, and I'm incredibly glad that the Cena/Punk actually delivered and didn't just coast on what would obviously be a hot crowd. They brought something else out there. Awesome. If someone in here...
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    The Online Late at Night Thread

    So, uhhh.....that CM Punk thing. Kinda crazy.
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    Well, I was relieved when I heard about it. And thanks to people like Norcal and that team that brought a man to justice. But I also feel sorrow and compassion for that man. Someone died. I can't take joy in a death. A man who hurt our country, killed tens of thousands of others, and...
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    Someone broke rule #3

    Ewwww. McDonald's chicken nuggets suck. The bitch nuggets can't be that much better.
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    Someone broke rule #3

    Wait. Is this where I can say something like "You know, if everyone simply followed the rule of 'Don't be a little bitch nugget' we wouldn't have this problem?" Because I really hope it is.
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    D-Man and IC25's Official NJexus HQ

    Curious. Very curious indeed.
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    The Manic Depressive Corner

    You people with your manic states. Try Bipolar Type II. You get the depression and none of the super fucking crazy happy manic states. Also, I feel I am required to say this. Fuck all of you.
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    I'm extremely bitter today

    I'm bitter and angry today. But my meds are acting up, my service fraternity is getting filled with more and more bitches, and the girl I was seeing for 3 weeks decided to tell me today that we can't actually be together because she has a boyfriend 20 minutes away. And yeah, that's happened to...
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    Dark Knight Rises Casting News

    Lee, I think they're bringing back Oracle, but not Batgirl. At least I hope so. I know I heard somewhere that Bale was absolutely against having Robin anywhere in the films, and I can't really blame him. These latest films were focused more on Batman and how he handles the criminals, not...
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    I'm Gettin' In The Biz

    ^^^^ I mean, there's not much else to say.
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    But...but...I life will be shattered if he's on my screen for 3 minutes singing my own god damn National Anthem.... I see where Xfear is coming from. If he's doing anything but singing the anthem then he's fucked. But, also, he's just doing the National Anthem, right? This will...
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    Major 2.21.2011 update

    I just shit myself.