00's Region Final - HIMYM vs It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Scrubs

How I Met Your Mother vs It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Scrubs

  • How I Met Your Mother

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

  • Scrubs

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

00's Region Finals - How I Met Your Mother vs It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs Scrubs






I voted against Scrubs last round, mainly due to feeling sorry for the competition. Both were great shows that deserved recognition. It seems that HIMYM and Philadelphia drew their match, so now we have a three way to determine the champion sitcom of the New Millennium.

I can see that HIMYM has a huge fan base on this site; however, I am one of those people that have never really been able to get into it. It's sad, a show that has one of my favorite actresses in Alyson Hannigan and I can't get into it.

For me this match is between Philadelphia and Scrubs. After much thought, I decided to go with Scrubs. I haven't seen the majority of ASIP, but the episodes I have watched have all been great. My personal favorite being the episode where they spoofed Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. You can imagine my enjoyment when I showed my mother (whose a huge fan of EM: Home edition) the episode.

Scrubs has way to many classic moments to count, each character (even minor one's) has become popular enough to establish their own institutions. This reason puts it over ASIP in my book; maybe it's because I've watched many more episodes and remember more moments in Scrubs than I do ASIP, but whatever the reasoning, Scrubs just takes this for me.
Wow, I never thought It's sunny in Philedalphia would make it this far, thus making this match for me between Scrubs and HIMYM.

Scrubs is a great show, has a great feel to it. It's funny as fuck. The cast works well together, you would never be like "wow that seems so unrealistic". It doesn't dribble on the same thing for 10 years. So really can you get sick of this show? No you cant. I could possibly watch it all day, and in any other match up I would vote for it.

But it just simply doesn't have a great charatcer like NPH. NPH makes the show of HIMYM, even tho it has a great cast outside of him, he still makes that show really funny. You just gotta love him. Gay in real life and he puts on the best acts with girls. I don't care if you say it's scripted. There is no other way you could get a gay dude to play as well as he does with woman. Great chemistry for this cast as well, has a great storyline with one of the best comedys.

Sorry but Neil Patrick Harris takes it for me. BTW no offence to homosexuals out there.
With me growing up in the 2000s this is a match between all 3 of my favorite shows.

Scrubs, I love this show has an awesome cast and found the perfect blend of drama and comedy. It might be in its dying season but I will always love Scrubs but I'm not voting for it.

Sunny, after hearing the love of this show in this tournament I got the 1st season and it became one of my favorites. It has awesome storylines and it's funny how every one of the main characters is a douche. The basketball scene is one of my favorite scenes ever, but I have not seen enough to vote it over my pick.

HIMYM, I watched this show from the 1st season and have watched every episode since. HIMYM has the best characters ever and classic episodes. From "The Naked Man" to all of the slap bet episodes, HIMYM continues to deliver just doing their 100th episode with an awesome song by NPH. There is no way I can pick any of the others with my man love with that show and the awesome character that is... Marshal, my favorite character by far because I can relate to him so much.
Not HIMYM, what is that shit? It ain't getting my vote.

So it comes down to Scrubs v. Sunny in the finals. I went with Scrubs here, as it's the show I'm way more attatched to, or something like that. I've likely seen every episode of Scrubs, at least before that bastard Kim got involved. Fantastic show. Tons of great characters (JD, Turk, Todd, Ted, Dr. Cox, Janitor, etc.) There aren't many episodes that I don't really like. I suppose the Wizard of Oz one is my favorite, if I was forced to ask.

Sunny is funny as hell, but only 1 show can win here, and for me, Scrubs is the easy choice.
But it just simply doesn't have a great charatcer like NPH.

What the hell version of Scrubs have you been watching? Doctor Cox pawns Barney so easily he doesn't even have to try. Infact so does The Janitor and I'd say Bob Kelso as well. Barney is the most unoriginal character on American TV and isn't even the best thing in that show.
But it just simply doesn't have a great charatcer like NPH. NPH makes the show of HIMYM, even tho it has a great cast outside of him, he still makes that show really funny. You just gotta love him. Gay in real life and he puts on the best acts with girls. I don't care if you say it's scripted. There is no other way you could get a gay dude to play as well as he does with woman. Great chemistry for this cast as well, has a great storyline with one of the best comedys.

How does the success of one character justify the success of a show? Especially when that show is up against a competitor that has seen a bulk of their characters become so popular that many of them, even one off secondary characters, have their own institutions.

Barney Stinson is just one character, his popularity as whole does not outweigh the credibility and depths of Dr. Dorian, Dr. Reid, Dr. Cox, Turk, Carla, the Janitor, Dr. Kelso; some examples of the more popular characters on Scrubs. Each one of them having established a significant following with their fans though the ample amount of characterization displayed on the show.

Scrubs is also one of those shows in which the episodes move through, and are built around the personalities of the characters involved. Unlike HIMYM, where the characters are just placed in events that center around the plots of each episode. Philadelphia is the same way.

Scrubs is the clear choice if characterization, development, and depth are a deciding factor for a vote.
How does the success of one character justify the success of a show?

It just shows how much of a compelling character Barney is, most people I know find Barney to be the most enjoyable part of the show. Scrubs has great characters no doubt about it but they have several, if one wasn't up to scratch you could count on another to make it interesting, Barney has been consistently interesting since day one, it just goes to show the popularity of a character can do wonders for a show
It just shows how much of a compelling character Barney is, most people I know find Barney to be the most enjoyable part of the show. Scrubs has great characters no doubt about it but they have several, if one wasn't up to scratch you could count on another to make it interesting, Barney has been consistently interesting since day one, it just goes to show the popularity of a character can do wonders for a show

But just because Barney is a popular and entertaining character doesn't make the rest of the cast just as popular and entertaining. My point was all of the main characters on Scrubs are popular and entertaining as individuals, as well as in pairs. If the hand of a divine where to pluck Barney out of HIMYM, the show would become shit, because Barney is the life of the show, right?

If the same divine took Dr.Cox or Dr. Dorian out of Scrubs, the show would still be able to function because all of the main characters are popular and entertaining to watch.
But just because Barney is a popular and entertaining character doesn't make the rest of the cast just as popular and entertaining. My point was all of the main characters on Scrubs are popular and entertaining as individuals, as well as in pairs. If the hand of a divine where to pluck Barney out of HIMYM, the show would become shit, because Barney is the life of the show, right?

If the same divine took Dr.Cox or Dr. Dorian out of Scrubs, the show would still be able to function because all of the main characters are popular and entertaining to watch.

I see your point. However I feel Scrubs has suffered in its latest season with JD and Elliot only having sparodic appearnces. I feel they're trying to rehash the first season with the new interns.

HIMYM on the other hand progresses still without any noticeable forcefullness, yes Barney is the most interesting character but Ted and Marshall etc can still make an interesting story
I see your point. However I feel Scrubs has suffered in its latest season with JD and Elliot only having sparodic appearnces. I feel they're trying to rehash the first season with the new interns.

HIMYM on the other hand progresses still without any noticeable forcefullness, yes Barney is the most interesting character but Ted and Marshall etc can still make an interesting story

A battle of a difference of opinions will get us nowhere, and I'm not about to bust out any ratings because that would be just stupid.

Most of my vote goes to the show I find more entertaining. For matches where I find both shows entertaining, I analyze both shows. I look at the characterization, substance of the storyline, and depthness of plot.

I wasn't able to get into HIMYM because there weren't any hooks that caught my interest; I felt the personality of the characters were dull, and that comedy focused too much on situational irony than it did on reality. Scrubs had plenty on hooks, which is why I kept watching past the first season.
As much as I would Love to vote for HIMYM I cant because Scrubs is a better show. HIMYM is entertaining and funny. But Scrubs has both of those qualities but Scrubs pushes boundaries thats why my vote goes to Scrubs.
What the hell version of Scrubs have you been watching? Doctor Cox pawns Barney so easily he doesn't even have to try. Infact so does The Janitor and I'd say Bob Kelso as well. Barney is the most unoriginal character on American TV and isn't even the best thing in that show.

Doctor Cox does not beat Barney in any way. I have a question for you what version of HIMYM have you been watching, I am sure alot of people agree that Barney is one of the best if not the best characters right now.

How does the success of one character justify the success of a show?

I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant that the show is great, but Barney takes that show to the next level. Alot of people agree with me that Marshall ( Jason Segel) as really risen as a character since the start of the show, and is quickly becoming a favourite. Lily (Alyson hannigan) also is a great asset to the show. Together her a and Jason become and very good funny duo. Jason Radnor ( Ted) is also becoming great.

Barney Stinson is just one character, his popularity as whole does not outweigh the credibility and depths of Dr. Dorian, Dr. Reid, Dr. Cox, Turk, Carla, the Janitor, Dr. Kelso; some examples of the more popular characters on Scrubs. Each one of them having established a significant following with their fans though the ample amount of characterization displayed on the show.

I never said he did, but I think the cast of HIMYM does definately give Scrubs a run for it's money.

Scrubs is also one of those shows in which the episodes move through, and are built around the personalities of the characters involved. Unlike HIMYM, where the characters are just placed in events that center around the plots of each episode.

I have to disagree with two things there, first of all HIMYM does go through plots, but it also shows the personality and there traits and shit through some episodes for example, You find out about Marshall through a episode during season 1 where him and Lily go back to Minnesota for thanks giving. You find out alot through Marshall and that follows him through the next 4 seasons and it continues to build.

I also disagree that you should just vote on a show because of Personalties of the character, i know you prolly think it's just a good show overall, but you have to take into account of Storylines, duration etc etc. I think, in my opinion Scrubs played out a bit long. But thats just my Opinion.
I also disagree that you should just vote on a show because of Personalties of the character, i know you prolly think it's just a good show overall, but you have to take into account of Storylines, duration etc etc. I think, in my opinion Scrubs played out a bit long. But thats just my Opinion.

This is the type of tournament where voters are going to vote for the option representing the show that they find to be more entertaining, not necessarily the absolute better show.

If we were basing this tournament purely on shows that were considered the 'best', then only the shows with longevity, Oscar wins and nominations, and critical acclaim would have made it this far (None of the choices above would have made it; instead, shows like Friends, Frasier, and Seinfeld would have been here.)

This tournament is a popularity contest, so technically there is no right or wrong answer. The method of voting I described, pertaining to storylines and characterization, is merely the coin toss to decide between two favorable shows.

If I knew more about HIMYM, I would definately debate with you properly
I have to go for Scrubs in this final. It is a very tough choice for me but after watching all of the shows right through to their current episode, I have to say that Scrubs is by far the one that I liked the most. I have voted for How I Met Your Mother and It's Always Sunny up until now but I have to go for Scrubs. The fact of the matter is that I have loved Scrubs since the very first episode and it has become compulsive viewing to me. The characters are brilliant and some of the best and most comedic acting has been displayed on this show. It also has a character depth that is unsurpassed, except by probably The Simpsons, which all adds to how good it can be.

HIMYM and It's Always Sunny are fabulous shows and I have loved them too. Scrubs in on another level though and I think that it will probably win the entire thing.
Although I'm resigned to the fact that Sunny's run ends here, you people nonetheless wound me. All I see here are lame-ass excuses for why Sunny loses: oh, I can't connect with it like I do with these other shows, so I'm not voting for it. Is anyone here an intern? Or, is anyone here happily married or a successful architect? What happened with liking comedy that you could connect with and that made light of an otherwise miserable existence?

Based on the way people are voting here, Scrubs has to be one of the most overrated shows ever made. Besides being cheesy as shit, it stars (or did star) one of the biggest crossover duds in recent TV history; Zach Braff made one good film (Garden State) and followed it up with two of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever had the misfortune of seeing (The Ex and The Last Kiss). Where is he now? Why did he quit Scrubs along with that fugly blond chick (they'll never amount to anything outside of this show, so they might as well have gotten one more sizable paycheck this season)? Who knows?

Anyway, I'm sitting here with my dignity intact. Why? Because, unlike you, I didn't vote for bland, generic, and trite comedy.
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