A Solo X-23 Film?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
It's pretty much a given that we'll be seeing Logan actress Dafne Keen reprise the role of Laura/X-23 at some point, but it may not be in the capacity most fans would expect. It was generally assumed that 20th Century Fox would now come up with a way to reintroduce the character as part of either X-Force or The New Mutants, but it sounds like the studio has other plans.

During an interview with IGN, producer Hutch Parker suggested that any current conversations regarding Laura are leaning more towards a solo adventure for the ferocious young mutant:

"Yeah, I mean, look -- I don't know definitively, but in terms of the stuff we've been talking about, it's not sort of slipping her into the background of another movie. It's looking at that character, which is a great character and has a pretty interesting run within the comics, to find a story that we think she could carry or certainly be kind of majorly significant within.

That's the only kind of thing that Jim as a storyteller, a filmmaker… that's the way his sort of process works. And the way his mind works in terms of what he would aspire to. Which isn’t to say that the studio couldn’t have a conversation about something else, but the one that we've been kind of discussing loosely and kicking around is more likely to be its own film."

Does this mean we'll see X-23 continue her journey post Logan? One would assume the ultimate goal is to eventually find a way to sync up the timelines and have Laura be a part of the main X-Men saga, but who knows - perhaps the studio is happy to hold off on that for the time being and follow her adventures in 2029 for a while longer.


Dafne Keen did a good job in Logan, but I'm not 100% sold on a solo film. Keen had Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart in Logan, but now you're basically asking her to carry the movie as the main character.

A solo X-23 film sounds good on paper. If it happens and the movie is successful, Dafne Keen and more sequels and appearances could add something fresh to the superhero genre. But after the big positive reaction and all the praise after Logan, too much hype and living up to expectations could be a problem, if they're planning on making more than one film with X-23.

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