Actors & Actresses Who You Would Like To See On Screen Together


Getting Noticed By Management
So we all have our favorite actor or actors. We usually have multiple actors that we like. And often what happens is we want these actors to star in a movie together. They are our dream team. That’s what this thread is about. What is your dream team?

What are dream teams you would like to see?
Two stars or more that you would love to see star in a movie together?

Will Farrell and Jim Carrey-Their chemistry is great together. Their SNL skits are classic. Just think if they had a movie together.

Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller-I would like to see Ben Stiller’s character from Dodgeball with any of Adam Sandler’s Character’s from Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, or Big Daddy. That would be entertaining.

Steve Carrell and Jim Carrey-They seem to have a lot of respect for each. At least it seems like it in interviews they have. I think a movie together would be great. I know they did Horton Hears a Who. But I’m looking for a movie for the older audience.

Steve Carrell and Will Farrell-I would just like to see a movie with these two. I don’t why but I just always wanted to see these two together.

Will Smith and Tom Cruise-Tom Cruise said in an interview once that a person he wants to star in a movie with is Will Smith. I thought that was a good idea. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Matt Damon and Mark Walhberg-They did the departed together. But I don’t think there or don’t remember to much interaction between the two. I want to see a detective/police movie with these two.

Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis-Someone mention Lethal Weapon vs. Die Hard. My thoughts exactly. Would be great together.
Tom Hanks and Mel Gibson-I think if they did a war movie or some type of history movie together it would be great.

The next one is a mega Movie. It involves two Kliqs in the Movie business.

Vince Vaughn
Ben Stiller
Will Farrell
Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson
Jack Black


Adam Sandler
Chris Rock
David Spade
Rob Sneider(sp.)
Kevin James.

Two of the more known Kliques in the Movie Industry. At least that I know of. This is why I want to see them together.

If I get in trouble for doing this thread again I'll take any infraction or anything.
There are plenty of big name actors and actresses out there, and I'm sure a lot of us would like to see them team up on screen together. Here are some of the people who I would like to see work together:

Leonardo DiCpario & John Malkovich- I would like to see these two in a suspense/crime thriller. John Malkovich would be the villain of course, and Leo would play a cop or detective. Malkovich can do an awesome job at playing a bad guy, and Leo always brings a great amount of intensity.

Denzel Washington & Will Smith Why hasn't this happened yet? I'm sure Will and Denzel would draw huge numbers at the box office. I would like to see these two in a drama film. Denzel can captivate and audience with his performances, and Smith has great range. I would like to see these two play brothers who are caught up in a dysfunctional family. Smith could be the good brother, and Denzel could be the evil/selfish brother who is tearing the family apart. Yeah, I know that doesn't sound to great, but this is all I can come up with at the moment.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman & George Clooney Hoffman would play a creepy serial killer who keeps slipping through the fingers of the law. Hoffman would be GREAT playing a role like this, because he can be very creepy and weird on camera. Clooney would play the smart and crafty cop or detective who pulls out all the stops to catch him.

Jack Nicholson & Sandra Bullock I would love to see these two in comedy film. Nicholson would play an old and grumpy boss of a movie studio. Bullock would play a new employee who can't seem to grasp anything, and Jack would be sure to make her life a living hell.

Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, & Johnny Depp Yeah, I know this sounds like a weird combination, but I think these three would be great in a fantasy/action film. I know a lot of people will probably bring up the piece of shit that was Aeon Flux, but Theron performance wasn't bad in that movie. Everything else that surrounded her was terrible. We've all seen how entertaining Depp can be as Captain Jack Sparrow, and Angelina seems to be involved in more action films these days. Depp, Theron, and Jolie would all be on the same team as the good guys. This would be such an awesome dream team, but at the same time, if this ever were to happen, I'm sure Hollywood would ruin everything by throwing in a story filled with cliches and a bunch of over the top special effects.

We'll those are my dream teams. What are yours?
So you must have read my first dream team thread.:) Anyway I did another thread too. I'll post in your thread too. Here's mine.

Will Farrell and Jim Carrey-Their chemistry is great together. Their SNL skits are classic. Just think if they had a movie together.

Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller-I would like to see Ben Stiller’s character from Dodgeball with any of Adam Sandler’s Character’s from Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, or Big Daddy. That would be entertaining.

Steve Carrell and Jim Carrey-They seem to have a lot of respect for each. At least it seems like it in interviews they have. I think a movie together would be great. I know they did Horton Hears a Who. But I’m looking for a movie for the older audience.

Steve Carrell and Will Farrell-I would just like to see a movie with these two. I don’t why but I just always wanted to see these two together.

Will Smith and Tom Cruise-Tom Cruise said in an interview once that a person he wants to star in a movie with is Will Smith. I thought that was a good idea. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Matt Damon and Mark Walhberg-They did the departed together. But I don’t think there or don’t remember to much interaction between the two. I want to see a detective/police movie with these two.

Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis-Someone mention Lethal Weapon vs. Die Hard. My thoughts exactly. Would be great together.
Tom Hanks and Mel Gibson-I think if they did a war movie or some type of history movie together it would be great.

The next one is a mega Movie. It involves two Kliqs in the Movie business.

Vince Vaughn
Ben Stiller
Will Farrell
Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson
Jack Black


Adam Sandler
Chris Rock
David Spade
Rob Sneider(sp.)
Kevin James.

Two of the more known Kliques in the Movie Industry. At least that I know of. This is why I want to see them together.
actually I'm just posting that one I didn't even think of, but from the previews I've seen looks like it is a great dream team, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren in RED, I didn't think of it, but damn if I'm not intrigued by it, wouldn't mind John in a witty thriller with Johnny Depp in some way either
I've always wanted to see a remake of Butch Cassidy & The Sun Dance Kid but with George Clooney and Brad Pitt because, honestly, they have that air of cool about them that Redford and Newman had in the original!

Also like to see a proper geezer film with Ray Winstone and Danny Dyer in it.

and a proper Stallone/Arnie/Willis film instead of the expendables.

Oh, and anything that stars Chuck Norris with The Hoff & Mr T
Jean Claude Van Damme & Wesley Snipes - Both guys are no longer mainstream, they star in straight to DVD fight movies, what better straight to DVD fighting action movie can you get better than a film starring these two together? They're both kickass fighters, built. Jean Claude is a white Wesley Snipes and Wesley is a black Jean Claude. I would've included Steven Seagal in this but he's out of shape now.

Arnie & Stallone - The two ultimate action stars of yesterday. Rambo vs. The Terminator, nuff said.

Jet Li & Tony Jaa - Normally I would say Bruce Lee vs. Jackie Chan or Jackie vs. Jet Li but Jackie & Jet Li have already been in a movie together, Bruce is dead but Jackie was an extra in Enter The Dragon and Tony's style doesnt really match up with Jackie or Bruce. Tony is a bone breaking high flying martial artist which Jet Li has been at times in his career, so this would be an awesome fight to see.

Jean Claude & Jackie Chan - Jackie & Jean Claude were set to be in Rush Hour 3, also it would be interesting to see how a American martial artist matches up with a Chinese martial artist.

Will Smith & Denzel Washington - I never actually thought about this combo till I saw that one guy few posts above me mention it and it would be a great combo simply for the reason he stated.

The Rock & Stone Cold - They have great chemistry in the ring together, so why not for a movie?

Stone Cold & Goldberg - Two bald guys once considered a dream match going at it in a action movie, would be interesting to see.

Jean Claude, Rob Van Dam, John Morrison - Jean Claude & Rob are alike in so many ways. Fight style, looks, you name it. Also Morrison impressed so much with his athleticism on his match with Sheamus on Raw, I believe he could make a great fight/action movie with one of these two or both.

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