All Elite Wrestling Question

At this point, exist. I will gladly get behind any company that has the potential to shake up the status quo right now. DoN was a great show, probably the second best card I've seen so far this year only after Wrestle Kingdom, and based on the card I have high hopes for Fyter Fest as well. They've certainly done a couple of questionable things like having different prices for shows depending on the market it's airing in, but nothing I've been bothered enough by to turn me away, and the good far outweighs the bad.

My only real hope right now is that they continue to do a good job showcasing all the various types of wrestling out there. Particularly the joshi and tag team stuff which always seem to get left to the side when it comes to the front and center focal points.
Right now, i'm waiting to see how they do with their tv show before judging them because i feel it's one thing to produce a great show once a month, it's another to produce a great show every week especially when you go live every week. So for now, i'm not going to tune in to any of their show until october because i can't have a good idea of what the product will look like until they became a real promotion in the fall instead of just a upstart trying to get a foothole in the industry

So the question was what will it take for me to watch every week and buy ppv. Give me a product that i won't get bored every week. Give me something that's completly different from wwe. Treat this like a serious product and don't use "outlaw mud show" wrestlers and do stupid comedy spots during the matches. If after a few months, the product is good enough to keep me watching every week, which is really hard as i don't watch a lot of wrestling as it is, then maybe i will considered buying ppv if they are affordable.
I want them to listen to the fans somewhat and don't have the WWE/McMahon attitude of "WE KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU SO WE WILL JUST KEEP RAMMING THAT DOWN YOUR THROATS!"
I truly believe that AEW can and will deliver better storylines that will get fans more emotionally attached to their favourite wrestlers or vice versa hates other wrestlers more.
Right now, i'm waiting to see how they do with their tv show before judging them because i feel it's one thing to produce a great show once a month, it's another to produce a great show every week especially when you go live every week. So for now, i'm not going to tune in to any of their show until october because i can't have a good idea of what the product will look like until they became a real promotion in the fall instead of just a upstart trying to get a foothole in the industry

So the question was what will it take for me to watch every week and buy ppv. Give me a product that i won't get bored every week. Give me something that's completly different from wwe. Treat this like a serious product and don't use "outlaw mud show" wrestlers and do stupid comedy spots during the matches. If after a few months, the product is good enough to keep me watching every week, which is really hard as i don't watch a lot of wrestling as it is, then maybe i will considered buying ppv if they are affordable.

"comedy spots"

Funny how many of the same people praising AEW and saying that WWE has done anything good for years, laugh and carry on with the New day, who do comedy spots all the time.

This is why a lot of wrestling fans are ungrateful. They demand that Vince push Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston. Vince responds by putting the belt on both of them, and then giving them heaps of TV time, including constantly being wildcards, so that they appear on both brands.

Yet you get what you wanted, and then still say that a fledging company, who has done ONE show, offers more than a larger wrestling company who actually LISTENED to the fans at Wrestlemania, and gave them what they wanted.

You AEW try-hards should piss off, and follow your pool-hall company. But don't come crawling back when it fails, and Vince buys its trademarks and wrestlers' contracts. I can't wait to see the tears in the eyes of people on here, when you see that no company will ever end WWE, not the old ECW, not ROH, not TNA and certainly not AEW.

Dusty would be rolling in his grave to see how foolishly Cody has spent his inheritance money.
So why did you quote me exactly? Really dude, i agree with you 100% and i'm a wwe fans through and through.

They're place for more then one company in wrestling. I will never stop watching wwe no matter what because i grew up on it and love most of it, even stuff that most fans hate like corbin's major push and shane being all over tv. But at the same time that wasn't the question.

The question was what would make me watch AEW on a weekly bases and my response was that you needed to be the exact opposite of WWE in every way. DOUBLE OR NOTHING was a horrible ppv on that aspect, between the battle royal which was way to complicated to a TNA/russo level with way to much comedy in it. To commentators that didn't belong with jim ross on the commentary booth, the whole thing was a complete debacle and was saved by the cody/dustin match. Everything was on a wwe or lower level and they need to improve that if they want me to put them on my viewing schedule every week along side the occasional viewing of impact and my regular raw anf smackdown viewing.

Fans can love more then one product and it doesn't mean that they will leave watching wwe to go watch aew. I'm not going anywhere as far as wwe is concern. It's been my brand that i watch for 30 plus years and that will nevervchange, but i'm ready to give AEW a chance, just like i did WCW back in the days and i did TNA.
Get people I actually want to watch. Cody and The Bucks don’t interest me, neither do Jericho at 50 or Ambrose. Right now I accepted wrestling isn’t going to be as good as back in the day and just watch WWE more out of habit.
I want them to listen to the fans somewhat and don't have the WWE/McMahon attitude of "WE KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU SO WE WILL JUST KEEP RAMMING THAT DOWN YOUR THROATS!"
I truly believe that AEW can and will deliver better storylines that will get fans more emotionally attached to their favourite wrestlers or vice versa hates other wrestlers more.

Yet in the last year alone, WWE gave up and Push both Becky Lynch and Kofi Kingston, 2 stars they had no plans of pushing to the top like they did but they listen to the fans and gave them what they want. Sure now, they over exposed the shit out of them but at less they push people the fans want when they see that money can be made which is how business works.
So why did you quote me exactly? Really dude, i agree with you 100% and i'm a wwe fans through and through.

They're place for more then one company in wrestling. I will never stop watching wwe no matter what because i grew up on it and love most of it, even stuff that most fans hate like corbin's major push and shane being all over tv. But at the same time that wasn't the question.

The question was what would make me watch AEW on a weekly bases and my response was that you needed to be the exact opposite of WWE in every way. DOUBLE OR NOTHING was a horrible ppv on that aspect, between the battle royal which was way to complicated to a TNA/russo level with way to much comedy in it. To commentators that didn't belong with jim ross on the commentary booth, the whole thing was a complete debacle and was saved by the cody/dustin match. Everything was on a wwe or lower level and they need to improve that if they want me to put them on my viewing schedule every week along side the occasional viewing of impact and my regular raw anf smackdown viewing.

Fans can love more then one product and it doesn't mean that they will leave watching wwe to go watch aew. I'm not going anywhere as far as wwe is concern. It's been my brand that i watch for 30 plus years and that will nevervchange, but i'm ready to give AEW a chance, just like i did WCW back in the days and i did TNA.
I agree with you 100% . I'm a wwe fan but I'm optimistic about aew and want it to succeed . I dont understand why some people think you have to pick a side and cant be afan of both . You have the "aew is the future and wwe is dying" vs "those indy Mark's will never come close to wwe and I cant wait to rub it in your facewhen it shuts down" it reminds me why I deleted FB when everything became arguing over politics now its invaded my safe space of wrestling and instead of dem. Vs rep. It aew vs wwe and people argue just as strongly about it
What does AEW have to do to get you tune in every week and buy there PPVs.

Honestly...not much. The interest is already there. I want to see something different than WWE. All In and Double or Nothing were great in my honest opinion. I will say the PPV price seems a little bit too much but I'm also aware that im im probably just got used to the luxery of the WWE Network where I can get everything for only $9.99 lol.
Blow jobs or cash or some combination of blow jobs and cash.

I'm not paying for AEW. I only pay and watch about three or four WWE PPVs a year at the $10 price point. I'll watch AEW when they are on cable here and there but it is hard to devote any more time to pro wrestling. Kenny Omega is the most appealing piece of their product and I'm not sure if he can separate himself from the AJs, Bryans, Rollins, and Ireland's favorite son Rick O'Sheas of WWE. Plus I don't see much of a line up for him to face.
Hopefully they learned the lesson from TNA. Keep the product exciting and fresh and don't recycle all the "older" WWE talent when it becomes available. TNA had a pretty good thing going until the Bischoff, Hogan, etc.. days. AEW will probably never truly challenge WWE the way WCW did back in the day but they can surely have a lane of their own in the expanding wrestling fan base if they stick to these principles for sure. Having Jericho will bring in the casual fan to the party to.
Are this point, all I (and hopefully everyone else) want is for AEW to be good enough to back WWE against the wall (just like WCW did from 96-98) and make WWE give us their best product. I haven’t watched WWE for years but now that they have competition I might start tuning in again. I don’t see why we can’t be a fan of both. Back during the Monday Night Wars era, I was a fan of both the WW(F) and WCW (as well as ECW). Each promotion gave me something different from the other.
I don't let fans influence my overall enjoyment of things. If I did, I wouldn't watch anything. People are assholes in every fandom, including (fuck, ESPECIALLY) WWE. How people are so quick to defend a product that has been bad for ages just because a few guys are excited for AEW is beyond me but then again we've always been a whiny bunch.

I'm giving AEW a chance because they already seem to have some variety to their events. This is a step up from WWE's sameness. That and they don't have Baron Corbin.
I'll watch it for a couple of weeks and just see if there is anything that interests me to keep watching.

What I would like to see is new stars created and something different to WWE, like how TNA was many moons ago.
Nothing I'm already all in(bad pun). Its not WWE, which outside of Mania weekend I have stayed far away from since putting the belt back on Brock last year. I am excited to see how some of this young talent reacts under the bright lights of major TV
everybody’s gonna watch what they wanna watch whether it’s aew, wwe, tna, japan, roh, we watch it because it’s entertaining right? We watch it for the WRESTLING so if you believe WWE has better wrestling then watch that, if you believe AEW has better wrestling then watch that, no ones ramming anything “down your throat” no ones forcing you watch any wrestling show at all? We watch it because we enjoy it? Can’t there be lots of different company’s of wrestling just like there is of mobile phones or football teams? They all still exist and are relevant and different people like them? Why can’t WRESTLING be the same ‍♂️
My last post got removed for being too honest. (And you wonder why people are leaving for Steel Cage forums..) So I'll just post this. Two reasons:
1. The fans
2. Nya Rose

Those are the two reasons why I will not watch AEW.
Suck it SJW's!
Another thing that bugs me with AEW right now is their hiring practice. I don't know if they really know what they are doing when it come to hiring performers. It's like they just want to give their friends and family a job and instead of actually trying to get the best talent for the company. Also, for a company that the whole motto is that were going to give everybody a chance to shine, they do like to put the spotlight on the boss. Cody, omega, the bucks and brandi have been the focus all the company since the beginning, their friends are put in major positions on the card. The women's division is a really joke right now and we as fans are suppose to believe that they are different to wwe.

Also they talk about how when they start on tnt in october, the booking of the show won't be like wwe and performers will have more freedom and the creative will change if the fans don't like the story. They are in for a rude awakening, at some point they will have the same problem that wwe as and will be control by the sponsors because sadly, the sports, especially on a certain level, is control by the sponsors. If you want to do real money and actually be a huge success, you need sponsors and creative will be affected by that aspect.
You don't know anything. Cody is a genius. Why do you think he knew to leave WWE? I bet within 18 months, AEW will put WWE out of business and I will be glad when they do. That way they can fire Roman Reigns and he can go manage a women's gym, it's all he is qualified to do.
You don't know anything. Cody is a genius. Why do you think he knew to leave WWE? I bet within 18 months, AEW will put WWE out of business and I will be glad when they do. That way they can fire Roman Reigns and he can go manage a women's gym, it's all he is qualified to do.

I really hope your being sarcastic here because if not, you're probably the most dillusional guy on this board. AEW WILL NOT put WWe out of business, in fact at this point in the game, nobody really can put them out of business except if Vince decide to close it up itself because WWE is way to big of a company and have experience business man that knows everything about how to make a company profitable. Just look at the last quarterly reports if you don'T believe me. They made money even through the popularity went down. So WWE isn't even close to being shut down.

As far as Cody is concern, Yeah he's smart, he was able to reinvented himself on the indy scene and become a bigger name because of it, what i'm questioning here is the other guys in the equation. The Bucks and Omega, guys that i feel don't get what Pro wrestling is all about and would rather put themselves over and get a pop from the fans all in the name of ''the art'' then actually do take their job seriously. They want to be considered like a serious product similar to what wrestling use to be back during Dusty's era of wrestling, yet you get every crappy indy comedy spots you can think off on their show, Joey ''jelly'' janella is on the roster which is a problem in itself. You got a guy putting baby oil all over himself to get out of holds. You got a crappy gimmicks like the liberians on the undercard that would make the ding dongs look like a credible tag team. Brandi Rhodes is wrestling and the main focus of the women's division and can't decide if she's a heel or a babyface. The women's division as a whole is the worst in the wrestling world by far, even IMPACT as a better Women's division then AEW at this point. They hired a bunch of wrestlers for 2 simple reason, 1. Because they are their friends and they wanted them too get a nice pay day and 2. Because of who they are as far as minorities are concern. The only smart hired they did since the beginning is Jericho and Moxley outside of that, it's pretty much the leftover of the wrestling world that they got under contract right now and Tony kahn is wasting a ton of money on wrestlers they won't get over with a casual wrestling crowd because they are too focus on pleasing the IWC right now.

I'm not saying they won't be a success, because i hope they will but come october when the first show aired on TNT, they need to be smarter with their product then what they did as of now because if the TNT show is as bad as their last 2 b level PPV they produce, Vince will crush them within 3 years.
Full disclosure: other than a few matches / segments on YouTube, I've seen essentially nothing of AEW. Though I am familiar with quite a few of their talents on the roster (Cody, Young Bucks, Omega, Awesome Kong, Mox/Ambrose, etc.), I've not purchased any of their PPV's or even watched an entire show. I am looking forward to the TNT show debut in October and, for all intents and purposes, I will be going in fresh with no preconceived expectations.

IRTT: AEW has to do nothing more (or perhaps more precisely, less) than put on consistently entertaining television week-to-week. I'm personally looking for a concise, serial/episodic wrestling program that by each show's end has at least one character/angle/storyline that makes me want to tune in the following week to find out "what happens next." In my view, this is where WWE has missed the mark far more than it has hit it (especially in recent years) and consistency to the aforementioned formula would likely make me an instant fan of the brand.

As far as any comments regarding AEW putting WWE out of business in short order, that line of thinking is delusional at best and trolling at worst. WWE has grown into a global media juggernaut that has fought for literally decades to get the mainstream exposure the company currently enjoys now. Through many, many years and an incredibly uphill battle, the company is now a permanent fixture in pop culture and is (finally) taken seriously by other entertainment media outlets. This is critically important because it wasn't too long ago that wrestling was still relegated to that "fake thing that Hulk Hogan does."

As far as any perceived (or actual) nepotism in AEW goes, none of that will really matter as long as they are putting out a consistently good show and steadily gaining traction, first among the wrestling fanbase and then (hopefully) mainstream viewers. Obviously, AEW has a long way to go before achieving even the former, let alone the latter. The opportunity to do it is there, but not if they (or their investors) find themselves chasing the overnight rating week to week, changing characters/angles/storylines on the fly like TNA/Impact did during their last good run, or generally taking a "what's WWE doing" approach to storytelling. If any of the aforementioned turn out to be true, I fear that AEW will be the latest fatality in a line of "OMG new wrestling companies!!1" that put themselves out of business, let alone what WWE may do once they are truly perceived as legitimate competition to the company.

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