All Elite Wrestling Question

Another thing that bugs me with AEW right now is their hiring practice. I don't know if they really know what they are doing when it come to hiring performers. It's like they just want to give their friends and family a job and instead of actually trying to get the best talent for the company. Also, for a company that the whole motto is that were going to give everybody a chance to shine, they do like to put the spotlight on the boss. Cody, omega, the bucks and brandi have been the focus all the company since the beginning, their friends are put in major positions on the card. The women's division is a really joke right now and we as fans are suppose to believe that they are different to wwe.

Also they talk about how when they start on tnt in october, the booking of the show won't be like wwe and performers will have more freedom and the creative will change if the fans don't like the story. They are in for a rude awakening, at some point they will have the same problem that wwe as and will be control by the sponsors because sadly, the sports, especially on a certain level, is control by the sponsors. If you want to do real money and actually be a huge success, you need sponsors and creative will be affected by that aspect.

They're hiring some of the most over names on the indie scene, then again I shouldn't expect a WWE fanboy to know anything about anybody outside of the company. Cody put over Allin, Speares and soon Sammy Guevara on the first episode of the show. Young Bucks have continuously been putting over the Lucha Dragons. Maybe just stick to posting about stuff you actually know something about...
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That exactly the problem, they don't care about getting casual fans or wwe fanboys like you mention to watch they're product, they only care about indy fans to watch, which will be their downfall in the long run. Cody, should be wrestling top guys so to attract fans that don't know the indy product. He the closest to a draw they have right now and they should use that to their advantage

Sorry to burst your bubble, but to casual fans, the bucks, omega and everybody else you mention aren't draws. That's not me being a wwe fanboy like you mention, that's me being realist. Go ask anybody that doesn't follow wrestling like we do and nobody knows these guys and that's where lie the problem. You need to get them over and the way you do that is to put them on a show where there something that will attract them to watch. Nothing against sammy guevara, he's probably a great talent i don't know since i never saw him wrestled but when they announce that match with cody for the first show, a couple of things came into my mind.

First, why is this match happening. This look like cody facing a jobber and will lead to somebody interefering.

Then i just thought who will this match attract to the program? Outside of indy fans that knows theses guys nobody will tune in to see this match because sammy doesn't look like a star and casual fans will think like me and see it as a jobber match. So if cody as a problem winning against sammy, just like he did with allin, that hurt cody momemtum as a draw because he should be able to get through them quicker then that.

Nothing against them but while i'm all for them booking for a their indy fanbase for the time being, you need to grow your audience, especially if you're on major cable network and dealing with sponsors and it's not by booking for the IWC that you will do that. It's by going with to get characters that will attract people to watch the show and that's not being a wwe fanboy, that being somebody that followed wrestling for a long time and understanding how the business side works which seem to be a problem with a lot of the IWC.

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