All Stars 2 Application Thread

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Have fun.

Wrestler Application
Sample Pic:
Entrance Music:
Entrance Description:
Finisher (1):
Finishing Sequence:
Signatures (3):
10 Most Used Moves:

Finishing sequence is what your character does to set up the finisher (i.e. John Cena's is clothesline, clothesline, spin-out powerbomb, five knuckle shuffle and stalk opponent for the AA)

Tag Team Application
Tag Team Name:
Combined Weight:
Entrance Music:
Entrance Description:
Tag Team Finisher (1):
Tag Team Signatures (2):

After you have completed the tag team application, please fill out a wrestler application for each member of the team underneath the tag team application in spoiler tags.


One character per person
  • If you wish, you can choose to apply as a tag team having control of both characters
  • On the last day of sign-ups, pending on the amount of people joining, you may post a second singles character.
  • If you would like to post a second character, leave a quoted comment at the bottom of your app asking for the request. First come, first serve (don't want to overload on characters).

Who you can use
  • You can use your current fed character
  • If you wish to use a fed character that is not yours, you can ask permission from the user.
  • If it's a NPC character, you must ask my (specific) permission.
  • Do not use characters that the WWE, TNA, etc. already have (i.e. no John Cena's, AJ Styles)

And for Celestia's sake: please do not post up an application that is completely distasteful. We do not want anyone trying to RP as Hitler or a terrorist. This is supposed to be a fun event.
Name: Trixie Lulamoon
Weight: 176 lbs
Height: 5’ 9’’
From: Canterlot, Equestria
Alignment: Heel
Gimmick: Self-proclaimed greatest magician of all time
Sample Pic:


Entrance Music: “Trixie the Pony Troll [VIP]” – DJ Alex S.

Entrance Description:
Lula walks out with the crowd booing as she waves her wand around. She stands on the stage and turns around quickly, throwing her wizard’s hat into the air and pointing at it with her wand. At that moment, blue and purple pyro shoots out for a couple of seconds and the hat disappears. Lula laughs at the audience and has a smug look on her face as she walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. From there, she gives a bow and tells the audience to bow down. She takes off her cloak and puts her wand away.

Finisher (1): The Grand Finale (Springboard 450 Moonsault)

Finishing Sequence:
Lula hits a few weak shots on the opponent, allowing them to recover fast and an opening to strike back. Lula cowers to her knees and begs for forgiveness. Whilst the opponent is confused or tries bringing Lula to her feet, Lula delivers a straight punch close to the groin area. With the opponent’s face exposed, she sprays blue mist into their eyes. She then performs the magic trick where she pulls out a tissue and a length of tissues comes out, using that as a weapon to choke the opponent from behind as they fall asleep from the blue mist. She lays the opponent down on their back and slaps their face a couple of times before Lula signals for the end of the show. She goes over the ropes, ready to strike.

Signatures (3):
For My First Trick... (Fireball)
Trixie Dust (Glitter thrown in the opponent’s face to distract them)
Watch in Awe (copies an opponent’s move but with more damage)

10 Most Used Moves:
Backhand Slap
Baseball Slide
Blatant Choke
Discus Elbow Smash
Dragon Whip
Handspring Back Elbow
Heart Punch
Shining Wizard
Tilt-a-whirl Headscissors Armbar
Name: “Big” Dick Davidson

Weight: 225 lbs

Height: 6 ft

From: Los Angeles, California

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Erotic Literature Author/Wannabe Pornstar

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Dick walks out with a camera in hand taking snapshots of all the attractive ladies in the front row, when he gets in the ring he begins to gyrate his hips and pose for the ladies.

Finisher (1): The Penetrator (Spear)

Finishing Sequence: Davidson begins pounding the ground (Randy Orton style) while also slowly humping the floor waiting for his opponent to get up.

Signatures (3): Bondage Lock (Master Lock)
Facial (Repeated raking of the boot across opponent’s face)
69’er (Sit-out Tombstone Piledriver)

10 Most Used Moves:
German Suplex
Running powerslam
Elbow drop
Bear Hug
Power bomb
Stinger Splash
Boot to the face

I would also like to request to use another character please
Real Name: James Chillingham

Gimmick Name: Mr Morality


Height: 6ft5

Weight: 280pounds

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Billed from: Richmond, Virginia

-----------Hair colour + length: Short, Hazel brown
-----------Eye colour: Bright Blue
-----------Facial Hair: Clean Shaven or Goatee.
-----------Ring attire: Black shoes, Black trousers, White shirt, Black tie.
-----------Backstage attire: The same
-----------Physical features: Wears glasses similar to Percy Watson does
-----------Tattoos: None

Alignment: Heel

Main Gimmick: Mr Morality is a former preacher from the deep south, he took the good fight to right the right of all that is wrong up to the North. There he was attacked daily and he learnt to defend himself using Old Testament logic. He now feels WZCW is the place to take this forward.

3 Advantages:
- Technically trained but can brawl
- When in Hardcore matches he will not use a weapon
- Very focused, straight and to the point

3 Dis-advantages:
- Ridding the world of immorality is more important that fighting in the ring
- WIll never strike an opponent first
- Refuses to fight hardcore

Brief History: Mr Morality is a former preacher from the deep south, he took the good fight to right the right of all that is wrong up to the North. There he was attacked daily and he learnt to defend himself using Old Testament logic. He now feels WZCW is the place to take this forward.

Entrance music: RTC theme

Sample Pic:

Entrance description: Walks out carrying a microphone, usually to a chorus of boos stating what is wrong with that particular city

The 'Morality Check' (Fame Asser)

15 Most used moves:

Sleeper hold
Arm bar
Swinging neckbreaker
Reverse DDT
Kesagiri chop
Knee drop
European uppercut
British Figure-Four Leglock

He is also accompanied by Ben Meldon who's character rep is Bull Buchanan RTC who is a recent 'convert' to the Morality minders.
Name: Krypto

Weight: 200 lbs.

Height: 5' 4"

From: Out of this World

Alignment: Face

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Man who thinks he is an "Alien" who is looking for excitement on Earth.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Krypto shoots out of the ground, like Rey Mysterio’s old entrance back when he first joined in 2002, astonished by the lights, camera, and action everywhere. He doesn’t even know how to react. He then sprints down the ramp and around the ring high fiving all the fans he can.

Finisher (1): Shooting Stars (619)

Finishing Sequence: Krypto gets his opponent in a head scissors and throws them towards the ropes. He then pumps up the crowd, before running towards to the opposite ropes. He then hangs onto the top and middle ropes and hits his opponent with both his legs. Once he sees that his opponent is in the ground Krypto runs towards a corner and gets up the turnbuckles. Once up there he launches his body onto the down opponent. Finally he grabs hold of one or two legs for the pin.

Signatures (3):
Spring Board Kick
Springboard Seated Sinton
Springboard Flying Forearm Smash

10 Most Used Moves:
Baseball slide to out of ring opponent
RVD style monkey flip
Roll Up Pin
Suicide Dive out the ring
Tilt a whirl head scissors take down
Springboard cross body
Head Scissors

I would like to request a second character. Please and thank you.:)
Name: Nathan St. John
Weight: 231 lbs.
Height: 6'2"
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alignment: Heel
Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Extreme nationalist- Nathan believes that Canada is superior to all other countries, and chastises all non-Canadian arena crowds, as well as non-Canadian wrestlers, as they are "incompetent."
Entrance Music: Entrance Description: Nathan walks out when the lyrics begin, Canadian flag draped over his back, chastising those in the front rows of the arena.
Finisher (1): Sharpshooter
Finishing Sequence: Left clothesline, right clothesline, spinebuster
Signatures (3): Spinebuster, jumping cutter, front piledriver
10 Most Used Moves:
Shin breaker
Dragon screw
Dropkick to knee
Springboard clothesline
German suplex
Tiger suplex
Dragon suplex
Full nelson suplex
Cobra clutch suplex

Would like a 2nd character if possible.
Name: Sailor Celestial Moon

Weight: 165

Height: 5’10

From: The Moon

Alignment: Face

Sample Pic:



Celeste Crimson attends a convention on the same night as WZCW All Stars 2 and accidently gets plastered before coming to the show.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description:

Celeste enters to huge applause and immediately trips and falls over on the stage. She picks herself up and wobbles drunkenly down the ramp and slides into the ring. She climbs the turnbuckle only to slip and fall, she tries once more and flashes the victory sign at the audience.

Finisher (1): Moon Healing Spirit Crusher

Finishing Sequence: Same as the original, except she falls on her ass after hitting it.

Signatures (3):

Sailor Moon shuffle side kick
Hanging neck chop with drunken dance theatrics
Drunken judo take down into an ankle lock

10 Most Used Moves:

Russian leg sweep into omoplata
Fujiwara armbar
Kimura Key Lock
Drunken thrust kick
Repeated elbow strikes to a fallen opponent
Belly to Belly Suplex
Sambo Suplex
German Suplex
Judo takedown
Dynamite: Mr. Morality was in use prior to All Stars 2, so I'm afraid you're going to have to change the Val Venis rep.
Name: El Genio Verde (The Green Genius)
Weight: 6'0
Height: 205
From: Mexico City, Mexico
Alignment: Heel
Sample Pic:

Gimmick: An evil comic book genius
Entrance Music:
Entrance Description: The arena goes dark until the music hits, followed my green mood lighting. Verde makes his way down the ramp while adjusting his mask. He slides into the ring and climbs to the second turnbuckle while yelling Evil. He removes his cape and backflips off
Finisher (1): Discordia (Diving Hurricanrana Pin)
Finishing Sequence: Two kicks to the back of the leg followed by one to the stomach. When the opponent is doubled over Verde performs a back roll over his opponent before running up the turnbuckle
Signatures (3): Brain Drain(Triangle Choke) Green Missle(Diving Crossbody) Plot Twist (Headscissor takedown into figure four headlock)
10 Most Used Moves:
Arm wringer takedown/leg drop combo
Snapmare/back kick combo
Leg drop to groin
Tornado DDT out of corner
Monkey Flip
Santino style armdrag
Headscissors Takedown
Springboard clothesline
Springboard cartwheel kick
Corkscrew Plancha
Real Name: Jessie Lynn Notarius

Gimmick Name: Isabel Stone

Nickname: Izzy, Stones

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 152

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Billed From: Pittsburgh, PA

Alignment: Heel

Main Gimmick: backstabbing heel

Sample Pic of Wrestler: Eve

Brief History: Used to be bullied from grade school to collage, learned to wrestle by her dad who didn't make it on Tough Enough, went to wrestling school to better he ablities, was stabbed in the back by her boyfriend in FCW and has been heel ever since. Is only geniunely nice to her teammates, gets crushes on champions a lot. BIG trouble maker

Entrance Music: (Turn Me On)

Entrance Description: Isabel walks out to her music, hands on hips, lightly scowling at the audience. She walks quickly to the ring, hair and hips swinging behind her then slides in the ring to either wait for her opponent or to get in their face before the match starts.

Finishing Moves:
Scream Lock (choke hold arm twist)

Finishing Sequence: Isabel clotheslines her opponent twice before baseball sliding into their feet to knock them off before applying the Scream Lock. Or if she doesn't have time for the clotheslines, she'll bitchslap her opponent then hit them with Crash Course (diving off top ropes in a double knee drop) and then lock them into the Scream Lock.

Signature Moves:
Kidney Check
Ear Box
Beetle Crawl

10 Most Used Moves:
Baseball slide into oponent's feet
Backflip with person landing on opponent's gut
Cross body scissors chop
Elbow swing into opponent's face
Cartwheel into punch to the face (lands on feet in front of opponent)
Swing kick to gut
Running headbutt to gut
Upward hand smack to nose
Bitch slap
Spear into corner
Name: Sexton Tempest

Weight: 263 lbs

Height: 6,4

From: The land where Sexual. .ness was invented

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Sexton is a very arrogant, chain smoking, heavily drinking, slightly out of shape, disco loving man, he calls himself “The Ultimate Sexual Presence!” and “The Beacon of Badassery!” an interesting nickname he has for himself though is "The Unwritten Rule Breaker!" He gets deeply offended when someone insults disco in any way, often resorting to violence because he doesn’t have to wit to destroy people verbally, everything is physical with Sexton, just the act of removing his huge glasses causes Women to moisten.

Sexton is a huge physical presence, he walks with a swagger that makes Women curious and Men’s knuckles whiten. In short, he is everything you are not, he knows he is everything you are not, and you hate him for it.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]JlzlNpttvVM[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Sexton struts on to the entrance ramp, putting his hands behind his head and thrusting his ample crotch forward, before swivelling in time to the music. The Men in the audience boo relentlessly at the sight of such a sexual presence, but the Women, who want to hate him, want to boo cant help but stare in awe at the obviously terrible Human being, feeling betrayed by their own lusts. Sexton knows this, and he makes sure the Men know that their Women deeply crave him as he walks down to the ring, he climbs into the ring and stares a little too long at the ring announcer (if she’s Female) before thrusting vigorously at as much of the audience as Humanly possible.

Finisher (1): The Groove (The Worm)

Finishing Sequence: Sexton whips his opponent across the ring, before dropping them with a clothesline, then with three powerful hip thrusts forward he moves an appropriate distance away to perform his finisher.

Signatures (3):
Running body splash into the corner

10 Most Used Moves:
Hip Toss
Back Suplex
Eye Poke

Can I have another character please?
Name: Mr. Lakes

Weight: 175 lbs

Height: 5'11

From: A nice place is in the middle of the woods, where there's almost pure silence, in Maine. It really is nice. You should visit sometime. He can take you there.

Alignment: Face. Such a...trusting face, isn't it?

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Whether or not you think you know him, he knows you. and he's always very kind and knows everything about you...almost too much.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: He looks around getting up and looking in the face of the people around him, before stepping into the ring...getting sort of comfy with the ref...he's a friend, right? He puts his arm around him, because he's such a good buddy and just waits for his opponent.

Finisher: Schoolboy Pin

Finishing Sequence: Slowly sneaks up behind his opponent, putting his hands around him, freezing them, before moving into a Schoolboy Pin

Bronco Buster
(Candy) Van Damminator
(Best Buddy) Headlock

10 Most Used Moves:
Cobra Clutch
Gator Roll Choke
Boston Crab
Russian Leg Sweep
Running Splash to an opponent on the ground
Discus Elbow Smash
Running Clothesline to the Corner
Bow and Arrow Hold
Doctor Teeth
Name: Erin Toyota

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5'3"

From: The Basement of Hikari Laboratories in Saitama Prefecture, Japan

Alignment: Face

Sample Pic:

Erin is a robot schoolgirl. She was built by an elderly scientist whose dreams of having a granddaughter were dashed when his only child was killed in a tragic accident. Unfortunately, her AI learns much faster than her other systems can sometimes keep up with, so she is often found with her head in the clouds, rambling about something unrelated. She tends to go on tangents, as well. That said, being a machine, she is very intelligent. Hikari Laboratories was dedicated to creating the perfect AI, but Dr. Hikari was too blinded by his love to realize that he finally found it with Erin. She has a ravenous desire to learn, and a love of professional wrestling unmatched by many. However, she does sometimes get a bit overwhelmed and her systems freeze up until she has time to load.

That's what she says, anyway. She could just be weird.

Entrance Music:
La Roux - Bulletproof

Entrance Description: Erin walks onto the stage and initiates her startup process - She twirls jerkily in a circle, her hands twitching as power runs up from her feet to her head. Opening her eyes, she surveys the crowd with a look of excitement and wonder, before skipping down the aisle. She walks up the ring steps, waving to the crowd, before entering the ring and bowing. She then waves again and jumps around a bit more, excited.

Finisher: Gutwrench Powerbomb (BSOD)

Finishing Sequence:
Four bionic elbows, followed by the Robo-Kick, followed by a BANG! BANG! taunt, and then the BSOD.

Signatures (3):
Bionic Elbows
Parallel Snapmare Dropkick (Robo-Kick)
Shuffle Side Kick (Fatal Error)

10 Most Used Moves:
Backhand slap
Repeating kicks to the chest
Repeating kicks to the legs
Northern Lights suplex
German suplex
Hard irish whip
Missile dropkick
Fisherman's suplex (Erinplex)
Hard chop

If there is room, I'd also like to apply as a tag team.
Name: Thomas Gunner (tommy gunn)
From: Pittsburgh Pa
Alignment: Face
Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Wrestling’s greatest playboy. High Flying, Entertaining Legend who was a multi-time world champion before being banned from wrestling for exposing himself multiple times on national tv. His brash attitude always got him in trouble but now, he’s trying to change. He won’t be exposing himself in public at least not on TV (okay okay, he won’t do it in a promo or on WZCW television) Thomas hasn’t changed much but he’s trying to improve as a person, but deep down he’s still an asshole.
Entrance Description: There’s a short pause as the arena is hit with a bright red light as Shake it by Metro Station’s Shake it comes over the PA system. Gunner dances out on to the ramp and slowly slides his robe off, and throws it into the crowd before hopping down the ramp enthusiastically towards the ring and high fiving his female fans along the way. As he gets to the ring he dances along the apron and into the ring, going over to turnbuckle and using it as a prop to dance with.
Finisher (1): Teasing the Tap- The Yes lock
Finishing Sequence: usually hits the Grab yourself and then locks in the break it down, and that transitions into teasing the tap
Signatures (3): flying forearm, Grab yourself- arm breaker, break it down- Kimura
10 Most Used Moves: High knee in the corner, shuffle side kick, back elbow, crossbody, suicide plancha, spinning heel kick while opponents in the corner, springboard drop kick, suplex into a backbreaker, , running knee drop, top rope elbow drop.
Those who applied for a second character: everyone has clearance for another one. If you want that second character to be apart of a tag team with your first character, put that in a quote at the bottom of the app.

Everyone who wishes to apply a second character after this post will still have to ask permission.
Tag Team Name: Dance Party '95
Combined Weight: "Whatever Sin Cobra Weighs Plus Whatever AKIMan Weighs"
Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:
AKIMan and Sin Cobra enter together, dancing to the beat of the music as lights flash blue and gold in time. The crowd claps along as the two perform a very elaborate dance routine all the way down the aisle. When they reach the ring the two nod at each other and try to jump high enough to clear the ropes. AKIMan clears them with ease, but Sin Cobra trips over the top rope as a massive pyro display on stage goes off. He recovers, though, and the two of them shimmy and shake all the way until the match starts or the next entrant enters.

Tag Team Finisher:
AKIMan tries to set up a running clothesline into the turnbuckle, but Sin Cobra keeps dancing across the ring and getting in his way. After a while, AKIMan gets tired of it and sets off for the clothesline anyway, launching Sin Cobra so that he splashes into the turnbuckle, splashing the opponent. Sin Cobra stumbles around for a bit, bumping into the other opponent on the turnbuckle and doing forward rolls. Finally, AKIMan picks him up and hits an opponent with him before placing him back in his corner and going for the cover.

Tag Team Signatures:
The Horizontal Tango (AKIMan picks Sin Cobra up and throws him at an opponent in a crossbody)

Electric Boogaloo (The two grab opposite arms of their opponent and run around the ring, making everyone involved very dizzy)

Name: Sin Cobra
Weight: Not as much as others, but more than some.
Height: .4 Groudons
From: Planet Botch, currently residing on Starship Funk
Alignment: Face
Sample Pic:

Born on the Planet Botch, Sin Cobra is a hot-blooded, well-intentioned, funkadelic wrestler who started his career in 1995. Unfortunately, two years later, a rift in time appeared and he and AKIMan were whisked away to 2012. They don't really notice, continuing to spread cheer throughout the galazy through the power of song and dance.

Sin Cobra is the lighter, speedier member of the team Dance Part 95. However, he is also prone to making lots and lots of mistakes. Luckily for him, his mistakes usually work out in his favor. He is going through life, accidentally spreading cheer all around him. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

The Spinny-do (Headscissors hurricanrana that goes on for far too long. Imagine La Mistica but he never actually transitions into the armbar.)

Finishing Sequence: Botch, Botch, Botch, Spinny-do.

The Charleston (Dude Love's knock-knee'd dance)
The Disco (Disco dance)
The Macarena (The Macarena)

10 Most Used Moves:
Flipping botch
Botchy armbar
Kick that doesn't usually connect
Running the ropes but never actually doing anything with the momentum
Tagging out to AKIMan
Tapping out to a submission
Shaking his groove thing
Triple backflips
Repeated palm thrusts

Name: AKIMan
Weight: Kinda heavy.
Height: .6 Groudons
From: Planet AKI, currently residing on Starship Funk
Alignment: Face
Sample Pic:

Born on the Planet AKI, AKIMan is a hot-blooded, mostly-serious, funkadelic wrestler who started his career in 1995. Unfortunately, two years later, a rift in time appeared and he and Sin Cobra were whisked away to 2012. They don't really notice, continuing to spread cheer throughout the galazy through the power of song and dance.

AKIMan is the more serious wrestler of the two, and manages usually to make the best of Sin Cobra's mostly harmless screwups. He and Sin Cobra are the best of friends and have been since childhood. He focuses on power moves and despite being the more level-headed one can really cut a rug with the best of them.

Finisher: AKIKIKIKIKIKI (AKIMan dances around the opponent, hitting them with many punches, and finally a HUGE lariat.)

Finishing Sequence: Clothesline, suplex, AKIKIKIKIKI

Standing stalling suplex
Big dropkick
Shuffle and a big punch

10 Most Used Moves:
Other suplex
Shuffle side kick
Irish whip into the turnbuckle
Spinning backfist
Name: Colby Congo

Weight: 245 lbs

Height: 6,5"

From: The Mean Streets and possibly Africa or that place where Nordic Warriors come from once

Alignment: Face

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: The son of a son, of a son, of a son, of a son, of a son, of a great grandson of an aid to an Chief of a long gone African Tribe, Drew Drewson's family have lived in America for a long time, raised on the mean streets of somewhere suitably tough, Drew had a promising career as a fast food worker, only he threw it all away for a life of crime.

During a bank-robbing spree Drew was struck and knocked unconscious by an elderly man, when he awoke, Drew Drewson was gone; instead Colby Congo rose from the hospital bed. After being examined by some world-renowned psychiatrists, Colby was declared a completely different personality from Drew and as such cannot be tried for the crimes of Drew Drewson.

However, the greedy banks that Drew robbed remain unconvinced, and have hired their own psychiatrist (Richard Small) to analyse Colby constantly, one sign that Drew still exists and Colby is off to jail. Rumours however have surfaced that Richard is in on the act and covering for Drew, as their relationship has been described as oddly tender by the other wrestlers. When questioned on the matter Colby simply replied that Drew is serving his time, being forced to watch as his former body grapples with half naked men for a living.

Whatever the truth is, Colby, believing himself to be the spirit of that once proud Warrior now seeks the purest forms of combat, and to him nothing is purer than the predetermined sport of professional wrestling. Each victory grants him Women and Power, each defeat and he must remove a braid from his hair. This is truly an exciting breed of wrestler.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]qydHIjL7iMg[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Colby runs out onto the entrance ramp, complete with arm tassles that reach all the way to the floor and a tribal mask, he claps three times into the air with pyro, runs down to the ring, stops at the bottom of the ramp to give his mask to some lucky child, does a lap of the ring, runs into the ring and does some sort of shitty tribal dance

Finisher (1): Lionsault

Finishing Sequence: Preceded by much running around, an right hand to the opponent, leaving him stunned for a full minute as Colby dances, then a scoop slam in the centre of the ring as a preperation for the finisher.

Signatures (3):
Belly to belly suplex
Repeated back chops
The Bellow (Colby roars so loud that the opponent is momenterally stunned)

10 Most Used Moves:
German Suplex
Shoulder tackle in the corner
Atomic Drop
Inverted Atomic Drop
A sequence of shoulder blocks
Top rope elbow drop
Hip toss
Repeated body blows
Name: Nathaniel Keam
Weight: 243 lbs.
Height: 6'2"
From: Stratford-upon-Avon, south Warwickshire, England
Alignment: Heel
Sample Pic:
Gimmick: Dignitary with a strong, distinctive baritone voice he uses to address the people of WCZW about how he is superior to all others due to how well versed he is in the fine arts - Theatre, classical film & literature. His strong charisma is unmatched and he often quotes actors and playwrights he well respects such as Laurence Olivier, Peter O’Toole, James Joyce & Charles Dickens.
Entrance Music: Salammbô - Citizen Kane soundtrack(From 00:00-1:20 for his entrance then if he wins from 3:25 until the end)
Entrance Description: In a fine three piece suit, he slowly walks down the aisle taking in his theme and fully appreciating it’s composition. Once reaching the ring he takes off his jacket and puts it on the coat rack he has supplied neatly. He also removes his tie and unbuttons the top 3 buttons and rolls up his sleeves fastening his fine gloves.
Finisher: Two cases of Murder(Double vertical suplexes followed by a brainbuster)
Finishing Sequence: Delivers a knee strike to the side of the opponents head then while the opponent is on the ground he removes one glove which is thrown into the crowd and delivers a running fist drop, he then clears the dust off of himself while waiting for his opponent to get up to nail his finisher.
Signatures: A Touch of Evil(Running fist drop after removing one glove)
Last Tango(Running knee strike)
Return to the Golden Era(high knee to the back of the head usually followed by a reverse DDT)

10 Most Used Moves:
  • Curtains(Straight jacket choke)
  • Several close fisted punches to the opponent while they are in the corner and when pulled away by the ref, delivers several back elbows
  • Clothesline
  • Several suplex variations including:
    - Snap
    - Exploder
    - Back
    - Gutwrench
    - Half Nelson
  • Dragon whip but rather than hitting back with a kick, he clotheslines the opponent down hard then points to his head bragging about his intelligent thinking.
  • Fireman carry then ramming the opponents head into the top turnbuckles
Name: Brock Edwards

Weight: 266 lbs.

Height: 6ft 3in.

From: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: An Ass-Kicker. Doesn't care who you are or what you stand. Brock has only one mission. That mission is to get to the top of the mountain. Anyone caught standing in his way will go through hell. He is no other goal, but be the the top guy. So, it's better to stay out of his way. He also thinks that he is the number 1 professional wrestler in the world. Which makes him think that everyone is a target, so he can maintain his spot. And that also makes him work out more than normal. He just simply has a thrive for the glory of the top.

The reason he is such intense is due to his father. At a young age Brock's dad enrolled him into a MMA school. He was at the top of the food chain in there. His trainer actually said once that Brock was truly gifted with something. Brock then decided that MMA wasn't his thing. So, he told his father that he would rather destroy the competition in wrestling. However, Edwards's dad was unhappy with his decision to go into pro wrestling. Despite his dad's approval, Brock still went out of his way and follow his dream of wrestling. He doesn't care what it will take to win. The top is the thing he cares about and no one's else's approval of his actions.

Entrance Music: Riot by Three Days Grace


Entrance Description: Brock comes out to the arena in his MMA attire. Once in the entrance ramp Brock punches and kicks the air once or twice. He gives out an intense stare at the ring, before walking towards it. No matter what the crowd is saying, Brock is ignoring everyone in sight. Instead of climbing the steal steps, Brock jumps up to the ring and gets in through the middle and top ropes. He then decides to go towards the ref and tell the ref he will be victorious. He then punches the turnbuckles until the ref comes over and tell him to stop. *Once, Edwards decides to stop he pounces a bit in the air, before he puts his arms up above his head and throws them back to himself.* He finally awaits his opponent(s).




Finisher (1): The Next (F-5)

Finishing Sequence: Brock gives his opponents three consecutive clotheslines. He then screams at them to get up from the pain. Once his is up to his/her feet he grabs them by their hand and lifts them up to his shoulders. Finally, Brock screams "Here Comes The Pain!" and delivers The Next.

Signatures (3):
Kimura Lock
German Suplex
Double or Triple Powerbomb

10 Most Used Moves:
Dropkick from the top rope
Elbow Shots to the Forehead
Scoop Powerslam
Big Boot
Tag Team Name: Rush Hour

Combined Weight: 460 lbs

Alignment: Face

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Brown and Lee appear on the stage together, Brown trying to mimic martial poses and Lee attempting to do the dougie , both doing a terrible job. But once they see how bad they’re both doing they agree to just dance along together to the music.

Tag Team Finisher (1): Crush Hour: Brown and Lee irish whip opponent (or opponents) in the corner. Lee hits a stinger splash and Brown follows up with a devastating full body smash. Brown then bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline from hell on the opponent(s) as Lee hits a 630 corkscrew.

Tag Team Signatures (2): Brown picks Lee up by the legs and spins him around using him as a battering ram to opponents.

Brown picks lee up in a gorilla press and throws him onto opponents.

Name: Jackson Brown

Weight: 260 lbs

Height: 6 ft 6

From: The Wrong side of the bed

Alignment: Face (but cocky and angry)

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Undercover cop entering the WZCW to break up what he thinks is an illegal steroid ring

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Brown does the running man on the stage and transitions into the dougie and various other out of style relatively black dance moves all while keeping an angry look on his face. He does this all the way to the ring.

Finisher (1): Clothesline from hell

Finishing Sequence: Brown does scissors kick and then does the spinarooni and then bounces off the ropes and hits the clothesline.

Signatures (3): Scissors Kick

10 Most Used Moves:
Half Leg Boston Crab
Stomp in the corner
Flat out football like tackle
Elbow drop
Led drop
Torture rack
Gorilla press slam

Name: Jackie “The Jet” Chan Lee

Weight: 200 lbs

Height: 5 ft 8

From: Master Wong’s House of Kicks

Alignment: Face

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: Cop from Hong Kong sent to America by his friends to loosen up and have fun

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Lee walks out on stage confused about what’s going on, nervous and not knowing what else to do he decides to do multiple backflips until he reaches the ring apron.

Finisher (1): Dragon Flip: 630 corkscrew

Finishing Sequence: After hitting the Shoryuken and hearing the crowd light up with excitement Lee begins to feed off the excitement and reaction of the crowd, he starts bouncing off ropes repeatedly and then starts doing the backflips off the top rope. He finally stops in the middle of the ring gets on one knee and points to one of tope ropes. He then yells “Dragon Flip!” in broken English and hits the corkscrew.

Signatures (3): Shoryuken: Huge uppercut with ridiculous and unreal theatrics
Dragon Suplex
Flying DDT.

10 Most Used Moves:
Suicide dive
Flying clothesline
Springboard Kick
Spinning heel kick
Running cross body
Stiff kick to the head
Roll up pin
Name: Ryder Strong
Weight: 199 lbs
Height: 5'9
From: (opponents) Boyfriends house
Alignment: Heel
Sample Pic:
Gimmick:Super Gay and Super Sexist
Entrance Music:
Entrance Description: He walks out the stage and goes to the certain guys in the auidence and tells them to call him. He rolls into the ring and does his signature dance move....the butt thrust!
Finisher (1): Super Super! (springboard frogsplash onto an opponent laying down. He lands on top of them vertically with pelvic thrusts at the end)
Finishing Sequence: He knocks them down with one of his signature and does the Butt Thrust and skips to the ropes that he needs to go to.

Signatures (3):
-Grab some Jewel's
-Bite some Ass
-Scratch some Back

10 Most Used Moves:
Slaps (does not punch)
Headsizzors take down with screams (like kelly kelly)
Stink face
Drop kick
Snap Suplex
Face Buster (The bellas)
Corner Splash
Running Senton

Finishing sequence is what your character does to set up the finisher (i.e. John Cena's is clothesline, clothesline, spin-out powerbomb, five knuckle shuffle and stalk opponent for the AA)
Name: Hollywood Jameson

Weight: 497 lbs


From: Manhattan, NY

Alignment: Heel

Sample Pic:

Gimmick: A former, failed WZCW superstar who has been given a chance to redeem himself to WZCW management after suffering from a nervous breakdown which has caused Hollywood to become a stress eater. Despite his physical bodily change, he still considers himself an A-List celebrity and sees no difference in his appearance or attitude.

Entrance Music: “Power” by Kanye West

Entrance Description: Hollywood Jameson emerges from behind the black curtain and pauses for a while when he reaches the top of the stage as he sucks the remains of his last snack (probably powdered donuts, or maybe a fried chicken) from his fingertips. Hollywood then slowly walks towards the ring while attempting to flirt with the female fans who sit alongside the entrance ramp. The bottom rope of the ring has been removed to accommodate his wide frame as he rolls into the ring from the apron. Hollywood stands up, wipes off the traces of his snack from around his lips and then poses for the audience.

Finisher (1): Grand Finale (Bonzai Drop)

Finishing Sequence: World’s strongest slam, rest, drag opponent to corner of the ring, rest, climb to the middle of the rope, rest, Grand Finale, pin

Signatures (3): Rest holds Shuffle Side Kick, The Claw

10 Most Used Moves:
Sidewalk Slam
Splash on downed opponent
Lou Thez Press
Knife Edge Chop
Nerve Hold
Runs at opponent sitting in the corner of the ring and connects with his hip.
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