Andre The Giant Movie

I remember hearing about this. I think it will be cool if they are honest and care about the subject. But I just watched that trailer... I do not like the casting choice on Andre, or maybe it is just the hair. The whole trailer looked to me like somebody was making a parody, like it was all a joke.

I think 10+ years from now if they made an Eddie Guerrero movie, it would be a great movie.
Depending on the actind/direction of the movie this could be great for the industry. I hope that it is done the right way
caifanes said:
ohhh ¡¡--c'mon its' a joke that movie...jajaja

Stop spamming and add more to your posts. You could atleast state why you thought it was a joke.
what was that?! andre looked like a 70's dancer. that was just insulting to wrestling fans. Vince should have a say in this.

Plot Summary for
Andre: Heart of the Giant (2007)

A poor young farm boy from Grenoble, France struggles with his ever growing proportions. With obstacles multiplying as he gets larger. The teenager leaves the village he grew up in and uses his gigantic size to his advantage. He grows and grows and grows into one of the most recognized sports figures of the twentieth century earning him the name "Andre the Giant Eighth Wonder of the World".
Apparently, the video on Youtube is the real deal. How sad. The original actor died, and they replaced him with the new guy that you see in those previews, but I cannot find a picture of him. There is the original guy.

This is just a very low budget film, I assume, and that is why everything looks so cheap. Even the still screen they have on the myspace of the film he looks terrible and cheezy with that clown wig on.
Vince should have made this movie and had Big Show play andre, Vince could recall from his own expriances and they could have Hogan play himself, when they get to the WM3 part of the movie which would probably be near the end I would guess, maybe release it around Wreslemania time, Unforniutly this most likely won't happen
Thats what should happen though. IDK about big show playing Andre though because we associate big show so much with big show that I think it would take away from his ability to play andre. there is so much that can be done with camera angles and computer to make someone look like a giant that I think they should explore many ideas before settling on Big Show. I agree he is the most logical choice for the role but I still don't think I could disaccociate him from the big show in order to see him as andre. They also have technology that could age Hogan back to his age at the time when they were together.

Wrestlemania would be a great release time.
It doesn't necesarilly have to be Show playing Andre, Thier are plenty of other guys that could do it (maybe Khali?), I would like to see a wrestler play him though, and I would also like to see WWE release a Andre DVD sometime around Wrestlemania, even if it isn't a movie.

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