Are you willing to admit that Sting's WWE theme is better than his WCW one yet?

Which Sting theme do you prefer?

  • WCW (1996-1999)

  • WWE (2014-present)

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Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
Okay, I'm being facetious - you're entitled to like what you like, of course. I myself was appalled when I heard him coming out to a new theme, and decided instantly that I hated it and would never like it. Then I actually listened to it. And listened again. And again. Then I admitted to myself that I like it better than his WCW one.

The WWE theme doesn't have the memorable string hook of the WCW one, but I just prefer its overall feel. It's one chilling piece of music, heralding the arrival of someone who's come from the dark side. Those pounding drums create an "end-of-the-world" type feel.

So, do you prefer the new one, or are you sticking with the old theme? Why?

P.S. I bet they use the old WCW theme for his pre-entrance at WrestleMania.
I haven't voted for a couple of reasons. Firstly I'm a complete and total awkward bastard, I'm going to have to be 'that guy' and say that I don't know whether I prefer one or the other.

Secondly we've only heard it alongside his entrance once (or twice if any of us re-watched it) so it's a bit difficult to really make a decision on this. They're both pretty good but nostalgia is a dangerous thing.

Maybe if he'd make a few more appearance on live TV I'd be able to decide sooner... BUT THAT'S JUST CRAZY TALK.
I would certainly HOPE it's better. WCW theme songs sucked monkey balls.

You sound like a idiot WCW had some of the best themes ever. NWO, Wolfpack, Sting Crow, Sting Metallica , Goldberg, Hollywood Hogan, 4 horseman, Lex Luger, DDP, and Raven just to name a few.
WCW crow version is so much better then the WWE version idk what the heck that was WWE was trying to pull off and nicknaming him "The Vigilante" don't make me vomit
Nah, WCW crow theme was some epic shit. That being said... I couldn't care less if Sting walked down to Peanut Butter Jelly Time; it's STING for crying out loud.
Have had several listens to the new theme and I just can't enjoy it in comparison. It's not terrible but it's generic, doesn't do enough to distinguish itself.

Nostalgia may be at play, but Stings late 90's theme is iconic. Instantly memorable and just screams character. You instantly associate it with the character of Sting much like one associates Stone Cold with his theme, or Triple H with his.

Perhaps nostalgia affects that, but I've given this new theme a chance and it just doesn't distinguish itself, or associate itself with the character of Sting. Especially when in comparison to his WCW theme.
You sound like a idiot WCW had some of the best themes ever. NWO, Wolfpack, Sting Crow, Sting Metallica , Goldberg, Hollywood Hogan, 4 horseman, Lex Luger, DDP, and Raven just to name a few.

You mean a bunch of generic ripoffs of 90s grunge and hip hop along with them shelling out a shitload of money for Voodoo Child? :rolleyes:

Give me a break, you stupid shart blossom.
WCW theme hands down. The new theme doesn't have the same epic feeling, it sounds ominous, but it also sounds like a video game boss stage on Super Nintendo. It's also highly repetitive.

The WCW theme is so distinct, so iconic, and it builds suspense as the tempo increases, and the drumming kicks up. It just sounds epic in scale, plus just on a basic level it's addictive, it gets stuck in your head. I've listened to the WWE theme probably 10 times and if you asked me to hum it, I couldn't. The WCW theme randomly gets stuck in my head all the time. For me it's no contest, and next to not doing something about his hair was probably the worst thing that hurt his debut.

You spend months playing a video game promo with this song, familiarizing a new fan base with Sting, only to debut him with a song no one has ever before…sounds like a great way to get a pop?
You mean a bunch of generic ripoffs of 90s grunge and hip hop along with them shelling out a shitload of money for Voodoo Child? :rolleyes:

Give me a break, you stupid shart blossom.

So what the themes were sweet and better then any of today WWE entrance music. And I forgot Scott Steiner , Harlem Heat, Jeff Jarrett , Eddie Guerreo, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Randy Savage, n buff bagwell ... must I go on?
I think by far the WCW one, Its what I was used to hearing for years and it seemed to suit his character perfectly, The WWE one I have only heard once and to be honest can't even really remember how it went.
I personally love his new theme. The WCW theme was good, but it was more in line with WCW. My only regret is that the theme is wasted on him, as he doesnt come out enough.
I'm fine with it. Kind of forgot what the new one even sounded like since Survivor Series, just checked it out now, pretty cool. I was a huge Sting fan in WCW but his old theme isn't anything I really feel worth making a fuss about. Maybe my memories from 18 years ago lie to me, but I don't even recall hearing that crow theme all that much. Most of Sting's appearances were surprises where he didn't have an actual entrance. Then if I'm not mistaken the first time we heard that crow song was the whole shtick where they had a crow/raven land on the ring ropes and Sting was up in the rafters, with the cheesy child narrating over the music. Then maybe he used it for a while as he started to have actual matches, but I would say I have more memories of him using Seek and Destroy after that. Feel free to tear me apart about any of this, I'm not the type of wrestling fan to have a photographic memory of everything I ever watched. I've been to live PPVs that I can barely even remember.

Point being his old violin theme is not something I was dying to hear, nor did it create a single ounce of disappointment for me when he walked out at Survivor Series to a new song. The new theme maintains that plodding percussion in the background which was my favorite part of the old theme. I wouldn't go so far as to say I prefer the new one, but am basically indifferent to the change. If I had to classify one as better, perhaps the old one, but not enough to gripe about.
I like his new theme and i liked his old theme ..

The new theme has the crow noise at the start but them takes 20secs to get to the drums maybe edit it a bit so it gets to the drums quicker as the bit between the crow noise and drums is pointless now . It was good on the night to tease the crowd with the flashing images but now we know its sting .

So Crow noise then drums start think it would be much better... Maybe a guitar rift in it
My vote goes to the WCW Sting theme. The WWE theme kinda feels like what they tried to do with Goldberg years ago: recreate something with a WWE twist on it. The WWE Sting theme feels like one of Kane's old theme's with a few new bells and whistles played on a different note. The orchestral sound of the WCW theme has become iconic. Not sure if there are royalty issues, but you know the Machine wants to own everything. That's another story for another thread, though. But hands down, WCW's Sting theme is a lot better.
So what the themes were sweet and better then any of today WWE entrance music. And I forgot Scott Steiner , Harlem Heat, Jeff Jarrett , Eddie Guerreo, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Randy Savage, n buff bagwell ... must I go on?

Oh please, the only one out of those that I can remember is Harlem Heat's and if anything that was more memorable thanks to Booker T. WCW always had terrible theme music compared to the Jim Johnston.
So what the themes were sweet and better then any of today WWE entrance music. And I forgot Scott Steiner , Harlem Heat, Jeff Jarrett , Eddie Guerreo, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Randy Savage, n buff bagwell ... must I go on?

I remember Harlem Heat's and I remember Rey Mysterio's.

Savage's was just a ripoff of his WWE music, so no points there.

I don't remember anything about the others which kind of proves my point.
I like his WCW things better than his WWE one but who knows, WWE may change his theme so I got my fingers crossed.

Crazy how they had his WCW theme song playing in the WWE 2K15 commercial but didn't use it for his debut.
I admit I am kind of surprised that no one has mentioned his TNA theme since if you look at all 3 his theme in TNA fits his character more so than the other two. However between the two choices presented here I'd say the WCW one is better.

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