Austin Region, Third Round, Cage Match: (4) Dusty Rhodes vs. (5) Triple H

Who Wins This Match?

  • Dusty Rhodes

  • Triple H

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the Austin Region and it is a Cage match. It will be held at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas


Rules: The match takes place inside a fifteen foot high steel cage. Victory can be attained by pinfall, submission or escaping the cage either through the door or over the top.


#4. Dusty Rhodes



#5. Triple H

Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Dusty might be sleeping in alleys and dining on pork n beans after this one.

Trips, at his best, was arguably the best heel in the business. He's a 14 time WWE WHC and has gone over everybody there is to go over in the business (Except Cena and 'Taker). His experience inside the HIAC should do him well here.

Dusty was great, don't get me wrong, but he was always second fiddle great and though, Trips never made it to Austin or Rock status, I think it's safe to say that he had a better career then the American Dream.

Trips is gonna beat Dusty bad in this match. Hit him with the Pedigree and if that doesn't put Dusty down, he's gonna get out ole sledgie and go to town. Talk about hard times for Dusty.

Vote Trips.
I could be swayed here, but my gut feeling is Triple H. Whilst Rhodes had an incredible career and has influenced the business hugely, there's a great chance that Triple H will do the same and he's certainly had a more successful in ring career.
I'm leaning toward Dusty here. Dusty had a good cage match with Flair in '86 at The Bash and the crowd went mental when he won the NWA Title. He had another against Luger at Starrcade the next year and won with the help of a chair, winning the US title and again the crowd went crazy.

Triple H has a more storied career inside HIAC than he does cage matches, but the last time I remember Trips in a cage he lost to Lesnar at Extreme Rules '13. He lost to Flair and Rock at various points as well. The only cage match I recall Triple H winning was Judgement Day 2008 against Orton.

So based on the stipulation, I'm gonna vote Dusty.
If Andre can't climb a ladder, there's no way Dusty is climbing a cage. Nevermind the fact he can walk out the door, if he chose.

Sarcasm aside, I think this would be a badass match, but HHH grabs the win through some kind of heel bullshit that he was so famous for in his better days. Someone will be there to help slow down Dusty's escape, or get HHH a much-needed weapon when he desperately needs one. It won't be a fair win, but how many heels win their biggest matches in a "fair" manner?
Dusty is the bigger star but my gut tells me Triple H wins this match and beats the living snot out of Dusty in the cage. Triple H does very well in this type of scenario (not saying Dusty sucks in cage matches), this type of match up. He's more cerebral, more sadistic and he will take any shortcut he can to win this match.

Triple H will give Dusty one hell of a beating, he'll make him bleed and make him hurt, Dusty will make his comeback and right before he hits the crushing blow Triple H will rattle his nutsack, grab the sledgehammer (we all know it will be in there), Crack Dusty in the jaw and take the easy pin. If they had a program I'd assume Dusty would ultimately come out on top but in a one off match (or even the 1st match) I'd expect HHH to take it. He may not as charismatic, he may not be as popular but he has the goods to put the American Dream down. Besides, HHH is just the type that would sell the "I killed the American Dream" promo to no end going on which would make his ultimate defeat that much sweeter. That last part sounds kind of bad but fuck it.
Yeah, HHH takes this one. Dusty would be fucking over here, but Hunter will crush their dreams after a nice long bloodbath. Rhodes is no slouch despite his appearance & will surely take the fight to Trips, but in the end, it just isnt enough. Too many factors inside & outside the cage that give Hunter the heel advantage.
This would be a bloodbath, and one of the most entertaining matches in this round for sure. Dusty has had his success in cage matches, but so has Triple H (often with the help of DX or Evolution), and you can bet your ass that we're seeing the old faithful sledgehammer in this match. Dusty would put up a great fight, but have his comeback cut off and taste The Pedigree. In fact, I could see Dusty handcuffed to the cage at the end of the match, wearing the crimson mask while HHH caves his skull in with the hammer.

Triple H all the way in this one, he'd have one too many tricks up his sleeve for The Dream.

Vote Hunter.
First off, I think Triple H as a 5 seed is a bit low for him considering all the success he has had in his career.

But nonetheless, Triple H wins this match in what is deemed an epic beat down of The American Dream, who's polka dot tights will be covered in his own blood after The Game continuously smashes Dusty's head against the steel cage.

Triple H has his legacy behind him. 14 World Championships is tough to vote against. Dream is a legend, but Hunter is an immortal. Game over for Dusty.

Vote The Game.
I've got to appeal to statistics in this one, mainly because my heart wants Dusty to edge this one out.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong in what I'm about to say, but to my knowledge Dusty Rhodes is undefeated in steel cage matches. He's beaten the likes of Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

Ric Flair managed to defeat Triple H in a steel cage match at Taboo Tuesday in 2005.

Maybe it's cheap to use this kind of logic to suggest that Triple H would lose this match, but it's what I'm going with.

Vote Dusty Rhodes.
I've got to appeal to statistics in this one, mainly because my heart wants Dusty to edge this one out.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong in what I'm about to say, but to my knowledge Dusty Rhodes is undefeated in steel cage matches. He's beaten the likes of Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

Ric Flair managed to defeat Triple H in a steel cage match at Taboo Tuesday in 2005.

Maybe it's cheap to use this kind of logic to suggest that Triple H would lose this match, but it's what I'm going with.

Vote Dusty Rhodes.

It doesn't sway me (sorry), but that is still amazing to know. I know Rhodes had more gimmick matches than he's remembered for, but undefeated in cage matches is something special.
Wait a minute wait a minute...

Dusty goes in as the top face daddy! Trips goes in as the main heel.

Records, Dusty beat Luger in a Cage for the NWA US Title Starrcade 87

Beat Flair in 87 for the title in a Cage.

Beat Blanchard in the Cage at the Great American Bash 85 for the NWA TV title.

Fuck! Rhodes has an amazing big match Cage record!

Edit: I just looked up that Dusty won a battle royal in a Cage in 88, holy mother of fuck
Dusty might be sleeping in alleys and dining on pork n beans after this one.

Trips, at his best, was arguably the best heel in the business. He's a 14 time WWE WHC and has gone over everybody there is to go over in the business (Except Cena and 'Taker). His experience inside the HIAC should do him well here.

Dusty was great, don't get me wrong, but he was always second fiddle great and though, Trips never made it to Austin or Rock status, I think it's safe to say that he had a better career then the American Dream.

Trips is gonna beat Dusty bad in this match. Hit him with the Pedigree and if that doesn't put Dusty down, he's gonna get out ole sledgie and go to town. Talk about hard times for Dusty.

Vote Trips.

Dusty, at his best, was arguably the best face in the business. He's a 3 time NWA World Champion and has gone over everyone there is to go over in the business. His experience inside War Games should do him well here.

Trips was great, don't get me wrong, but he was always second fiddle great, and though, Dusty never made it to Hogan or Andre status, I think it's safe to say that he had a better career then the Game.

Dusty is gonna beat Trips bad in this match. Hit him with the Bionic Elbow and if that doesn't put Trips down, he's gonna get out the ole cow bell and go to town. Talk about hard times for Triple H.

Vote Dusty.
It doesn't sway me (sorry), but that is still amazing to know. I know Rhodes had more gimmick matches than he's remembered for, but undefeated in cage matches is something special.

I have no problem accepting that Dusty could lose his first steel cage match to Triple H, I just find the stats staggering.

Dusty Rhodes has never lost a War Games, or a Bunkhouse Stampede Cage Match, or a 2 on 2 or a 3 on 3 cage match. When there's a cage, Dusty has always come out the victor.

I can still see Triple H winning this, but I'm the type who likes to see legends keep their outstanding stats intact. For the record; my vote is still for Dusty.
I just looked up that Dusty won a battle royal in a Cage in 88, holy mother of fuck

I honestly had no idea what I was in for before going into this thread. I just started doing some research into Dusty's record with steel cages and was blown away.

In one steel cage match Dusty defeated Arn Anderson, Ivan Koloff, Lex Luger, Road Warrior Animal, The Barbarian, The Warlord and Tully Blanchard!

That cage literally makes Dusty go Super Saiyan.
Triple H has bad history in Steel Cage matches and as someone said, Dusty Rhodes is undefeated is Steel Cage matches(?).

The most notable HHH cage matches are vs Flair in 2005 (loss), vs Orton in 2008 (win) and vs Lesnar in 2012 (loss). Also he took the third fall by pinning Austin in 2001 in their 2 stages of hell match, where the third fall was a steel cage.

Actually, revising this, Triple H doesn't really have a bad history. Still, given the game's success, I vote for the Cerebral Assassin. I mean there's a reason he has that nickname.
Triple H has bad history in Steel Cage matches and as someone said, Dusty Rhodes is undefeated is Steel Cage matches(?).

The most notable HHH cage matches are vs Flair in 2005 (loss), vs Orton in 2008 (win) and vs Lesnar in 2012 (loss). Also he took the third fall by pinning Austin in 2001 in their 2 stages of hell match, where the third fall was a steel cage.

Actually, revising this, Triple H doesn't really have a bad history. Still, given the game's success, I vote for the Cerebral Assassin. I mean there's a reason he has that nickname.

He has that nickname because Good Ole JR likes to give wrestlers a good backstory and monikers that glorify them perpetually. JR once called Bischoff the stain on the underwear of life.

Dusty has faced heels on the level of H in his prime and beat them. Hell, Dusty has beaten the man H has basically modeled his career around in a cage!
I've got to appeal to statistics in this one, mainly because my heart wants Dusty to edge this one out.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong in what I'm about to say, but to my knowledge Dusty Rhodes is undefeated in steel cage matches. He's beaten the likes of Lex Luger, Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson.

Ric Flair managed to defeat Triple H in a steel cage match at Taboo Tuesday in 2005.

Maybe it's cheap to use this kind of logic to suggest that Triple H would lose this match, but it's what I'm going with.

Vote Dusty Rhodes.

This is my reasoning on voting Dusty. He has that impeccable record in cage matches. He beat Flair, who in turn beat Triple H. I know that that math isn't the greatest, but people aren't taking the gimmick into enough consideration.
This is my reasoning on voting Dusty. He has that impeccable record in cage matches. He beat Flair, who in turn beat Triple H. I know that that math isn't the greatest, but people aren't taking the gimmick into enough consideration.

And by the same logic, Triple H beat Sting at WrestleMania 31. Sting beat Ric Flair for his first World Championship reign, Ric Flair beat Harley Race for the NWA Championship and Harley Race beat Dusty Rhodes. Ergo, Triple H should beat Dusty Rhodes, right?

At the end of the day, I have to go with Triple H. Don't get me wrong, Dusty was a character and was way ahead of his time in the world of professional wrestling. In fact, he shaped the business in some ways to what it is now. But Triple H was the business for a lot of his career and the WWE might not have been what it was without him. In terms of who has done more for the sport, I am willing to take the flak on this one and say that in the future, it will transpire that it was Triple H.

And on the subject of the stipulation, Triple H has a spotty record in cage matches. But the fact of the matter is that Triple H is one of the most brutal wrestlers to ever lace some boots. I would suggest that Triple H knows how to beat Dusty Rhodes and nothing Dusty could do would contend with what Triple H do to him. I would even go so far as to suggest that Triple H would do a number on Dusty before he even reached the ring. I guess it comes down to who would use the stipulation more to cause damage to the other, and you have to firmly believe that Triple H would be the winner in that competition, right?

I'm voting Triple H.
I remember a couple years ago in the gimmick rounds that Sammartino got Race in a Cage in Florida. The only thing anyone could talk about in that discussion was how Bruno never lost in a cage, so there was no way he could lose.

I researched and found out he actually did, but only ever outside his home territory, which is where that match would have been. I tried arguing that for that reason, Race would beat him... and I lost. Bruno won because everyone decided that there was no way the guy that didn't lose cage matches should lose in a cage match.

I'm just curious since the forum felt that way a couple of years ago, if it's going to stay consistent and once again vote for the guy that didn't lose cage matches... instead of the more recent guy who always manages to get the rub in these things the deeper it goes?

Dusty was undefeated in the cage. Honor the gimmick round and keep that in mind. Why is the guy who never lost a cage match losing one to the guy who lost a bunch of them?
Trips is a fantastic heel. A master of ring psychology and execution in the ring. Could go with anyone in the ring.

Dusty Rhodes was one of the greatest characters ever in the squared circle. He may not look like an athlete, but he was one of the great faces in history.

Someone else said that Dream was undefeated in cage bouts. However, everyone forgot one thing: This match is in TEXAS! NO PROMOTER would have booked the Cerebral Assassin to beat the American Dream in Houston. The only way that would have even be DREAMT of happening is if Dream asked to be booked to put over Trips. But, he can do that in the ring. In a cage match? Sorry, but this one goes to the Dream, Daddy.
I'm with enviousdominous.

If Dusty is facing Triple H in a cage, it's because Triple H has been getting the better of Dusty in a feud that is involved a lot of cheating and interference. Finally Dusty is going to get his sweet revenge. This is a payoff match, the kind of match that superface Dusty wins. Of course, Triple H is one of the few heels in history that has frequently been booked to win the payoff match and squash the storyline so...

In the end I like both of these guys, but unless the promoter is HHH's father in law, Dusty is going to send the crowd home happy.

Vote Dusty Rhodes.

I like Triple H but just loved Dusty Rhodes.

Yupp. Triple H is a very good wrestling veteran who has to still defend World Title at Wrestlemania against Roman Reigns at this age. But Dusty was just on another level. He was a great wrestler. Better than Triple H.

The match being a cage one confirms that Dusty should win as says his undefeated record in cage matches.

American Dream please.
Uhhh.. Have you ever heard of Hogan, Austin, Rock, or Cena by chance?

When Dusty was at his best, Hogan was still playing bass in Southern Florida bar bands, Austin was in high school still hoping to get laid for the first time, the Rock would get a treat of going into the locker room with his dad and meeting the wrestlers if he finished his vegetables (as long as it wasn't too far past his bed time), and John Cena may or may not have been potty trained yet.

In other words... Dusty's peak in the 70's was before any of these guys time.
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