Best Promo Work #2


Big Nasty
In this edition of best Promo Work. I want to compare 2 guy's promos from a similar time frame, or era, but different companies. Both of the promos below are within about a year of each other. Bret Hart was World Champion in WWF and was doing a promo backstage. Sting was in the ring and speaks on Hulk Hogan.

Compare these 2 random promos individually. Which promo do you think is better? Also, which one of these 2 Legends, does the better Promo Work, OVERALL!?

Bret Hart Promo:

Sting Promo:
Neither of them were never anything special on the mic

It has nothing to do with either one of them being special on the mic. The point of the thread is to compare the promos set forth between the 2, and also say who is better overall. Your opinion on their promos compared to someone else or also your opinion on their ranking among The All Time BEST on the mic, is irrelevant! It is a simple comparison to each other.

Why even comment (SPAM)... If your not going to go along with the thread or question that is at hand?
Gotta give the advantage to Sting on those particular promos. Bret Hart just seemed so unemotional and bland throughout the whole promo, was pretty boring. Sting on the other hand seemed to care about what he was saying and was keeping my attention the whole time.

Sting wins, Bret Hart's promos are usually not very good so that doesn't help.
Out of the 2 links, Sting's was better by a wide margine. That's not to say Bret's was bad but Sting is such a charismatic individual, his ability to express his emotion's is what makes him better on the mic IMO. However I do feel Bret's mic work is very underrated. Is he 1 of the greatest mic workers of his or any other generation? No. But is he 1 of the worst? I'd say no to that aswell. I'd describe Bret's promo's as having a conversation with his fans where as Sting's are more talking at the fans. People say Bret's promo's never had any emotion & that's bullshit. Look no further than this little gem from 1997;

But to answer the question of how is better, it's Sting.
It has nothing to do with either one of them being special on the mic. The point of the thread is to compare the promos set forth between the 2, and also say who is better overall. Your opinion on their promos compared to someone else or also your opinion on their ranking among The All Time BEST on the mic, is irrelevant! It is a simple comparison to each other.

Why even comment (SPAM)... If your not going to go along with the thread or question that is at hand?

I apologize, I misunderstood the question at hand, I thought you were asking which one cuts a better promo in general, I didn't see the links to the two videos. I am new here, so I apologize for setting you off and causing you to menstruate. While I do see ther error in my post, it is also apparent that you need to relax a little bit.
i couldnt even finish watching bret"s promo, it was that bad and boring to me, Sting actually shows personality in his promos. i gotta give it to sting by far
Heh, Bret was the people's champion before the Rock.

Bret was always straight-laced, truthful, tell-it-as-I-see-it, type of promo guy. He brought his feelings in and you could feel it no matter if it was frustration, anger, happiness, satisfaction, or appreciation.

Sting always brought more energy into his promos. He wanted to get your attention. Of course, he also was able to bring that serious edge to his promos as we have seen lately and years ago when he fought against Hogan and the NWO.

I am giving the nudge to Sting. He was quite versatile in his promos. Bret's were not bad, but Sting brought that energy factor to his promos and was able to provide that mystique factor when he fought against Hogan and the NWO.
I apologize, I misunderstood the question at hand, I thought you were asking which one cuts a better promo in general, I didn't see the links to the two videos. I am new here, so I apologize for setting you off and causing you to menstruate. While I do see ther error in my post, it is also apparent that you need to relax a little bit.

Seems to me I was completely calm, and explained to you what the point of thread is and told you what you did wrong in a constructive manner. Believe me if I was pissed or felt the need to turn this into an argument. MUCH more would have been said. I kept it polite as well as simple. I think you should let this go now and mosey along or actually state a fair answer to the question or thread I posted.

Or we can ruin my thread by getting into back and forth banter about who could win in a fight, who's mom sucked who off and what not.

I can accept your mistake of misreading my lengthy 7 line post, including 2 obvious links to their promos (Which were stated in BOLD). As just being quick to SPAM a thread in your response.

But this going any further, will simply lead to me wrecking you verbally. To avoid a Warning or Infraction from a Mod, directed towards me. I suggest if you have anything else to say to provoke me, take it to my inbox if you have a pair.

If not, like I said earlier, answer my thread genuinely. And move your bull shit along.

To help myself in general, to not SPAM my own fuckin' thread. I will state my opinion on Bret Hart and Sting's Promos.

I feel as Hart moved away from The Hart Foundation to take over as a top guy. His promos starting to become a bit repetitive and some what boring. When he was paired with Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, however, I thought Bret carried himself well in their later years and cut some really good promos. Even some were interesting. They were revolving around them being 2 "Harts" beating as one and things of that nature.

His promo that I posted in this thread was to me, one of his worse efforts. It seemed really slow to get along and Bret even stumbled on some words. It basically was one of many from Bret in that tone and intention. Later though, when Bret turned Heel and The Hart Foundation was built. He really stepped it up and did some of his best mic work ever!

Sting was hard to listen to sometimes. He would babble and ramble during a promo in his earlier days. As the 90's wore on though, Sting got much better on the mic. But, he said the most in his quietest gimmick. All he would do in the darker Sting days was point his bat.

Between the 2 promos posted. I will give the edge to Sting IMO.

But on an Overall outlook, I think it is comparing their primes that gives the edge to one guy over the other.

In MY Opinion, Bret's best days in Pro Wrestling were those F' The USA years leading up to The Montreal Screw Job. He was waaay over as a Heel and everything he said just made you hate him even more. I think he did a great job on the mic, competing in feuds as well as putting over his partners.

Sting's prime or best gimmick is when he didn't say much, or anything at all. He would just drop from the rafters in a surprise, oftentimes with the lights out.

Therefore, It is my opinion that Bret Hart was overall, through their whole careers, better on the mic or cutting a promo, then Sting!
I think Bret Hart is super stale on the mic. He has no expression what-so-ever. So, Sting wins it for me.
i would give the edge to sting as well if on nothing else than how riled up he got the fans just by looking down from the rafters and not talking for a year plus--still IMO one of the most amazing things i have seen in wrestling was how over that timeline got him and doing nothing to get the reaction.
Easy Sting had the better promo there and overall. Sting's early mic work was far better than his latter promos. He showed way more excitement before he had the Crow like gimmick. After a couple years with that gimmick he started getting back to his earlier promo style, but it wasn't the same.

Bret is one of my favorites ever, but his promos were never very good in my opinion. He just would say what he had to say ant that was it. He never showed much emotion in his promos. He stumbled through his words a lot it almost looked like he was uncomfortable.
Sting had way better promos than Bret. Sting actually got better on the mic as years gone by. Like his wrestling skills, Sting got better during his promos and interviews. Bret Hart doesn't seemed he enjoyed being in front of the cameras. Sometimes it's hard to watch Bret Hart speak in front of the camera. Sting had the charisma and energy that Bret was lacking. To me, Sting was doing a promo live on television, while Bret's promo seemed scripted.
Sting by far. He has his own unique style in cutting promos.

This promo posted by bret made me sick. His only convincing promo was when he started showing disatisfaction and was slowly going from face to heel, until the heel promo while he can't amaze fans, he beat austin (he was face and austin heel) in WM and Austin was cheered for... The only belivable promo bret had ever cut

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