Best Wrestler Of The Year

Who Is The Best Wrestler Of 2012?

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Sheamus

  • Bobby Roode

  • Austin Aries

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In what regard? 90% of what he does is strikes.

Lulz, you think what type of moveset someone uses determines whether they're a good wrestler or not. That's so adorable! Do you also hate Cena for using the 5 moves of doom and complain about Triple H burying Shelton Benjamin?
YES! YES! YES! He might not have the accomplishments of most of the others but his quality per appearance is the best for my money. In the ring, backstage, taking a shower, Bryan has been the best all-round.
I love CM Punk, but I fail to see how anybody can look past Daniel Bryan.

In 2011 he was the guy everybody would discuss in the context, "Will he or won't he fail when he eventually loses the WHC?" And instead of failing or not failing, he came into his own and made everything he touched all about Daniel Bryan. Good World Heavyweight Championship reign, interesting angle with AJ, great angle with CM Punk and AJ, comedic tag team with Kane, what has been a good WWE Tag Team Championship reign and this isn't even taking into account the string of great matches hes had with the likes of Sheamus, Punk, Cena and others.

Daniel Bryan is my vote, Daniel Bryan should be everyone's vote.
From an overall perspective, it has to be CM Punk. Punk's been the overall strongest World Champion WWE has seen in many years. He's the longest reigning World Champion in WWE since Hogan's first reign began in 1984. His popularity & ability kept fans very much interested in whatever he was doing even though he wasn't getting the same hype as The Rock or John Cena. The first half of the year, Punk had to be the most popular wrestler going. In the second half of the year, he's gone from being the most over babyface to being the most over heel. Many of his matches this year, including many of those against Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan and John Cena, have been legit match of the year contenders.

Even if you don't like CM Punk, I don't think anyone can legitimately deny that he's had an incredible year in WWE.
Nothing could make me happier than the current voting holding up and Aries finishing with more votes than Cena. All would be right with the world.
My choice for, "2012 Best Wrestler of the Year" has to go to... CM Punk.

Lets be honest, nobody expected CM Punk to hold on to the WWE Championship for a full year and when he surpassed the accomplishment of being the longest reigning WWE Champion in the past 25 years on Wednesday beating out John Cena's streak of 380 days is simply incredible. It took six years for someone to achieve such an accolade and I will honestly say that Punk's reign, which will go well beyond four hundred days, will possibly never be touched for years to come.

CM Punk has taken on many opponents from Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Kane, John Cena, Big Show, Mark Henry, and Ryback. He was involved in this summer's hottest storyline with the love triangle between himself, AJ, and Daniel Bryan.

CM Punk has managed to keep his character fresh from turning heel, aligning himself with Paul Heyman, and beginning his, "respect" angle. Speaking of being fresh the year 2013 looks like it will be a very eventful one for Punk as well from his upcoming feud with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and rumors are circulating of a possible match with Undertaker at WrestleMania 29 as well.

Some people may argue that CM Punk's title reign has a dark cloud hanging over it since he has not main evented barely any of the Pay-Per-Views. Some people may argue that even though CM Punk was the WWE Champion that John Cena still continued to be, "the guy". Some people might even go as far as saying that CM Punk hasn't changed anything even though that's what he promised when he cut the groundbreaking shoot promo at the top of the ramp. CM Punk may have not main evented or been, "the guy" during a majority of his title run, but he did change history books forever to be recognized as one of the greatest WWE Champions of all time. People may not see change now, but years down the road we will look back and notice it. CM Punk is my choice because not only does he deserve it, but because even a year with him at the mountain top he will continue to be a big star in 2013. Best in the World isn't a catchphrase. It's the truth.

"2012 Best Wrestler of the Year Runner-up: Daniel Bryan.
It only took 18 seconds to shoot Bryan to the most over star of 2012. Daniel Bryan has had a tremendous year from defending his championship against the likes of Big Show and Mark Henry and feuding with and having Match of the Year candidate matches with CM Punk and Sheamus. What catapulted Daniel Bryan was his partnering with Kane forming, "Team Hell No". Daniel Bryan not only learned how to be the best technical wrestler in the world, but he learned how to be one of the best entertainers as well. 2013 should be a very bright year for Bryan. I would not be surprised to see him in a few WWE/World Title matches.
I was really going to go with Bryan. I mean, he's skyrocketed this year, and surpassed, I'd wager, ANYBODY'S expectations, even his fans from before the "big time".

But I decided to go simply by personal preference on this one. I went with Aries. This guy made me take notice and become involved with TNA on a regular basis again (well, him and Bully Ray). His in-ring work is phenomenal, and the guy practically oozes charisma. He puts his all into whatever he's doing, even if it's during an attempt to overshadow him by Mr. Bollea.

I know the guy won't win this contest, but I'm going to vote for him anyway. That's how much impact (no pun intended) Aries made on me this year.
It should have been Ziggler but moving on...

It should be Punk, he has been champion for the whole year and yet... I can't vote for him. When I think back over what he's done this year, nothing has lived up to expectations. The Jericho feud was disappointing, the matches with Cena were done better last year, The Rock feud has been a non-starter, even Team Heyman hasn't really hit the heights (that may come in the next 2 months)

What I've actually enjoyed has been Sheamus and I've been surprised with the amount of criticism he got during his title reign. Here is a guy who is actually a likeable face and can put on good matches, I feel that's somewhat rare but no, the IWC wants him heel again. Fuck off.
Of course nothing Punk did lived up to expectations. Have you seen the way people talk about him here? You'd think he were Eddie Guerrero's ghost.
I was entirely sincere when I said I enjoyed seeing Ziggler tackle Cena through that toilet cubicle. Otherwise, eh, take him or leave him.
I was entirely sincere when I said I enjoyed seeing Ziggler tackle Cena through that toilet cubicle. Otherwise, eh, take him or leave him.

More than anyone in recent memory, Zigs has used the briefcase itself to get over. If he would have cashed-in for a cheap poppy-moment (as had been the case with most winners of the last few years), he would have really been lost in the mix. Glad they haven't rushed him.
Lately? Puh-lease. I've loved that guy ever since November 2005.

I don't believe you. My love for Kurt Angle is well documented, even if it is misplaced.

More than anyone in recent memory, Zigs has used the briefcase itself to get over. If he would have cashed-in for a cheap poppy-moment (as had been the case with most winners of the last few years), he would have really been lost in the mix. Glad they haven't rushed him.

"Recent memory" encapsulates pretty much all briefcase holders, doesn't it? Money in the Bank's only existed for just over five years.

Maybe I'm being wilfully ignorant but I don't see what Ziggler's done so exceptionally well with the briefcase, or exceptionally well full stop (bathroom brawls notwithstanding). I feel Ziggler's relevant because of the briefcase rather than vice versa.
I used to have an Eddie Guerrero avatar. Until we lost three quarters of that avatar collection.
"Recent memory" encapsulates pretty much all briefcase holders, doesn't it? Money in the Bank's only existed for just over five years.

Maybe I'm being wilfully ignorant but I don't see what Ziggler's done so exceptionally well with the briefcase, or exceptionally well full stop (bathroom brawls notwithstanding). I feel Ziggler's relevant because of the briefcase rather than vice versa.

For what it's worth, Money in the bank started at Mania 21 in 2005. That's over 7 years. The more "recent" winners I am referencing include the likes of Jack Swagger, Kane, etc, who were quick to pull the trigger.

That's what I'm arguing for Ziggler. He's maintained relevancy by holding the briefcase for so long, whereas if he had cashed-in shortly after winning, he would have been lost in the mix. He wasn't over enough to be WHC upon winning, but the longer he holds it, the more steam he has, in my opinion.
Daniel Bryan.

A while ago, I listened to an interview and the interviewer asked Bryan what his expectations and goals now (this interview was back in August or September) and Bryan responded that he wants to be like Cena. A draw who doesn't need the title to main event. The guy they look towards to deliver every time he's out there and be the face of the company.

In 2012, he's only held 2 titles, but if you look at what he's accomplished, 3 very popular catchphrases (YES!, NO!, I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!), hilarious anger management sessions, great feuds with Sheamus, Punk, Kane, the AJ Lee fiasco, great match after great match, created the most interesting dynamic with the crowd when wrestles, but more importantly, it doesn't matter if he wins or loses, if you see Daniel Bryan you will be entertained.

Put it this way, my brother who is a very casual fan is now a HUGE Daniel Bryan fan this year. Loves the guy. My fiance also loves Bryan. Casual fan as well. My dad and a couple of friends, casual fans as well, watch Raw only to see Daniel Bryan.

Cena is a close 2nd and Punk is 3rd.
Nobody really stuck out especially this year. Cena had his fair share of shitty matches as well as his great ones. I'll go with Cena as he seems to be the popular vote.

However if Antonio Cesaro continues on the trend he's been on lately throughout 2013 then he'll be a strong contender next year.

EDIT: Hmm, thought Cena was the popular vote, I'm ok with Punk winning though.

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