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Big E Langston: The next Bobby Lashley?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Big E Langston has ripped up rings in WWE NXT as it's champion in florida and has made his way to the main roster when debuting on RAW on the last RAW of 2012 attacking John Cena. Big E made his official in-ring debut at Wrestlemania 29 tagging with Dolph Ziggler in a match for the WWE tag team titles and lost. But since Dolph Ziggler has been out of action for over a month now with a concussion. Big E Langston has filled Ziggy's shoes by wrestling in his place against the number one contender for the WWE world heavyweight championship Alberto Del Rio.

Big E Langston has been holding his own in the ring with ADR for weeks without the Zig-Zag man if he was a main eventer! This past monday on RAW at the broadcast booth JBL said that Big E Langston could be a world champion in a years time. Sometimes Big E reminds us of a fresh young Bobby Lashley who climbed to the top of the WWE within that same time frame in which JBL was referring to. Of course the WWECW championship didn't really count as a world championship in the E at that time. But Lashley had a shot at John Cena's WWE title at a PPV once. But lost after a AA off the top rope by Cena.

But with the right kind of push, could Langston follow in Bobby Lashley's footprints and be in the main event scene contending for a world championship within a years time?
with the right kind of push, could Langston follow in Bobby Lashley's footprints and be in the main event scene contending for a world championship within a years time?

Within a years time from now? It's quite possible but I think we won't see it until after next year's Wrestlemania unless he really gets over with the crowd on a Ryback level before he started losing every big match. Although, they might pull the trigger on the Dolph/Big E. feud ala HBK/Diesel, I'm not sure Big E. is ready for it just yet. The only reason they've been quasi-teasing it now is because Dolph's been out with an injury.

Big E will probably get a mid card title within a year's time for sure, but a World Championship? I'm not so sure. Anything could happen of course. But I think the days of guys winning world titles before their character has fully developed are over.

Is Big E. the next Bobby Lashley? No, he's better. He actually has human facial expressions and isn't just a body. We're going to see more of that in the days to come.
Big E. Langston is even LESS talented than Bobby Lashley. He can't talk, he can't work a match, he has a mediocre finisher, and he looks like a super-inflated Carlton Banks blow-up doll. Big E. has no upside to him.
Big E. Langston is even LESS talented than Bobby Lashley. He can't talk, he can't work a match, he has a mediocre finisher, and he looks like a super-inflated Carlton Banks blow-up doll. Big E. has no upside to him.

Lashley can't talk, can't work a match, and copied Farooq's finisher. He looks like South Park's Token Black on steroids. Big E might have a weird looking head, but at least he has facial expressions. I've seen door knobs with more personality than Lashley.
He is case and point why wrestling needs managers. The guy could be a legit monster for years to come. But too much emphasis is placed on everyone being able to cut promos. Some people should just do their talking in the ring and let a manager do the talking. They should keep Heyman, and Colter around and let them manage people that can't talk. Maybe even work on a couple more managers.
He's got potential, I don't know about in a year but it's there. I think I'd be higher on him if he got a new finisher. That one kind of sucks
A powerfully built, soft-spoken, uncharismatic black guy who'll get pushed more because of his look than anything? He's the next Bobby Lashley already.

This wouldn't even be the question if they weren't both black. Big E could very well be the next Batista; it's still too soon to say. He acquits himself fine in the ring, but he's still pretty much just a latter day Ken Patera/Ted Arcidi. If you're a Langston fan then don't wish him to be another Bobby Lashley, unless you're eager to see him in TNA. While there are a lot of guys Big E can be compared to, the fact of the matter is that he's his own guy, and he's still very new. I'm not ready to call him the next anything just yet.
A powerfully built, soft-spoken, uncharismatic black guy who'll get pushed more because of his look than anything? He's the next Bobby Lashley already.

I feel you are wrong about the charisma. Go to Youtube and look up:

Big E Langston and Damien Sandow Backstage

He may be green but he has far more charisma than Lashley ever had.
A powerfully built, soft-spoken, uncharismatic black guy who'll get pushed more because of his look than anything? He's the next Bobby Lashley already.

Seems so, doesn't it?

Yet, while WWE targeted Lashley for stardom as soon as he debuted on the main brand, it's less certain how long it would have taken them to put Langston on a similar path, had Dolph Ziggler not been injured. Or, perhaps the coming split between the two would have already occurred, placing Big E in the spotlight anyway.

Sure, Vince McMahon loves those big guys, but I wonder how long Big E would have played second fiddle to Dolph had the champ not gotten hurt. It reminded me of Ryback's sudden elevation to main event status after John Cena (for some reason) chose to give Ryback his title shot against C.M. Punk. I don't think that was the original plan by management, but Ryback capitalized and has been a main event wrestler ever since. This is similar to Langston who, while not yet competing at the top level, is certainly moving along faster due to Dolph's bad fortune.

WWE management obviously hopes Big E decides he wants to stick with pro wrestling, unlike Lashley.....not to mention Brock Lesnar. As it is, I'm more impressed with Langston's repertoire in the ring than I thought I'd be. He's never going to be Evan Bourne in flexibility, but he moves pretty well for one so musclebound and he seems willing to sell for opponents, which is certainly more than Lashley ever did.

Big E may be the next Lashley in terms of how WWE sees him, but with a more positive outlook for his career here, he'll turn out much better.
Comparing Langston to Lashley is actually an insult in my eyes.

Yes, physically Lashley was a freak of nature, who showcased some impressive feats of strength. But he didn't have an ounce of charisma, was horrible on the mic (at the time, his real life girlfriend, Kristal Marshall was better on the mic than Lashley, when she was a mouthpiece for him in TNA during a short heel run before he left the company), and I can't remember one stand out match from him. Well, I guess you could throw in his match with John Cena for the WWE Championship from The Great American Bash in there, because it was a great match, but most of the credit goes to Cena.

I always thought of Lashley as a pretty boy, but Langston is a destructible monster. He has legit powerlifting records, and Langston is more believable as an intimidating monster, who could rip you in half. Langston hasn't shattered the proverbial glass ceiling yet, but he needs more time. And when he finally comes into his own, I expect he'll have a brighter future than Bobby Lashley.
He has much more potential than Lashley, because he's actually interesting.

He's good on the mic and is believable, also fucking hilarious when he wants to be.
If he can cut one good promo, there's no reason he couldn't cut another.

Experience - such a crazy concept, I know.

Gotta up the reading comprehension Mr. Junior-Shabadoo. Good promos/segments don't mean someone is charismatic. That's what I was getting at. I didn't say he couldn't talk, he can. That doesn't mean much if nobody cares about him, though. Jeff Hardy isn't a good promo at all, but he's got charisma for days.

Big E has plenty of time to prove me wrong, but charisma can't be taught. Plus the dude needs to put on a singlet that leaves something to the imagination.
Ummmmmm... racist much?
funny he just gets compared to Lashley....just cuz he is black??
why not compare him to Ezekiel Jackson while we are at it..
and he has ZERO charisma and comes across as awkward everytime he speaks..and whats up with him and the African colors on his tights all the time? is he supposed to be African or what? no explanation ever given
I laugh every time Big E. Langston makes his entrance. He just comes off as this big muscular baby for some reason. I still can't get over the fact that he was eating ham backstage when he was asked for what his reaction was about Curtis Axel. It was just so random and hilarious. I like Big E though. He's entertaining in the ring. He knows how to sell and he knows how to deliver. I was glad to see his 2-2 record with Alberto Del Rio, because it aided his credibility. He knocked off a former 3-time World Champion in one of his earliest singles matches. That's definitely a plus for him. I see him holding the World title in the future.
Ummmmmm... racist much?
funny he just gets compared to Lashley....just cuz he is black??
why not compare him to Ezekiel Jackson while we are at it..
and he has ZERO charisma and comes across as awkward everytime he speaks..and whats up with him and the African colors on his tights all the time? is he supposed to be African or what? no explanation ever given

How is this post being racist? Wrestling fans compare John Cena to Hulk Hogan all the fuck'in time! But you don't point that out as "racist" do you? So what are you really saying by that Sauce, african-american wrestlers are second class citizens in wrestling? And Big E Langston DOES have charisma! And where the hell is Ezekiel Jackson?

Man whatever they got you on cut the dose, quick!
A powerfully built, soft-spoken, uncharismatic black guy who'll get pushed more because of his look than anything? He's the next Bobby Lashley already.

This wouldn't even be the question if they weren't both black. Big E could very well be the next Batista; it's still too soon to say. He acquits himself fine in the ring, but he's still pretty much just a latter day Ken Patera/Ted Arcidi. If you're a Langston fan then don't wish him to be another Bobby Lashley, unless you're eager to see him in TNA. While there are a lot of guys Big E can be compared to, the fact of the matter is that he's his own guy, and he's still very new. I'm not ready to call him the next anything just yet.

I wouldn't call him uncharismatic -- he's quite the opposite, actually. I don't know how much NXT you watch, but he's spectacular down there. He's engaging, fun, entertaining, and doesn't seem "robotic" like Lashley or Patera did. The current character he's playing on the main roster might be dry, but I've got no doubt he'll be really over once they turn him face. He's got a unique combination of size and strength, but has ability on the mic that most "body guys" don't have. Ability on the mic isn't totally indicative of charisma, but it's a good start. He's genuinely funny and entertaining, when he's given the time to let it shine through (NXT or the WWE Youtube shows are a good place to see an example of that).

I agree that we shouldn't be calling him the next anything, though. I hate how everybody has to be classified as the next [insert wrestler here]. These are all guys that have distinct personas and abilities, and it's unfair to them if we brand them as "the next [blank]." As a matter of fact, I think putting these kinds of labels on guys is a hindrance, more than anything -- let them develop at their own pace and into what they want to be, not into what they're being compared to.
Maybe I should drop the term "charisma" and trade it for "it factor." Big E Langston has no "it factor." Big E doesn't connect with me. I've seen him on NXT. As with his main roster appearances, he's fine, he can talk, but he's not endearing or interesting. I don't want to see more of him when he's gone. He's got a personality, but an assload of wrestlers with personality have come and gone. He's clearly not void of charisma, as enough of you seem to find him charming, but for me, there's no appeal. I just don't think Langston has "it," though he's welcome to prove me wrong.
Gotta up the reading comprehension Mr. Junior-Shabadoo. Good promos/segments don't mean someone is charismatic. That's what I was getting at. I didn't say he couldn't talk, he can. That doesn't mean much if nobody cares about him, though. Jeff Hardy isn't a good promo at all, but he's got charisma for days.

Big E has plenty of time to prove me wrong, but charisma can't be taught. Plus the dude needs to put on a singlet that leaves something to the imagination.

Wait...you bring up Jeff Hardy, but take a big doodoo on Langston? Seriously?

Not everyone has to be Mr. Charisma. You can get far in the business by being able to deliver in the ring and cut a good, not EXCEPTIONAL, promo.

I watch Langston in the ring, and the dude reminds me more of Mark Henry than Bobby Lashley. Lashley was put together, but Langston looks like he could benchpress a truck. The guy's a bulldozer in that ring with a ton of strength. There was a time you couldn't have sold me on Mark Henry if you tried. In the past 3 years, the guy became one of the more solid performers in the WWE for the role he was expected to play.

I completely see Langston fitting in that mold.

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