Booking Brock Lesnar


Dark Match Jobber
After Brock Lesnar beat The Undertaker and broke the streak at Wrestlemania, he will, without a doubt, have a lot of momentum with him going forward.

My question is how would you book Brock Lesnar over the next year leading up to Wrestlemania 31?

I personally would keep Brock as an unbeatable beast over the next year. I'm not sure about his dates but say he had 3 matches left:

Summerslam- Lesnar vs Batista. The Beast vs the Animal. I'd have Lesnar go over Batista here.
Royal Rumble- Lesnar wins the title from whoever has it. Could be Bryan but Cesaro could work too (Heyman guy vs Heyman guy).
Wrestlemania 31- Roman Reigns wins the Rumble and goes up against Lesnar for the title. Build it up as "can Reigns overcome Lesnar with the run he has had"? Have Reigns go over Lesnar.

How would you book Lesnar?
Right now, Lesnar cannot lose. He has defeated the Undertaker at Wrestlemania meaning he is untouchable. There are plenty of guys he can wrestle; Sheamus is my first choice. Bryan could work as would Orton and Batista.

He should be at Extreme Rules but it doesn't seem likely. When and if he wins the belt is a difficult question to answer because if he wins it then it should be on the road to Wrestlemania or indeed at WM31. Therefore, he can't win it at Summerslam. Maybe Lesnar v Sheamus would be a good choice there.

Him working a tag-team match is a possibility. It doesn't fit Lesnar but it fits Heyman. Just imagine Lesnar and Cesaro facing off against The Shield. There could even be potential in a Survivor Series match involving The Authority.

There are plenty of options for Lesnar year round but if we are looking at WM31; there are only two matches. Lesnar vs Rock or Lesnar vs Cena. The Cena match would have to be for the belt and it would be amazing. Lesnar v Rock would just be money and it was meant to happen this year.

Reigns isn't ready to beat Lesnar and it should happen after him claiming The Streak. Maybe that can wait a year or two but I do believe that, other than Cena or in tag matches, Reigns is the only guy on the roster that should ever defeat Brock.
Summerslam- Lesnar vs Batista. The Beast vs the Animal. I'd have Lesnar go over Batista here.
Royal Rumble- Lesnar wins the title from whoever has it. Could be Bryan but Cesaro could work too (Heyman guy vs Heyman guy).
Wrestlemania 31- Roman Reigns wins the Rumble and goes up against Lesnar for the title. Build it up as "can Reigns overcome Lesnar with the run he has had"? Have Reigns go over Lesnar.

How would you book Lesnar?

I don't see Lesnar vs. Batista happening. For one thing, it'd probably be a pretty dull match. For another, there's nobody for the fans to cheer for as it's a futile effort to try to turn either of them babyface. The fans don't want Batista as a face, Brock Lesnar's the guy who ended the streak and everything about Paul Heyman screams heel manager. Lesnar's already beaten the streak, I don't really see what he gains from slaying The Animal.

Cesaro is nowhere near ready to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion as he needs to rebuild his status as a singles guy. If anything, Cesaro would benefit more from having a strong run with the IC title before possibly being elevated to the main event spot next year. As for Reigns winning the Rumble and Lesnar winning the title at the event, it's like the setting of Cena vs. Rock II all over again with the outcome already known before the match is even officially booked. I don't think WWE ought to rush things with Reigns as he's only 28 years old. They haven't rushed The Shield and it's worked out perfectly, so Reigns needs to be tested for a while when The Shield ultimately breaks up. He may very well blossom on his own, but it's also possible he's not able to rise to the occasion.

If a plan involves Lesnar going after the championship anytime between now and WrestleMania XXXI, I don't think WWE can wait almost a year before implementing it. Lesnar broke the streak and while that's something to generate momentum that could last through to next year, I personally have a feeling they're gonna use Lesnar for a title program for SummerSlam. If Bryan is still champion by that time, I think it'll be Bryan vs. Lesnar. It'd be Bryan's first of the Big Four as the champion, he's crazy over right now and it'd be an ideal opportunity for WWE to play the underdog card with Bryan. Now that Bryan's champ, portraying him as the underdog won't work in most situations against most guys, but it will against Brock Lesnar. Lesnar's the only wrestler to be NCAA Division II Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, UFC Heavyweight Champion and he's the one who killed The Undertaker's undefeated streak. If Bryan is still champ by SummerSlam and is booked strong, there's money to be made against Lesnar.

At the same time, there are options for Lesnar. While Lesnar could have a dominant title win at SummerSlam, I think there's one thing that many fans aren't considering: Brock Lesnar doesn't really give a shit about being champion. If there's any wrestler on the WWE roster who cares less about being champion than Lesnar, I haven't seen him. As long as Lesnar collects a huge paycheck when it's all said & done, you could dress him up in a pink tutu, call him Brandy Lesnar and job him out to AJ or Paige and I think he'd be okay with it. As long as he gets a big chunk of change, that's what matters. That's why I always think of Brock as the biggest mercenary in WWE history. Of course, all the wrestlers do it for money, but Lesnar just doesn't have that love or passion. As it looks like WWE is in the midst of a genuine youth movement, having Lesnar win the title looks like something of a step backwards to me.

I like the notion of Roman Reigns going against Lesnar next year at WrestleMania XXX and I think one way to go around it would be for both he & Lesnar to compete in the Royal Rumble match. Given his performance this year, you know that Reigns will be in the match next year. Maybe Reigns eliminates Lesnar and Lesnar, being the poor sport that he is, grabs a steel chair, heads back into the ring, proceeds to beat Reigns with it unmercifully, tosses him over the top rope to eliminate him, continues to wail on him with the chair for a bit before delivering an F5 either on the metal ramp, on top of the stage or on the announce table.

I simply don't see Lesnar winning the title. It was a mistake to do it with The Rock and Lesnar's appearances are even fewer than The Rock. As I said, it gives away the ending of his match at WM XXXI before it's even officially booked. However, I do think it might depend on Bryan's popularity. If he retains his massive popularity throughout the year, his segments on Raw continue to draw and ppv buys & WWE Network subscriptions are strong, I don't see them making the same mistake they did with The Rock, resulting in what amounts to a vanity title run with an ending you can see a mile off.
What I'd do with the guy is this, I'll do with with build and match included.

Summerslam Build: Have John Cena when his feud with Bray Wyatt eventually and have keep talking about how he's the measuring stick for talent in WWE. This would build to Brock returning for Summerslam by simply marching out and saying he is the yardstick in the WWE because he is the one who beat the Undertaker and retired the Dead Man. In the coming weeks have them draw in how Brock beat Cena senseless back in 2012 but also that Cena won that match, Heyman could easily counter that it was a fluke and that Brock clearly dominated Cena that day. All the while they keep saying Brock is the one that ended the Undertaker's Streak and career.

Summerslam Match: John Cena vs Brock Lesnar with Brock getting the pinfall victory.

Aftermath: Brock & Heyman march out on Raw, gloat about adding Cena to the list of accomplishments conquered and Brock leaves again for a few months.

Royal Rumble Build: Throughout 2014 I'd have the title story revolve around Daniel Bryan fighting the Authority. You can trade title wins with Batista or whoever but ultimately Bryan would have the belt in December when Brock makes his return. For this I'd simply have Lesnar march out and destroy Bryan on a Raw. Heyman can say that Triple H personally asked Brock to return to finally end the Yes Movement and destroy Daniel Bryan. Build this match as the ultimate David v Goliath title match in the coming weeks, with Heyman telling Bryan to just hand the title over and with Brock beating down Bryan most weeks on Raw.

Royal Rumble Match: Follow a similar model to the CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar Summerslam 2013 match, where Bryan tries to utilise his strikes and to try to lock in quick submissions, but ultimately Brock wins the title here and becomes champion.

Aftermath: That same night the Undertaker returns as number 30 in the Royal Rumble and wins it.

Wrestlemania Build: Not much needs to be said for this build. Undertaker returning to gain his revenge on the guy who ended the streak, coupled with it being for the WWE Title, is build enough. But I'd play on the idea that this could be Undertaker's last match, I'd even think about inducting him into the 2015 Hall of Fame, and I'd have Undertaker talk about how if he's going to hell he's dragging Brock down with him.

Wrestlemania Match: Headline match obviously with both guys throwing everything they have at each other but Undertaker wins with the Tombstone in the end.

Aftermath: Since it's rumoured that next Wrestlemania is Brock's last I'd leave it at that for him. Heels don't need emotional send offs and Brock probably wouldn't want one. It wouldn't be possible anyway because the next night on Raw I'd have the Undertaker come out with the title and cut a character based retirement promo centered how he knew he'd have to destroy himself to destroy Brock Lesnar. Undertaker says he's retiring and he gets to leave the WWE as the world champion. A fitting tribute to the guy and better than going out on the loss of the streak.
WWE need to tread very carefully with Brock Lesnar going forward. Breaking the Streak was only the beginning; if the follow up doesn't deliver, the decision to have him go over the Undertaker will go down as one of the biggest blunders in the sport's history. Seriously, The Shockmaster will no longer be the gooseberry of pro wrestling if they don't get this right.
That said, if they book Lesnar the right way, there is sooo much money to be made for everyone. He's had the ultimate rub and is more than talented enough to run with it, so if they get this one right, we the fans are in for the ride of our lives this year.

How I would book Brock Lesnar? It's not dissimilar to the majority on here, but here's my armchair booking:

1. Absolutely no Brock Lesnar until the build for Summerslam. Play off the legit resentment at Brock being "The 1 in 21-1" because he's a part-timer. In fact, the ONLY mention of it should be when Paul Heyman calls himself "The architect behind the breaking of the Streak". Also his return will feel like a big deal and my booking needs him for a couple more dates around Wrestlemania season.

2. Return to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Have Bryan continue to overcome the Authority until he’s triumphed at Money In The Bank. The following night he cuts a promo similar to Cena’s last year on how he can pick his own Summerslam opponent and how he’ll pick the most deserving candidate rather than The Authority’s latest “guy” only for Lesnar to simply enter, hit an F-5, and hoist the belts above his head. The angle is that The Authority was so desperate to rid Bryan of the title they turned to the one force they can’t control; the force that ended the Undertaker’s streak. Build the David vs Goliath matchup until at Summerslam Brock, after a very valiant effort from The Yes Man (WWE: print the T-Shirt, thank me later), wins the title.

3. Disappear. I mean it, just leave. Heyman cuts a promo on how Brock fights for Brock and how The Authority truly cannot control The Beast; Brock will defend his title when he deems the opponent, event and payoff worthy of his time. In the meantime, The Authority creates the Interim WWE Championship (for the sake of PPV main events and Live Events), with the winner promised a unification match with Lesnar. The Interim title is eventually won by Cesaro. The next few PPVs are headlined by Bryan vs Cesaro for the Interim WWE Championship.

4. Return at Survivor Series. Build on a Bryan vs Authority match with Cesaro and Lesnar as champions together on the same team. Miscommunication between the two – Cesaro is supposed to get a unification match, after all – leads to a Team Bryan victory. At TLC, Bryan finally captures the Interim WWE Championship.

5. Unification match at the Royal Rumble. I believe Lesnar had a similar deal at UFC where he had to defend his title against an Interim challenger (or he was the Interim challenger, I don’t follow MMA too closely.) At Royal Rumble he has the return match with Bryan. Bryan gets his win back to become the WWE Undisputed Champion (and restore us to one championship belt.)
This is where my booking splits off, depending on Lesnar’s Wrestlemania 31 opponent:

A) A gong sounds during the Royal Rumble title match, allowing Bryan to recover and win. Undertaker returns to announce he’s got one more match left in him: a return match with Lesnar. No streak, no titles, no gimmicks: just revenge. Brock wants revenge for the title and agrees to the challenge; of course, Undertaker gets his win back and retires the next night, having “dragged Lesnar down to hell with him” (nice idea, comrade_mario).

B) Lesnar loses clean. Heyman stands with him and Cesaro on Raw the next night vowing to use their rematch clause, but Cesaro reminds them that he never got his own unification match with Brock. He realises Heyman used him and only really wants to serve Brock. He calls Heyman’s managerial prowess a myth and that “Brock Lesnar is not a Paul Heyman Guy; the term doesn’t exist. Paul Heyman is a Brock Lesnar Guy.” Leading to a face turn and a match between Cesaro and Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31.

Either way, Brock’s doing the job at WM31. Both scenarios work for me, but can ‘Taker even work another match? If not, Cesaro is the way to go!
I don't see Lesnar vs. Batista happening. For one thing, it'd probably be a pretty dull match. For another, there's nobody for the fans to cheer for as it's a futile effort to try to turn either of them babyface. The fans don't want Batista as a face, Brock Lesnar's the guy who ended the streak and everything about Paul Heyman screams heel manager. Lesnar's already beaten the streak, I don't really see what he gains from slaying The Animal.

Cesaro is nowhere near ready to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion as he needs to rebuild his status as a singles guy. If anything, Cesaro would benefit more from having a strong run with the IC title before possibly being elevated to the main event spot next year. As for Reigns winning the Rumble and Lesnar winning the title at the event, it's like the setting of Cena vs. Rock II all over again with the outcome already known before the match is even officially booked. I don't think WWE ought to rush things with Reigns as he's only 28 years old. They haven't rushed The Shield and it's worked out perfectly, so Reigns needs to be tested for a while when The Shield ultimately breaks up. He may very well blossom on his own, but it's also possible he's not able to rise to the occasion.

If a plan involves Lesnar going after the championship anytime between now and WrestleMania XXXI, I don't think WWE can wait almost a year before implementing it. Lesnar broke the streak and while that's something to generate momentum that could last through to next year, I personally have a feeling they're gonna use Lesnar for a title program for SummerSlam. If Bryan is still champion by that time, I think it'll be Bryan vs. Lesnar. It'd be Bryan's first of the Big Four as the champion, he's crazy over right now and it'd be an ideal opportunity for WWE to play the underdog card with Bryan. Now that Bryan's champ, portraying him as the underdog won't work in most situations against most guys, but it will against Brock Lesnar. Lesnar's the only wrestler to be NCAA Division II Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, UFC Heavyweight Champion and he's the one who killed The Undertaker's undefeated streak. If Bryan is still champ by SummerSlam and is booked strong, there's money to be made against Lesnar.

At the same time, there are options for Lesnar. While Lesnar could have a dominant title win at SummerSlam, I think there's one thing that many fans aren't considering: Brock Lesnar doesn't really give a shit about being champion. If there's any wrestler on the WWE roster who cares less about being champion than Lesnar, I haven't seen him. As long as Lesnar collects a huge paycheck when it's all said & done, you could dress him up in a pink tutu, call him Brandy Lesnar and job him out to AJ or Paige and I think he'd be okay with it. As long as he gets a big chunk of change, that's what matters. That's why I always think of Brock as the biggest mercenary in WWE history. Of course, all the wrestlers do it for money, but Lesnar just doesn't have that love or passion. As it looks like WWE is in the midst of a genuine youth movement, having Lesnar win the title looks like something of a step backwards to me.

I like the notion of Roman Reigns going against Lesnar next year at WrestleMania XXX and I think one way to go around it would be for both he & Lesnar to compete in the Royal Rumble match. Given his performance this year, you know that Reigns will be in the match next year. Maybe Reigns eliminates Lesnar and Lesnar, being the poor sport that he is, grabs a steel chair, heads back into the ring, proceeds to beat Reigns with it unmercifully, tosses him over the top rope to eliminate him, continues to wail on him with the chair for a bit before delivering an F5 either on the metal ramp, on top of the stage or on the announce table.

I simply don't see Lesnar winning the title. It was a mistake to do it with The Rock and Lesnar's appearances are even fewer than The Rock. As I said, it gives away the ending of his match at WM XXXI before it's even officially booked. However, I do think it might depend on Bryan's popularity. If he retains his massive popularity throughout the year, his segments on Raw continue to draw and ppv buys & WWE Network subscriptions are strong, I don't see them making the same mistake they did with The Rock, resulting in what amounts to a vanity title run with an ending you can see a mile off.

Whilst I do see Lesnar having a run with the title, what JH has said above does have its merits.

Also, the scenario of a grudge feud between Lesnar and Reigns going into Mania 31 can be an indirect repeat of that infamous Lesnar vs Goldberg feud at Mania 20.

However, if with Lesnar's contract reportedly until Mania 31....this match will most likely mean Lesnar putting over Reigns and moving on.

And honestly, Reigns being the guy to slay the Beast makes sense in many ways due to his booking and portrayal until now in any case.
My question is how would you book Brock Lesnar over the next year leading up to Wrestlemania 31?

It's mighty hard to "book" someone who's going to fight only two or three times over the course of the year, isn't it? The question being asked is a good one, yet it's a sad irony that Brock's "special" contract makes the whole subject virtually meaningless. Unless, of course, this is all part of a contractually stipulated plan for Brock to fight more than he has been. Perhaps he's found himself enjoying all this more than before.....or maybe he just wants to make more money. Either way, ending the Streak might be the kickoff of a more ambitious schedule for Brock. Of course, his dance card wouldn't exactly resemble that of a regular WWE performer, but to build on the momentum of Brock's WM30 accomplishment, it might be we'll see more of him.

Summerslam- Lesnar vs Batista. The Beast vs the Animal.

I like the match-up; Batista has the size and rep to make it attractive.

Face it, there aren't that many people for a monster like to Brock to fight; at least where it looks believable. Against Batista, I like the idea of both guys staying heels and letting them go to war.

After Batista......who?

Daniel Bryan? Hot as he is, I'm trying to imagine the sight of him in the ring with Brock.

Sheamus? He's got the size, but where's the attraction in seeing them battle? This could change, if Sheamus can be built up again.

Mark Henry? After seeing Brock manhandle him during a run-in, how would you sell the match on a PPV?

Roman Reigns? Especially with his singles push held back, Brock will probably be gone before Reigns is ready.

Cena, Big Show, Triple H? Been there, done that.

So, there it is: How do you make Brock fight more if he's already gone through almost all his possible opponents? And if he's not going to fight more, what was the sense of having him beating Undertaker and ending the most famous streak in pro wrestling?
Plenty of interesting matches Brock can have now. If I could book him in 4 PPV's between now and Mania 31 I would go...

Extreme Rules vs Sheamus
Keep the momentum going after his streak defeat. A physical match he would again win.

Summerslam vs Daniel Bryan
Have this one for the Title. A David vs Goliath scenario. I would have Bryan go over with outside interference from The Rock.

Royal Rumble vs Mark Henry
Like this years Big Show match, a good tune up for Brock where a win would give him momentum.

Wrestlemania 31 vs The Rock
This was going to happen and still has to happen. Biggest match WWE can do.

Then sometime in 2015 turn Batista face and have them go at it....
You do know lesnar is only contracted to a part time schedule? the fact he ended the streak is pathetic he will be at the next ppv then we won't see him till summerslam, knowing the wwe though i would imagine he takes all the momentum of ending the streak into a title match with daniel bryan and then loses
I think the opportunity to either build a new star or really legitimise someone on the cusp of greatness presents itself.

Lesnar has just achieved the holy grail, he just ended Taker’s streak. No title will ever surpass that. EVER. The traction it gained from 2002/3 onwards means that the man who ended the streak will go down in history.

Psychologically, who would want a piece of the man who made the myth mortal?

1st thing, keep him away from the title scene. That much should be a given.
I would book Lesnar as absolutely unstoppable, not squashing main eventers, but beating them cleanly. No losses. In terms of feuds, I’d keep them quarterly for nine months, 3 PPV’s worth each (Not a flavour of the month thing), he can knock off the likes of sheamus, Cena(!), even DB if he loses the strap. Top stars becoming heel fodder for a temporary period of time.

The Royal Rumble winner should announce that there is something more important to him than the strap, the chance to beat the man who beat the man who beat 18 men at 21 Wrestlemania’s. Unless of course at this stage Bray Wyatt is the guy, he can have all sorts of logical reasons for wanting to knock Lesnar off his perch (I am the eater of worlds, you masquerade as an imposter etc)

Who should get the final rub then?

:-| I don't know. I don’t think it should be anyone who is in the twilight of their career, nor should it be someone totally familiar with a set legacy (Cena). Off the top of my head I think:-

CM Punk (Should he return) – He beats the man who beat the man who beat him and kayfabe legitimises himself in his eyes as the best in the world/all time.

Bray Wyatt – Launch Pad. Dude has tons of talent. Perhaps it would be too soon though? Does he deserve it? Then again, did Lesnar deserve to end the streak (regardless of what Undertaker wanted)?

Dean Ambrose – He’d have to go in a different direction way before IMO. Right now, he is the lunatic fringe, but his offense would need to develop to legitimise a program with Lesnar. Also, would this be too soon?

Roman Reigns – Can he continue his development? He has a quiet charisma, a real presence. I think his stick skill is underrated considering that he is very good at portraying an enforcer. I like his delivery and tone. With the type of character he portrays, he doesn’t need to be as expansive as Bray Wyatt, CM Punk etc. Same with the does he deserve it thing as Bray Wyatt.

Daniel Bryan – This would be his total ascension. I’d have him drop the belt in Nov/Dec though.

DARK HORSE – Dolph Ziggler – Drop the showoff gimmick, sell his newfound work ethic and let him put on some amazing matches with other workhorses to legitimise his chances.
I don't know about other ppvs but the rematch between taker and lesnar is very much certain at WM 31 and this time it will be career vs title.
It's mighty hard to "book" someone who's going to fight only two or three times over the course of the year, isn't it? The question being asked is a good one, yet it's a sad irony that Brock's "special" contract makes the whole subject virtually meaningless. Unless, of course, this is all part of a contractually stipulated plan for Brock to fight more than he has been. Perhaps he's found himself enjoying all this more than before.....or maybe he just wants to make more money. Either way, ending the Streak might be the kickoff of a more ambitious schedule for Brock. Of course, his dance card wouldn't exactly resemble that of a regular WWE performer, but to build on the momentum of Brock's WM30 accomplishment, it might be we'll see more of him.

I like the match-up; Batista has the size and rep to make it attractive.

Face it, there aren't that many people for a monster like to Brock to fight; at least where it looks believable. Against Batista, I like the idea of both guys staying heels and letting them go to war.

After Batista......who?

Daniel Bryan? Hot as he is, I'm trying to imagine the sight of him in the ring with Brock.

Sheamus? He's got the size, but where's the attraction in seeing them battle? This could change, if Sheamus can be built up again.

Mark Henry? After seeing Brock manhandle him during a run-in, how would you sell the match on a PPV?

Roman Reigns? Especially with his singles push held back, Brock will probably be gone before Reigns is ready.

Cena, Big Show, Triple H? Been there, done that.

So, there it is: How do you make Brock fight more if he's already gone through almost all his possible opponents? And if he's not going to fight more, what was the sense of having him beating Undertaker and ending the most famous streak in pro wrestling?

It is obvious that there are very few Superstars who can legit take on Brock with the kind of momentum he gained in those final 3 seconds of the Streak.

Daniel Bryan is one that a few people have put forward...but if that match happens, I can't see anything other than a Lesnar win,tbh. It is all well and good to suspend disbelief, but like I felt with the idea of DB beating the Streak or even challenging it, I, like you, can't really fathom DB going over Brock Lesnar with this kind of momentum.

Batista as you have mentioned, is a viable opponent as well, but I don't see him going over Brock either. So it would probably be a feud which makes Brock look even more of a monster, but it can be done as a way to turn Babyface if the WWE plan do so given that Batista's movie is coming out.

Cesaro has just become a Paul Heyman guy, thus, the chances of him and Lesnar crossing paths going forward is a possibility. That said; whilst a match between the two would be brilliant(Imagine the Swing on Brock...LOL), I don't see Cesaro quite reaching a level where he goes over in a feud with Brock.

Roman Reigns' push has been stalled somewhat. There are subtle hints that he is still very much in line for a push very soon,however. The fact that he lead the attack on HHH on last RAW shows that he is still very much the dominant presence in the Shield with or without extended mic-time. Also, remember that he got the Survivor Series and Royal Rumble record, and also dominated Mark Henry twice/three times(like Lesnar did) and was the one member of the Shield to defeat CM Punk in a Singles match.

So his credibility can easily be achieved by the time Royal Rumble 2015 comes around,lMO. I think this current Authority vs Shield & Bryan feud will lead to an HHH vs Roman Reigns match at SummerSlam with Reigns going over in a big way, and by that time, I think he will have split from the Shield and the story going into SummerSlam could be Reigns and Bryan vs the Authority(w/Ambrose and Rollins back on board). All lMO, just a hunch I have.

And lastly, there is always the WWE Superman, John Cena or the People's Champion, the Rock, to defeat Brock Lesnar. But I believe that both would be greeted with disdain by today's WWE fans and rightly so,lMO. Although they might draw big and thus, WWE might run with it regardless.

I'd have Bryan beat Orton, HHH, and Batista is 1 on 1 defenses at Extreme Rules, Payback, and MITB, and then beat all 3 in a Fatal 4-Way at Battleground.

The Authority (nearing the end of it's angle) can bring Lesnar in as a last resort at Summer Slam, but Cena comes out and does his usual "opportunities go through me" bullshit and brings up the fact that he beat Lesnar last time they squared off. Make it a Triple Threat at Summerslam, w/ Bryan Pinning Cena for the win. Brock attacks Bryan after the match, leading to Cesaro (MITB Winner) cashing in and winning the Title.

Have Survivor Series feature a traditional match between a team led by Lesnar and Cesaro (Team Heyman) against a team led by Bryan and Cena. Team Heyman wins with Lesnar and Cesaro as the Survivors, and they stare each other down after the match.

Lesnar beats Cesaro at the Rumble for the strap. Roman Reigns wins the Rumble.

Lesnar vs. Reigns highlights Wrestlemania. Undertaker (if he can go) is retired by Bray Wyatt. Batista and Orton have a Last Man Standing Match after months of tension following the breakup of the Authority. HHH is special guest referee. Bryan faces Cena in a Submission Match and Cena taps out for the first time, leading to a returning Kurt Angle coming back the night after on Raw and beginning a feud with Bryan.

It's really difficult to book him considering he wrestles 3 or 4 times a year.

The Rock got a lot of stick during his last title run, Lesnar might show up on TV more, but he's going to wrestle just the same amount as The Rock did.

Lesnar doesn't need another Title run either, after ending The Streak, that's a big enough achievement to have. It all depends on where the WWE is at around the turn of 2015.
I would basically book Brock Lesnar to be undefeated until Wrestlemania 31, bulldozing his way through all competition.

Have Lesnar disappear from now until Summerslam. In the meantime, Bryan should have cleared out the Raw main event scene (HHH, Orton, Batista, Cena). At this point the Authority would be desperate to find a way to dethrone Bryan. In their desperation, they will turn to Brock Lesnar and give him a title shot for Summerslam. Have Bryan be the underdog and put up a valiant effort, but ultimately he will lose the title to Lesnar.

Post-Summerslam, Lesnar will turn on the Authority. He will go on a hiatus again, taking the WWE championship with him. Now the Authority will regret their actions, i.e. that in a bid to rid Daniel Bryan of the WWE Championship they did something that is not good for business. Cracks will form in the Authority leading to a power struggle (Steph vs HHH). Vince can be inserted in this power-struggle as well.

During this time PPVs should be main-evented by personal feuds or perhaps even an IC title match (in the absence of the WWE Championship the IC title would have much more of the limelight thus its prestige will undoubtedly increase). Perhaps give Cesaro the IC strap.

Lesnar would return for a one time title defense against John Cena at the Survivor Series, to avenge his loss from Extreme Rules when he returned.

For the Royal Rumble, have Lesnar defend the title against the Rock or Cesaro or anyone as long as its someone Lesnar hasn't faced before. Of course Lesnar will successfully defend the title. Roman Reigns will then win the Royal Rumble match sending him on a collision course with Lesnar.

At this point I would opt to keep the Shield together rather than being disbanded for the sake of giving single pushes to the members. Once Reigns wins the Rumble, have Ambrose and Rollins have Reigns' back and be supportive of his title opportunity.

Lesnar will again defend the title inside the elimination chamber (ideally Lesnar would be the last to be released from his pod and just annihilate the remaining participants).

The story line going into Wrestlemania would see Reigns being billed as the WWE's last hope to restore the company's honor. At this point the authority story line would be resolved and the whole company would back Reigns to take down Lesnar. Lesnar could also threaten to let his contract expire and leave the WWE with the Championship.

Then at Wrestlemania 31, Reigns successfully defeats Brock Lesnar clean to win the WWE championship. The ending could be seen coming from a mile away, but sometimes it doesn't matter. This was the case in Bryan's title win and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Whatever they do, he can't lose. He only has a few possible opponents that are even of a high enough caliber for him to face, and half of them don't work. But I say he wins the belt from whoever at the Royal Rumble, and drops it to Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 31. While Bryan had a great moment at WrestleMania XXX, Brock stole a lot of his thunder. They could set it up that " Brock Lesnar took away my night, and now he has my title. At WrestleMania 31, I will take them both back!"
I'd book him more than his sparse schedule is now.
Breaking the streak now makes as Undertaker once said "king of the yard"
Heavy is the head that wears the crown and now they could sell it as a lot of guys coming for the "crown".
Depending on how long Brock is under contract. If he decides to extend his contract with the WWE again thru say Wrestlemania 34(Hypothetical) I say he destroys everyone even at WM31 he should win. How do you push a guy to 21 straight victories at WM's befor he loses only to have the guy that beat him lose the next year. That totally takes away from what Undertaker did and the shock and disbelief of Brock breaking the streak. By Brock doing what he did he needs to be unstoppable for the forseeable future well past WM31 if he decides to stay past it.
I can't believe there are still people who think there is going to be a rematch between Taker and Brock even after criticizing their WM30 match as being terrible. Face it guys, Taker just can't do it anymore. Taker will probably retire this year at Survivor Series.

The best way to book Brock would be to have him dominate whoever he runs into until the Royal Rumble, possibly winning the world title and then dropping it to Reigns at Wrestlemania. This year, I want to see him destroy Sheamus and Rusev leading up to Summerslam and then beat Cesaro in a close, physical match at Summerslam. If WWE has Brock lose to anyone other than Reigns, I think his ending the streak would be wasted.
Reigns or Bray Wyatt, but I get the feeling the guy who is going to do the honors for Roman Reigns is Triple H himself.

Wyatt vs Lesnar, if done right, with the skills of Heyman and Wyatt on the mike, Wyatt's in ring ability, and the family cancelling out "Heyman guys", it could be good. That said, how do you even set something like that up? Cant see it from here, so I'm guessing its going to have to be Reigns.
Brock needs to stay away from the title until Rumble... Here is my idea.

Summer Slam

Brock Lesnar .vs. John Cena

John Cena needs to face off with the Wyatts first and get the last word. Cena should talk about getting into the title hunt, only for Brock to come out laughing. Brock says that he beat undertaker and that he earned a shot. Leading to a grudge match, which Brock goes over cleanly.

Raw - After TLC PPV

Brock Comes out at challenges the champion, only for Triple H to interrupt him and tell him not now. Triple H want's another shot at the World Title, just to show more disrespect to Lesnar. Triple H offers Brock the number 30 spot so he gets a fair shake.

Royal Rumble

Brock Wins the Royal Rumble and will face the winner of Bryan and Trips.
Triple H loses to Bryan and Brock makes his way to the ring and stares down Bryan.

Raw - After Royal Rumble

Heyman calls out Daniel and calls him a joke. He makes fun of his size and his "Yes Movement". Triple H comes out and makes a match where Daniel Bryan will defend the WWE World Title inside the elimination chamber at the PPV. Triple H is backstage with Heyman and tells him that he want's Brock to destroy Daniel, that is if he is world champ after Elimination Chamber. Triple H says that he wants to make sure brock is prepared and puts him in a match with Sheamus at Elimination Chamber.

Elimination Chamber

Brock Lesnar beats Sheamus clean, and Bryan wins the chamber. Daniel Goes to leave the chamber and is attacked by Brock Lesnar and is simply demolished.

RAW - Pre WrestleMania

Daniel wrestles matches on RAW "Injured" and barley wins his matches. Daniel and Brock have a contract Signing, where Heyman keeps mocking DB for his size and "Yes Movement". Brock makes a joke about how he could never lose to Daniel, and how he would walk away from the WWE if that happens. Daniel says put your career on the line... and keeps pushing Brock's buttons until he agrees.


Brock Lesnar .vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP

Daniel Bryan wins and sends Brock home, the Yes Movement is even stronger. Brock is mad and goes to attack Daniel, only for Undertaker to return and Tombstone Brock. The Crowd would go crazy for that!


Brock Renews and contract and goes over Daniel Bryan, and the WWE Universe is disappointed.
Survivor Series - Lesnar vs. Orton. Lesnar is still not #1 contender despite beating Taker when he returned to the WWE this fall so he destroys a former world champion to get the attention of The Authority.

Royal Rumble - Lesnar vs. Bryan. Lesnar wins his first world title in 11 years after defeating Bryan due to interference from CM Punk. Cena wins his third RR, setting up ER 2012 rematch with Cena.

WM XXXI - Brock defeats Cena at WM clean, besides The Rock, Lesnar would be the only wrestler to defeat Cena clean at WM.

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