Brock Lesnar: Overrated or Underrated?

Brock Lesnar: Overrated or Underrated?

  • Overrated

  • Underrated

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I personally think Brock is rated just right. He was only with the company for two years and it's hard to ignore how fast he rose to the top. Very few people come into the business and just dominate the way he did. Brock was the rare package of power, dominance, speed, and charismatic in his own way. Nobody has touted him the best of all time, nobody has touted him as one of the 50 best of all time. But I do believe you have to have something special to dominate the way Brock did. He came, he made an impact, he left.

Brock is rated just right.
Brock Lesnar is a fantastic athlete, you cant deny that, still as a pro-wrestler, fucking overrated in my opinion.

You get a guy who looks like him, push him to the top, thats cool, thats believable, he looks like he could destroy anybody. Yet as a wrestler he just wasnt especially entertaining, his matches with The Rock are some of the worst Rock matches I've ever seen, now Rock was on his way out, but he's never given less than 100%, yet it was one of Brocks best matches, it doesnt make Rocky's top 20.

The guy could do a lot in the ring, yet he just couldnt make all of that natural ability interesting. As a UFC competitor, the guy is awesome, he's where he should be in the world really.

I can name 10 Brock's matches off the top of my head that were better than that 1. No doubt they were against the top performers such as Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and The Undertaker but still saying that the match vs Rock was one of Brock's best ones is a bit far stretched.
I like Brock Lesnar, but I'm going to have to say he's slightly overrated. This guy had the look, speed, and freakish skills and strength that just blew you away when you watched him wrestle. But Lesnar just didn't stick around long enough. He only main evented one wrestlemania(although it was one hell of a match between him and Kurt Angle) and for someone who was being called "the next big thing" you need more than that.
Lesnar did have some good feuds with The Rock, Big Show, and The Undertaker, but there could've been more. That's what always bothers me when I think about Brock's time in the WWE. Plus his match with Goldberg at Wrestlemania XX still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.​
Brock Lesnar in the two years he was in WWE was IMHO, must see TV. Every single week, if he was having a match, it was must see TV...that's how entertained I was by his skill set, feats of strength, speed for his size, etc. He is in my top 3 personal favorites of all time. I think he put on CLINICS with Kurt Angle, and had classics with the likes of Taker and Big Show. I still remember random Smackdown moments from his must see TV era like where he would suplex A-Train literally across the ring or where he would treat Zach Gowen like an action figure....not a ragdoll, but a 6 inch action figure. He was truly amazing.

I don't care how people remember him. I really don't. I personally remember him as a super-athlete who had a legitimate claim to be called the baddest man on the planet, and though some people might have thought I was crazy cuz he was fighting in a 'fake sport' now look at him. He deserves the opporturnity to compete at a legitimate level, and I'm glad he is doing that now in the UFC. He accomplished all he needed to in his time. He won the World Title three times or so, and had a Wrestlemania main event victory, as well as a Royal Rumble win. I still think his match with Kurt Angle at WM 19 was a huge draw. Even TV Guide did a feature on it for Christ's sakes.

Bottom line, Brock Lesnar was the man and I could give a rat's ass if people think he's overrated or didn't draw. He was the sole reason I watched Smackdown, I'd even go as far as to say he was a BIG reason why they even THOUGHT of having a Brand Extension. I do think that most people remember him as a freak of nature, though so I think he gets his props. I think his legacy and remembering power is about a tad below Ultimate Warrior, but for me, he's in my top 3 with HBK and Hennig, but that's just my personal taste.

As for Brock Lesnar telling the fans fuck you....what wrestling fans need to realize is that the world doesn't revolve around something, in this case wrestling, just because you are a big fan of it. There is a big world out there, and Brock Lesnar is a legit super athlete. Im not saying there arent other great athletes in Pro Wrestling, but Brock Lesnar was bred to compete and he's not the type of athlete who should be told to lose, so of course he shouldn't be in Pro Wrestling. It's like if Mike Tyson switched over to Pro Wrestling when he was in his prime, and you asked him to lose more than like once a year, then he just plain shouldnt be in wrestling. It's just not the right place for everyone who has competed all of his life. It's like taking a sex addict and putting him in a strip club...sure it might look like sex, but really it isn't. What wrestling was, was a tease for Brock Lesnar. He liked the competitive aspects of it, but it wasn't the real thing.

What you have to understand is that Brock Lesnar is more of a competitor than an entertainer, which is why he made the right choice. Wrestling fans can be selfish to people like Brock, The Rock, etc.....just because you dont have a HHH length career doesn't mean you didnt leave an impact, accomplish everything you needed to, and enjoy your time in the wrestling ring.

And because A LOT of people don't realize this and give this FREAKIN SUPER ATHLETE his props, he is one of the most underrated main event wrestlers of all time.
I say Brocks overated. He was good and believable to watch but I mean damn! The guy was only in the spotlight for two years. He's been out for five. People are still on this guys nuts like he was just the greatest. Meanwhile he trashes wrestling every chance he gets and yet they still sing his praise. He sold a lot of tickets because he was big and could move. But name five classic Brock matches! He's just like Goldberg to me. Came in made a lot of money, left and never looked back.
Brock Lesnar in the two years he was in WWE was IMHO, must see TV. Every single week, if he was having a match, it was must see TV

CKDaiman you hit it on the head. Wrestling WASN'T boring when Brock was around. Although he had a great cast of guys to work and feud with, he made THEM better as well, not just the other way around. You wanted to see what the machine was gunna do next. Similar feeling to Goldberg in late 97/early 98. You just HAD to see who he was going to destroy next.
Tough question, but a good one. Lesnar was most definitely not overated. I am surprised at the responses, as I expected EVERYONE to trash him and say he was overwhelmingly overated. Brock was a true beast in his time. Next to Angle, he was the most well put together wrestler for that 2 yr span and IMO made Smackdown what it was for 2 solid yrs. If Lesnar did not leave so abruptly, and maybe stuck around for another 3-4 yrs, this would not be a discussion, he would be a true icon of the game I think. His WM main event with angle was a true clinic, and one of the best matches of that time period. His battles with Angle, Big Show, and Taker were the most entertaining thing on smackdown during that time. I understand everyones frustration with him leaving so abruptly, but Brock is a TRUE athlete that wanted to compete at the highest level. Hard to fault him for that. Its not like he just left to go make movies in Hollywood. 02'-03' was some of the most entertaining times Smackdown ever had....
Okay I don't hate Brock...... Oh wait yes I do he is a damn punk!

I say he is overrated because he was strong but there are a lot of other guys who could do the same. He did not stand out more then any other 'strong man' and he got the push so yay but overrated because anyone could pull it off.
I can name 10 Brock's matches off the top of my head that were better than that 1. No doubt they were against the top performers such as Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and The Undertaker but still saying that the match vs Rock was one of Brock's best ones is a bit far stretched.

I'll give you the Benoit matches, they were great, then again, if you can find me a Benoit match that isnt above average I'll be shocked. His matches with Undertaker were about as good as his match with The Rock, the HIAC one might be a bit better.

The only really notable part about his matches with Angle was the fucked up shooting star press, and thats because it's fucking hilarious (well, when you find out he's okay it is anyway, it wouldnt be quite as funny if he killed himself). No Way Out vs Eddie was decent enough, but all in all most of Brock's matches have been meh! I really cant see what the big deal about his ring skills are.
Brock Lesnar wasn't around long enough in the WWE to make that lasting impression on us. He did though become the yongest WWE Champion ( something I'm sure Vince would like to now erase) and rose to the top so fast from where he stared. He was a beast in the ring and always had solid matches. His mic work wasn't too bad either. I'm going with underrated, but it just sucks he wasn't in the company longer.
Most of the fans here when describing brock lesnar sound like you are describing the Ultimate Warrior

A guy that gets pushed way to fast in the bussiness... doesnt pay his dues.... makes a bunch of money .... then leaves.

Big surprise ...

but you cant blame those people for that cause obviously they had somthing that made them get noticed.......

So i guess if anyone hates brock then you can place the blame where it belongs on VINCE... he pushes the guy 2 the top way to fast ( Cause he is just looking for his next stone cold or hulk hogan) and as a result that is the product he produces. a guy that doesnt care about where he is going or came from and just wants his money so he can go home and live large.

Anyways he is not overrated no under he is where he belongs a short flame on a long candle that burned out exactly when he wanted 2.....

Fun while it lastest.... but i believe he will leave a sour taste in the fans mouthes for along time
I don't know if anybody posted this already but i think that they pushed Brock too fast. I understand that he was a great athlete and a hell of a wrestler but i think back to the past when people had to midcard a little before they got their shot at the belt.
1. yes he was, here are examples

vs rock summerslam
vs taker hell in a cell no mercy
vs big show survivor series
vs kurt angle wrestlemania 03
vs goldberg wrestlemania 04

these were some of the most hyped up talked about matches in wwe post attitude era.

2.he is not overrated because he had some of the best matches around,and had that curious/intrigue factor about him that mad you have to watch him, but he was not underrated because i don't here much negative things about him(bar last match at wrestlemania)

3.for someone who was performed for just two years, he acheived a hell of a lot, more than some achieve in 10 or 20 years, he was a 3 time wwe champ,king of the ring, royal rumble winner, 2 match of the year contenders(vs taker no mercy,02,vs angle, wrestlemania,iron man match,03)

4.this im not to sure of, it is similar to goldberg's(career's to short),he did achieve a lot in those 2 years but i feel he may be forgotten after another 5 years time

4b.the only thing he lacked was mic skills his voice was too high pitches and soft ,but by the end of 03 during his feud with benoit(why did they not have a 1on1 ppv match),he had improved a lot, and sounded vicious/aggressive when he spoke.but to sum it up he was awesome in ring athelete that achieved a lot in such a short time mini legend.
Brock Lesnar was f*cking awesome and is the star of the 2000's!!! He was everything the WWE now wishes Sheamus was and have tried (and failed) to replicate with....Lashley, Hidenriche, Matt Morgan (used waaaayyy better in TNA), Snitsky and others.

Brock Lesnar was soooooo good i was gutted when he left (and he should have squashed Jewberg in his last match) the only people who come close to him is Kurt Angle or Randy Orton.

The UFC is doing great with Lesnar, proof he is a draw and a real wrestling machine!!
Lesnar was an enigma. Holy fuck, the things he could do were on a TOTAL HIGHER SCALE than any of the other wrestlers could ever do. That dude is THE BEAST.
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