Carlito Could Be Returning To WWE Soon!

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a

Former WWE Superstar Carlito may be returning to WWE, according to former WWE creative writer Court Bauer and Konnan on MLW Radio.

It's no secret that WWE has been looking for a top Hispanic star and they could bring Carlito back as he fits what they are looking for. Carlito was released in 2010 after violating the WWE Wellness Policy and refusing to go to rehab. He was last seen on WWE TV at the 2014 Hall of Fame ceremony where his father Carlos Colon was inducted. Carlito continues to work for his father's WWC promotion in Puerto Rico as well as indies.

It's worth noting that despite how bad WWE wants a top Hispanic star, there are no Hispanic talents currently training at the WWE Performance Center.

That's today's big news so far and it's an heck of a rumor to be spread. Carlito was one of my favorites when he was in WWE, always thought the guy had the package to be a former World Champion by now. Real life events, pride and other stuff took it away from him so I would really like to see him make a comeback. Even if he returns only for NXT. He's already a veteran and he comes from a great wrestling family, and being the "top hispanic" superstar, I could see him getting more opportunities than most.

I would love to see him pick a fight with Bray Wyatt. That would make him an instant badass in my book. But I doubt WWE would do right by him, because like I said, to much pride in this relationship.

What do you guys think about Carlito's return to WWE?
I hope Carlito returns, so much lost potential in that guy. He can go, he can talk, decent and unique look. I remember a lot of people comparing him to the Rock when he originally debuted, but I don't know if I'd give him that much credit.

The major thing here has to be his health. Returning to WWE and being on the road runs a big risk of him relapsing into drugs and depression. If Carlito has shook his demons then by all means bring him back.

We shouldn't misconstrue Carlito being considered for top Hispanic star as meaning future world champion. WWE has been smartly moving away from the youth movement that bogged down the last 10 years or so. More older and wiser wrestlers add so much to the product. I'm not sure if Carlito is a world champion in a single world title WWE. I definitely see him recapturing the US or IC titles and becoming a stalwart of one of those divisions.

If he does return he needs to make sure he looks the part of a top guy. None of those awful baggy pants he wore towards the end of his run, they made him look like a jobber. I also would like to see him adopt a new finisher. The backstabber just feels like more of a signature move than a devastating finisher.

At 36, I'm not certain WWE will book him to become world champ, but top Hispanic star is crucial. WWE needs to tap into those Hispanic and Latino demographics. Rey, Del Rio, and the original Sin Cara have all left. Hunico and Kalisto can only go so far considering their weakness on the stick and general for the kids vibe. I look forward to some apples flying into some uncool faces on my tv again.
No isn't. It's almost a decade since Carlito was over in WWE, and he hung around in a nothing role for years after that. What do WWE need Carlito for? He doesn't tow the company line so he's more trouble than he's worth.

Unless he's getting a Rhyno role in NXT it isn't happening.
Don't bother. Much like how I don't want the Hardys back, I assume this knucklehead probably couldn't stay clean for more than a month or two. Didn't want help before, what makes WWE think he got it on his own.

I've got no time for Carlito or for that matter anybody from that family. Yes, I blame Carlos Colon for Bruiser Brody, and yes I still hold that against him and his family.
Carlito returning would be great, except the modern WWE smark fans would turn him face within 3 months, and he'd be terrible as a face. If he can return and stay heel, I'm all about it.
There is no news about Carlos Colon returning to wwe since he was glad to be gone he hated it there and he was underutilized and his masked brothers look like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles seriously where is the respect for Hispanic talent? I don t know where you get your new spoderman? If any he will be heading to TNA cause that is where the Hispanic talent is needed the most now
I'd much rather have Carlito back in WWE than most of these young guys they're pushing today. Carlito could go in the ring and oozed charisma, but he had a major attitude problem and that held him back from what he could have been.
The dude still clearly has an axe to grind. He still looked pretty bitter at the Hall of Fame induction but bit his tongue.

I liked him when he was in the company and it would be cool to see him wrestle there again but I'll take this with a big block of salt. Especially considering the source.
I think Carlito's pretty damned overrated. I'm not denying that he has some ability but, like a lot of guys who were released and made a big stink about it online, Carlito's somebody that's been made into a much better talent than he actually is.

He could be entertaining on the mic and inside the ring, but I never saw any sort of godlike ability out of him. IF various rumors/reports are correct, he's the pampered son of a wrestling legend who was lazy, felt he was entitled, didn't pick & choose his battles, etc. The bigger problem, one that isn't just a rumor, was that he was let go after violating the Wellness Policy for the 2nd time and refusing to go to rehab. After he left WWE, he went right back to his old man's promotion in Puerto Rico and picked up where he left off as one of the most heavily pushed guys there. In January of this year, he began his 15th run as WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion.

It's never a bad thing to have a lot of talent, but there are plenty on the roster who're more talented than Carlito. WWE could use him, I suppose, but him never coming back won't exactly keep me up at night.
He's great on the mic, don't know about the ring anymore, he's been gone a long time. Might be coming back to manage Los Matadores. Aren't they turning heel and being repackaged? Never really heard them speak, so they might be shit and need someone to talk for them. Other than that, really see no need for him to be there.
From what I understand this was a rumor being spread by Konnan on his podcast. Since Konnan isn't exactly know for being an upstanding individual, I have to take this information for what it is. A rumor. As far as Carlito goes I really don't care. I didn't think he was all that great to begin with.
I don't know how to feel on this. I quite liked the semi-team he formed with Chris Masters back in 2005/2006 but really what he could offer the WWE, at least on air? I mean the most memorable thing he did realistically speaking was getting the first notable RKO From Outta Nowhere, but apart from that, it's iffy for me. Having said that, I'd imagine he'd be a good trainer/agent especially in NXT assuming he's moved past his rumoured drug/attitude issues
Carlito is great in the lower midcard, wouldn't mind seeing him back, just not in the 3rd Hour.
He's great on the mic, don't know about the ring anymore, he's been gone a long time. Might be coming back to manage Los Matadores. Aren't they turning heel and being repackaged? Never really heard them speak, so they might be shit and need someone to talk for them. Other than that, really see no need for him to be there.

He used to tag with the one in WWE that's his brother and the other one is his cousin so at least there would be a logical tie in there as their manager other than that they're all Hispanic.

And I don't remember if Primo actually had mic skill. Probably not the same skill Carlito had though.
Let me get this straight: Carly Colon is going to leave the security of the WWC, where you can get away with murder and still keep your career, to go to a company where if you pass gas the wrong way you get bounced? He has nothing to prove to the WWE at this point. He has ZERO reason to go there. The only way I see this happening is if Carly gets Daniel Bryan-type money and First Class airline accommodation. Other than that, Carly is not going to Stamford.
I may have come off a bit too rosy when it came to my Carlito remarks. Everyone's counterpoints are absolutely correct. He didn't do shit when he was given all the opportunity. He had a program with Ric Flair for Christ's sake. They were a tag team. All Carlito seemed to do was put on baggy pants and an awful beard the slide down then lower card.

He wasn't exactly a HOF career, but the last few years have been interesting. WWE had failed to build a long term Hispanic/Latino star since Eddie died. Rey was injury prone, the Mexicools were a racist joke, Chavo was given no respect, Sin Cara 1 is a Botchamania hall of famer, and they basically ran Del Rio out on a rail. There's no one who fits the bill in developmental. Where do they find new Latino stars?

They need Hispanic stars. Carlito could be a decent band aid before a next generation star is found or bred. It feels like there's a bit of a throwback era going on these days. Stars debuting over 30, second chances and wrongs righted. Carlito is like any child of a famous person, born into the world and he resented it. He got sick and hopefully he's conquered it. If he's mentally healthy than I wouldn't mind seeing him on American TV again. If he's sick, or a douche, or not invested, then forget him. If not, cool.
If Carlito does return he better return as Carlito Caribbean Cool and this time Carlito needs to be given a proper push
They need Hispanic stars. Carlito could be a decent band aid before a next generation star is found or bred. It feels like there's a bit of a throwback era going on these days. Stars debuting over 30, second chances and wrongs righted. Carlito is like any child of a famous person, born into the world and he resented it. He got sick and hopefully he's conquered it. If he's mentally healthy than I wouldn't mind seeing him on American TV again. If he's sick, or a douche, or not invested, then forget him. If not, cool.
WWE needs a Latino star? Go sign Amazing Red. He is as Puerto Rican as the day is long. Go sign Tigre Uno. Go sign Sexy Star. Go sign Pentagon Jr. WWE does not need to see an arrogant SOB who when told that he needed help, told VKM where to go. Let Carly stay with Papa.
It would be kind of cool to have him come out for a one off US TItle Open Challenge now that Cena has it back. Otherwise I don't have much feeling for a returning Carlito. His gimmick runs stale fast and he never did anything all that interesting in the ring.

I also find spitting anything on another living thing repulsive.
As a guy who knows him well...... No. Carlito is a conformist. He's been riding the wave of his privilege since his debut. There's nothing wrong with that but at the same time, why would WWE sign a guy with no real motivation aside from getting a bigger check? They want a Latino star? You have his far more talented brother and cousin unmasked. They sold out a 11,000 arena in their home 3 weeks ago. You also have Kalisto. The guy is amazing. Mr. 450 has been hammering away at NXT for whatever job he can get for months now. WWE wants Latino stars? They already have them. Go use them.

Carlito is fine being a part-owner of a promotion that gives no fucks for itself and lives off local sponsors.
According to, the money WWE offered Carlito was apparently so low that he didn't take the deal. However, the impression was given that Carlito would take a deal if better money was offered. WWE reportedly wanted to bring him back as part of the re-packing they're doing with Los Matadores.

I was excited to see if he was gonna return, but now I'm glad he didn't accept, because me, I don't have very high hopes for the Los Matadores repackaging. Under the right circumstances, a Carlito, Primo and Epico stable could be good. If I were to put those three together, I would have Carlito keep his apple "I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool" schtick, his Cabana segments, but also add some Razor Ramon elements to promos, like proclaim himself as the new "Bad Guy". In addition to that, I would have him smoke Don Collins cigars during his entrance, interviews, and other segments, along with Primo and Epico. Basically a Puerto Rican gang stable (similar to Los Boricuas, and also base some things off of the Latin Kings, which are an actual Puerto Rican gang) as they could use having another stable around, because now they only have The New Day and The Wyatts
I thought Carlito was a very talented and underutilized wrestler when He worked for WWE. He was absolutely brilliant at times in the ring and on the mic IMO and seemed to be destined for a spot in the main event, but somewhere along the way He became unmotivated and drastically (deservingly) dropped down the card until He reached the rock bottom of the lower tier of the roster. His case reminds Me a lot of Jeff Hardy and His substance abuse problems with the main difference being that at the time Hardy was a huge star, that carried a little more weight with the big brass at WWE headquarters and was worth the time and effort in dealing with the challenges that presented themselves in the form of no-shows, lazy preformances, overall danger of having a substance fueled competitor competing, ect...

I must admit I would love to see Carlito get one last shot at greatness but only if He is in the right place physically and mentally. I don't know if i'm down with the stereotypical Latin American gang thing that has been done to death by every single wrestling company and seemingly the only gimmick for a group of Mexicans but I would love to see Him reunited His family in some form of a Pro-Latin American aristocrat group all about Latin pride and their superior wrestling traditions maybe WWE could finally sign Shawn Hernandez as the stables enforcer, they would wear expensive suits, live in the lap of luxury and most importantly WIN matches and titles. That's just one of the many scenarios I could see working and I was just flying off the cuff but You guys get the point, whatever happens in the end I just hope He doesn't further embarrass or tarnish Himself or His Family again with His drug induced lackadaisical antics, if given another chance I hope He rises to the occasion and fully utilizes His maximum talent level and embraces being the face of Latin wrestling in WWE.
I thought Carlito was a very talented and underutilized wrestler when He worked for WWE. He was absolutely brilliant at times in the ring and on the mic IMO and seemed to be destined for a spot in the main event, but somewhere along the way He became unmotivated and drastically (deservingly) dropped down the card until He reached the rock bottom of the lower tier of the roster. His case reminds Me a lot of Jeff Hardy and His substance abuse problems with the main difference being that at the time Hardy was a huge star, that carried a little more weight with the big brass at WWE headquarters and was worth the time and effort in dealing with the challenges that presented themselves in the form of no-shows, lazy preformances, overall danger of having a substance fueled competitor competing, ect...

I must admit I would love to see Carlito get one last shot at greatness but only if He is in the right place physically and mentally. I don't know if i'm down with the stereotypical Latin American gang thing that has been done to death by every single wrestling company and seemingly the only gimmick for a group of Mexicans but I would love to see Him reunited His family in some form of a Pro-Latin American aristocrat group all about Latin pride and their superior wrestling traditions maybe WWE could finally sign Shawn Hernandez as the stables enforcer, they would wear expensive suits, live in the lap of luxury and most importantly WIN matches and titles. That's just one of the many scenarios I could see working and I was just flying off the cuff but You guys get the point, whatever happens in the end I just hope He doesn't further embarrass or tarnish Himself or His Family again with His drug induced lackadaisical antics, if given another chance I hope He rises to the occasion and fully utilizes His maximum talent level and embraces being the face of Latin wrestling in WWE.

Why are "He", "His", "Himself", etc. all capitalized? I wasn't aware that Carlito was apparently Jesus lol.

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