Championship Region, Sixth Round: (2) The Rock vs. (12) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • The Rock

  • Brock Lesnar

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Just gonna put out this video of SCSA talking about Brock:


Now, what exactly does this video provide towards this match? Well, if you listen to Stone Cold, he, a top wrestling name, compliments Brock Lesnar in his strength, power, and all his skills. He even said so that Brock could dominate at anything he puts his time into. Which leads me into this point: SCSA said so himself that Brock never wrestled or fought in UFC with all his health in shape, but yet dominated.

Now, I assume this interview was done after Brock left UFC and it's obvious that Austin was talking about how he was never 100% healthy while in UFC. This is not UFC. 5-3 is hardly dominating.

Now, what does that say about Brock beating Rock in here. Yes, Rock was in the midst of leaving for his Hollywood career, but Brock wasn't healthy 100% and still defeated Rocky. So, this is a wash and repeat thing for me at least.

I think you might want to listen again and provide context a whole lot better than what you just did.
I assume everyone knows what the E in WWE stands for, correct? Good. So lets get started then.

Brock Lesnar is not entertaining. Now, he is scary & I wouldnt want to fight him, but there is much more to being a wrestler than muscles & intimidation. Being entertaining really outweighs all of that. Having the size is a big plus & you have to have a good level of athletic ability, but if you are not entertaining- you wont have a job for long. Brock Lesnar is not entertaining. Paul Heyman is entertaining. Thats why he is so important to Lesnar's career. Brock opens his mouth & people roll their eyes and groan. Even Lesnar's pterodactyl battle cries are terrible. He just does not have the mic skill to be the total package. Without Heyman, Lesnar would not be as big of a name. Brock is unintentionally funny, awkward funny. Like the sombrero wearing kind of funny.

Well then there is this, which is hilarious but for all the wrong reasons:


And well, I guess you can add the stuff he did to Zach Gowen, like throwing him down the stairs & tossing him around like a human rubber-pencil trick. But, really that was only funny because I have a kind of twisted sense of humor sometimes. All in all, you catch my drift. Brock Lesnar =/= Entertaining.

You know who is? The Rock. Funny motherfucker right there. He is responsible for some of the best moments in WWE history when it comes to skits & promos. His skill in that department has even gotten him a career in Hollywood because the man is so damn charismatic. I can think of dozens of times that he has made me bust out laughing. He is just flat out entertaining & all without the help of a manager\mouthpiece.

When you look at all the best wrestlers, they all have larger than life characters & are great on the mic. They connect with fans. They pull you in & can have you laughing one minute and fired up the next. Being entertaining is a huge part of the sports entertainment business & The Rock > Brock Lesnar. There is no disputing that fact.

So do the right thing. If you have not already voted for Rock, then please do so. You know its the right choice. As I said in an earlier post- If you were to erase one man from the history books, who would you choose? The answer is Brock Lesnar because without The Rock, wrestling wouldnt have been nearly as enjoyable to watch.

Still dont believe me? Even Lesnar himself cant help but laugh when Rock is around.


Lets all put an end to the penis tattoo train & send the right man into the finals. Vote for The Rock.
This isn't Dungeons and Dragons. Charisma doesn't mean balls when Brock is throwing you around like a ragdoll.
This isn't Dungeons and Dragons. Charisma doesn't mean balls when Brock is throwing you around like a ragdoll.

The Rock isn't Spike Dudley. Brock did not, and would be incapable of, throwing him around like a rag doll. The arguments for Brock just keep getting worse. I can at least respect someone posting "I'm voting for Brock because I like him more," because at least that's a logical reason to vote for him.
I voted against Lesnar in the prior two rounds, and I'm voting against him here. I'll admit I've never understood why people find Brock as amazing as they do, but that's simply a matter of difference in taste. Rock is the bigger name and infinitely more entertaining in the entertainment-based world of pro wrestling. It would take a lot more than a single match victory (which included significant interference from Paul Heyman) to convince me to vote against Rock.

Plus, since we're taking damage into account, then Rock is coming into this match much fresher. He absolutely crushed Flair in the prior round (by 46 votes) while Brock had a lot more trouble with HHH (by 18 votes).
This isn't Dungeons and Dragons. Charisma doesn't mean balls when Brock is throwing you around like a ragdoll.

This may not be D & D, but Rock is about to slay a beast. Are you really going with the 'Brock Smash' argument? Since we have such a good scenario to set up this match- Does everyone remember what Brock looks like after fighting HHH?


This is the Brock Lesnar that is walking into this match. Exactly this Brock Lesnar. No time to go home, have Sable ice his wounds & hang around the house for weeks till he is better. His next match is the very same night. This is a battered Lesnar who will be winded 5 minutes into his match with The Rock. This Lesnar is running at 50% & wont be tossing anyone around like a rag doll. This Lesnar is not enough to beat The Peoples Champion.

Rock has taken a bit of damage himself during his match with Flair, but nowhere near the amount that Lesnar suffered at the hands of HHH. Based off of that alone, Rock has a big advantage going into this match. Lets not forget that he can play dirty with the best of them & he will not hesitate if he gets any chance to take Lesnar down a few more pegs. Plus we cant forget how resilient The Rock can be when the chips are down.

Anyway you look at it, this is just the end of the line for Lesnar.
I really have no idea how Lesnar beat Triple H or Hogan in this tournament.

Hulk Hogan is inarguably the biggest star in wrestling history.

And Triple H is one of the all-time greats.

Lesnar's 2 year career in WWE means nothing compared to Hogan or Hunter's legendary careers.

I voted for Rock because he's better than Lesnar in a lot of aspects: impact/legacy on the biz, mic skills, charisma, drawing ability, ability to play a face/heel, putting talents over...
I'm almost ashamed to have voted Lesnar considering some of the arguments and voices coming out of that camp in this thread.

The reason I'm voting for Lesnar is quite simply because of the context. I think X's post was the most fair one out of all that I've seen. I much prefer The Rock to watch in all aspects, he's probably in my top 3 guys ever, but people are being far too quick to undersell Brock here just because he isn't considered one of the best of all time. There is one category in which Lesnar trumps the Rock, if only just about but still. That category is booking.

In the quest of getting Lesnar over first time around they threw to him Hlk Hogan (who had not long ago taken the absolute top guy, The Rock, to the limit at Wrestlemania), The Rock, as feverishly discussed already in this thread, The goddamned Undertaker. He got the best of everyone he faced until he turned face against Big Show. That was the first time he'd been pinned, almost a year in. Then he won the royal rumble, and then beat Angle at Wrestlemania. Arguably, the only guy to really get the better of Lesnar during his whole first stint (asides from Eddie Guerrero who he never really feuded with, and only lost the title to interference) was Goldberg himself, and only then because both guys were on the way out and they wanted the face to go over.

Then he returns and kicks the crap out of the face of the company for 25 minutes before getting beaten by two moves. That could count as a mark against but you thinking people know and I know, that Cena beating him in the fashion he did, and in their first encounter since him returning was just the flat out wrong decision. He should have been booked to win in a story that could've ran until Summerslam. Instead they dropped it after one PPV and seemingly killed his momentum almost instantaneously. Despite this, he would go on to feud with HHH. Break his arm, not once but twice in the course of their feud, and beat him two out of three times over the next year. He got the better of HHH in a feud. HHH. The guy that overbooked himself so much, he beat CM Punk during the hottest angle in years in 2011 despite Punk beating Cena clean only months previously and despite only being a part time wrestler.

He was/is so highly booked, he doesn't only not wrestle on free TV, he only wrestles about four matches a year,only at the big PPVs. Now, this is also true of The Rock granted, and The Rock defeated CM Punk after the longest title reign in the last 25 years. That's massive. He also beat John Cena AT Wrestlemania. That's arguably bigger. That's be like if Hogan had beaten The Rock in Toronto at WM 18 and The Rock had gotten the win back the following year. Of course that didn't happen, because unlike for Cena the vast majority of fans like The Rock despite the smarky Canadian crowd, and were on his side again by the end of the match.

But Brock Lesnar ended The Streak. That's unfathomable. A feat so great it can only ever be done once and Lesnar was the man to do it. In kayfabe, that trumps anything the Rock did whilst he was back. Just ask the crowd seconds after it had happened.

Factor into all this that Lesnar has been booked in a similar vein in this very tournament. People have thought it fit to put him, right or wrong, over Hulk Hogan and HHH. One all time great, and one in the very next bracket of greats. The Rock has had no easy road here either, it's not possible to get an easy road this far, but Lesnar's was harder. Going over Sting is an unappreciatedly difficult task. That man got to the final a few years back and is a regularly semi-finalist in this tournament. But those two guys are too similar. Both known for being meteoric faces, and in that situation The Rock is always going to win because in last '99 and 2000 he was untouchable as a face.

What I'm trying to say in a very long-winded way is... If this is a one off match and I'm asked to vote, I go with The Rock 99 times out of 100. He's just more entertaining, more of a star, he can carry a show better, and in his prime, go the distance in the ring just as well. But the way WWE view his value to them by winning and being a monster, the way the voting has gone in this tournament has made Lesnar winning this match the likely option, not the surprise one. If beating two of the toughest opponents of all time doesn't matter up until this point then there is veritably no point in the context of matches. But Lesnar did, he's beaten the toughest guys to get to this point, and that puts him in good stead to beat another. It's all about context. Brock Lesnar is an absolute freak of nature physically. He can actually fuck someone up in a real fight and he uses a portion of that power and ability in the ring to wrestle. After beating the absolute best guy that there is (Hogan), you'll have to excuse me if I don't see why he should lose to number 2 or 3. Rock beating Lesnar would be expected normally if you're talking about the greatest. But given the context of this match, it would be inconsistent booking. After his run, Lesnar should go to the final and fight an opponent he's never fought and a guy some people would say is the number 1 guy, and that'll be an apt way to determine the winner this year. Lesnar v. Austin, the match everybody wanted to see.

Whoever wins, though, fantastic match. One of the closest and most hotly contested semi-finals I can remember from this tournament.
Have you ever seen the match or is this just one more of your uninformed, uneducated statements? Their match at Summerslam 2002 was highly competitive. There was also HEAVY interference from Paul Heyman and the use of a chair from Brock Lesnar. At one point in the match The Rock had him in a sharpshooter and Brock had his hand up to tap and Heyman got on the apron to distract the ref and prevent that from happening. Kayfabe wise it was far from a dominant victory.

Logic wise it also would not have made sense for the Rock to win that match. He was the current champion and about to go shoot a movie for 5 months. Whether it was his prime or not is irrelevant. When guys go on extended leaves of absence they don't get booked to stay the champion. Let's also not forget that they only fought ONE time one on one. That's hardly a good enough sample size (especially considering all the interference in the match) to say that Brock had his number. RVD is 1-0 against Steve Austin is singles matches. Does that mean you'd vote him over Austin if they met in this tournament?

It's just another one of my uninformed, uneducated statments. How dare I think that because Lesnar has beaten the Rock in their only meaningful match that he can do it again. It's just fucking ludicrous to think that Lesnar couldn't do something that he's already done. I'm just a dumb ass folks.

Vote Rock.
It's just another one of my uninformed, uneducated statments. How dare I think that because Lesnar has beaten the Rock in their only meaningful match that he can do it again. It's just fucking ludicrous to think that Lesnar couldn't do something that he's already done. I'm just a dumb ass folks.

Vote Rock.

Last time I checked, beating someone in a wrestling match is not the same as kicking someone's ass. You stated Lesnar kicked the Rock's ass, implying that it was a one sided match that the Rock didn't have a chance to win. The actual match was exactly the opposite of that and I was just pointing it out. I'm glad you've finally come to terms with your intelligence though. It's a step in the right direction.
It's just another one of my uninformed, uneducated statments. How dare I think that because Lesnar has beaten the Rock in their only meaningful match that he can do it again. It's just fucking ludicrous to think that Lesnar couldn't do something that he's already done. I'm just a dumb ass folks.

Vote Rock.


The Hurricane has beaten The Rock clean. Would you put him over in the tournament?
Vladamir Kozlov has beaten The Undertaker clean. Would you put him over in the tournament?
HHH and Shawn Michaels were beaten by Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase j.r. clean. Would you put them over in the tournament?

Need I continue?

Ever here tell of a little diddy they call... 'context'? It basically means, the circumstances surrounding a set event or events that can explain why they came to be. For example, in the instance of Brock Lesnar beating The Rock for The Undisputed WWF title, the context is that WWE were trying to get Brock Lesnar over. He didn't have the natural charisma of a Stone Cold, or a Rock, or even a Chris Jericho or Mick Foley. Therefore, the plan was to demonstrate how much of a monster he was by the significance of the competition that he defeated. If someone beats an athlete the quality and caliber of someone like The Rock, it gives you a kayfabe indication of how seriously he is to be treated.

As luck would have it, not only was this the idea for got to get Brock over, WWE also knew that one of their premier stars, that being The Rock himself, was set to leave to go and film movies. This all worked together as a wonderful plan whereby Lesnar would conclusively beat The Rock to give and impression to the fans of just how powerful, dominant and to be feared he was and would be, and that would put him in good stead going forward.

Now, had The Rock not been leaving for Hollywood, do you really think they would have fed him to Lesnar in a one-match feud? They wouldn't have needed to. The Rock was a much bigger star than Lesnar then, and that he would ever be. WWE would have preferred to keep The Rock on and if the two had met, in the course of putting over the younger would-be star, they would have exchange wins and losses. Probably culminating in the face (Rock) winning the feud, as is the norm in feuds of that magnitude.

Context is important. It's not enough to say that Lesnar beat The Rock the only time they faced each other when all circumstances led to that being the only possible outcome from a booking and financial point of view. Don't fool yourself into believing that had The Rock not been off to Hollywood, he wouldn't have had his share of victories over the beast. There is an argument to be made for Lesnar, and I'm afraid I've already decisively made it. This certainly isn;t a road worth pursuing.
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