Character Changes


I already sent this to Killjoy a few days ago, but this is the new rep for John Doe. Trying to show a bit more character than just the mask from the last picture, and I didn't like the white collared shirt.
----------------Eye Colour: Deep penetrating red

Main Gimmick: A man brainwased to believe he is a robot for the creation of the ultimate fighter

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
1. S.H.I.T walks, talks and acts like a cold mechanical machine, to the point that no one is really sure if he is one or not.
2. Almost solely focused on destruction

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):

1. A Mick Foley-esque resiliency to physical pain, although not unstoppable
2. Is not susceptible to mind games, fear or any other pathetic human emotion or feeling
3. Pound for pound ridiculously strong


1. Believes he is a robot, and not affected by puny things like guns, explosives or stabbing weapons
2. Not greatly manoeuvrable, while dropkicks and other such moves are possible, S.H.I.T’s “anatomy” doesn’t allow him to do simple things like cover up very easily when being struck for example.
3. 1 Dimensional, S.H.I.T is good at what he’s good at and that’s all. He needs upgrading to be able to expand on that, you know what your going to get.

Entrance music;


12 Most Used Moves:

German Suplex (occasionally with a pin attempt)
Snap Suplex
Suicide Dive
Roundhouse kick to head
Nerve hold
European Uppercut
Top rope neckbreaker
Dragon suplex
Tiger suplex
T-bone suplex

Extra request: At certain times during feuds, etc, the arena lights go black, binary code appears on the screen, when the lights come back on S.H.I.T has appeared in the middle of the ring in the classic 'Terminator time jump' pose, where it unfolds and goes about its business. If you can incorporate that, that'll be cool, but I understand I may be stepping on Ty's toes a little bit. So feel free to shit all over that idea.
Long stuff

I think I did this as you requested. I hope I didn't screw it up.


I already sent this to Killjoy a few days ago, but this is the new rep for John Doe. Trying to show a bit more character than just the mask from the last picture, and I didn't like the white collared shirt.

----------------Eye Colour: Deep penetrating red

Main Gimmick: A man brainwased to believe he is a robot for the creation of the ultimate fighter

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
1. S.H.I.T walks, talks and acts like a cold mechanical machine, to the point that no one is really sure if he is one or not.
2. Almost solely focused on destruction

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):

1. A Mick Foley-esque resiliency to physical pain, although not unstoppable
2. Is not susceptible to mind games, fear or any other pathetic human emotion or feeling
3. Pound for pound ridiculously strong


1. Believes he is a robot, and not affected by puny things like guns, explosives or stabbing weapons
2. Not greatly manoeuvrable, while dropkicks and other such moves are possible, S.H.I.T’s “anatomy” doesn’t allow him to do simple things like cover up very easily when being struck for example.
3. 1 Dimensional, S.H.I.T is good at what he’s good at and that’s all. He needs upgrading to be able to expand on that, you know what your going to get.

Entrance music;


12 Most Used Moves:

German Suplex (occasionally with a pin attempt)
Snap Suplex
Suicide Dive
Roundhouse kick to head
Nerve hold
European Uppercut
Top rope neckbreaker
Dragon suplex
Tiger suplex
T-bone suplex

Extra request: At certain times during feuds, etc, the arena lights go black, binary code appears on the screen, when the lights come back on S.H.I.T has appeared in the middle of the ring in the classic 'Terminator time jump' pose, where it unfolds and goes about its business. If you can incorporate that, that'll be cool, but I understand I may be stepping on Ty's toes a little bit. So feel free to shit all over that idea.

These two are updated.
Real Name: Michael Darrow

Gimmick Name: John Doe

Announced As: "The Left Hand Of God" John Doe

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 210 lbs.

Hometown: Waterloo, Iowa

Billed From: Independence Mental Health Institute: Independence, Iowa

Alignment: Heel

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first "The Left Hand Of God" John Doe!


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Bald/Shaved Bald

----------------Eye Colour: Grey

----------------Facial Hair: Slight goatee stubble

----------------Ring attire: Black coverall

----------------Backstage Attire: Black coverall w/ assorted masks

----------------Physical Features: Muscular, big for his size, brooding demeanor, husky voice, small scars scattered around his head

----------------Tattoos: Skull on the back of his left hand

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: No memory of who he was. Very aggressive, no remorse.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Constantly on the offensive. Aggressive with his submission maneuvers.

Brief Bio/History: "John Doe" awoke in a mental hospital with no idea of who he was, or why he was there. Was told he signed himself in, and was free to go. His only belongings were a black coverall, an all-white mask, and a piece of paper with the letters WZCW. John recently was visited by his brother, and found out he was left on the steps of the church as an infant, and was adopted and baptised by the pastor as his own son. He vehemently rejects God and religion. Militant atheist. Stole a stack of papers that may contain further information on who John is, and where he's been.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]6teemSsbyQ4[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: As the music climbs, John enters through the curtain, staring out at the crowd with a sneer. He slowly walks to the ring, pushing away the outstretched hands of fans, and if there's any anti-John doe signs, or pro-God signs, he will take them and tear them up. He always uses the steps and enters through the ropes, and then paces while waiting for the bell to ring.

Fighting Style: Straightforward aggression, but not without a plan. He will attack until a weakness is shown, and then pinpoint that weakness until he can go for a submission or knockout. Doesn't care for the rules, but is not an out-and-out rulebreaker. He'd rather inflict more pain, than be disqualified. Not afraid to climb the ropes, but not a high-flier by any means. (Think Benoit, Jericho, Punk)

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: He doesn't talk to anyone, not even his opponent mid-match. Obvious amnesia. Recently found out he was the victim of a hit-and-run as a small child, but re-learned to walk by his 18th birthday. There are no lingering effects. Amnesia was caused by being choked out in his first MMA fight, and refusing to tap out. Memory is slowly returning to normal.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
- The Word Of LaVey (Cattle Mutilation)
- Baptism By Blood (Muta Lock)

Signature Moves (3 max):
- The Crucifixion (Full Nelson Slam)
- Iowa Cloverleaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
- Sit-out Strait Jacket Slam

12 Most Used Moves:
- Boot Choke in the corner to an 8-9 count
- Facewash to a downed opponent in the corner (especially after the boot choke)
- Springboard Back Elbow to a running opponent
- Spinning Back Fist
- Tornado Single-Arm DDT
- Running Spinebuster
- Dangan Elbow / Roaring Elbow
- Hangman's Neckbreaker
- Shining Wizard
- Mule Kick (as opponent comes off top rope)
- Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker into a pin
- Pele Kick
Real Name: Vimal Adzenhan

Gimmick Name: Vee A.D.Z.

Announced As: None

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 185 lbs

Hometown: Surrey, England

Billed From: Crawley, South East England

Announced as:
Introducing first, From Crawley, South East England, weighing 185 pounds, Vee! A! D! Z!

Alignment: Face


----------Hair Colour/Length
Natural Black with brownish stripes just on the front falling, Moderately Long.

----------Eye Colour
Brownish Black

----------Facial Hair
Van Dyke Beard without any Mustache

----------Ring Attire
Dark Green Trunk with A D Z Printed on both the sides, Always wears a pair of glove, Elbow pad to the left arm

----------Backstage Attire
Long White T-Shirt with a Shattered Cross Printed in the Front, Dark Green Sweatpant

----------Physical Features
Athletic with Ripped off 8 Pack Abs and Fit look, got a cross shaped scar on forehead

Sara written around the right wrist and A sword piercing a heart across the right triceps

Sample Pic of the Wrestler:

Main Gimmick:
Vee has an IQ of above 140 and an eidetic vision. Due to his high level of IQ his mind never rests and keeps on thinking about innovations, improvisations. Due to the eidetic vision he always recollects past memories and visualizes it.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
Agile, smart and innovative in the way he wrestles
Lone wolf and always wants to be left alone

Brief Bio/History:
Ever since his childhood, he was considered as an underdog. He always topped in school ranking, both in sports and academics. But he denied the offer at Manchester University to pursue his Engineering Graduation and chose Pro-Wrestling instead. He rose to the ranks by fighting mainly for Surrey Wrestling Academy. He moved to Sweden to learn MMA where he met his Girlfriend Sara. She had coached him with Spiritual Karate and made him to learn how to control his mind and coordinate his eidetic vision to his credibility. Throughout his life, he took his Father as an inspiration. His Father has always been in his side mentoring him throughout his Wrestling Career. Weeks before Vee signed to WZCW, his Father got ill and couldn’t continue the journey with him.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:
He rotates around in one leg followed by a somersault on the floor and bounces up and high raising his both hands. Then he goes to the audiences on the barricade for some fan fair, gets to the ring and Springboards his way in with another somersault on the mat.

Fighting Style:
Highflier. He’s super agile and can escape from many offensive attacks due to his speed. Innovative and can crack many holds whilst hitting the highflying manures. He got strong legs so can hit devastating kicks.
Height and Size are obviously his disadvantage. He got many innovative tricks to escape from the strongest of the holds albeit so vulnerable against the strong offensive moves. He tries his best in saving himself with his agility.

Finishing Moves:
A.D.Z – Lifting Fisherman DDT (Sometimes from the Second Rope)
Airborne End - Top Rope Shooting Star Press Transisted into a Leg Drop

Signature Moves:
Super Reverse Frankensteiner (Before using Airborne End as the Finisher)
Frontflip Senton on the cornered opponent while the opponent is standing (Before using A.D.Z. as the Finisher)
Moonsault Double Foot stomp

12 Most Used Moves:
Snap DDT
Standing Somersault Senton Leg Drop
Double Stomp on the back of the neck of a bend-over opponent
Roundhouse Kick followed by a baseball Dropkick
Huricranna onto the turnbuckles
Sprinboard variations (Splash, Dropkick, Moonsault etc. varies based on the situation)
Three sidekicks followed by a midsection dropkick
Northern Lights Suplex (As a counter to the running opponent off the ropes)
Single legged dropkick
Second rope Spinning Heel Kick
Drop-toe hold onto the bottom turnbuckle
Changes in bold. Main being Titus now using his surname.

Real Name: Titus Avison
Wrestlers Name: Titus Avison

Wrestlers Nickname: None
Height: 6'2
Weight: 225lbs
Hometown: Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Billed From: Keystone City, Kansas

Harrys: Introducing first, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, Titus Avison.

Harrys: And the challenger, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, Titus Avison.

-----------Mask; None
-----------Eye Colour: Bright blue
-----------Ring Attire: Blue and Orange shorts
-----------Backstage Attire: Shorts plus Titus t-shirt
-----------Physical Features: Nothing outstanding
-----------Tattoos: None

Gimmick: Actor, former hero, WZCW legend.

Strengths: Technical wrestler who likes his high spots
Weaknesses: Triple threats and hardcore.
Alignment: Heel
Trained By: Keith Fitt

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History: A former five time Oscar winner, Titus retired to fulfill his ultimate goal of being a professional wrestler. After a feud with Hasheem Titus was expelled from WZCW by Dynasty. In that year he became the Superhero RED MASK protecting the citizens of Keystone City, Kansas. After a return as Titus he became a legend.

You've heard the legends, now watch them.

Title History: 2015 Hall of famer, Elite X Champion, 2x WZCW Heavyweight champion, Lethal Lottery II winner, 5 time Oscar winner

Entrance Music : Smash Bros Brawl: Final destination. (New tron too)

Entrance description: Titus comes out to the stage.He looks around and laughs at the crowd who boo him. If he is a champion he lifts his belt up and walks down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and still does his point, but added with boo's it's cocky.

The Red Comet (shooting star corkscrew elbow drop)
The Tit Drop (Fame Asser)

15 Most used moves:

1. Hurricarana
2. Sleeper hold
3. Arm bar
4. Swinging neckbreaker
5. DDT
6. Reverse DDT
7. Kesagiri chop
8. Knee drop
9. Springboard Bulldog
10. European uppercut
11. Spinning heel kick
12. Northern Lights Suplex
13. Flying clothesline from the top rope
14. Ankle Lock
15. Punch to the balls.
New Entrance Music and Tron Video of Vee A.D.Z.


Please update the change after the KC.

Cheers in advance.
All the new stuff is in Bold

Real Name: Godfrey Ramparte

Gimmick Name: "The Recluse" or "The Reclusive"

Announced As: Ramparte (The "e" is silent)

Height: 6 '1

Weight: 190 lbs.

Hometown: Little Rock, AR

Billed From: Not Applicable At This Time


"Introducing first, From [redacted], Ramparte!"

"And making his way to the ring, from an undisclosed location, Ramparte!"

Alignment: Heel


----------------Hair Color/Length: Dyed Black, Shoulder Length

----------------Eye Color: Dull Blue

----------------Facial Hair: Unshaven

----------------Ring attire: Black Standard Attire w/ All Seeing Eye, Straps on Thighs

----------------Backstage Attire: Long Black Velvet Coat

----------------Physical Features: Pale olive-skinned tightrope walker physique

----------------Tattoos: Black outlined spider covering his entire back

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Antisocial Bookworm

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. Waxes poetic, sometimes on literary themes and characters

2. Not a people person

Brief Bio/History:

Everest talent scouted a young Ramparte, and eventually the newcomer would team up with Everest's other hopeful- Flex Mussel. Together they formed Cerberus, which would go on to become the longest reigning tag team champions in WZCW history.

But problems arose once their "Third Head" Eve Taylor would unceremoniously dump them in the 2015 Lethal Lottery match. Now that the infamous team has disbanded, Ramparte has shut himself up- in no mood to make friends as he looks for a way to cause pain to those who stand in his way.

Entrance Music: [YOUTUBE]JVhDfzV941E[/YOUTUBE]

Entrance Description: Ramparte comes out with his hair masking his face. He passes by the WZCW fans without so much as a glance at them. He crawls into the ring and perches himself on a ring post. He brushes the hair from his eyes, gives the crowd a fleeting look, and breathes in the boos. The Recluse then gives his lips a lick and hops off.

Fighting Style: Showman/Grappler

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

Due to the collapse of Cerberus, he has an exceptionally hard time making friends and being a good tag team partner.

Even though he brushes the audience off most of the time, he does care how they feel and they could get in his head just as much as the opponent he faces.

He may lose his head if he feels he is in the driver's seat. Hardcore Matches mean nothing to Ramparte now, and he is willing to fight in them, but he may make a big deal of it if he is close to victory (ei. Kingdom Come 7)

Finishing Moves (2 moves max):

1. The Denouement: Pedigree

2. Black Widow

Signature Moves (3 max)

1. Black Ink Mist (Black Asian Mist)

2. Book End

3. Springboard Stunner

12 Most Used Moves

1. Snap Suplex
2. Calf Kick
3. Springboard Leg Lariat
4. Thesz Press
5. European Uppercut
6. Turnbuckle Foot Choke
7. Foot Choke on Downed Opponent
8. Tarantula
9. Rear Naked Choke
10. Flapjack
11. Hammerlock
12. Foot Stomp
Ty Burna:

Update theme music to:

Change finishers:

1. Consecrated Banishment - Bicycle Kick
2. The Final Seance - Triangle Choke


The lights go out as the music slowly begins. As the music picks up static lights begin flickering throughout the arena as Ty makes his way out slowly from the back wearing a dark red robe with the hood up. He stands still for a moment before throwing his hands up as pillars of fire ignite around him on the stage. He throws his hood back, revealing his red glowing eyes as he walks slowly down to the ring. He climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring, raising his hands up slowly as the same pillar erupt from the four ring posts.

El Califa Dragon:

Name: El Caidos Dragon

Character Rep:


Update theme to:


The lights dim low until a spotlight shines down to the middle of the entrance stage where El Caidos Dragon stands with his wing spread out wide. He stares up for a moment before turning around, throwing his wings back. He walks swiftly down the ramp to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope before climbing up to the second turnbuckle, spreading his wings out once more as the spotlight remains on him.

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):
1.Curb Stomp (Standing Inverted Indian Deathlock into a Surfboard followed by a Head Stomp)
3.Spinning Head Scissors
4.Springboard Legdrop
5. Tope Suicida (Suicide dive through second and third ropes)
6. Missile Dropkick
7. La Magistral Cradle
8. Dragon's Lair (Flying headscissors into rolling crucifix pin, pulling the leg down)
9. Violent Flurry - Gets opponent in corner and delivers a knife edge chop followed by a punch in alternating fashion for a minute before allowing the opponent to stagger out before hitting a stiff roundhouse kick to the head.
10. Moonsaults from various locations (standing, springboard, top rope)
11. Springboard sunset flip
12. Top rope Huracanrana
13. Headscissors face plant into an armbar.
14. Leaping Tornado DDT
15. Top Rope Side Thrust Kick

That should do for now.
Real Name:
Viktor Petrov

Gimmick Name:

Announced As:

6 foot, 3 inches

255 lbs

Moscow, Russia

Billed From:
Pripyat, Ukraine



----------------Hair Colour/Length:
Always bald, though natural brown

----------------Eye Colour:
Hazel under the mask.

----------------Facial Hair:
None under the mask.

----------------Ring attire:
Kevlar body armour, equipped with a heavy gas mask that Fallout never removes for medical reasons.

----------------Backstage Attire:
The same, coupled with a brown trench coat, as seen in the sample picture.

----------------Physical Features:
Relatively muscular, slender. Underneath his mask, his face is disfigured from burns, and has been stitched up/grafted.


Sample Pic of Wrestler:



Main Gimmick:
A survivor of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, who was salvaged and enhanced to become the perfect soldier.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
A master strategist, able to come up with plans on the fly in even the tightest of situations.

Having being close to the vicinity of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, he was almost killed, but a Spetsnaz strike team rescued him and using brand-new technology at the time, saved his life. The technology helped increase his endurance and perception to astonishing levels, as well as increasing his normal strength and agility too, with the tradeoff being that he was doomed to wear a gas mask permanently due to his disfigured face.

Brief Bio/History:
Viktor never lived a perfect life before the accident, but he was content. Having dispelled depression and happily made his bisexuality and relationship with his boyfriend public, Viktor was ready to live a normal life.

That was, until the accident...

Left for dead with severe burns across his body and a crippling dosage of radiation poisoning, Viktor was found by a Spetsnaz strike team, searching for survivors, and it was decided that he would be the perfect candidate for a series of covert experiments. Through various implants, Viktor not only retained the peak of his physical form, but also surpassed it to the nth degree. However, in order to ensure his survival, he was forever cursed to a gas mask, due to the significant and irreparable damage to his respiratory system and facial features.

Undergoing various dangerous operations on the field, Viktor's mental psyche began to deteriorate and slowly, he began to develop a separate, more callous and nihilistic personality. Eventually, the renegade personality took over, and Fallout was born. He deserted the Spetsnaz in their time of need, and went rogue, searching for new avenues to inflict the same pain he had been through upon others. Before long, he found WZCW.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:
The music begins to play for a few seconds, before the lights gradually darken, obscuring the view of the ring, ramp and gorilla position. When the lights turn back on, Fallout has emerged from the darkness, with one knee on the ground in the center of the ring. He rises up, in preparation for the match.

Fighting Style:
Mainly a technical wrestler, capable of picking up most opponents, while also being able to move about at a fast pace. He is also shown to be a psychological genius, capable of making plans on the fly, and genuinely capable of causing psychological harm to others, due to his increased perception and already impressive intelligence. He also enjoys using submission moves to his advantage.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:
As a nuclear explosion victim, his face is severely scarred and therefore protected by a gas mask, although that defence is not foolproof, and it is still his weakest point. If enough punishment has been received to the mask, it will break and reveal Fallout’s true face and although he is still capable of continuing the battle, it is a good place to target and his fighting ability will diminish to an extent.

Beneath the rest of his kevlar suit, his skin is sensitive, which leaves him vulnerable to striking attacks should the kevlar break away or otherwise be removed.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
Radiation Sickness (Cross-legged triangle choke, sometimes while kicking the opponent's head)
Half-Life (Sitout Fisherman Driver)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Reactor 4 (Diamond Dust)
Critical Mass (Diving Elbow Drop)
Mushroom Cloud (Russian Legsweep)

12 Most Used Moves:
German Suplex, occasionally 3 in succession
Missile Dropkick
Running Sleeperslam
Axe Kick
Bridging Double Chickenwing
Swinging Neckbreaker
Europen Uppercut
Electric Chair Drop
Spinning Heel Kick
Rear Naked Choke

Other Information:

Charon's NPC profile:
Name: Charon

NPC gimmick: The wayfarer of the River Styx. Because Viktor Petrov is supposedly dead, Fallout begins to see visions of Charon, who holds Viktor Petrov hostage in Stygian.

Sample pic of character:


Formatted it, and made a few changes to the backstory mostly to remove pointless shit/add important shit.
A few changes for Eve Taylor when you guys are ready. Please and thank you.



----------------Hair Colour/Length: Long, blonde & curly

----------------Eye Colour: Green

----------------Make-up: Dark eye-liner + light pink lipstick

----------------Ring attire: Designer gear + stiletto boots

----------------Entrance Attire: Top Hat + Overcoat

----------------Backstage Attire: Designer clothes

----------------Physical Features & Tattoos: N/a

Entrance Music: "Man! I Feel Like a Woman!" - Shania Twain


Entrance Description:

A single spotlight shines down on the entrance way with Eve Taylor standing there, head bowed with a hand on her top hat. As the riff comes in, Eve starts tapping her foot before slowly lifting her head and looking out with a smile. She goes step-by-step - treating the ramp as fashion runway as she walks - before throwing her top hat into the crowd and ripping off her overcoat (revealing her championship if she has one). She struts down the rest of the ramp getting funky with the song, playing the air guitar as well as straddling the ring post as she walks up the steps.

Fighting Style: Show Woman + Brawler

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

Bad Ankles - Years of modelling has given Taylor ankle cramps and, if targeted, can cause extra pain.

Protects Appearance - Eve will do her very best to block/reverse any attacks targeting her face.

Theatrical - Much like the Show Woman fighting style would suggest, Eve adds theatrics to her moves, taunts the opponent/crowd & trash-talks the opponent.

Finishing Moves:

Extreme Makeover - (Reverse STO into) Koji Clutch
Fashion Statement - Inverted Stomp Facebreaker

Signature Moves:

High Heel Kick - Spinning Heel Kick
Mascarana - Rope-Aided Hurricanrana
Stiletto Stomp - [Austin-style] Mudhole Stomps into Running Double Foot Stomp

Regular Moveset:

Back Rake
Corner Foot Choke
Flapjack (followed by a Kip-Up)
Figure-Four Headscissors Neck Lock (into Push-Up Facebusters)
Hair-Pull Snapmare
Knife-Edge Chop
Multiple Knee Lifts (to opponent leaning through ropes)
Northern Lights Suplex (w/ bridging pin)
Running Double Chop (to cornered opponent)
Slap to the Face
Thesz Press into Mounted Elbow Strikes
Various Pinning Combinations
Real Name: Eddie Romero

Gimmick Name: Eddie Romero

Announced As: "The Reborn" Eddie Romero


Weight:250 lbs

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Billed From:Mexico

Alignment: Heel

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from Mexico, weighing 250 pounds, The Reborn, Eddie Romero!


----------------Hair Colour/Length-Little past should length Black hair

----------------Eye Colour-brown

----------------Facial Hair-Beard like picture

----------------Ring attire- Army Green White Beater, Jeans.

----------------Backstage Attire-Usually the same

----------------Physical Feature-

----------------Tattoos-Sleeve on his right arm of random tribal

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Man that wants everyone to forget his past. Use to wrestler under his deceased brothers name, Armando who was a playboy. Now he just wants to be his own man.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
1-Trying to make everyone forget that he was once Armando Paradyse
2-trying to find out who he is.

Brief Bio/History:The only superstar in WZCW to be active on the roster for 2 years and not compete at Kingdom Come, which comes to a complete shocker to him. After he lost his Mayhem title to Justin Cooper, he decided to take a break from wrestling in general. He became a male stripper in mexico where he met his birth parents who actually told him he is not peurto rican (which is why he couldnt spell it) and he is actually mexican! His mind was blown. While tuning in to WZCW a few weeks ago he saw no sign of the Mayhem champion so he did some digging and found out that Vega and WZCW got rid of the the title. He bought the only the thing he could afford at the time ( a replica Mayhem title belt) on ebay one day and has decided to come back to WZCW to defend the title!

Entrance Music: Let the bodies hit the floor-Drowning pool

Entrance Description: The lights go off and at the scream in the song, an explosion of fireworks goes off and Eddie is there standing. Slowly he walks to the ring, staring at his opponent or the ring and he stands on the outside turnbuckle and poses, absorbing the heat from the crowd.

Fighting Style: Brawler

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:Body is torn and sore from old Mayhem matches

Finishing Moves (2 max):
Moment of Silence (Romero Special)
Razor's Edge (The fall of man)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Meat hoot Clothesline
Shuffle Side Kick
Belly to Back suplex
12 Most Used Moves:
1.Vertical suplex
2.Snake eyes
3. Knee Bar
4. Flap Jack
5. running knee to a bent over opponent, then a neckbreaker
6. Running facewash in the corner
7.Back suplex
8. Atomic Drop
9.Samoan Drop
10. Leaping splash in the corner
11.suicide dive
12. Triple back breaker
Changes in Bold


Real Name: Franklin Alexander Mussél

Gimmick Name: Flex Mussel (pronounced as Muscle by everyone not from France)

Announced As: “The Healthiest Man Alive” Flex Mussél!

Height: 6ft 5 inches

Weight: 220 lbs

Hometown: Paris, France

Billed From: Paris, France

Alignment: Face

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from Paris, France, weighing 220 pounds, Flex Mussél!


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Short

----------------Eye Colour: Same as sample pic

----------------Facial Hair: Same as sample lic

----------------Ring attire:

----------------Backstage Attire:

----------------Physical Features: N/A

----------------Tattoos: None

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Main Gimmick: Fitness Trainer obsessed with helping others obtain the healthiest body and lifestyle they can despite having a secret addiction to junk food.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

Mentally scarred bodybuilder obsessed with physical perfection despite secretly harboring an addiction to junk food.

Despite being obsessed with multiple women in his life romantically he is very much scared of physical intimacy.

Brief Bio/History: Born to a French mother and American father Flex was born in France but after his parent’s marriage moved to California. After being diagnosed with a disorder that caused him to gain weight in rapid succession with even the smallest amount of calories he was ridiculed and bullied for being extremely overweight. Being smacked repeatedly in the face by classmates caused him to begin wearing a plastic face protector that he grew very attached to almost like it was another person. After being sick of the ridicule he spent multiple years undergoing crazy fitness and diet regimens from all over the world until he became what he believes to be perfection. He started his own line of gyms and fitness DVD’s that became a cult hit. However due to be people constantly butchering his last name (most pronounced it as muscle instead of Mussél and has always hated the named Franklin ) he re-named himself Flex Mussél as popularity grew not only to avoid confusion but hide his embarrassing past as overweight. He now looks to join WZCW as he is writing a book on “How to become Successful in Professional Sports”.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Flex emerges on stage in Flex Fitness tracksuit with a hood over his head and holding his duffle bag. Fans begin to chant "We Will Rock You" along with his theme as he walks down the ramp. As he enters the ring he poses on the turnbuckle before ripping off the the tracksuit and hood revealing neck and body weights that he takes off and puts in his duffle bag. More likely than not before the match starts he will insist on shaking his opponent's hand (though depending on the history between Flex and said opponent this may vary).

Fighting Style: Unnecessary Power Lifting Moves to show off how strong he is.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Despite turning a new leaf Flex is still cocky in his own right and may enforce his strength followed by showboating to impress the crowd.

Finishing Moves (2 max):

Mussel Bomb: Triple powerbomb usually in this order (can vary depending on the situation) 1. Buckle bomb 2. Regular Powerbomb 3. Deadlift into sitout spiral bomb for the pin

Flex-Decapitator: Discus Clothesline

Signature Moves (3 max):

Full Body Fitness V2: Veritcal Suplex into Sideslam
Spin & Win (Cesaro Swing)
Body Breaking Diet (Irish Whip into turnbuckle, followed by running European Uppercut, followed by running forearm smash, followed by shotgun kick)

12 Most Used Moves:

Apron Kick (Think Tyson Kidd, Nick Jackson, ACH)
Delayed Vertical Suplex
Gutwrench overhead throw
German Suplex
Inverted Backbreaker into Inverted DDT
Modified Abdominal Stretch with ankle pulled back
Jumping knee lift (Roderick Strong style)
Belly to Belly Suplex
Electric Chair
Half Leg Boston Crab
Fireman’s Carry Gut Buster
Knee strikes to the gut.

Sample RP

The following is an infomercial brought to you and paid for by Flex Mussél

Do you want to get healthy? Are you sick of feeling like a useless slob? Are you no longer in the best of shape and want to get back in your physical prime?
Then ditch your eight minute abs, forget your shake weights, and don’t even bother with those “internet diets”. If you want to be strong, if you want to be tough, if you want to be the best shape of your life then the only place you can do that is Flex Fitness.

We have the best training facilities in the world produced by the best manufacturers specializing in all types of sports. Top of the line trainers to help satisfy all your needs as well as specialized protein shakes made from the best chefs from around the word that specialize in your own healthy needs!

Membership for the Flex Fitness gyms only starts at $299.99 but if you call within the next thirty seconds the first week is half off! You won’t regret getting these deals as this is the only gym that not only guarantees to make your body healthy, but also your mind. But don’t take my word for it; listen to founder of Flex Fitness himself, Flex Mussél!

Flex: Hi, I’m Flex Mussél, and I used to be just like you. I was Overweight, unattractive, and generally lacking in physical strength and confidence. But then I decided I was sick of being the scum of the Earth, and I was sick of needing to buy plus sized clothes so I took personal responsibility and used what little determination I had to get healthier. It wasn’t easy, and it took me awhile but eventually I came to achieve the physical perfection you see today.

Mussél then flexes his biceps toward the camera to emphasize his muscles.

Flex: But it’s not about getting to the top of the mountain, it’s about staying there. I’m in the gym everyday keeping my body lean and mean and in the best of shape. Meanwhile what do you do? Play on the computer and TV watching infomercials? Do you even lift? The point is there’s only one person to blame if you’re unhealthy and that’s you. You want to change that? Then come on down to Flex Fitness today, it’ll change your life.



  • World Tag Team Champion x2 (With Ramparte as "Cerberus")
Changes in BOLD -

Name - Mark Keaton

Gimmick Name : Remarkable Mark Keaton

Announced as : Remarkable Mark Keaton

Weight : 225 Pounds

Height : 6’3

Hometown : Detroit City . MI

Billed from : Detroit City

Alignment : HEEL

Introducing first from Detroit City Michigan, weighing 225 pounds, REEEEEEEEEEMARKABLE Mark Keaton ! KEATON !

Hair : Short blonde

Eyes : Blue

Facial hair : Five o clock shadow

Ring attire : Leather pants, leather elbow pads , white tape on fingers. Black denim jacket during ring entrance.

Backstage attire : Black denim jacket , sunglasses. Same as ring gear.

Tattoos : Skulls and smoke on both arms running right up to shoulders. Large dragon on right chest stretching over to his back with parts going up neck.


Gimmick: Remarkable Mark Keaton is an 80’s rocker at heart and his mic skills will confirm it with references straight from the 80’s and late 70’s. Mark Keaton is a dude who kills the ladies and his heavy metal theme influences his entrance as well, he’ll headbang his way to the ring while rocking an air guitar. But not just any air guitar, an electric air guitar. Doesn't trust anyone and often loses his cool.

Entrance music : Look what the cat dragged in - Poison

Entrance description : The letters RMK appear on the screen as the music starts, when the heavy guitar kicks in , he walks out and gives a casual devils horn signal to the crowd. He starts headbanging and playing his air guitar as he rocks his way down to the ring.
Fakes high fives with fans and brushes his fingers through his hair.

Ref always catches Mark with an illegal object hidden on him and takes it away before each match.

Fighting style : Brawler with 80’s style wrestling.

No prior injuries

Finishing moves : The Very Rude Awakening ( A Rude Awakening but with a jumping, snap finish ) Last Ticket ( A Guillotine choke with legs wrapped around body to grapevine it )

Signature moves : The PPV Dropkick ( only done at PPV’s, a suicide dive but turned into a missle dropkick down the ramp ) Preshow launcher ( PPV dropkick set up, wrestler is launched over the top rope with a catapult throw )

Signature moves : Airplane spin - samoan drop combo. Inverted atomic drop - snap suplex into the turnbuckles combo.

12 most used moves : Multiple snap jabs , windmill headbanging uppercut. Scoop body slam, classic arm drag , single leg boston crab , standing dropkick , rake to the eyes , back body drop , side suplex , classic backbreaker , thumb to the eye , rope assisted clover leaf submission.

John Doe's new entrance music...I meant to do this with the last batch of changes. Sorry for that. If it's too late, it can be used starting at/after Apocalypse.
I noticed I changed my Gimmick name to Tony but in my entrance I still have it as Anthony. If someone could change that I would be eternally grateful.

Another thing I noticed is I also forgot to change where I'm from in my entrance as well. It still says queens instead of Little Italy.

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