Character Changes

Public opinion stipulates otherwise. I am nothing if not a man of the people.
Care to make a deal?

If over 50% of the fed vote for it in a poll I'll keep it no more discussion.

If Over 50% vote for the one I chose then it gets changed.

I'm more than willing to abide by what the people of WZCW want. I'll even let you make the poll if you want.
So Vee knocked out Justin Cooper with a Roundhouse kick, regardless of which resembles the Asuka's match, it got me an idea to build a legacy from that kick.

A slight change to Vee's Signature moveset.

Signature Moves:

  • Super Reverse Frankensteiner (Before using Airborne End as the Finisher)
  • Frontflip Senton on the cornered opponent while the opponent is standing (Before using A.D.Z. as the Finisher)
  • Mawashi Geri (Modified roundhouse spin kick, not the traditional one which CM Punk uses)

Cheers in advance.

PS. Vee does have a roundhouse kick in his 12 normal moves. But that one will be the CM Punk's roundhouse kick to the temple
One last change and I've been thinking about this for a while.

I would like the B.G. nickname scrapped all together if you wouldn't mind taking it out. It stands for Big Guido which isn't the direction I want to go with him.
My moves have basically been the same for six years so they could probably use a change. Took some of the basic strikes out and tweaked a few things. Also moved Your Final Verse back to the primary finisher spot.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
Primary: Your Final Verse (Mic Check)
Secondary: Remix (Rainmaker)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Flapjack - rolled over into a single leg Boston crab
European Uppercut
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

12 Most Used Moves:
Flying Shoulder Block
Triple elbow drop
Boston Crab
Three stiff kicks to the back of a seated opponent, followed up by a running off the ropes and connecting with a drop kick.
Devil Lock DDT (Hammerlock legsweep DDT)
Hip Toss
Double leg takedown into a crucifix for hard elbow strikes to the head.
Fisherman Suplex (with a bridge)
Foot stomps to an opponent in a seated position in the corner - done while holding the top rope and pulling himself above the opponent.
I noticed I changed my Gimmick name to Tony but in my entrance I still have it as Anthony. If someone could change that I would be eternally grateful.

Another thing I noticed is I also forgot to change where I'm from in my entrance as well. It still says queens instead of Little Italy.

On top of the other ones I would like The Gore to be named The W.G.T.

One last change and I've been thinking about this for a while.

I would like the B.G. nickname scrapped all together if you wouldn't mind taking it out. It stands for Big Guido which isn't the direction I want to go with him.
Well this is what I get for not proof reading my app before PMing it to Yaz.
Remarkable Mark Keaton : PPV Ring gear. Black leather pants with sparkling letters RMK on the rear. Pants have small mirror-like electric guitar symbols all over them. Bright orange elbow pads with black tassels.

PPV Entrance Gear - Hot Pink Leather Jacket with Black RMK letters all over it, with huge gold Aviator sunglasses.
Now that Doe is fully aware of his past, and who he is, this will be his look for backstage and RPs:


HE WILL MAINTAIN THE ORIGINAL LOOK FOR MATCHES! And, please, for the love of all that is good and holy do not use a Daniels picture with the face paint...
Some changes to the character post Apocalypse:

Alignment: Face

Main Gimmick: A former Bollywood and now a Hollywood star who also loves to fight

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. He still loves flaunting. He considers himself a greater showman than before, especially now that his Hollywood ventures are paying off.
2. He is humbler than before; however, he believes he can be the best in the world of wrestling and he would do anything to get back to the top.

Brief Bio/History: Born in a very rich family, he was handed everything anyone can dream of from the get go. He is what you call a child born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, his last stint in WZCW has taught him a thing or two about patience and waiting for his chance. He’s trained in various martial arts (ju jitsu, muay thai and karate) and catch wrestling. He is now married but he still longs for a fight which is driving him crazy. Having a successful Bollywood and now Hollywood career is not enough. He wants one thing he hasn't done yet: to get to the top of wrestling world.

Entrance description
He enters a dark arena wearing his hooded robe and his back to the ring with “The show in [insert city name]” at the back of the robe. He then turns towards the ring as the lights come back on, takes off his hood and explores the entire arena. Then with a determined look on his face, he slowly moves towards the ring, fist pumping and joining fists with ringside members of the audience. Once inside the ring, he gets up on the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd before finally taking his robe off in the ring.

Finishing Moves (2 max):
1. Main: Victory lap (Fireman’s carry cutter)
2. Submission: Bollywood meets Hollywood (Chickenwing over the shoulder crossface)

Signature Moves (3 max):
1. Spinebuster (to standing or oncoming opponent)
2. Pelle kick
3. Indian death lock

12 Most Used Moves
1. Cobra Clutch bulldog
2. Double underhook backbreaker
3. Roundhouse kick
4. DDT
5. Delayed vertical Suplex
6. Big boot (sometimes running)
7. Crooked arm Lariat
8. European Uppercut
9. Over the shoulder Arm Drag
10. Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker
11. Body Slam
12. Hip toss
Changes in Bold

Real Name: Logan McAllister

Gimmick Name: Logan McAllister

Announced As: "The Son of Boston", Logan McAllister

Height: 6'5

Weight: 275lbs

Hometown: Lowell, MA

Billed From: Boston, MA

Alignment: Face

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from Boston, MA, weighing 275lbs pounds, "The Son of Boston", Logan McAllister!

Appearance: McAllister looks like just a normal man. Coming from a childhood with little money, McAllister is content wearing loose jeans or basketball shorts, with a simple T-Shirt.(usually of a Boston sports team) Always has on his Red Sox hat wherever he goes

----------------Hair Colour/Length Short Dirty Blonde hair that always looks as if he's just woken up

----------------Eye Colour Bright Blue with a Silver tinge

----------------Facial Hair patchy stubble, looking like he needs a shave

----------------Ring attire McAllister wears Blue jeans, sneakers, a Boston sports team tshirt and a custom MCALLISTER Sox jersey, unbuttoned. Taped wrists n hands, no elbow or knee pads.

----------------Backstage Attire Attire Same as ring attire, plus a Sox hat

----------------Physical Features At 6'5 275, McCallister is considered far from ripped. He has no six pack, but rather a noticeable gut. Don't let the appearance fool you however, as he is very agile, with an unseen amount of cardio for a man of his "pudgy" appearance

----------------Tattoos: Has his son's name "Hayden" in cursive on his right forearm, with the Sox logo over his heart

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Logan is no longer pretending to be a bully, and is now embracing being who he is...A Dad just trying to provide for his son. Relates to the common fan as he grew up struggling and appreciates what he now has. Strong street fighting exp with a amateur wrestling background

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Logan is just a common man. He has strong Boston pride and enjoys hanging with the "regular" folk before and after WZCW events

-Embraces fans, yet is still cautious around fellow WZCW performers, based on what he's seen in his short time employed

Brief Bio/History: MccAllister is from a broken home. Alcoholic father. Drug addicted mother. Due to this, Logan preferred spending as much time away from home as possible. This led to him getting into many fights, and over time, McAllister would eventually come to be feared in his part of Boston.
Logan was convinced to try out for the high school wrestling team, and found himself to be very successful at it. Using his street fighting mentality, McAllister would earn a full scholarship to Boston College.
It wasnt meant to be however, as he would eventually be kicked from the team due to being described as too sadistic by his coaches.
Shortly after, Logan was told he was going to be a father. Logan was ecstatic about this, but there would be no "happy ending" as the child's mother would not survive the birthing process.
McAllister knew he was now alone with a newborn to take care of. McAllister went back to what he knew. The streets.
McAllister and his son travel around the Northeastern United States, with McAllister doing whatever is necessary to provide his son with the life he wished he had as a boy growing up.
Now fully employed, Logan is out to not just provide for his son,but to leave his legacy in WZCW

Entrance Music: [youtube]rogPVEQpE1A[/youtube]

Entrance Description: As the music plays, the lights flicker red, before switching over to a blue, pulsating to the beat of the song. At the start of the lyrics(25secs) Logan comes slowly walking out, Brittany on his left arm, as Logan holds his right hand to his face looking out to the crowd(a la Christian) The two pause at the ramp, before Brittany starts half skipping down the ramp, hyping the crowd and high fiving fans, as Logan walks confidently to the ring, stopping to exchange words with a few younger fans. Once he hits the ring, he heads for the center, arms out and yelling to the crowd(Like bret with his jacket, Logan uses the jersey) as Brittany stands in the corner, clapping and hyping the crowd.

Fighting Style: Vicious street fighter with ample amateur wrestling background.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Due to being in many street fights, McAllister has a strong tolerance to pain. Focused on cementing a legacy in WZCW so his son can live comfortably

Finishing Moves (2 max):
Boston Massacre(End of Days)

The Logan Lock(Edgecator)

Signature Moves (3 max):
B.S.P. (Boston Suplex Party) (Multiple German Suplexes ala Benoit)
McAllisault(Moonsault, used on rare occasions)
Boston Strong (Stinger Splash)

12 Most Used Moves:
Fallaway slam
Short arm clothesline
multiple knee strikes(corner only)
Exploder suplex
Release German Suplex
High Knee(Harley Race Style)
T-Bone suplex
Ground and Pound Strikes
Northern Lights Suplex
Tilt-a-Whirl backbreaker
It seems with all the changes I requested I need my entrance changed as well. I would like this
Introducing first from Queens, NY, weighing 275 pounds, Anthony "B.G.' Mancini!
Changed to

Introducing first from Little Italy, being accompanied to the ring by Gino Rizzoli, weighing 275 pounds, Tony Mancini!

On his way to the ring from Little Italy, being accompanied to the ring by Gino Rizzoli, weighing 275 pounds, Tony Mancini!

And his opponent from Little Italy, being accompanied to the ring by Gino Rizzoli, weighing 275 pounds, Tony Mancini!

This is the last one for a while I promise and apologize for being a pain in the ass.
Brief History:

Theron Daggershield (real name Shawn Daggers) has been a wrestling fan his whole life, the only thing he loved more than wrestling was RPG's. A D&D player with many years spent in the fantasy realm adventuring with his friends (by playing the game) he has seen it all from slaying fearsome dragons to courting princesses, and the occasional goofing off in a local tavern. The more he played, the more into it he got. Shawn struggles with separating fantasy from reality, thus he stopped answering to his real name and thinks he actually IS his D&D character, Theron Daggershield, an Elven Warblade from the forests of Faerun. Theron sees everything as if his D&D campaign were real. He refers to his friends, both in real life and in-game as his "Merry Band Of Misfits", of which he is the leader of. He sees his immediate friends as the D&D characters they play. For example, his girlfriend Tiffany plays a female Paladin of Mystra named "Kirilah". Theron sees Tiffany as "Kirilah". He sees anyone else as having a D&D race (such as elves or dwarves) as well as a D&D character class (such as Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, or Wizard) and calling them by names different than their real names, which have become known as "Theronism's" by Theron's fanbase.

Theron fights for the honor of the D&D deity Mystra, the same deity that his girlfriend Tiffany's D&D character "Kirilah" follows. He accepted the call to be "the light" in a world of darkness. Theron is rarely seen without one of his prop swords or d20 dice. His favorite dice is a crimson d20. While D&D is his personal favorite, Theron has also played many classic video games such as Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and more. Countless playing of these games over the years has given him an encyclopedic knowledge of said games.... Although when sharing said video game knowledge he'll call the games by their "Theronized" names such as "First Reality" and "Myth Of Esmerelda" instead of their "real" names due to how nothing in the "real" world is seen by Theron the way it is seen by anyone else. He is a gladiator out to stop the forces of evil within the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation, which is what he sees WZCW as.

Finishing Moves:

1. Critical Hit (RKO)

2. The Ultimate Weapon (STF)

  • Eurasian Champion
  • World Heavyweight Champion
  • Main Evented Kingdom Come 7
Remarkable Mark Keaton:

When in singles competition...

Out - Welcome to the Jungle entrance music.

In - Money for Nothing entrance music
Real Name: N/A

Gimmick Name: Diabolos

Nickname: Servant of the Old Ones

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 220 lbs

Hometown: N/A

Billed From: The Mouth of Madness


Harrys: Introducing first, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 220 pounds, Diabolos

Harrys: And the challenger, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 220 pounds, Diabolos!

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from the Mouth of Madness, weighing 220 pounds, Diabolos!

----------------Hair Colour/Length: N/A

----------------Eye Colour: Black

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Full body skeleton suit with mask and hood

----------------Backstage Attire: Same as above

----------------Entrance Attire: Same as ring attire

----------------Physical Features: n/a

----------------Tattoos: None

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Heel

Main Gimmick: Claims to be the Servant of the Old Ones. Reborn to unleash their desires on WZCW.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
- Ruthless
- Unwavering Confidence

Character Rep:


Fighting Style: High Speed, Hard Hitting.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche

Injuries: None

Psyche: Cares for no one but himself and the goals of the Old Ones.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description: The arena is completely dark. When Diabolos comes out a red spotlight follows him the entire time. He walks straight to the ring, mumbling to himself and ignoring the fans. He slides under the bottom rope and stands in the middle of the ring, he points in the air as flames shoot out of the turnbuckle corners and the lights turn on. He goes in his corner and talks to himself.

Finishing Moves (2 max): Grave Digger (Steiner Screwdriver)
Sweet Dreams (Tazmission)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Eat The Sky (Top Rope Elbow Drop)

Fist of Death (Spinning Back Fist)

Avada Kedavra

12 Most Used Moves:

Tornado DDT (Springboard, Standing, Top Rope etc.)

Discus Elbow


Dropkick (Top rope, standing, etc.)

Swinging Neckbreaker

Wristlock Suplex

Northern Lights Suplex


Running Cross Body

Monkey Flip

Running Spinning Wheel Kick

Osaka Street Cutter
Cooper no longer has the shortest Elite X Championship reign in history.

It still says he does in the Elite X title thread.
Just a change in Veejay's theme music:

'Get up' by 'All good things'


Entrance Discussion: He enters a dark arena wearing his hooded robe and his back to the ring with “The show in [insert city name]” at the back of the robe. He then turns towards the ring as the lights come back on, takes off his hood and explores the entire arena. Then with a determined look on his face, he slowly moves towards the ring, fist pumping and fist bumping with ringside members of the audience. Once inside the ring, he gets up on the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd and riles them up before finally taking his robe off in the ring.
Everything ought to be caught up, including the title threads. If you see anything that still needs changed, let me know.
Changing the entrance description to the exact same thing but without the general since he's been away for a few RPs and it was a bit outdated.

Also saving you guys some effort in the match intros, if you feel you don't have a quality M adjective to describe his magnificence, just go with "Introducing... blah blah blah... "The Good Villain" Mr M!" Not literally blah blah blah unless you guys think that works in the comedy setting then sure dudes go ahead I'm not the one doing the work here :p
If you could change my secondary finisher from the Muta Lock to the Killswitch, and keep the same name, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If you could change my secondary finisher from the Muta Lock to the Killswitch, and keep the same name, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

About time you quit trying to steal my maneuvers.

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