Character Changes

I'd like to bring back Cassanova with some changes.

Real Name: Cedric Auttenberg

Gimmick Name: Cassanova

Announced As: Cassanova

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Arlington, TX

Billed From: Arlington, TX

Alignment: Face

----------------Hair Colour/Length: Black hair reaching the back of the neck.

----------------Eye Colour: Black

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Black narrow trousers and white sports shoes.

----------------Backstage Attire: Black hoodie over formal white shirt, formal black trousers and black shoes.

----------------Physical Features: Moderately muscular and tall legs.

----------------Tattoos: None

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Former detective turned wrestler to make a living.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. Cassanova is happy-go-lucky. It is what didn't serve him well in his detective career.

2. Cassanova would play dirty tactics if the stakes are high.

Brief Bio/History: Cassanova was raised in a middle class family. He always wanted to be a detective. His career as a detective spanned for about 8 years.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description:
Cassanova comes out wearing his ring attire and sunglasses. He walks down the ramp and enters the ring. He climbs up the turnbuckle and throws his sunglasses in the crowd.

Fighting Style: Lucha style wrestler. Submission expert.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: No injury

Finishing Moves (2 max)
1. Threat Detected (Superkick)
2. Sharpshooter

Signature Moves (3 max)
1. Asai DDT
2. Trouble in Paradise
3. Surfboard

12 Most Used Moves
1. Snap Suplex
2. Uppercut
3. Suicide Dive
4. Forearm smash
5. Enziguiri
6. Hurricanrana to a seated opponent
7. Dragon Suplex
8. Headbutts
9. Back kick
10. Standing moonsault
The only change we need made is that you have the Trouble In Paradise as a signature. We don't allow finishers as signature moves. Once that's changed, we'll book you. Probably at the Lottery.
I'd like to bring back Cassanova with some changes.

Real Name: Cedric Auttenberg

Gimmick Name: Cassanova

Announced As: Cassanova

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Arlington, TX

Billed From: Arlington, TX

Alignment: Face

----------------Hair Colour/Length: Black hair reaching the back of the neck.

----------------Eye Colour: Black

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Black narrow trousers and white sports shoes.

----------------Backstage Attire: Black hoodie over formal white shirt, formal black trousers and black shoes.

----------------Physical Features: Moderately muscular and tall legs.

----------------Tattoos: None

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Former detective turned wrestler to make a living.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. Cassanova is happy-go-lucky. It is what didn't serve him well in his detective career.

2. Cassanova would play dirty tactics if the stakes are high.

Brief Bio/History: Cassanova was raised in a middle class family. He always wanted to be a detective. His career as a detective spanned for about 8 years.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description:
Cassanova comes out wearing his ring attire and sunglasses. He walks down the ramp and enters the ring. He climbs up the turnbuckle and throws his sunglasses in the crowd.

Fighting Style: Lucha style wrestler. Submission expert.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: No injury

Finishing Moves (2 max)
1. Threat Detected (Superkick)
2. Sharpshooter

Signature Moves (3 max)
1. Asai DDT
2. Top Rope Fameasser
3. Surfboard

12 Most Used Moves
1. Snap Suplex
2. Uppercut
3. Suicide Dive
4. Forearm smash
5. Enziguiri
6. Hurricanrana to a seated opponent
7. Dragon Suplex
8. Headbutts
9. Back kick
10. Standing moonsault

I hope this works.
Entrance Description: Lights go out. Lights come back and we see Xaitlyn standing in the ring itself with cyan-coloured light focussed on her. After the match is over, The lights go out and she is gone.

Fighting Style: She is a great in-ring technician who sometimes uses aerial moves to stun her opponents. Always focusses on tiring her opponents and targeting their heads with vicious strong strikes.

Previous Injuries: ACL Tear Grade III while she was 16.

Character Psyche: Her main aim is to dismantle her opponent to such an extent that he/she has to lose the bout.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. She believes in Fighting instead of Talking. She never backs down from a fight, be it any place at any condition. She prefers dismantling over winning. She will never cheat to win any match. For her, cheating is a crime and if someone cheats, she gets furious with him/her. Her Dignity and Self-Respect comes first, success comes second.

2. She is fluent and interested in speaking Spanish and Hindi only. She can easily understand English and has started speaking it too.
Some minute changes to help Creative know Xaitlyn.

No moveset changes as promised.
I'd like to bring back Cassanova with some changes.

Real Name: Cedric Auttenberg

Gimmick Name: Cassanova

Announced As: Cassanova

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 200 lbs

Hometown: Arlington, TX

Billed From: Arlington, TX

Alignment: Face

----------------Hair Colour/Length: Black hair reaching the back of the neck.

----------------Eye Colour: Black

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Black narrow trousers and white sports shoes.

----------------Backstage Attire: Black hoodie over formal white shirt, formal black trousers and black shoes.

----------------Physical Features: Moderately muscular and tall legs.

----------------Tattoos: None

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Former detective turned wrestler to make a living.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. Cassanova is happy-go-lucky. It is what didn't serve him well in his detective career.

2. Cassanova would play dirty tactics if the stakes are high.

Brief Bio/History: Cassanova was raised in a middle class family. He always wanted to be a detective. His career as a detective spanned for about 8 years.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description:
Cassanova comes out wearing his ring attire and sunglasses. He walks down the ramp and enters the ring. He climbs up the turnbuckle and throws his sunglasses in the crowd.

Fighting Style: Lucha style wrestler. Submission expert.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: No injury

Finishing Moves (2 max)
1. Threat Detected (Superkick)
2. Sharpshooter

Signature Moves (3 max)
1. Asai DDT
2. Trouble in Paradise
3. Surfboard

12 Most Used Moves
1. Snap Suplex
2. Uppercut
3. Suicide Dive
4. Forearm smash
5. Enziguiri
6. Hurricanrana to a seated opponent
7. Dragon Suplex
8. Headbutts
9. Back kick
10. Standing moonsault

I believe Theron uses the sharpshooter already as a finisher
Face profile for Cooper.

Had it made for ages but just haven't posted it. Probably about time.

Real Name: Justin Cooper

Gimmick Name: Justin Cooper

Announced As: Justin Cooper

Height: 6 ft 1

Weight: 210 pounds

Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Billed From: Sydney, Australia

Alignment: Face

Introducing first from Sydney, Australia weighing 210 pounds, Justin Cooper!


(Chael Sonnen)
Hair Colour/Length: Black short.

Eye Colour: Brown.

Facial Hair: None.

Ring attire: White fight shorts (which have ‘Cooper’ written vertically on the sides), hands and such wrapped with white tape, black wrestling boots.

Backstage Attire: Pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt.

Physical Features: Cuts on his forearms, still rather handsome.

Tattoos: 01-17-2012 tattooed on the back of his neck which is the date Cooper won his first title in WZCW.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Following the career threatening injury of Mark Keaton, Justin Cooper took it upon himself to help the younger members of the WZCW roster. Feeling extreme guilt for the injury, Cooper has transformed from the once arrogant superstar to a mentor willing to guide those in need.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
- Willing to help others who are less experienced than he is even if it means sacrificing himself.
- Has a great deal of respect for those who came before him and sees it as his duty to help the newer members of the roster.

Brief Bio/History: He was born in Australia and has lived in Sydney for most of his life. He finished school at the age of 18 and moved to Melbourne. There he study music and became a rapper, he however was seen as a outsider as he didn't behave in the so called normal fashion for a 21st century rapper. He wore suits instead of jumpers and refused to wear his pants around his ankles. At age 20 he burst onto the charts and won multiple awards around the world. After being in music for several years he had a change of heart, he began watching wrestling in 2008. At which time he moved back to NSW and moved to Penrith. He began to train, at a National wrestling school called "Australia Wrestling Federation". He trained for 2 years and was called up for his first official match in late 2009, which he won. In 2015 Justin Cooper would return to WZCW seeking to achieve the success he had once enjoyed.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Cooper makes his way out to the ring with a smile on his face as the crowd cheers him on. Still unsure how to handle such a reaction he awkwardly waves to fans on the aisle as he proceeds to the ring. He slides into the ring and mounts the turnbuckle, shouting something unintelligible and points up to the sky. His grin only widens as he takes a final bow before sitting down and, apparently, examining his fingernails.

Fighting Style: Gracie Jiu Jitsu Black Belt

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Injury: Suffers from a knee injury he obtained after wrestling at Kingdom Come III. He is unable to perform high flying moves.

Finishing Moves (2 max):

Primary: Your Final Verse (Mic Check)
Secondary: Remix (Rainmaker)

Signature Moves (3 max):
Flapjack - rolled over into a single leg Boston crab
European Uppercut
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker

12 Most Used Moves:
Flying Shoulder Block
Triple elbow drop
Boston Crab
Three stiff kicks to the back of a seated opponent, followed up by a running off the ropes and connecting with a drop kick.
Devil Lock DDT (Hammerlock legsweep DDT)
Hip Toss
Double leg takedown into a crucifix for hard elbow strikes to the head.
Fisherman Suplex (with a bridge)
Foot stomps to an opponent in a seated position in the corner - done while holding the top rope and pulling himself above the opponent.



  • World Tag Team Champion (With Mark Keaton as Cooper and Keaton)
  • Elite X Champion
    [*]2x Mayhem Champion
I would like to rename the WGT to Il Siluro Italiano.

And next to my Sitout Powerbomb I would like some sort of indication that it's my main finisher and have The Gore be a Secondary finisher Tony pulls out when there's nothing else he can do
I would like to rename the WGT to Il Siluro Italiano.

And next to my Sitout Powerbomb I would like some sort of indication that it's my main finisher and have The Gore be a Secondary finisher Tony pulls out when there's nothing else he can do
Might as well make it official seeings how it's been going on for a while now.

I would like Tony announced as The Italian Stallion Tony Mancini.

That's it for a bit I promise.
Entrance Description: Lights go out. The word "No Mercy" appear on the screen while we hear a female voice saying "No Mercy" in a fine tune. Lights come back and we see Xaitlyn standing in the ring with cyan-coloured light focussed on her. She points towards the sky and then proceeds to bow to the audience. After the match is over, she bows to the audience again. The lights go out and she is gone.

Fighting Style: She is a great in-ring technician who sometimes uses aerial moves to stun her opponents. Always focusses on tiring her opponents and targeting their heads with vicious strong strikes.

Previous Injuries: ACL Tear Grade III while she was 16.

Character Psyche: Her main aim is to dismantle her opponent to such an extent that he/she has to lose the bout.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1. She believes in Fighting instead of Talking. She never backs down from a fight, be it any place at any condition. She prefers dismantling over winning.

2. She will never cheat to win any match. For her, cheating is a crime and if someone cheats, she gets furious with him/her. Her Dignity and Self-Respect comes first, success comes second.
Added some more as changes weren't updated. Hoping for getting them updated by Lethal Lottery.

No character changes. Though, the old entrance video was removed from YouTube. Update it with this one. Again, same entrance song.
I would like to rename the WGT to Il Siluro Italiano.

And next to my Sitout Powerbomb I would like some sort of indication that it's my main finisher and have The Gore be a Secondary finisher Tony pulls out when there's nothing else he can do

Might as well make it official seeings how it's been going on for a while now.

I would like Tony announced as The Italian Stallion Tony Mancini.

That's it for a bit I promise.
Just a reminder for whoever has the mod powers and the time
Changes in bold.

Gimmick Name : Remarkable Mark Keaton

Announced as : Remarkable Mark Keaton

Weight : 225 Pounds

Height : 6’3

Hometown : Detroit City . MI

Billed from : Detroit City

Alignment : Heel

Introducing first from Detroit City Michigan, weighing 225 pounds, Remarkable Mark Keaton !

Hair : Short blonde

Eyes : Blue

Facial hair : Five o clock shadow

Ring attire : Leather pants, leather elbow pads , white tape on fingers. Black denim jacket during ring entrance.

Backstage attire : Black denim jacket , sunglasses. Same as ring gear.

Tattoos : Skulls and smoke on both arms running right up to shoulders. Large dragon on right chest stretching over to his back with parts going up neck.

Gimmick: Remarkable Mark Keaton is an 80’s rocker at heart and his mic skills will confirm it with references straight from the 80’s and late 70’s. Mark Keaton is a dude who kills the ladies and his heavy metal theme influences his entrance as well, he’ll headbang his way to the ring while rocking an air guitar. But not just any air guitar, an electric air guitar. Doesn't trust anyone and often loses his cool.

Entrance music :

Entrance description : The letters RMK appear on the screen as the music starts, when the heavy guitar kicks in , he walks out and gives a casual devils horn signal to the crowd. He starts headbanging and playing his air guitar as he rocks his way down to the ring.
Displays his impressive biceps in the ring to boos.

Fighting style : Brawler with 80’s style wrestling. Ref always catches Mark with an illegal object hidden on him and takes it away before each match.

No prior injuries

Finishing moves : The Very Rude Awakening ( A Rude Awakening but with a jumping, snap finish ) VHS Lariat. An arm ring followed by a short arm, clubbing lariat.

Signature moves : The PPV Dropkick ( only done at PPV’s, a suicide dive but turned into a missle dropkick down the ramp ) Preshow launcher ( PPV dropkick set up, wrestler is launched over the top rope with a catapult throw )

Signature moves : Airplane spin - samoan drop combo. Figure 4 Leg lock.

12 most used moves : Multiple snap jabs , backpack sleeper hold, Scoop body slam, classic delay piledriver , single leg boston crab , standing dropkick , rake to the eyes , back body drop , side suplex , classic backbreaker.

Lucha Mode: Lucha Elbow from the top rope, Lucha Round House kick.
I would like to get rid of the Power of the Punch and change it with the Clash of the Titus (a sitout spinebuster) called Riposa in Pace.
I put this in and for a while it said Sitout Spinebuster (I think, I don't look to often) but my roster page says this
Riposa in Pace Sitout Powerbomb - Main Finisher
If someone could change it back when they have a second that would be awesome .

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